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Genre of Literature: Prose, Poetry, Drama

Lesson Outcome:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
❑ Enumerate and explain the major types of genre in literature
❑ Classify different texts according to genre and genre form
❑ Create a digital portfolio: genre of literature
Literature, in its broadest sense, is any written work. Etymologically, the term derives from
Latin litaritura/litteratura “writing formed with letters,” although some definitions include spoken or
sung texts. More restrictively, it is writing that possesses literary merit. Literature can be classified
according to whether it is fiction or non-fiction and whether it is poetry or prose. It can be further
distinguished according to major forms such as the novel, short story or drama, and works are often
categorized according to historical periods or their
adherence to certain aesthetic features or expectations
Essential Question:
Can we travel around the world
without leaving the comforts of
our home?
Activity 1: Based on the given pictures, identify what title of movie it represents.
Answer: ________________________
Answer: ________________________
Answer: ________________________
What is genre?
The term genre has been ordinarily regarded as a literary or artistic category. The main literary
genres are prose, poetry, and drama.
Prose is writing that is similar to everyday speech and language. Its form is based on sentences and
Prose forms
The main categories of prose are fiction and nonfiction. These terms are used to denote how they
are related to the world. In simple terms, fiction involves characters not truly existing in the world
while nonfiction can be characterized as being real, at least to some degree.
Fiction is a prose narrative in which situations and characters are invented by the writer. Fiction
allows the reader to explore new worlds, share the joys and sorrows of the characters, and learn from
the invented experiences of others.
Forms of Fiction
● Short story is a brief prose narrative with descriptions and dialogues that can usually be read
in one sitting.
● Novel consists of a long narrative, also written with dialogues and descriptions, but has more
characters, several sub-plots, and major, as well as minor, themes.
● Fable is a brief story, usually involving animal characters, that teaches moral values.
● Parable is short, simple story that teaches or explains an idea, especially a moral or religious
● Legend is a short story that reflects the people’s identity or cultural values, and generally
features elements that possess supernatural powers.
● Folktale is a short story featuring folkloric characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, etc.
● Fairy tale is a subclass of the folktale and the story usually has a happy ending.
● Myth is a fictional tale, originally with infused religious significance that explains the action
of gods or heroes, the causes of natural phenomena or both.
Nonfiction, on the other hand, such as biographies, autobiographies, and essays, deals with real
people, places, things, and events. Writers of nonfiction keep the following in mind as they write: a
topic or an idea to present, an objective or purpose for presenting the idea, and readers or audience.
Forms of Nonfiction
● Autobiography is a personal account written by the author about himself.
● Biography is a genre of literature based on the written accounts of individual lives.
● Essay is the most common and easiest form of literature to read and write.
● Diary/Journal is a book for writing separate and distinct entries arranged by date, reporting
on what has happened over the course of a day or another period.
Activity 2: A. List down the titles of five fictional prose forms and nonfictional prose forms you are
familiar with.
Fictional Prose Forms
Non-Fictional Prose Forms
B. Making Connections. Complete the following table.
What is the main idea of the What relevant lessons can be
literary text?
learned from the literary
How does the literary piece
influence one’s life?
Poetry is a writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language
chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through by using devices such as
sound, rhythm, and figurative language.
Forms of Poetry
Dramatic Poetry are intended to be acted out on the stage.
Dramatic monologue
Character Sketch
● Narrative Poetry tells a story in in verse form.
- Epic retells in a continuous narrative, the life and works of a heroic or mythological person
or a group of persons.
- Ballad is a songlike poem that tells a story which often deals with adventures or romance.
- Metrical tale relates real or imaginary events in simple straightforward language, from a
wide range of subjects, characters, life experiences, and emotional situations.
- Metrical romance is a long narrative poem that presents remote or imaginative incidents
rather than ordinary, realistic experiences.
● Lyrical poetry refers to poems that express the emotions, feelings, and observations of the
writers. Unlike a narrative poem, a lyric poem presents an experience or a single effect.
- Sonnet is a fourteen-line lyric poem focused on a single theme.
- Song is a lyric poem that is set to music and intended to be sung.
- Ode is a long formal lyric poem about death and reflects a serious theme.
- Elegy is a solemn and formal lyric poem about death.
- Events respond to natural scenes or consider serious human problems.
Activity 3: List down the title of a poem that you know which exemplifies each of the forms of poetry
described below.
Forms of Poetry
1. Sonnet
2. Song
3. Ode
4. Elegy
5. Epic
Drama is a story told in the format dialogue by performers before an audience. It includes television
plays, radio plays, and even movies. In drama, actors make a world come alive before an audience.
Like fiction, the elements of drama include character, setting, theme, and plot.
Forms of Drama
● Comedy is a type of drama that is humorous and has a happy ending
● Tragedy is a drama in which the main character, often a person of dignified or heroic stature,
suffers a downfall.
● Melodrama is a drama form that is full of exiting events and in which the characters and
emotions seem to be too exaggerated to be real.
● Farce is a funny play based on ridiculous and unlikely situations and events.
● Historical drama is a play that takes place in the past and is based on real events.
Activity 4: List down the title of a drama that you know which exemplifies each form of drama.
Forms of Drama
1. Comedy
2. Tragedy
3. Melodrama
4. Farce
5. Historical Drama
Literature is a way or means that takes you to different countries, different people, culture,
tradition, beliefs, religion, and history. These vicarious experiences will widen the knowledge of the
reader about life outside his or her own world.
It is a form of language that
has no formal metrical
It is writing that formulates a
concentrated and imaginative
awareness of a particular
experience, using language
chosen and arranged to create
a specific emotional response
through meaning, sound,
It is a type of narrative, usually
fictional, that is performed on
the stage or in a theatre before
an audience.
It involves acting out specific
roles and characters.
A. Individual task
- Create a calligram poem
Use the link in creating the poem: https://artsproutsart.com/how-to-create-calligram-poetrysurrealism-art-interdisciplinary-lesson-plan/
B. Group task
- Form a group with five members.
Create a digital portfolio. The digital portfolio featuring or showing the following genre of
literature: prose, poetry, and drama.