INTRO TO LITERATURE MATERIAL (SEMESTER 4) PROSE,POETRY, DRAMA BY : Dian Fadhilawati, M.Pd. Islamic University of Balitar (UNISBA) Blitar East Java Indonesia LITERATURE DEFINITIONS 14TH CENTURY Polite learning through reading. A man of literature or a man of letter = a man of wide reading, ”literacy” 18TH CENTURY Practice and profession of writing 19 TH CENTURY The high skills of writing in the special context of high imagination MODERN DEFINITION ROBERT FROST’S Performance in a word Language artistically used to achieve identifiable literary qualities and to convey meaningful messages Literary is characterized by beauty of expression form and by universality intellectual and emotional appeal THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING LITERATURE Reading /learning literature improves our Language proficiency Reading/learning literature enhances our understanding about culture of others. Reading/learning literature gives us a valuable chance to explore the nature of human being Reading /learning literature makes us human Reading or learning literature shapes our goal and values by clarifying our own identity both positively and negatively Reading/learning literature helps us grow personally and intellectually Etc. LITERATURE GENRES Made of dialog and set direction Designed to be performed Open form and close form Relies on imagery, figurative language and sounds Examples: Myths Fables Novels Short Stories Examples: News Reports Journals Articles Essays Textbooks Biographies Etc. DRAMA Drama is a story written to be performed by actors. Although a drama is meant to be performed, one can also read the script, or written version, and imagine the action. POETRY DEFINITION Poetry is language written with rhythm, figurative language, imagery, sound devices and emotionally charged language. KINDS OF POETRY/POEM Concrete poem Narrative Poem Lyric Poem PROSE DEFINITION KINDS OF PROSE PROSE is the ordinary form of written language. . o o Prose imitates the spoken language. Fiction Non Fiction KINDS OF POETRY CONCRETE POEMS o o Concrete Poem is one with a shape that suggests its subject. The poet arranges the letters, punctuation, and lines to create an image or picture, on the page. NARRATIVE POEM . o o Narrative Poem is a story told in verse. Narrative poems often have all the elements of short stories, including characters, conflict, and plot LYRIC POEM Lyric poem is a highly musical verse that expresses the observation and feelings of a single speaker. KINDS OF PROSE FICTION Examples: Short Stories Legend Fairy Tales Letters Folk Tales Memoirs Novels Short Stories Fables Myth Etc. NON FICTION Examples: Report Personal Narrative Memoirs Letter Article Journal Biographies ELEMENTS OF STORY ELEMENTS OF STORY INCLUDE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Setting Characters Plot Point of view Theme Image Symbol