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Gymnastics History Timeline: Key Events & Milestones

History of GymnasticsTimeline
: Johann Christoph Friedrich Gutsmuths,considered to be the great grandfather of gymnastics, published
the first gymnastics textbook.
The first gymnasium was opened by Friedrich udwig Jahn, the father ofgymnastics.
The !ureau of the "uropean Gymnastics Federation, which would later become the#nternational
Gymnastics Federation $F#G% was formed.
: The first summer &lympics was held in 'thens and gymnastics e(ents were a partof the competition.
: )omen were allowed to compete artistic gymnastics at the *+
ummer&lympics held in
: /nited
tates Gymnastics Federation, now known as /
' Gymnastics, wasformed.
0adia Comaneci recei(ed the first perfect score at the *+12 &lympics.
3hythmic gymnastics was added to the &lympics. 'lso 4ary ou 3etton becamethe first 'merican woman
to win the &lympic all5around title.
: The 4agnificent e(en, the *++2 / &lympic women6s gymnastics team, win the/ 6s first gold
medal in the women6s team competition. The se(en members were hannon 4iller, 7omini8ue
4oceanu, 7omini8ue 7awes, 9erri trug, 'my Chow,'manda !orden and Jaycie helps.
: F#G raised the age re8uirement for gymnasts to compete at senior5le(el gymnasticse(ents from *; to
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: Trampoline and Tumbling <oined /
' Gymnastics.
Trampoline made its &lympic debut at the
=== &lympics.
: 7ue to safety concerns, the >ault table replaced the (ault horse $basically a pommel horse with no
handles% in gymnastics competition.
: /nited tates ports 'crobatics $/
gymnastics discipline.
'% merged with /
' Gymnastics making'cro the fifth
: Carly atterson becomes the first 'merican woman to win the &lympic all5aroundtitle in a
non5boycotted &lympics.
F#G introduced a new scoring system for women6s artistic gymnastics. 0ow the maximum score is no
longer a *=.=. The new scoring system has two separatescores added together5 a difficulty score, and an
execution score. This scoring system isused at the "lite le(el in the / and in international competitions.
The Fierce Fi(e win the / 6s second e(er gold medal in the women6s teamcompetition. The fi(e
members of the team were Gabby 7ouglas, 4c9ayla 4aroney, 'ly3aisman, 9yla 3oss and Jordyn )eiber.
Thegymnastics le(els changed from 2 compulsory le(els and ? optional le(els, to; compulsory le(els and ;
optional le(els. 'lso in =*@ the Acel program becomes anational program. The Acel program is a great
addition to the traditional Junior &lympic program due to its affordable competition experience and
ability to retain athletes.
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