ISO / WD 15765 Road Vehicles - Diagnostics Systems Part 2: Network USDT Protocol (Unacknowledged Segmented Data Transfer) Status: Working Draft Version: 0.4 Date: March 06, 1998 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page: 2 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Table of contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................4 2. SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................................4 3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................5 3.1 TERMS DEFINED IN OTHER STANDARDS ..........................................................................................................5 3.1.1 ISO definitions .....................................................................................................................................5 3.1.2 SAE definitions.....................................................................................................................................5 3.2 TERMS DEFINED BY THIS DOCUMENT .............................................................................................................5 4. NORMATIVE REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................5 4.1 ISO PUBLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................6 4.2 SAE PUBLICATIONS .....................................................................................................................................6 4.3 OTHER PUBLICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................6 5. OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION (OSI) STANDARD REFERENCE MODEL (OSI MODEL)...7 6. OPEN CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS TO NETWORK-LAYER BASED SYSTEMS..................8 7. ADDRESSING AND SEGMENTATION .....................................................................................................10 7.1 FRAME EXAMPLE WITH NORMAL ADDRESSING ..............................................................................................10 7.2 FRAME EXAMPLE WITH EXTENDED ADDRESSING ...........................................................................................10 7.3 PADDING OF UNUSED DATA BYTES ...............................................................................................................10 7.4 DEFINITION OF A SINGLE FRAME MESSAGE ....................................................................................................11 7.5 DEFINITION OF A MULTIPLE FRAME MESSAGE................................................................................................12 8. NETWORK LAYER.....................................................................................................................................13 8.1 SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................................13 8.2 SERVICES PROVIDED TO UPPER LAYER ..........................................................................................................13 8.2.1 Transfer of unacknowledged and unsegmented data (UUDT)..............................................................13 8.2.2 Transfer of unacknowledged and segmented data (USDT) ..................................................................14 8.2.3 Network layer results..........................................................................................................................15 8.3 SERVICES USED OF LOWER LAYER ................................................................................................................16 8.4 DEFINITION OF PROTOCOL CONTROL INFORMATION (PCI)............................................................................17 8.4.1 Encoding of Protocol Control Information (PCI)................................................................................17 8.4.2 Definition of frame types ....................................................................................................................17 8.5 DEFINITION OF TIME-OUTS AND TIMERS .......................................................................................................22 8.5.1 Placement of time-outs and [Timers]..................................................................................................22 8.5.2 Time-out values setting requirements .................................................................................................23 8.5.3 Time-out values..................................................................................................................................23 8.6 PROTOCOL ERROR HANDLING ......................................................................................................................24 8.6.1 Protocol behaviour upon error detection............................................................................................24 8.6.2 Error detection and reporting capability ............................................................................................24 8.7 INTERLEAVING OF MESSAGES ......................................................................................................................25 9. ANNEX ..........................................................................................................................................................26 9.1 USDT FLOW CONTROL EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................26 9.1.1 Example of FlowControl with ClearToSend (FC.CTS) ........................................................................27 9.1.2 Example of FlowControl with Wait (FC.WT) ......................................................................................29 9.2 TOTAL NUMBER OF FRAMES REQUIRED FOR SEGMENTED MESSAGE TRANSMISSION ..........................................31 9.3 TOTAL NUMBER OF VALID BYTES .................................................................................................................31 10. DRAFT HISTORY ......................................................................................................................................33 Page: 3 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. • • • • Part 1: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Communication Services Part 2: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Network USDT Protocol (Unacknowledged Segmented Data Transfer) Part 3: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Enhanced Diagnostic Services Implementation • Part 4: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Requirements for Emission Related Systems • Part 5: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Requirements for Tachograph Systems Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. 1. Introduction This International Standard contains references to SAE publications, which are regularly amended/updated without any visible change (neither in the numbering, nor any additive letter, etc.). To ensure precisely to which particular edition this International Standard refers to, Annex A gives the precise dates of the SAE publications. 2. Scope This International Standard specifies the requirements for a “Network USDT Protocol (Unacknowledged Segmented Data Transfer)” which shall be used to bidirectionally communicate diagnostic service data between a tester (scan tool) and a vehicle data link. The standard specifies requirements limited to “Diagnostic Services”. For Normal Communication refer to the OSEK/VDX communication (Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics) specification. Page: 4 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 3. Definitions and Abbreviations 3.1 Terms defined in other standards 3.1.1 ISO definitions This document makes use of terms defined in the ISO 14229 Diagnostic Services Specification document. 3.1.2 SAE definitions This document makes use of terms defined in the SAE J1930 E/E Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviations & Acronyms document. 3.2 Terms defined by this document ADDR BSmax CAN CF CTS DL EDC ERC FC FF FS MUDBPF PCI RBD SF SN STmin USDT UUDT WFTmax WT XDL Address information BlockSize (maximum) Controller Area Network ConsecutiveFrame ClearToSend DataLength ErrorDetectionCapability ErrorReportingCapability FlowControl FirstFrame FlowStatus MaxUserDataBytesPerFrame Protocol Control Information ReservedByDocument SingleFrame SequenceNumber SeparationTime (minimum) Unacknowledged Segmented Data Transfer Unacknowledged Unsegmented Data Transfer WaitFrameTransmission(s) (maximum) WaiT eXtendedDataLength 4. Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of the publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on the International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. Page: 5 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 4.1 ISO Publications ISO 7498: Data Processing Systems, Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Standard Reference Model (OSI Model) ISO/DIS 11898:1993/Amd.1: 1995(E) - Road vehicles, Interchange of Digital Information, Controller Area Network (CAN) for High Speed Communication ISO/DIS 14229: 1996, Road vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Diagnostic services specification. ISO/DIS 14230-3: 1996, Road vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Keyword Protocol 2000 Part 3: Implementation. ISO/WD 15031-3: OBD Connector ISO/WD 15765-1: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Communication services ISO/WD 15765-3: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Enhanced Diagnostic Services ISO/WD 15765-4: Road Vehicles - Diagnostic Systems - Requirements for Emission Related Systems 4.2 SAE Publications SAE J1962: SAE J2284: SAE J1978: SAE J1979: SAE J2178/1: SAE J2190: OBD Connector Recommended Practice for High Speed CAN (HSC) for Passenger Vehicle Applications OBD II Scan Tool E/E Diagnostic Test Modes Class B Data Communication Network Messages - Detailed Header Formats and Physical Address Assignments E/E Enhanced Diagnostic Test Modes 4.3 Other Publications OSEK/VDX/COM: Com13/1 : Unacknowledged Segmented Data Transfer (USDT) protocol definition Page: 6 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 5. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Standard Reference Model (OSI Model) The ISO Reference Model for Open System Interconnection (OSI) provides a common basis for the structuring of the communication software to provide reliable, data independent, communication services and to support a wide range of applications. The ISO/OSI Reference Model describes “Services and Protocols” without making assumptions concerning the: • Programming language bindings • Operating systems bindings • Application and user interfaces issues This standard specifies layer three (3) “Network Layer” of the OSI Model by providing scaleable and network-dependent means to support information exchange between equipment. Application Layer Encapsulation Presentation Layer Receiving Task Application Protocol Presentation Protocol Session Layer Session Protocol Transport Layer Transport Protocol TH Network Layer Network Protocol NH Data Link Layer Physical Layer PH SH Data Application Layer Data Presentation Layer Session Layer Data Transport Layer Data Network Layer Data DH Data DT Data Link Layer Physical Layer Bit Stream Actual Data Transmission Path AH SH NH DT Application Header Session Header Network Header Data Link Trailer PH TH DH Presentation Header Transport Header Data Link Header Figure 1: Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Standard Reference Model (OSI Model) Page: 7 of 33 Decapsulation Sending Task ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 6. Open configuration requirements to Network-layer based systems This specification defines the functional and behavioural requirements of a communication protocol layer whose setting is tightly coupled to the underlying sub-network media used. Besides, interfacing of automotive heterogeneous sub-networks (e.g. CAN, D2B) is catered for by means of flow control mechanism and scaleable layer configuration (i.e. data field payload size). It is on this basis that communication layer requirements addressed by this specification maps to the OSI reference model layer 3 (Network). Implementation of this protocol layer within sub-network interconnecting equipment depends on sub-network interfacing requirements : it is the responsibility of the network architect to decide on a per case basis whether the layer 3 is to be implemented in sub-network interconnecting devices or not (bus frames repeater will not implement layer 3 but only 1). This protocol layer can therefore be used in various configurations, e.g. enabling end-to-end communication. a) NODE 1 NODE 2 End-to-End communication session USDT/UUDT USDT/UUDT Sub-Net 1 b) NODE 1 NODE 2 End-to-End communication session USDT/UUDT Sub-Net 1 USDT/UUDT Repeater Sub-Net 2 c) NODE 1 USDT/UUDT NODE 2 Gateway Sub-Net 1 USDT/UUDT Sub-Net 2 Figure 2: Example of various system configurations Page: 8 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 7. Addressing and segmentation USDT (Unacknowledged Segmented Data Transfer) shall support different combinations of addressing and segmentation. For a connection using extended addressing there shall be eight (8) bits of additional address information in the first byte of each data frame. For connections not using extended addressing (i.e. normal addressing) there is no additional address information hence no additional protocol overhead. 7.1 Frame example with normal addressing Description Mnemonic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UUDT Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Normal addressing with segmentation ("single frame") USDT PCI Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Normal addressing with segmentation USDT PCI DL Data Data Data Data Data Data Normal addressing with segmentation ("consecutive frame") USDT PCI Data Data Data Data Data Data Data - - - - - - Normal addressing with segmentation ("flow control") USDT STmin - - - - - Normal addressing no segmentation ("first frame") PCI BSmax Table 1: Frame example with normal addressing 7.2 Frame example with extended addressing Description Mnemonic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 extended addressing no segmentation UUDT + ADDR EXT ADDR Data Data Data Data Data Data Data extended addressing with segmentation ("single frame"") USDT + ADDR EXT ADDR PCI Data Data Data Data Data Data extended addressing with segmentation ("first frame") USDT + ADDR EXT ADDR PCI DL Data Data Data Data Data extended addressing with segmentation ("consecutive frame") USDT + ADDR EXT ADDR PCI Data Data Data Data Data Data - - - - - extended addressing with segmentation ("flow control") USDT + ADDR EXT ADDR PCI STmin - - - - BSmax Table 2: Frame example with extended addressing 7.3 Padding of unused data bytes The USDT protocol can support a data frame length up to sixteen (16) data bytes including the PCI byte (Protocol Control Information) depending on the underlying type of bus used. The constant MaxUserDataBytesPerFrame (MUDBPF) specifies the number of user data Page: 9 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL bytes available per frame based on the data link layer implemented (i.e. CAN MUDBPF = CANframe - PCI byte = 8 - 1 = 7); D2B MUDBPF = D2Bframe - PCI byte = 12 - 1 = 11). MUDBPF Header PCI data byte 1 … up to maximum data byte 15 Checksum data frame length up to n = 16 bytes Table 3: USDT data frame Padding of unused data bytes in a single frame message, a flow control frame, and the last consecutive frame of a multiple frame message shall be performed by all senders. No specific padding pattern is specified in this standard. 7.4 Definition of a single frame message A SingleFrame (SF) message is defined to be a unique frame containing a complete request or response message of a diagnostic service. Client (Tester) DataLength = 2 DL=$2; unused user data bytes are padded with random values Server (ECU) SingleFrame (SF) [PC I.DL=$2, xx ... xx] DataLength = 2 DL=$2 I.DL=$7, xx ... xx] SingleFrame (SF) [PC DataLength = 7 DL=$7 DataLength = 7 DL=$7; unused user data bytes are padded with random values Figure 3: Example of single frame message flow without extended address Page: 10 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 7.5 Definition of a multiple frame message A multiple frame message always starts with a: • FirstFrame (FF) which includes the eXtendedDataLength (XDL) information followed by a • FlowControl (FC) frame which is sent by the receiver of the FirstFrame followed by Client (Tester) DataLength = 36 XDL=$0, DL=$24 Server (ECU) FirstFrame (FF) [(PCI.XDL=$0, SF .DL=$24)=$24, xx ... xx] DataLength = 36 XDL=$0, DL=$24 ] STmin, xx ... xx .BSmax=3,FC. FC S, .F CI [P C) FlowControl (F Multiple (3) ConsecutiveFrames Consecuti veFrame (CF) [PCI.S N=1, xx ... xx] Consecuti veFrame (CF) [PCI.S N=2, xx ... xx] Consecuti veFrame (CF) [PCI.S N=3, xx ... xx] min, xx ... xx] .BSmax,FC.ST C) [PCI.FS,FC (F l ro nt Co Flow Multiple (2) ConsecutiveFrames The last ConsecutiveFrames includes 2 validuser data bytes; unused user data bytes are padded with unspecified values FlowControl frame with implicit connection setup FlowControl because of SN=BSmax Consecuti veFrame (CF) [PCI.S N=4, xx ... xx] Last Con secutiveF rame (CF ) [PCI.SN =5, xx ... xx ] End of multiple frame message transmission • one or multiple ConsecutiveFrames (CF) with additional FlowControl (FC) frames Figure 4: Example of multiple frame message flow without extended address Page: 11 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 8. Network layer 8.1 Services According OSI Reference Model the network layer is defined by services. Each service interworks internally with an other adjacent layer by means of service primitives for request, confirmation and indication. Services and primitives are defined in the following chapter. This service specification does not specifiy any implementation requirements but provides a structuring framework which purpose is to bound the network layer specification within a well defined container to facilitate its understanding. 8.2 Services provided to upper layer The network layer provides services of unacknowledged and unsegmented data (UUDT) and unacknowledged and segmented data (USDT). Any upper layer or application inside of a network node which uses the services shall interface with the services provided below. 8.2.1 Transfer of unacknowledged and unsegmented data (UUDT) Service name: Syntax: Request: Confirmation: Indication: Parameter: Handle MessageData Length Result Description: N_UUData.req internal service N_UUData.req(<Handle>, <MessageData>, <Length>) N_UUData.con(<Handle>, <Result>) N_UUData.ind(<Handle>, <MessageData>, <Length>, <Result>) Reference to a message transfer path Reference to the message data Length of message data in bytes Result of the requested and indicated service (see network layer results) The service primitive N_UUData.req sends the data <MessageData> of the length <Length> unsegmented over the network, using the physical (network) address associated to the message transfer path referenced by the parameter <Handle>. The service primitive N_UUData.con contains the confirmation regarding the execution of a previously called N_UUData.req service primitive. The parameter <Result> represents the result detected by the network layer. A successful result of transfer is indicated by value E_NWL_OK. In case of errors (other results) the sending transfer is not or incompletely performed. The service primitive N_UUData.ind informs the receiver that a message corresponding to the transfer path referenced by <Handle> has been received unsegmented and provides the associated data <MessageData>. The parameter <Result> represents the result detected by the network layer. A successful result of transfer is indicated by value E_NWL_OK. In case of errors (other results) the receiving transfer is not or incompletely performed. Note: Service procedures dealing with supporting service primitives, sending and receiving of frames are described in the SDL model. Page: 12 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 8.2.2 Transfer of unacknowledged and segmented data (USDT) Service name: Syntax: Request: Confirmation: Indication: Parameter: Handle MessageData Length Result Description: N_USData.req internal service N_USData.req(<Handle>, <MessageData>, <Length>) N_USData.con(<Handle>, <Result>) N_USData.ind(<Handle>, <MessageData>, <Length>, <Result>) Reference to message transfer path Reference to the message data Length of message data in bytes Result of the requested and indicated service (see network layer results) The service primitive N_UUData.req sends the data <MessageData> of the length <Length> segmented over the network, using the physical (network) address assiociated to the message transfer path referenced by the parameter <Handle>. The service primitive N_UUData.con contains the confirmation regarding the execution of a previsously called N_UUData.req service primitive. The parameter <Result> represents the result detected by the network layer. A successful result of sending transfer is indicated by value E_NWL_OK. In case of errors (other results) the sending transfer is not or incompletely performed. The service primitive N_UUData.ind informs the receiver that a message corresponding to the transfer path referenced by <Handle> has been received segmented and provides the associated data <MessageData>. The parameter <Result> represents the result detected by the network layer. A successful result of receiving transfer is indicated by value E_NWL_OK. In case of errors (other results) the receiving transfer is not or incompletely performed. Note: Service procedures dealing with supporting service primitives, sending and receiving of frames are described in the SDL model. Page: 13 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 8.2.3 Network layer results Following results indicate whether a given sending/receiving transfer was successfully performed or not. In the latter case the error is identified by the result code. Result Code Description E_NWL_OK E_NWL_TOUT_A E_NWL_TOUT_B1 E_NWL_TOUT_B2 E_NWL_TOUT_C E_NWL_TOUT_D1 E_NWL_TOUT_D2 E_NWL_TOUT_E E_NWL_WRG_SN Sending or receiving transfer is successful. Timeout A is occurred for sender or receiver. Timeout B1 is occurred for sender. Timeout B2 is occurred for sender. Timeout C is occurred for receiver. Timeout D1 is occurred for receiver. Timeout D2 is occurred for receiver. Timeout E is occurred for receiver. Received sequence number value SN is non conformant to internally made calculation of receiver. Received data frame is unexpected in the current state of sender or receiver. Received number of flow control frames with wait state FC.WAIT exceeds maximum counter WFTmax. E_NWL_UNEXP_FRM E_NWL_WFT_OVRN Page: 14 of 33 used by service UUDT USDT • • • • • • • • • • • • • ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 8.3 Services used of lower layer The network layer uses the communication service(s) provided by the Data Link Layer. Service name: Syntax: Request: Confirmation: Indication: Parameter: Handle Data Result Description: D_UUData internal service D_UUData.req (<Handle>, <Data>) D_UUData.ind (<Handle>, <Data>) D_UUData.con (<Handle>, <Result>) Reference to frame transfer path Reference to the frame data Result of the requested service The service primitive D_UUData.req sends the data <Data> over the network, using the physical (network) address associated to this frame transfer path referenced by the parameter <Handle>. The service primitive D_UUData.con contains the confirmation regarding the execution of a previously called D_UUData.req service primitive. The parameter <Result> represents an implementationspecific status information. The service primitive D_UUData.ind informs the receiver that a message corresponding to the frame transfer path referenced by <Handle> has been received and provides the associated <Data>. Page: 15 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 8.4 Definition of Protocol Control Information (PCI) The purpose of the Protocol Control Information (PCI) is to define the type of frame exchanged between communicaton peers. The following frames are defined : • SingleFrames (SF) as an optimisation • FirstFrame (FF) with implicit connection set-up • ConsecutiveFrame (CF) • FlowControl (FC) 8.4.1 Encoding of Protocol Control Information (PCI) USDT PCI encoding PCI name PCI byte Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 SingleFrame SF 0 0 0 0 DL FirstFrame FF 0 0 0 1 XDL ConsecutiveFrame CF 0 0 1 0 SN FlowControl frame FC 0 0 1 1 FS reservedByDocument RBD 3 2 1 $40 through $FF Table 4: Encoding of Protocol Control Information (PCI) 8.4.2 Definition of frame types Definition of SingleFrame (SF) For unsegmented data (single frame messages) the USDT protocol provides an optimised implementation of the network protocol with the data length embedded in the PCI byte. DataLength (DL) USDT PCI encoding PCI name SingleFrame PCI byte Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 SF 0 0 0 0 3 data bytes 2 1 0 1 … MUDBPF DL xx … xx Table 5: USDT Protocol Control Information (PCI) : SingleFrame (SF) DataLength (DL) defined in a SingleFrame (SF) shall be encoded out of the PCI low nibble value. The PCI byte is not included in the data length calculation. • In case the CAN data link is implemented bit “3” shall always equal zero (0) because the CAN frame allows for a maximum of eight (8) data bytes (PCI byte included) (MUDBPF = 7). • In case the D2B data link is implemented the restriction is twelve (12) data bytes (PCI byte included) (MUDBPF = 11). The valid range for a single frame is one (1) to seven (7) bytes for a CAN frame and one (1) to eleven (11) bytes for a D2B frame. Unused data bytes shall be padded with random values. Definition of FirstFrame (FF) When sending segmented data (more than one data segment), the first segment is encoded as the FirstFrame (FF). On receipt of a FirstFrame (FF) data segment the receiving network layer entity shall start to assemble the segmented message. EXtendedDataLength (XDL) Page: 16 of 33 0 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL USDT PCI encoding PCI byte PCI name Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 FirstFrame FF 0 0 0 1 3 data bytes 2 1 0 XDL 1 2 … MUDBPF DL xx … xx Table 6: USDT Protocol Control Information (PCI) : FirstFrame (FF).XDL The eXtendedDataLength (XDL) defined in a FirstFrame (FF) shall be encoded out of the data byte #1 which follows the PCI byte and the PCI low nibble value. This results into a twelve (12) bit eXtendedDataLength (XDL) value where the LSB (Least Significant Bit) is specified to be bit “0” of the data byte #1 and the MSB (Most Significant Bit) is bit “3” of the PCI byte. The eXtendedDataLength (XDL) which is only applicable with a multiple frame message supports up to four thousand and ninety five (4095) bytes of user data. The PCI byte is not included in the data length calculation. DataLength (DL) USDT PCI encoding PCI byte PCI name Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 FirstFrame FF 0 0 0 1 3 data bytes 2 1 0 XDL 1 2 … MUDBPF DL xx … xx Table 7: USDT Protocol Control Information (PCI) : FirstFrame (FF).DL This field encodes the lower eight bits of the message data length. This field needs to be interpreted along with XDL for the receiver to determine the message length. Definition of ConsecutiveFrame (CF) When sending segmented data, all segments except the first one are coded as a ConsecutiveFrame (CF). On receipt of a ConsecutiveFrame (CF) data segment the receiving network layer shall buffer the received data bytes until the whole message (number of bytes defined by eXtendedDataLength (XDL) parameter value) is received. The receiving network layer entity shall pass the assembled message to the application after the last frame of the message is received without error. SequenceNumber (SN) USDT PCI encoding PCI name ConsecutiveFrame PCI byte Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 CF 0 0 1 0 3 data bytes 2 1 SN 0 1 … MUDBPF xx … xx Table 8: Definition of Protocol Control Information (PCI) : ConsecutiveFrame (CF).SN The SequenceNumber (SN) is used to detect duplicated or lost ConsecutiveFrame(s) (CF) (data segments). The sequence counter shall use the PCI lower nibble bits for the SequenceNumber (SN) value only if a ConsecutiveFrame (CF) is encoded by the higher nibble of the PCI byte. The “nibble (4 bit) counter” also allows for optimised implementations in low-end microcontrollers. SequenceNumber (SN) range : Page: 17 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL The SequenceNumber (SN) range is zero (0) to fifteen (15), which is the minimal range for efficient flow control. Conditions to initialise SequenceNumber (SN) : The SequenceNumber (SN) is initialised to zero (0) only when a) starting transmission of a message and b) after SequenceNumber (SN) wraparound which can occur within the transmission of block of frames. Definition of FlowControl (FC) frame The purpose of FlowControl (FC) is to prevent a sender node to overcome a receiver node. FlowControl (FC) frame shall be sent following correct reception of a) FirstFrame (FF) and b) last ConsecutiveFrame (CF) of a block of frame. The network protocol parameters of the FlowControl (FC) frame are defined in one of the following sections “Definition of FlowControl (FC) frame parameters. The data bytes in the FlowControl (FC) frame which are not specified shall be padded with random values. SEQARABISCH9Definition of FlowControl (FC) frame parameters The FlowControl (FC) frame includes the following network protocol information: • FlowStatus (FS): ClearToSend (CTS), WaiT - receiver not ready - (WT) • maximum BlockSize (BSmax) • minimum SeparationTime (STmin) Conditions for transmission of flow control Wait frame The transmission of a WaiT flow control Wait (FC.WT) frame occurs upon expiration of the timer [E], see chapter 8.5.1 Placement of time-outs on page 22. Parameters reading conditions Flow control parameters (BSmax, STmin) shall be taken into account by the sender only upon reception of the first FlowControl.ClearToSend (FC.CTS) frame which follows the FirstFrame (FF) : the protocol does not allow for parameter value change during message transmission. Definition of FlowStatus (FS) USDT PCI encoding PCI name FlowControl frame PCI byte Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 FC 0 0 1 1 3 data bytes 2 1 FS 0 1 2 3 … MUDBPF BSmax STmin xx … xx Table 10: Definition of FlowStatus (FS) in the PCI byte The FlowStatus (FS) is the receiver’s internal network layer status based on the correct reception of a FirstFrame (FF) or ConsecutiveFrame (CF) from the sender. The receiver’s internal status shall be encoded in the low nibble of the PCI byte of the FlowControl (FC) frame. This frame shall be sent to the sender of the FirstFrame (FF) or ConsecutiveFrame (CF). SEQARABISCH11 The FlowStatus (FS) network protocol parameter specifies different flow control states: PCI FlowStatus (FS) lower nibble Description of FlowStatus (FS) network protocol information Page: 18 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL bits 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 ClearToSend (CTS) The ClearToSend FlowStatus (FS.CTS) parameter value is sent by the receiver during the reception of a multiple frame message to indicate to the sender to resume message transmission. This is defined for FlowControl (FC) following the FirstFrame (FF) and ConsecutiveFrame(s) (CF)). 0 0 0 1 WaiT (WT) - receiver not ready The WaiT FlowStatus (FS.WT) parameter value is sent by the receiver during the reception of a multiple frame message to indicate to the sender to set the time-out [D2 ] and the receiver to reset its timer [E]. This is defined for FlowControl (FC) following the FirstFrame (FF) and ConsecutiveFrame(s) (CF)). Table 12: Protocol Control Information Flow Control encoding (PCI-FC) Definition of BlockSize (BSmax) USDT PCI encoding PCI name PCI byte Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 FC 0 0 1 1 FlowControl frame 3 data bytes 2 1 0 FS 1 2 3 … MUDBPF BSmax STmin xx … xx Table 13: Definition of FlowStatus (FS) in the PCI byte The network protocol BlockSize (BS) parameter is used in the FlowControl (FC) frame to request a data transfer mode, in which a block of BlockSize (BS) parameter data segments can be sent without intermediate flow control from the receiving network entity. The BlockSize (BS) parameter shall be within the range of zero (0) to two hundred fifty five (255). SEQARABISCH14 BlockSize (BS) Description 0 If the BlockSize (BSmax) parameter value in the FlowControl (FC) frame (FC.BSmax) is set to zero (0) by the receiver no further flow control shall be performed during the transmission of ConsecutiveFrame(s) (CF). Only one (1) FlowControl (FC) frame is sent after the FirstFrame (FF) to inform the sender on how to proceed. 1 ≤ BlockSize (BS) ≤ 255 If the BlockSize (BSmax) parameter value in the FlowControl (FC) frame (FC.BSmax) is set to a value within the range of one (1) to two hundred fifty five (255) by the receiver then flow control shall be performed. Table 15: Definition of BlockSize (BS) Definition of SeparationTime (STmin) USDT PCI encoding PCI name FlowControl frame PCI byte Mnemonic 7 6 5 4 FC 0 0 1 1 3 data bytes 2 1 FS 0 1 2 3 … MUDBPF BSmax STmin xx … xx Table 16: Definition of FlowStatus (FS) in the PCI byte The minimum SeparationTime (STmin) specifies the minimum time gap between ConsecutiveFrames (CF) of a segmented message. This time has to be specified by the receiver and kept by the sender. Page: 19 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL SEQARABISCH17Definition of max. number of FlowControl.WaitFrameTransmissions (FC.WFTmax) This variable is defined at system generation time and indicates how many wait frames (FC.WT) can be consecutively transmitted. Note: This parameter is local to communication peers and is not transmitted hence not part of the FlowControl (FC) frame. The purpose of this variable is to avoid having communication nodes hooked-up in case of a fault condition whereby a receiver would request the sender to wait continuously 1 ≤ FC.WFTmax ≤ 15 FC.WFTmax = 0 Flow control relies upon FC.CTS only. Wait flow control frame not supported. Permitted range for the maximum number of wait FC frame sent for a given segmented message. Table 18: Definition of maximum number of FlowControl.WaitFrameTransmissions (FC.WFTmax) Page: 20 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 8.5 Definition of time-outs and Timers 8.5.1 Placement of time-outs and [Timers] The USDT protocol time-outs are defined as follows : Network Layer of Sender Subnet1 Network Layer of Receiver As B1 [E] Ar C As D1 As D1 As [E] B2 D2 D2 FC(WT) Ar FC(WT) Ar FC(CTS) Ar C As Figure 5: Placement of time-outs Page: 21 of 33 [E] ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Time-out As (Sender) / Ar (Receiver) • The time-out As monitor the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Request and DUUDATA_Confirmation on the sender side. • The time-out Ar monitor the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Request and DUUDATA_Confirmation on the receiver side. Time-out B1 The time-out B1 monitors the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Confirmation(FF) and DUUDATA_Indication(CF). Time-out B2 The time-out B2 monitors the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Confirmation(block’s last CF) and DUUDATA_Indication(CF). Time-out C The time-out C monitors the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Confirmation(FC.RR) and DUUDATA_Indication(CF). Time-out D1 The time-out D1 monitors the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Indication(CF) and DUUDATA_Indication(block’s next CF). Time-out D2 The time-out D2 monitors the time which has elapsed between : DUUDATA_Indication(FC.RNR) and DUUDATA_Indication(next FC). Timer [E] The timer [E] determines the time at which a wait FlowControl (FC.WT) frame is to be sent to the sender. The timer [E] is restarted upon the following conditions : • D_UUData_indication(FF or block’s last CF) • D_UUData_confimation(FC.WT) Note: Various time-out values and combinations can lead to various implementation optimisations which are not hinted by this specification, e.g. if D2 value is equal to B2 value then a timer reset may be more judicious than the setting of an explicit D2 value upon reception of FC.WAIT. No implementation restrictions nor hints are made in this specification document. 8.5.2 Time-out values setting requirements The protocol behaviour is coupled to values associated with the above time-outs. Guidelines to set time-out values are to be defined to ensure consistent behaviour of the overall communication system. ** TBD ** 1) Time-out E < Time-out B1,2 8.5.3 Time-out values Page: 22 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Times and time-out values are specified during system design for normal applications. Hence, no time-out values are specified in this specification. Note that the ISO 15765 specification may (shall ?) provides time-outs estimates. **TBD ** 8.6 Protocol error handling 8.6.1 Protocol behaviour upon error detection The communication node(s) (sender, receiver) having detected a communication error shall a) releases the resources allocated to the message handling and b) allow for provision of error condition information to the sender/receiver application. 8.6.2 Error detection and reporting capability Two things can be distinguished : • error detection capability: this measures up the capability of the protocol to react to an error occurrence. • error reporting capability: this measures up the capability of the protocol to make communication nodes (taking part to a message transmission) aware that an error has occurred. This conclusion attempts to bound both issues concerning the Network USDT protocol as defined in this document. ErrorDetectionCapability (EDC) USDT protocol EDC is taken care of by the following mechanisms: • Frame information : SequenceNumber • Time-out information : A, B1,2, C, D1,2 • DLL features SequenceNumber (SN) The SequenceNumber (SN) enables the detection of loss or duplication of a frame. Definition of time-outs Four (4) time-outs are defined on the sender side: • A • B1 • B2 • D2 Four (4) time-outs are defined on the receiver side: • A • C • D1 ErrorReportingCapability (ERC) Whilst error occurrences (i.e. frame loss) are detectable by means of EDC, the USDT protocol does not define an intrinsic error reporting procedure hence does not guarantee that the sender is in all cases aware that an error has occurred on the receiver side. The USDT ERC is asynchronous and depends on system configuration (message length, number of sub-networks, block size). The ERC is asynchronous because communication protocol fault information is reported -locally- on a “if they occur” basis. Page: 23 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Since there is no acknowledgement of message the sender does not receive explicit notification of an error however it may be able to deduce the occurrence of an error based on the system configuration where the communication dialogue takes place (i.e. message length/number of block left to be sent after the error occurrence/number of sub-networks which take part in a given communication session). 8.7 Interleaving of messages The USDT protocol shall be capable to carry out parallel transmission of different messages provided that they are not mapped onto the same address (in case of normal addressing mode : bus frame identifier, in case of extended addressing mode : bus frame identifier and extended address) so that the receiver communication peer is able to reassemble in a consistent manner received frames to build-up a particular message as defined at system generation time. This scheme enables to support gateway operation which requires the ability to handle different message transmissions “in parallel”. Page: 24 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 9. Annex 9.1 USDT flow control examples The following figure shows an example of the flow control mechanism during a message transfer over three sub-networks. Assumptions: 1. Gateway #1 has a buffering capacity of 3 segments (BS = 3) + the FirstFrame (FF). 2. Gateway #2 has a buffering capacity of 2 segments + the FirstFrame (FF). 3. The communication link between the gateways is also slower than the two other links (due to a lower bit rate or higher bus load). 4. In the gateways, the Receiving Protocol Entity and the Sending Protocol Entity are sharing the same buffer, therefore the gateways are not able to receive another block in the segmented message before all segments in a previously received block have been successfully sent on the other network. Note: The beginning of the arrow indicates the time when the sender requests the segment for transmission. The end of the arrow indicates the time when the sender has successfully sent the segment, and if everything went well, the receiver received the segment. Page: 25 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 9.1.1 Example of FlowControl with ClearToSend (FC.CTS) Sender Net 1 N_Data.req Gateway 1 Net 2 Gateway 2 Net 3 End Receiver FF(0) FC(CTS,BS=3) FF(0) CF(1) CF(2) FC(CTS,BS=2) CF(3) FF(0) FC(CTS,BS=0) CF(1) CF(2) FC(CTS) CF(1) CF(2) CF(3) FC(CTS) CF(3) A CF(4) N_Data.conf(Success) CF(5) CF(4) B N_Data.req C FF(0) CF(4) FC(CTS) CF(5) FC(CTS,BS=3) D CF(5) N_Data.ind CF(1) Figure 6: Example of FlowControl with ClearToSend (FC.CTS) Event A) Gateway #1 delays the sending of the FC.CTS after having received the first block, until all the segments (0 to 3) have been successfully sent on Network 2. (The sending PE has released the common buffer in the Gateway). Note: Gateway #1 does not now if Gateway #2 has successfully received all the segments, only that it has been successfully sent. Page: 26 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Event B) The message transfer is confirmed success (local confirmation) in the Sender as soon as the complete message has been successfully sent out on Network 1. The resource in the Sending PE is released and it is now possible to request a new message for transmission. Event C) A new message is requested for transmission. Event D) The Flow Control from Gateway 1 is delayed until the last segment in the previous message has been successfully sent on Network 2. The recovery (release of locked resources) in this example is handled by “Long Time-outs” The idea is that the probability for an error in a well designed system is low, and a recovery time in the range of second / seconds are acceptable in these rare occasions. The necessary time-outs shall be fixed during system generation. The above Flow Control mechanism indicates to the sender that the receiver is ready to handle the next block of frame. This means that the flow control is not sent immediately after the FF or the last CF of a block has been received. Instead, a time window is defined during which the Receiver is allowed to indicate to the receiver to resume transmission by sending an FC.CTS frame. This time window is defined at system generation time. The window time period [E] (see chapter 5.) should be high enough to ensure a consistent flow control mechanism but it should also be small enough so it does satisfy error detection requirements (“short” detection time). One way to meet such conflicting requirement is to define a flow control frame WAIT which purpose is to indicate to the sender that the receiver is not ready and therefore tell to the sender to wait an additional time. This can be achieved by resetting both the senders and receivers time windows B1,2 (or rather setting the sender time window D2 !!) and E. Page: 27 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 9.1.2 Example of FlowControl with Wait (FC.WT) Sender Net 1 N_Data.req Gateway 1 Net 2 Gateway 2 Net 3 End Receiver FF(0) FC(CTS,BS=3) FF(0) CF(1) CF(2) FC(CTS,BS=2) CF(3) FF(0) FC(CTS,BS=0) CF(1) CF(2) FC(WAIT) FC(CTS) A CF(1) CF(2) CF(3) FC(CTS) B CF(3) CF(4) N_Data.conf(Success) C CF(5) CF(4) CF(4) FC(CTS) CF(5) CF(5) N_Data.ind Figure 7: Example of FlowControl with Wait (FC.WT) In the figure above, the receiver sends a FlowControl.WAIT (FC.WT). The receiver sends a WAIT flow control if the receiver is not ready (buffer full) within a certain time period from that the last segment was received in the previous block. When the sender receive this WAIT Flow Control, the sender restarts the timeout timer for the waiting of the CTS Flow Control. The receiver can send additional WAIT Flow controls if necessary. The maximum number of WAIT frame sent consecutively is set at system generation time and equal to WFCRmax. Page: 28 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL Event A) Gateway 1 sends an FC.WAIT after certain time period to prevent the sender to time-out. Event B) Gateway 1 has sent all the segments (0 to 3) successfully on Network 2. (The sending PE has released the common buffer in the Gateway). A CTS Flow(local confirmation) in the Sender. Compared to example 1, the recovery (release of locked resources) can be made faster since the time-outs can be shorter. Typically they can be in the range of 100ms. The necessary time-outs shall be fixed during system generation time. Page: 29 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 9.2 Total number of frames required for segmented message transmission The following table specifies the calculation of “Total number of frame(s) required for message transmission“. The “roundup()“ function shall always round to the next higher integer value. The constant MaxUserDataBytesPerFrame (MUDBPF) specifies the number of user data bytes available per frame based on the data link layer implemented. Message DataLength DataLength Number of frames Frame type ≤ MUDBPF PCI.DL 1 SF DataLength − (MUDBPF - 1) roundup +1 MUDBPF FF CF > MUDBPF 7 PCI.XDL*2 +FF.DL Table 19: Calculation of total number of frames required for message transmission without extended address Calculation example of NumberOfFrames: Assumption: CAN network MUDBPF (MaxUserDataBytesPerFrame) = 7; DataLength = 36; 36 − (7 − 1) NumberOfFrames = roundup + 1 = roundup (4.2857 ) = 5 7 Figure 8: Calculation example of NumberOfFrames 9.3 Total number of valid bytes The following table specifies the calculation of “Number of valid user data bytes in the SingleFrame (SF) or in the last ConsecutiveFrame (CF)“. The “rounddown()“ function shall always round to the next lower integer value. Message DataLength DataLength Number of valid data bytes Frame type ≤ MUDBPF PCI.DL DataLength SF DataLength − (MUDBPF - 1) DataLength − (MUDBPF - 1) - rounddown * MUDBPF MUDBPF MUDBPF last CF > MUDBPF 7 PCI.XDL*2 +FF.DL Table 20: Calculation of total number of valid user data bytes in the SingleFrame (SF) or last ConsecutiveFrame (CF) without extended address Calculation example of UserDataBytesInLastConsecutiveFrame: Assumption: CAN network MUDBPF (MaxUserDataBytesPerFrame) = 7; DataLength = 36; 36 − (7 − 1) 36 − (7 − 1) UserDataBytesInLastCF = − rounddown * 7 = (4.2857 − 4) * 7 = 2 7 7 Figure 9: Calculation example of UserDataBytesInLastConsecutiveFrame Page: 30 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL SEQARABISCH10SEQARABISCH11SEQARABISCH12SEQARABISCH13SEQARABISCH14 Page: 31 of 33 ISO / WD 15765 - 2 : DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEMS - NETWORK USDT PROTOCOL 10. DRAFT History Version 0.1 Date 23.01/98 Change description Original issue based on Com13/1 v1.2 0.2 0.3 * 03/02/98 0.4 06/03/98 * Changes according to remarks received from OSEK/COM and ISO/TF2 – see OSEK/VDX/Com24/1 Add Network layer services Update time-outs/timer chapter Conditions for the sender to take into account BS, ST SEQARABISCH15SEQARABISCH16 Page: 32 of 33 Author GM : Gangolf Feiter Thomas Walter * LucasVarity : Laurent Roy “