History of GymnasticsTimeline 1793 : Johann Christoph Friedrich Gutsmuths,considered to be the great grandfather of gymnastics, published the first gymnastics textbook. 1811: The first gymnasium was opened by Friedrich udwig Jahn, the father ofgymnastics. 1881: The !ureau of the "uropean Gymnastics Federation, which would later become the#nternational Gymnastics Federation $F#G% was formed. 1896 : The first summer &lympics was held in 'thens and gymnastics e(ents were a partof the competition. 1928 : )omen were allowed to compete artistic gymnastics at the *+ 'msterdam. - ummer&lympics held in 1970 : /nited tates Gymnastics Federation, now known as / ' Gymnastics, wasformed. 1976: 0adia Comaneci recei(ed the first perfect score at the *+12 &lympics. 1984: 3hythmic gymnastics was added to the &lympics. 'lso 4ary ou 3etton becamethe first 'merican woman to win the &lympic all5around title. 1996 : The 4agnificent e(en, the *++2 / &lympic women6s gymnastics team, win the/ 6s first gold medal in the women6s team competition. The se(en members were hannon 4iller, 7omini8ue 4oceanu, 7omini8ue 7awes, 9erri trug, 'my Chow,'manda !orden and Jaycie helps. 1997 : F#G raised the age re8uirement for gymnasts to compete at senior5le(el gymnasticse(ents from *; to *2. Scribd Trusted by over 1 million members Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions! Start Free Trial Cancel Anytime. 1999 : Trampoline and Tumbling <oined / ' Gymnastics. 2000: Trampoline made its &lympic debut at the === &lympics. 2001 : 7ue to safety concerns, the >ault table replaced the (ault horse $basically a pommel horse with no handles% in gymnastics competition. 2002 : /nited tates ports 'crobatics $/ gymnastics discipline. '% merged with / ' Gymnastics making'cro the fifth 2004 : Carly atterson becomes the first 'merican woman to win the &lympic all5aroundtitle in a non5boycotted &lympics. 2006: F#G introduced a new scoring system for women6s artistic gymnastics. 0ow the maximum score is no longer a *=.=. The new scoring system has two separatescores added together5 a difficulty score, and an execution score. This scoring system isused at the "lite le(el in the / and in international competitions. 2012: The Fierce Fi(e win the / 6s second e(er gold medal in the women6s teamcompetition. The fi(e members of the team were Gabby 7ouglas, 4c9ayla 4aroney, 'ly3aisman, 9yla 3oss and Jordyn )eiber. 2013: Thegymnastics le(els changed from 2 compulsory le(els and ? optional le(els, to; compulsory le(els and ; optional le(els. 'lso in =*@ the Acel program becomes anational program. The Acel program is a great addition to the traditional Junior &lympic program due to its affordable competition experience and ability to retain athletes. <!-- border-color, width and height --> <table border="1" bordercolor="black" width="450" height="100"> <caption>Table 1 : Various tags of table</caption> <tr bgcolor="red" > <!-- row --> <th>Column 1</th> <!-- header --> <th>Column 2</th> <th>Column 3</th> </tr> <tr bgcolor="cyan"> <!-- background color --> <td>Data 1</td> <!-- data --> <td>Data 2</td> <td>Data 3</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#407138"> <!-- row --> <td colspan="2">New Data 1</td> <!-- column span --> <td>New Data 2</td> <!-- data --> </tr> </table> <!-- Text formatting --> <p>This is <b>bold</b> text</p> <p>This is <strike>striked</strike> text</p> <p>This is <sup>superscript</sup> Leo</p> <p>This is <sub>subscript</sub> text</p> <p>This is <i>Italic</sub> text</p> <p>This is <u>Underline</u> text</p> <p>This is <big>Big</sub> text</p> <p>This is <small>small</sub> text</p> <!-- Lists --> <!-- unordered list --> <ul> Unordered List <li>Pen</li> <li>Pencil</li> <li>Eraser</li> </ul> <ul type="circle"> Change bullets : 'square', 'circle' or 'disc' <li>Pen</li> <li>Pencil</li> <li>Eraser</li> </ul> <!-- ordered list --> <ol> Ordered List <li>Pen</li> <li>Pencil</li> <li>Eraser</li> </ol> <ol type='i'> Change style : 'i', 'I', '1', 'a' or 'A' <li>Pen</li> <li>Pencil</li> <li>Eraser</li> </ol> <ol type='i' start="5"> Start from 'v' <li>Pen</li> <li>Pencil</li> <li>Eraser</li> </ol> <!-- Definition list --> <dl> <dt> <h4>HTML Definition List</h4> </dt> <dd> HTML is easy </dd> <dd> HTML is good </dd> <dl>