Introduction ARE YOU READY? Co ng ratu latio ns o n tak i ng ste ps to beco m i ng yo u r best self! I am hap py to c hal le nge yo u w ith th is p rog ram and very exc ited fo r yo u r p rog ress that is to co me ! T A K E P R O G RE SS P HO T O S! Take so me p rog ress p hotos afte r eve ry wee k th ro ug ho ut th is p rog ram; they w i l l be g reat to loo k bac k o n and see j ust how far yo u’ve co me ! R E A C H O U T T O M E! I do offe r e mai l s u p po rt w ith the p u rc hase of th is C hal le nge ! So if yo u are str ugg l i ng, have any q uestio ns, o r j ust need so me e nco u rage me nt and motivatio n, I am o ne e mai l away ! I am hap py to he l p yo u alo ng yo u r fitness jo u r ney and to make it as s mooth as poss i b le. E mai l : katie@katieco r CHALLENGE YOURSELF! Yo u are stro nge r than yo u’d th i n k ! Both mentally and physically. OPTIMIZING PROGRESS with Nutrition: Now yo u can not out-train a bad d iet. Kee p i ng a we l l-balanced, n utr itio us d iet d u r i ng th is p rog ram is go i ng to be the K EY to yo u r success ! S i nce th is is purelyatrainingprogram,Iamoffering50%offofmy“Nutrition Guidelines”eBookwiththepurchase of thisprogram(usecode: KCBOOK). T h is way, I can offe r yo u both trai n i ng A N D n utr itio n, to g ive yo u a mo re co m p lete p rog ram fo r o pti mal s uccess ! I do also offe r o n l i ne n utr itio n coac h i ng if yo u are i nte rested i n that as we l l. S hoot me an e nq u i ry at fo r mo re detai ls ! SUPPLEMENTS? S u p p le me nts are a g reat way to e n hance p rog ress and e ns u re yo u are mak i ng the most o ut of al l yo u r hard wo r k ! T he re is no “ magic” pi l l o r su p p le me nt o ut the re that wi l l de live r the res u lts overnight. However, s u p p le me nts are V E RY be nefic ial and can s peed-u p/o pti m ize p rog ress if used co r rectly ! Musc le recove ry, p ro pe r e ne rgy and foc us, adeq uate amo u nts of s lee p eac h n ig ht, and mak i ng s u re yo u get s ufficie nt v itam i ns eac h day is c r ucial. I reco m me nd supplementingthisprogramwith: - Dai ly Mu ltiv itam i n - CLA- Fat-metabo l ize r that he l ps yo u r body use fat sto res fo r e ne rgy - L-Carnitine- He l ps co nve rt d ietary fats to e ne rgy, and i nc rease e nd u rance - BCAA’s- Protectsyourleanmuscletissueandhelpsyourbodyusefatfor energy,promotes growth,proteinsynthesis,performanceandstrength - Glutamine- Aperfectrecoverysupplement!Willhelpyourmusclesrecoverfromtraining q u ic k ly; A lso he l ps w ith the b reakdow n of lactic acid b u i ld u p i n the m usc le tiss ue, he l p i ng yo u to not be as so re afte r trai n i ng ! - SleepAidPMfatburner(ifneeded)- Gettingenoughsleepiscrucialtoachievingprogress!If yo u have tro u b le s lee p i ng, I h ig h ly reco m me nd loo ki ng i nto a natu ral s lee p aid to he l p. Many companiessellfat-burningsleepaids aswell! - Pre-wo r ko ut (if needed)- Total ly o ptio nal, and de pe nds o n eac h i nd ivid ual ! If yo u are fee l i ng l i ke yo u are d ragg i ng d u r i ng yo u r wo r ko ut, o r do n’t have s uffic ie nt e ne rgy o r focus to trai n at yourbestpotential,apreworkoutwouldbeagreatsupp lementforyoutotake!Makesure toalwaysreadaboutcaffeinecontentandtotestyourtoler ancetotryingnewpreworkouts beforetakingafullserving! - Fat-bur ne r (if needed)- A n al l-natu ral, the r moge n ic fat b u r ne r can not o n ly S U P P RESS A P P ET IT E b ut also can s peed u p fat loss w he n take n i n co nj u nctio n with a so lid trai n i ng/card io p rog ram (l i ke th is o ne !). Make s u re to test to le rance o n th is as we l l befo re usi ng a fu l l se rvi ng ! Eve ryo ne’s body is d iffe re nt and may be mo re se nsitive to su p p le me nts than ot hers. TRY THE SUPPLEMENTS I TAKE: It see ms l i ke I’ve tr ied eve ry su p p le me nt i n the boo ks ! If yo u wo u ld l i ke to give my pe rso nal favo r ite s u p ps a try, I wo u ld l i ke to reco m me nd the b rand 1U p N utr itio n to yo u. I have bee n us i ng the i r p rod ucts fo r a ve ry lo ng ti me and have see n g reat res u lts f ro m us i ng the m. One thingIloveaboutthiscompanyisthattheyareverytransparent withtheirproducts. Ifyougo to the i r we bs ite,, they l ist eac h i ng red ie nt i n eac h s u p p le me nt, w hy it is i n the s u p p, and w hat it does ! T hey also have d iffe re nt stac ks al ready set u p and ready to p u rchase o n the i r s ite. 1U p N utr itio n favo r ite s u p ps : 1. Candy Wate r me lo n BCAA’s w ith G l utam i ne and Co l lage n- these taste l i ke a jo l ly ranc he r ! P l us they have g l utam i ne al ready i n the m, w h ic h is pe rfect fo r m usc le recove ry. The collagensupportshealthytightskin,hairandnails!Alsogreatforpromotingcellg rowthand production. 2. Coco n ut Ice C ream W hey- ho nestly the best p rote i n I have eve r tr ied ! It real ly does taste l i ke ice c ream ! A nd I am not real ly that b ig o n coco n ut e ithe r–– it is T HAT good ! 3. Pro Pu mp Prewo rko ut- Gives youaperfectblendofenergy,focusandacrazynicepump! A bso l ute ly love th is p re wo r ko ut. Does not leave yo u j itte ry o r c ras h i ng afte rward e ithe r ! 4. Make He r Lean T he r moge n ic Fat-Burner- Ilovethisfatburnerfortheappetitecontrol (es pecial ly s ince i am suc h a food ie !) 5. Beauty S lee p P M Fat B u r ne r/ S lee p Aid- I LOV E this s u p p- I have tro u b le s lee p i ng th ro ugh the n ig ht so th is real ly he l ps me ! A lso it leaves me wak i ng u p lean and tig ht, neve r b loated orpuffy! 6. P u re Re b u i ld (g l utam i ne and c reati ne b le nd)- G reat fo r those w ho’d l i ke to b ui ld m usc le ! Thecreatinealsogreatlyimprovesmystrengthandendurancewithmytrainingaswell! 7. Dai ly C leanse- T h is is a g reat s u p p to try if yo u th i n k yo u r d igestive tract needs a good c lean i ng; It he l ps yo u w ith abso r ptio n of n utr ie nts, regu lar ity and kee ps yo u r metabo l is m movingatasteadyrate! DON’T PAY FULL PRICE FOR SUPPLEMENTS! No matte r w hat b rand yo u c hoose to b uy, us ual ly yo u can fi nd a d isco u nt code so mew he re o n soc ial med ia fo r the i r p rod ucts ! *I can offe r you 20-40% off o n al l of yo u r 1U p N utr itio n su p p le me nt o rde rs ! Use code “ KATIE20” befo re p lac i ng yo u r o rde r o n . T he way the d isco u nt wo r ks is if yo u b uy 1 mo nth’s s u p p ly yo u save 20%, 2 mo nths’ s u p p ly yo u save 30%, and 3 mo nths’ s u p p ly yo u save 40% ! (if yo u bo ug ht e no ug h su ps to last yo u th ro ugh the p rogram yo u wo u ld be sav i ng 40%). P lease e mai l me at if yo u have any q uestio ns abo ut s u p p le me nts as we l l, Iwouldlovetohelpyoufigureoutwhatisbesttogetaccordingtoyouandyourpersonalgo als! CARDI O Now I w rote the card io i n the p rog ram as I’d l i ke fo r yo u to do it. Of co u rse yo u do n’t have todo itthisway,orevendoitatall,butthisiswhatIwouldrecommendyoudofortheHIITcardio sections: - HIIT card io can be do ne o n any card io mac h i ne yo u p refe r. “ HIIT” stands fo r “ h ig h-intensityinterval-trai n i ng”; I reco m me nd do i ng 1 m i n ute i nte rvals, betwee n a h ig h and mode rate i nte ns ity leve l. • Forexample … - Stai r maste r : 1 m i n ute leve l 16, 1 mi n ute leve l 9, 1 m i n leve l 16, 1 m in leve l 9, etc. bac k and fo rth u nti l the ti me is u p. - T read m i ll : 1 mi n ute jog, 1 mi n ute (o r 45 seco nd) s p r i nt, 1 mi n ute jog, 1 mi n sp r i nt, etc. u nti l ti me is u p. - S p i n B i ke : 1 m i n mode rate resistance/pace, 1 m i n stand i ng u p, h ig he r res istance and pedal i ng as hard as poss i b le, 1 m i n mode rate pace, etc. u nti l ti me is u p. TIPS: - P us h yo u rse lf, if yo u are n’t so re the next day yo u d id not l ift heavy e no ug h. Yo u s ho u ld be so re eve ryday f ro m the day befo re. If th is s p lit does not wo r k fo r yo u we w i l l sw itc h it u p ! - A LWAYS p ractice good fo r m, and wo r k yo u r way u p i n we ig ht. Inc rease yo u r we ig ht eve ry weekifyoucan!Smallimprovementsmakebigchanges! - YoushouldbeliftingasheavyasyoucansoyoucanBARELYgettheamountofrepsIlist ed w ith that we ig ht. Exam p le : If yo u are dead l ifti ng 135l bs and can o n ly get it 4 ti mes, and yo u are go i ng fo r 8 re ps, it is too heavy ! If yo u get to 8 re ps and fee l l i ke yo u co u ld manage 3 mo re, its too l ig ht! A p p ly th is co nce pt to all of yo u r lifts. THAN K Y O U! F i rst off, I want to than k YO U fo r p u rchasi ng th is chal le nge ! Witho ut yo u r su p po rt I wo u ld not be ab le to do w hat I do, w hat I am pass io nate abo ut. I abso l ute ly love s har i ng my k now ledge fo r health and fitness and str ive to i ns p i re those I reac h to be the best ve rs io ns of the mse lves they can be eve ryday. AbigthankstomysponsorsLiveFitAppareland1UpNutritionforyoursupportinmakingthis eBoo k poss i b le ! A h uge than ks to p hotog rap he r Mig ue l (@co ld p hotog rap hy o n social med ia) fo r mak i ng my p hotos loo k beautifu l. A nothe r b ig than k yo u to my We b Des ig n & Mar keti ng Agency, HeartC MS fo r p utti ng th is mass ive e Boo k togethe r and mak i ng th is avai lab le to so ma ny ! I ap p reciate al l of yo u mo re than yo u wi l l eve r know. 10% off Live F it A p pare l d isco u nt code : KAT IE LV FT 20-40% off 1U P N UT RIT IO N d isco u nt code : KAT IE20 CATCH ALL I fu l ly u nde rstand that I may s uffe r i nj u ry and eve n death as a res u lt of my partic i patio n i n the p lan offe red and I he re by re lease Katie Co r io, L LC and its age nts o r e m p loyees f ro m a ny and al l l iab i l ity now and i n the futu re, i nc l ud i ng b ut not l i m ited to med ical ex pe nses, lost wages, pai n and s uffe r i ng that may occ u r by reaso n of heart attac ks, m usc le strai ns, p u l ls o r tears, b ro ke n bo nes, s h i n s p l i nts, heat p rostratio n, k nee/lowe r bac k/foot i nj u r ies and any othe r i l l ness, so re ness o r i nj u ry, howeve r caused, w hethe r occ u r r i ng d u r i ng o r afte r my partici patio n i n the p lan offe red regard less of fau lt. I he re by vo l u ntar i ly re lease, fo reve r d isc harge, and ag ree to i nde m n ify and ho ld har m less Katie. and its age nts o r e m p loyees f ro m any and al l c lai ms, de mands, o r causes of actio n, w h ic h are i n any way co n nected w ith my partic i patio n i n the Katie Co r io, L LC d iet o r trai n i ng p rog ram, i nc lud i ng suc h c lai ms w h ic h I, my c h i ld re n, pare nts, he i rs, assig ns, pe rso nal re p rese ntative and estate have o r may have that al lege o rd i nary neg l ige nt acts o r o m iss io ns of Katie Co r io, L LC. D I S C LA I M E R & LI M I TA TI ON S LIMITATIONS: Allstrengthtraining,cardiovascularexercise,oranyotherexe rcise reco m me nded by Katie Corio, L LC. and its age nts o r e m p loyees s hal l be u nde rtake n at the so le r is k of the use r, and Katie Corio, L LC. s hal l not be l iab le to use r fo r any c lai ms, de mands, i nj u r ies, damages, actio ns o r causes of actio n, w hatsoeve r, ar is i ng o ut of o r co n nected w ith the use of the reco m me ndatio ns p rov ided. If use r has any q uestio ns w hatsoeve r, co nce r n i ng exe rc ise, use of eq u i p me nt, etc., use r ag rees to req uest c lar ificatio n and/o r i nstr uctio n f ro m Katie Co rio, L LC. and its age nts o r e m p loyees. Use r u nde rstands that he/s he is res po ns i b le fo r mo n ito r i ng h is o r he r ow n co nd itio n th ro ug ho ut trai n i ng and that the reco m me ndatio ns give n are des ig ned to p lace a g rad ual ly i nc reas i ng wo r k load o n the body to i m p rove ove ral l fitness. Disclaimer: By p u rc has i ng th is p rod uct, use r ag rees not to ho ld Katie Corio, L LC. o r the i r age nts o r e m p loyees res po ns i b le fo r any i nj u ry, il l ness, al le rgic reactio n, o r lac k of res u lts w hi le pe rfo r m i ng these reco m me ndatio ns. F u rthe r, use r co m p lete ly ac k now ledges that use r is si m p ly rece iv i ng adv ice and that it is use r’s c ho ice to ad he re to the p rov ided adv ice, as use r’s partic i patio n is vo l u ntary. T he re may be r is ks assoc iated w ith the reco m me ndatio ns g ive n. Co ns u lt yo u r p hysician p r io r to begi n n i ng th is trai n i ng p lan if yo u are u nde r the age of 18, tak i ng any p resc r i ptio n o r ove r-the-co u nte r med icatio n, if yo u have heart d isease, thy ro id d isease, d iabetes, h ig h b lood p ress u re, o r any othe r med ical co nd itio n. T he F DA has not eval uated th is trai n i ng p lan. T h is trai n i ng p lan is not i nte nded to d iag nose, treat, c u re o r p reve nt any d isease. H O W TO C O MP LE T E TH E C H A L LE N G E This challenge is broken up into 3 phases. Each phase is meant to last 4 weeks. Phase 1 : Weeks 1-4 Phase 2 : Weeks 5-8 Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 There are 6 training days to complete every week, with 1 full rest day per week. I wrote the program in the order that you should do it, so you simply just have to read through it like a book and follow along. Begin with Phase 1, Day 1. Move through the following 6 days, and rest on day 7. Repeat Phase 1 for 4 weeks before moving onto Phase 2. After you have completed 4 weeks, it is time to move to Phase 2. Repeat Phase 2 for the following 4 weeks before mov ing onto Phase 3, etc.. You will see some exercises say "superset". A superset is a combination of 2 or more exercises that should be done one after the other without rest between the two exercises. For example, if you are "supersetting" bicep curls with lat pulldowns, do 1 set of bicep curls, then 1 set of lat pulldowns, resting only after both are done. That would be 1 superset. P H A S E 1 – Weeks 1 - 4 DAY 1: LOWER BODY- HEAVY 10 MIN STEADY- STATE CARDIO STRETCH, WARM Up Back Squats (free or smith machine) 4 sets x 6 reps Romanian Deadlifts 4 sets x 8 reps SUPERSET 1: 3 supersets x 10 reps ea. Exercise Bulgarian Split Squats Weighted Overhead Walking Lunges Dumbbell Goblet Squat 4 sets x 12 reps SUPERSET 2: 3 supersets x 15 reps 1 dropset to failure ea. exercise Lying Hamstring Curl Quad Extension Weighted Calf Raise Machine ST RET CH, ROLL - OUT DAY 2: CHES T & TRI CEPS STRETCH, WARM UP Dumbbell Flat Bench Chest Press 4 sets x 10 reps SUPERSET 1: 4 supersets x 12 reps ea. exercise Dumbbell Flat Bench Chest Flys Dumbbell Flat Bench Neutral Grip Chest Press Barbell Flat Bench Overhead Skull Crushers 4 sets x 12 reps SUPERSET 2: 3 supersets High to Low Cable Flys x 12 reps Flat Pushups to failure SUPERSET 3: 3 supersets x 15 reps, 1 set to failure ea. exercise Cable Rope Tricep Pulldowns Bodyweight Dips 1 5 M I N H I IT CA RD I O Da y 3: SHOULDERS & ABS STRETCH, WARM UP Barbell Military Press 4 sets x 10 reps SUPERSET 1: 4 supersets x 10 reps ea. exercise Steering Wheel Raise Dumbbell Lateral Raises Mechanical Dropset Upright Barbell Rows Close Grip, Middle Grip, Wide Grip 3 sets x 12 reps ea. grip SUPERSET 2: 3 supersets x 12 reps ea. exercise Incline Bench Posterior Delt Dumbbell Row Incline Bench Posterior Delt Dumbbell Fly Dumbbell Flat Bench Neutral Grip Chest Press 3 sets x 12 reps SUPERSET 3: 4 supersets x 15 reps ea. exercise Cable Rope Face Pulls Cable Rope Ab Crunches AB CIRCUIT: 2 rounds, no rest Bicycle Crunches x 20 ea. side Left Side Plank x 1 min Middle Plank x 1 min Right Side Plank x 1 min 1 5 M I N H I IT CA RD I O DAY 4: LOWE R B ODY- P UMP 10 MIN STEADY- STATE CARDIO STRETCH, WARM UP Leg Press- feet shoulder width apart 4 sets x 10 reps, 1 set x 20 reps Reverse Hack Squat 4 sets x 10 reps Single Leg Deadlift 3 sets x 12 reps ea. leg SUPERSET 1: 3 supersets Walking Barbell Lunges x 10 reps ea. leg Jumping Split Squats x 20 reps ea. leg SUPERSET 2: 3 supersets x 15 reps ea. leg, 1 dropset to failure both legs ea. exercise Single Leg Hamstring Curl Single Leg Quad Extension Weighted Calf Raise Machine ST RET CH, ROLL - OUT Straight Arm Pulldowns Assisted WideGrip Pullups 4 sets x 12 reps SUPERSET 1: 4 supersets x 10 reps ea. exercise Wide Lat Pulldowns DAY 5: BACK & BICEPS STRETCH, WARM UP SUPERSET 2: 4 supersets x 12 reps ea. exercise Single Arm Dumbbell Row Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls Narrow grip cable row 3 sets x 12 reps Cable Rope Hammer Curl • 3 s et s x 1 5 r e p s SUPERSET 3: 3 supersets x 15 reps ea. exercise Weighted Back Extension Plate Bicep Curls 1 5 M I N H I IT CA RD I O DAY 6: PLYO DAY- FULL BODY STRETCH, WARM UP CIRCUIT 1 2 ROUNDS- no rest until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Ice Skaters x 20 ea. leg Overhead Medicine Ball Squats x 20 Frog Leaps x 10 Wall Sit x 1 min 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO CIRC UIT 2 2 ROUNDS- no rest until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Overhead Press x 20 20 pushups Dumbbell Reverse Fly x 20 Medicine Ball Wall Throws x 20 Mountain Climbers x 20 ea. leg Dumbbell Lateral Raises H db 1 bm Do ulm e iln l Front Raise Hold 1 min 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO CIRC UIT 3 2 ROUNDS- no rest until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension x 15 (2 hands, one DB) Medicine Ball Front Raise to Overhead Press x 20 Dumbbell Lateral Raises X 20 Inverted Row x 15 Bent Barbell Row x 2 0 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO C I R CU IT 4 2 ROUNDS- no rest until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Bicycle Crunches x 20 ea. side Medicine Ball Overhead Crunch to Squat to Standing Press x 10 Plank Arm Rotations x 10 ea. side V- ups x 15 reps, then hold at top and pulse for 30 seconds DAY 7: REST! PHA SE 2 – Weeks 5 - 8 DAY 1: LOWER BODY- HEAVY 10 MIN STEADY-STATE CARDIO STRETCH, WARM UP Conventional Deadlifts 6 sets x 6 reps Front Squats 3 sets x 10 reps Walking Weighted Lunges 3 sets x 10 reps each leg Narrow- Stance Leg Press 4 sets x 15 reps SUPERSET 1: 3 supersets x 20 reps each exercise Adductor Machine Abductor Machine Calf Raise 3 sets x 20 reps SUPERSET 2: 3 supersets x 15 reps each exercise Quad Extension Lying Hamstring Curl Rounded Back Extensions 2 sets x 15 reps (slow and steady!) STRETCH, ROLL-OUT DAY 2: PUSH DAY STRETCH, WARM UP Dumbbell Overhead Press 4 sets x 8 reps SUPERSET 1 4 supersets x 10 reps each exercise Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Chest Flys SUPERSET 2: 4 supersets x 10 reps each exercise Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise Seated Dumbbell Front Raise SUPERSET 3: 4 sets x 15 reps each exercise Chest Dips Push ups SUPER SET 4 : 4 supersets x 10 reps each exercise Straight Bar Tricep Pushdowns Steering Wheel Front Raise and Turn S UP E RS E T 5 3 Supersets x 12 reps each exercise Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks 20 MIN HIIT CARDIO DAY 3: PULL DAY STRETCH, WARM UP Assisted Pull- Up Machine (or free pull- ups) 4 sets x 12 reps Seated Single Arm Iso- lateral Row 4 sets x 10 reps each arm SUPERSET 1 4 sets x 12 reps each exercise Barbell Bicep Curls Narrow Grip Pulldown SUPERSET 2: 4 sets x 12 reps each exercise Cable Rope Straight Arm Pulldown Cable Rope Face Pulls SUPERSET 3: 4 supersets x 10 reps each exercise T- Bar Row Plate Hammer Curls S UP E RS E T 4 3 sets x 10 reps each exercise Cable Rope Low to High Back Rope Hammer Curls CIRCUIT: 3 rounds Inverse Row x 15 Roman Chair x 20 Reverse Crunch x 15 20 MIN HIIT CARDIO DAY 4: PLYO DAY: LOWER- BODY STRETCH, WARM UP CIRCUIT 1: 3 ROUNDS- no rest until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Walking Lunges with High Knees x 10 ea. leg (may use barbell for weighted) Jumping Split Squats x 15 ea. L eg Barbell Curtsy Lunges x 20 ea. leg Barbell Pulse Squats in Place x 15 each leg 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO CIRCUIT 2: 3 ROUNDS- no rest until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Jumping Knee- Ups x 20 ea. leg (also known as high knees) Side Lunges x 10 ea. leg Weighted Step Ups x 12 ea. leg (high knees at top!) *may use barbell or dumbbells for weight* 10 MIN HIIT CARDIo CIRCUIT 3: 3 R O U N D S : no r est until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Sumo Squat Jumps with Medicine Ball x 15 Wall Sit x 1 min Superman Holds x 30 sec. Glute Kickback (on all four’s, with DB behind knee) x 15 ea. leg Single Leg Hip Thrust x 15 ea. leg, hold 30 sec. at the end Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl, Single Leg x 10 ea. leg 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO DAY 5: PLYO DAY: UPPER- BODY STRETCH, WARM UP CIRCUIT 1: 3 R O U N D S : no r est until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Pull- ups (Assisted or Free) x 12 reps Barbell Bicep Curls x12 Barbell CloseGrip Upright Rows x 12 Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension x 12 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO CIRCUIT 2: 3 R O U N D S : no r est until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Mechanical Dropset: Pushups Decline Pushups x 15 Flat Pushups x 15 Incline Pushups x 15 Mountain Climbers x 20 ea. leg Weighted Side Ab Plank (weight in outer arm, hold arm perpendicular from body) x 30 sec. ea. side 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO CIRCUIT 3: 3 R O U N D S : no r est until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Seated Arnold Press x 12 Seated Lateral DB Raise x 12 DumB Bell Double Row on Bench x 12 Reverse Fly’s on Incline Bench (face bench) x 15 10 MIN HIIT CARDIO CIRCUIT 4: 3 R O U N D S : no r est until full round is complete; 1.5 min rest between rounds Alternating Bicep Curls x 12 ea. DB Overhead Tricep Extension (1 DB, both hands) x 15 Reverse Crunch x 15 Roman Chair x 20 DAY 6: LOWE R BODY- P UMP 10 MIN STEADY STATE CARDIO STRETCH, WARM UP Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 4 supersets x 1 0 re p s SUPERSET 1: 4 supersets x 10 reps each exercise Barbell Walking Lunge Barbell Pulse Squats *come up halfway and pulse for 1 rep Hack Squat, Wide Stance 4 sets x 12 reps Cable Rope PullThroughs 4 sets x 12 reps Glute Kickbacks on Cable 3 sets x 12 reps each leg Weighted Step Ups 4 sets x 12 reps each leg * may use barbell or DB for weight SUPERSET 2: 4 sets x 20 reps each exercise Exercise Ball Hamstring Curls Exercise Ball Glute Bridges DAY 7: REST! P H A S E 3 – Weeks 8 - 12 DAY 1: LOWER BODY- HEAVY 10 MIN STEADY-STATE CARDIO STRETCH, WARM UP Hip Thrusts 6 sets x 6 reps Good Mornings 4 sets x 12 reps Single Leg Angled Leg Press 4 sets x 12 reps ea. Body Falls 3 sets x 12 reps (or until failure) Step- Downs on Assisted Pull- Up Machine 3 sets x 12 reps ea. leg Glute Kickback Machine (or cables if no machine) 3 sets x 15 reps Bulgarian Split Squats 3 sets x 10 reps ea. Quad Extension 2 sets x 20 reps Rounded Back Extension 2 sets x 20 reps 10 M I NS C O O L DOW N CARDI O DAY 2: SHO ULDERS & ABS STRETCH, WARM UP Standing Overhead Military Press (barbell) 4 sets x 8 reps Seated Neutral Grip Press 3 sets x 10 reps Mechanical Dropset: Barbell Front Raises 3 dropsets 1 . C l o s e G ri p x 1 0 r e p s 2 . M i d d l e G ri p x 1 0 reps 3. W i d e G ri p x 1 0 re p s Mechanical Dropset Lateral Delt Raises 3 dropsets 1. Seated Lateral Raise x 12 reps 2. Standing Strict Lateral Raise (no cheating, don’t use momentum) x 12 re p s 3. Cheating Lateral Raise (using minimal momentum to get more reps) x as many as possible! Same as the standing strict lateral raise but using minimal momentum to get more reps. Overhead Landmine Press 3 sets x 10 reps ea. arm SUPERSET 1: Face Pulls & Reverse Fly 3 supersets 1. Face Pulls x 20 reps, slow and controlled 2. Reverse Flys (on Incline Bench or Bent Over Standing) x 20 reps, slow and controlled AB CIRCUIT: 2 circuits 1 min rest between circuits 1. Cable Rope Crunches x 20 2. Lying Scissor Kicks x 30 seconds 3. V - u ps x 30 seconds, then hold and pulse for 10 seconds 25 MINS HIIT CARDIO D A Y 3 : B AC K & B I S STRETCH, W ARM UP Wide Grip Isolateral Row 4 sets x 10 reps Narrow Grip Iso- lateral Row 4 sets x 10 reps S U P ER S ET 1 : W i d e Grip Lat Pulldowns & Straight Arm Pulldowns 4 supersets 1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns x 1 0 re ps 2. Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns x 1 0 re ps T- Bar Row, Pr onated Grip (palms facing down ) 3 sets x 12 reps Lou Curls (DB bicep curls: left, right, together = 1 rep. Alternate arms for 1 rep each, then curl both arms together, that = 1 rep) 3 sets x 8 reps Reverse Fly’s on Cable 3 sets x 15 reps SUPERSET 2: Low to High Cable Rope Rows & Rope Hammer Curls- 3 supersets 1. Low to High Cable Rope Rows x 12 reps 2. Rope Hammer Curls x 12 reps SUPERSET 3: Close-Grip ChinUps & Plate Bicep Curls- 4 supersets 1. Close-Grip Chin- Ups x 8 2. Plate Bicep Curls x 8 SUPER SET 4 : Barbell Bi Curls & Barbell Bent-Over Rows 3 supersets 1. Barbell Bi Curls x 10 2. Bent Over Rows x 10 25 MINS HIIT CARDIO DAY 4: L OWE R BODY P UMP 10 MIN STEADY-STATE CARDIO STRETCH, WARM-UP Box Squats 4 sets x 12 reps Sumo 1.5 Squats on Smith Machine 4 sets x 12 reps Romanian Deadlift 3 sets x 12 reps Barbell Curtsy Lunges 3 sets x 15 reps ea. Lying Hamstring Curl, Single Leg 3 sets x 12 reps ea. Quad Extension, Single Leg 3 sets x 12 reps ea. Weighted Calf Raise Machine 3 sets x 12 reps ea. SUPERSET 1: Abduction & Adduction Machine- 3 supersets 1. Abduction x 1 5 re p s 2. Adduction x 15 reps 10 M I NS C O O L DOW N CARDI O DAY 5: CHEST & TRICEPS STRETCH, WARM UP Barbell Bench Press 4 sets x 8 reps Isolateral Chest Press Machine 4 sets x 12 reps Single Arm Cable Tricep Pushdowns 4 sets x 12 reps ea. Middle Cable Chest Flys 4 sets x 10 reps Single Arm Cable Chest Fly (across chest, keeping core tight, low to high) 3 sets x 12 reps ea. SUPERSET 1: Lying Overhead Tricep Extension with Dumbbell & Close-Grip Press- 3 supersets 1. Lying Overhead Tricep Extension with Dumbbell x 15 reps 2. Close-Grip Press x 10 reps (or until failure) Mechanical Dropset: Pushups 2 dropsets 1. Incline Pushups (hands on bench) x 20 (or as many as possible) 2. Flat Pushups (hands flat on floor) x as many as possible 3. Decline Pushups (feet on bench, hands on floor) x as many as possible 25 MINS HIIT CARDIO DAY 6: PLYO CIRCUIT - UPPER BO DY & A B S STRETCH, WARM UP CIRCUIT 1: x 3 rounds 1. Incline Pushups (hands on bench) x 20 (or as many as possible) 2. Flat Pushups (hands flat on floor) x as many as possible 3. Decline Pushups (feet on bench, hands on floor) x as many as possible CI R C UI T 2 : x 3 rounds Reverse Fly on Cables x 15 reps Dual Cable Bicep Curl (standing straight up, curl cables in towards ears with both arms) x 1 5 re p s Lean-Away Cable Delt Raise (behind back) x 10 ea. Cable Wood Choppers (for abs, high to low motion) x 15 ea. side CI R C UI T 3 : x 3 rounds Leg Raises x 20 Pullups x as many as possible Medicine Ball Squat & Throws x 15 Overhead Crunch to Standing Overhead Press with Medicine Ball x 12 Burpees x 20 10 MINS HIIT CARDIO DAY 7: REST! CONGRATS! YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE! Please email me your before and after photos, I would love to see your amazing progress!