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SB911 2.0: Strength & Mass Workout Program

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SB911 2.0
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SB911 2.0
WEEKS 1-­‐3 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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1A. Horizontal Pull variation: 4 sets x 10-­‐12 reps 1B. Iso-­‐Hold YWT’s: 4 sets x 10-­‐20sec each position 2A. Lateral Raise variation: 3 sets x 10-­‐12 reps 2B. Shrug Variation: 3 sets x 30sec max reps 3A. Bicep Curl variation: 3 sets x 6-­‐10 reps 3B. Tricep Pushdown variation: 3 sets x 10-­‐15 reps (Light weight) 4. Barbell Bench variation: Perform 1-2 warm-up sets then 3 work sets of 5-7 reps,
followed by 2 drop-sets.
Drop-­‐set #1: After you complete your heaviest set, drop weight by 10% and perform another set of AMRAP. Drop-­‐set #2: Drop weight used in Dropset #1 by 10% and perform another set of AMRAP. Joint-­‐Friendly Variations -­‐ Push-­‐ups, Dumbbell Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Specialty Bars -­‐ Bamboo bar, Neutral Bar, Axle, Foam Roller Press, Board Press TUESDAY
1A. RKC Plank: 3 sets x 5-­‐8 reps* * 1 rep = 5-­‐10 sec. max tension, followed by 5 sec. "relaxed" (while remaining in the plank position) 1B. Side Plank: 3 sets x 15-­‐20 sec. / side 1C. Frog Pumps: 3 sets x 20 reps 2. Unilateral Lower variation: 3 sets* x 8-­‐10 reps each leg * If performing a sled dragging variation, go for 20-­‐30 yards each set. 3. Hip Extension variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 8-­‐12 reps (Favorites: Barbell or DB RDL's, Reverse Hyper, 45 deg. Back Raise) 4. Squat Variation: Perform 1-­‐2 warm-­‐up sets then 3 work sets of 5-­‐7 reps. After you complete your heaviest set, drop weight by 10% and perform another set of AMRAP. Joint-­‐Friendly Variations -­‐ Goblet Squats, Goblet Squats to Box, Landmine Squats Specialty Bars -­‐ Safety Squat Bar (SSB), Buffalo Bar, Giant Camber Bar Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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1. Eccentric Incline DB Bench Press – 6sec. lowering *Sets listed below are the WORK SETS. You may need to perform 1-­‐2 warm-­‐up sets beforehand. Week 1: 3 x 7 Week 2: 3 x 6 (Increase weight from Week 1) Week 3: 3 x 5 (Increase weight from Week 2) SB911 UPPER BODY CHALLENGE
2. Single-­‐Arm DB Floor Press: 1 set x MAX REPS / each arm * Dependent on your strength levels, utilize 30-­‐40% of your BW Example: 200lb bodyweight = 200 x 0.3 = 60lb dumbbell 3A. Vertical Pull Variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 8 – 12 reps 3B. Rear Delt Variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 10-­‐15 reps 4. Medial Delt or Trap Variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 8-­‐12 reps 5A. Empty Barbell Curls: 100 total reps* 5B. Band or Cable Tricep Pushdowns: 100 total reps* * Perform all reps with a controlled tempo. Try to complete the 100 total reps (for each exercise) in 4 supersets or less, resting as short as possible. FRIDAY
1. Eccentric Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats – 6sec. lowering * Sets listed below are the WORK SETS. You may need to perform 1-­‐3 warm-­‐up sets beforehand. Week 1: 3 x 6 Week 2: 3 x 5 (Increase weight from Week 1) Week 3: 3 x 4 (Increase weight from Week 2) 2. Barbell Hip Thrusts (Upper Back on Bench) OR Back Extensions*: 3-­‐4 sets x 6-­‐10 reps * Back Extensions – hold weight plate to add weight 3. Cossack Squats*: 2 sets x 8-­‐10 reps each side * Hold floor or bench in front of you, if needed. 4. Anti-­‐Rotation Alphabet w/ Band: 2 sets each side SB911 LOWER BODY CHALLENGE
5. Farmers Walks*: 1 set with 40-­‐50% of your BW in each hand. * Perform farmers walks walking back and forth in the area that you have at your gym for 1 minute total. Then hold dumbbells As Long As Possible (ALAP). Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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SB911 2.0
WEEKS 4-­‐6 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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MASS PHASE - Weeks 4-6
1. Diesel Back Attack*: Go through circuit 3X a. Prone Plate or DB Row ISO-­‐Hold: 3 sets x 30sec. b. Prone DB Rows: 3 sets x 15 reps c. Prone DB Rear Delt Flyes: 3 sets x 15-­‐20 reps *Perform this circuit (face down) on an incline or flat bench. 2. Partial Range Barbell Bench Press variation: Perform 2-­‐3 warm-­‐up sets then 4 work sets of 4-­‐6 reps, progressively increasing the weight each set. 3. Shoulder-Touch Push-ups*: 2 x AMRAP each arm
*Advanced lifters can place their working arm on a med ball (as opposed to the floor) 4. Medial Delt MASSacre: 2 sets a. Alternating ISO-­‐Hold Lateral Raises x 7 b. Seesaw Lateral Raises x 7 c. Lateral Raises x 7 d. L-­‐Lateral Raise + Long Lever Eccentric x 7 e. Bottom-­‐Half Lateral Raises x 7+ 5. Triceps Exercise (choice): 3-­‐4 sets x 8-­‐15 reps TUESDAY
1A. X-­‐Band Lateral Walks: 3 sets x 10 steps left, 10 steps right 1B. Banded TKE’s: 3 sets x 15 reps each leg 1C. Seated Leg Curls w/ band: 3 sets x 20 reps 2. Straight Bar Deadlifts from mats OR Trap Bar DL: Perform 2-­‐3 warm-­‐up sets then 4 work sets of 4-­‐6 reps. 3. Unilateral Lower variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 8-­‐10 reps each leg * If performing a sled dragging variation, go for 20-­‐30 yards each set. 4. Floor Circuit: Go through 3X
a. Blackburns (upper back) x 10 reps b. Hip Thrust Hold “Knee Flares” (band around thighs) x 35 reps c. McGill Curl-­‐ups x 10/10 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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1A. ISO-­‐Hold Flat DB Bench Press – 3sec. pause in bottom position *Sets listed below are the WORK SETS. You may need to perform 1-­‐2 warm-­‐up sets beforehand. Week 1: 3 x 7 Week 2: 3 x 6 (Increase weight from Week 1) Week 3: 3 x 5 (Increase weight from Week 2) 1B. Band Pull-Aparts: 3-5 sets x 15-20 reps
2A. Lat Pulldown variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 8 – 12 reps 2B. Overhead Press variation*: 3-­‐4 sets x 8 -­‐12 reps *Recommended: Half-­‐Kneeling Single Arm Bottoms-­‐Up Kettlebell OH Press, Neutral Bar OH Press, Chaos OH Press. 3. Bicep Curl 21’s (version 2.0): 3 sets* a. Zottman Curls x 7 reps b. Palms Up Curls x 7 reps c. Hammer Curls x 7 reps *Perform all 3 exercises (back-­‐to-­‐back) without resting between each movement. Use the same pair of dumbbells for all 3 exercises. SB911 UPPER BODY CHALLENGE
4. Push-up / T-Hold Combo - Ascending Ladder*: 1 set x max reps
* Start by performing 2 push-­‐ups followed by a 10-­‐second isometric “T-­‐hold”. Then perform 4 push-­‐ups followed by a 10-­‐second isometric “T-­‐hold”. Next perform 6 push-­‐ups followed by a 10-­‐second “T-­‐hold”… Continue increasing your push-­‐up reps by “two” followed by 10-­‐second T-­‐
holds. Keep performing these 2 movements, back-­‐to-­‐back with no rest, until you can no longer complete a push-­‐up or hold your arms in the “T” position. NOTE: If you’d like to get more volume in, rest 2-3 minutes after your set is completed and then
perform a second set of the “Push-up / T-Hold Challenge.
1. ISO-­‐Hold Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats – 3sec. pause in bottom position * Sets listed below are the WORK SETS. You may need to perform 1-­‐2 warm-­‐up sets beforehand. Week 1: 3 x 6 Week 2: 3 x 5 (Increase weight from Week 1) Week 3: 3 x 4 (Increase weight from Week 2) 2A. Posterior Chain variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 6-­‐10 reps 2B. Horizontal Row variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 12 -­‐ 15 reps SB911 LOWER BODY CHALLENGE 3. Goblet Squats with Release: 2 sets x 8-­‐12 reps followed by 1 set x 10 reps with 40% of BW 4. Core variation: 2-­‐3 sets Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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SB911 2.0
WEEKS 7-­‐9 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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POWER PHASE - Weeks 7-9
1. Barbell Bench Press Variation: Perform 3-­‐4 warm-­‐up sets then 3 work sets of 3-­‐5 reps, followed by the SB911 UPPER BODY CHALLENGE. SB911 UPPER BODY CHALLENGE After you complete your heaviest set, perform a set with your bodyweight on the bar for max reps. Example: If you weigh 200lbs, you will bench press a total of 200lbs (weight plates + weight of barbell = 200lbs) as many times as you can. 2. Push-­‐up or Dip Variation*: 3 sets x 8 -­‐ 15 reps * with extra weight if possible 3A. Horizontal Row Variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 8-­‐12 reps 3B. Face Pull variation: 3-­‐4 sets x 15-­‐20 reps 4. DeFranco Shoulder Shocker 4.0: 2 sets a. Seated Front Plate Raises x 8-­‐10 reps b. Seated Plate Figure 8's x 8-­‐10 reps c. Seated Plate Bus Drivers x 8-­‐10 reps d. Prone DB "Y" Raises x 8-­‐10 reps e. Prone DB "T" Raises x 8-­‐10 reps f. Prone DB Skiers x 8-­‐10 reps 5. Badass Biceps Builder 2.0: 2 sets a. 90-­‐Degree Close Grip Chin-­‐up ISO-­‐Hold x 10-­‐30 sec. b. Incline DB 1.5-­‐Rep Curls x 10 reps c. DB Hammer Curls x 10 reps Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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1. Barbell Squat or Deadlift Variation: Perform 3-4 warm-up sets then 3 work sets of
3-5 reps.
After you complete your top set, drop weight 10% and perform another set of AMRAP. (Focus on quality reps and do NOT let your back get out of position.) SB911 LOWER BODY CHALLENGE
2. Unilateral Loaded DB Reverse Lunge*: 2 sets x 8 reps/leg, 1 sets x AMRAP Set 1: 20% of bodyweight dumbbell weight x 8 reps/leg Set 2: 30% of bodyweight dumbbell weight x 8 reps/leg Set 3: 40% of bodyweight for dumbbell x AMRAP/leg (SB911 Challenge) * Hold dumbbell in same side hand of the trail leg. 3. Hip Dominant (Posterior Chain) Variation: 3-­‐4 sets of 8-­‐15 reps 4. Core Training Variation: 3 sets x 12 -­‐ 20 reps THURSDAY
1. Dynamic Upper Body Power Exercise * Choose either a Plyo Push-­‐up Variation (5-­‐8 sets of 3-­‐5 reps) or a Med Ball Throw Variation (Use a 5lb-­‐15lb med ball for 10-­‐15 total throws for distance). SB911 UPPER BODY CHALLENGE
2. Weighted Chin-­‐ups: 3 sets x 3-­‐5 reps*, 1 set x Max Reps (Bodyweight only) * Add weight with a weight vest, chains, bands, or dumbbells 3A. *Push-­‐up EQI at 90 deg. Arm Angle: 3 sets x ALAP 3B. Swiss Ball Squeezes: 3 sets x 20-­‐30 sec. 3C. Rear Delt Variation: 3 sets x 100 total reps (35, 35, 30) * Hand on neutral dumbbells 4. Tricep Pushdown variation: 100 total reps* * Perform AMRAP before resting. Focus on good quality repetitions and keep rest periods as short as possible. Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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1. Standing Box Jump
Week 1: 70% of Max Box Jump Height x 4 sets x 5 reps Week 2: 80% of Max Box Jump Height x 5 sets x 4 reps Week 3: 90% of Max Box Jump Height x 6 reps x 3 reps* * If you want to test above 90%, attempt on your 5th and 6th sets. 2A. Step-­‐ups with Slow Eccentric Lowering: 3-­‐4 sets x 6 reps 2B. Single-­‐Leg RDL Variation*: 3-­‐4 sets x 6 reps/leg * Band-­‐resisted, landmine, or dumbbell loaded ** 2A and 2B are done ONE leg first before repeating on opposite leg. For example, perform Step-­‐ups on right leg and then the right leg becomes the plant leg for the Single-­‐Leg RDL's. Then you will repeat on the opposite leg. That is one set. 3. HASD's or Prowler Push: 4-­‐5 sets x 20-­‐30 yards* * If you do not have a sled or prowler, perform “alternative” variation below: ALTERNATIVE 3. Forward / Backward, Stop-­‐and-­‐Go Farmers Walks: 3 sets * One rep equals walk 5-­‐10 yards, stop, and then walk 5-­‐10 yards backwards to the starting position. Perform 3-­‐5 reps each set. 4. Ground Based High Rep Core Circuit: 2-­‐3 sets x 15-­‐20 reps per exercise* * Pick your favorite 3 core exercises and perform a fast-­‐paced circuit with minimal rest between exercises. Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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SB911 2.0
WEEK 10 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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To optimize the deload week, and ensure you’re still getting a training effect, we lowered
the intensity (load) and volume (sets x reps) of each training session.
In the SB911 deload week, the goal will be to recover from the last brutal 9 weeks of
training and help to prepare you for the Week-11 testing week.
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DELOAD - Week 10
Upper Body Recovery
1A. Palms-In (Neutral Grip) DB Bench Press: 3 sets x 10 reps @ 60-70% effort
1B. Band Pull-Aparts: 3 sets x 20 reps
Original DeFranco Shoulder Shocker: 2 sets
a. DB Front Raise (thumbs up) x 8 reps
b. Lateral Raises x 8 reps
c. DB Clean & Press x 8 reps
3A. Bicep Curl variation: 3 x 10 reps
3B. Tricep Pushdown variation: 3 x 15 reps
Lower Body Recovery
1. CORE Circuit: 2 sets
Front Plank x 20sec
Side Plank x 20sec each side
Single Leg Glute Bridge (lying on floor) x 10 each leg
2A. Weighted Single Leg Calf Stretch*: 3 sets x 30-60sec each leg
* Hold a 30 or 40lb DB in the same side hand of the calf you’re stretching.
2B. Goblet “Spanish Squats” : 3 sets x 10-12 reps
2C. Band Pull-Aparts: 3 sets x 20 reps
3A. Goblet Cossack Squats: 3 sets x 5 reps each way
3B. Seated Leg Curls w/ band: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
Full Body Recovery
1A. Barbell Push-ups: 3 sets x 10-20 reps
1B. Bulgarian Split Squats (w/ FRONT foot elevated for added ROM): 3 sets of 5
reps each leg
1C. Band Pull-Aparts: 3 sets x 10 reps
1D. Band Dislocates: 3 sets x 5 reps
2A. Dumbbell RDL’s: 3 sets x 8 reps
2B. Horizontal Row variation: 3 sets x 12 reps
3A. Single Arm Shrug variation: 3 sets x 10 reps each side
3B. Concentration Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps each arm
3C. Band Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets x 10 reps (light to moderate band tension)
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SB911 2.0
WEEK 11 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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The goal of the SB911 Forever Strong testing week is to smash old PR’s in the gym and
to see how you improved on the athletic performance tests throughout the course of the
program. This is the week where you go for it!
To get ready for a big lift, it is critical that you warm-up thoroughly and prepare your
mind and body for the technique, positions, range of motion, and bracing you’ll need to
perform at your best for the barbell lifts and performance tests.
For this reason, we are providing two of our best upper and lower body warm-ups for the
upper and lower body testing days to ensure you are ready-to-go.
Also, the first training session of the week will be a neural-primer to prepare you for the
upper and lower body maximal efforts lead you into the two testing workouts.
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Monday: Full Body Neural Primer
Perform the following circuit for 4-6 rounds:
1A. Med Ball Slams: 3 reps
1B. Bench Plyo Push-ups: 4 reps
1C. Box (or Over Bench) Jumps: 5 jumps
Rest 10-20 seconds between each exercise
Rest for 5 deep breaths (approx. 3 sec inhale and 5 sec. exhale) between each
Box height should be at approximately 50-60% of your max box jump
2A. Band Pull Aparts: 3 sets x 20 reps
2B. Core Training Variation: 3 sets x 10-20 reps
3. Your favorite hip mobility drill: 3-5 min
4. Your favorite shoulder mobility drill: 3-5 min
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Tuesday or Wednesday:
Upper Body Testing:
Perform the following comprehensive warm-up prior to your upper body testing:
(Order of Testing)
Strength Test: ME Bench Press or ME Military Press
Performance Test #1: BW Bench press for reps
Performance Test #2: 3RM Chin-up
SB911 Upper Body Warm-up
General Movement / Dynamic Mobility / CNS Stimulation
1. SMR on Chest and Shoulders (various movement patterns) x 2-3 minutes
2. Side-to-Side Pec Stretch x 10 reps each side
3. Push-up Pluses (on Knees) x 10 reps
4. Push-up Pluses x 10 reps
5. Rotator Cuff Series - Iso-Holds - Y,W,T,I x 15 sec hold each
6. Rotator Cuff Y into Blackburns x 10 reps
7. Push-ups x 10 reps
8. Overhand Band Pull Aparts into Dislocates x 10 reps
9. Underhand Band Pull Aparts into Dislocates x 10 reps
10. Band Resisted External Rotations x 10 reps each arm
11. Med Ball Slams to Partner x 2-3 minutes
12. Med Ball Chest Passes to Partner x 2-3 minutes
Strength Test: ME Bench Press or ME Military Press
1. Bench Press or Military Press Testing
Set 1: Barbell Only x 20 reps
Set 2: 40% of 1RM x 6 reps
Set 3: 50% of 1RM x 4 reps
Set 4: 65% of 1RM x 2 reps
Set 5: 70% of 1RM x 2 reps
Set 6: 80% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 7: 87.5% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 8: 92.5% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 9: 97.5% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 10: Attempt new MAX
* We suggest going for a 5-10lb PR to start. If you crush that set, go for another attempt
at a heavier weight.
** If you’re attempting a 3-5RM, then follow the same warm-up progression and
percentages based on your original 3-5RM weights.
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Performance Test #1: BW Bench press for reps
After ME upper body testing, lower weight on the bar to bodyweight (weight plates + weight of
Set 1: AMRAP x bodyweight on the barbell
Performance Test #2: 3RM Chin-up
Perform the following circuit 2X
1A. Lat Pull Down Variation, 8-10 reps
1B. Face Pull Variation, 8-10 reps
1C. Eccentric Only Pull-up, 1 rep (10 sec. lowering
After the above circuit, work up to your heaviest 3RM on chin-ups
Set 1: 3 reps x 50% target of 3RM weight
Set 2: 3 reps x 75% target of 3RM weight
Set 3: 3 reps x MAX Weight
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Thursday or Friday:
Lower Body Testing:
Perform the following comprehensive warm-up prior to your lower body testing:
(Order of Testing)
Performance Test #1: Box Jump for Height
Strength Test: ME Squat or ME Deadlift
Performance Test #2: Bulgarian Split Squat 40% of BW for Max Reps
SB911 Lower Body Warm-up
General Movement / Dynamic Mobility / CNS Stimulation
1. Dynamic SMR on Lower Body x 1 min each leg
2. Double Band Traction Bear Squats x 10-20 reps
3. Goblet Squats x 10 reps
4. Goblet Squats with Prying x 10 reps
5. Rear Foot Elevated Hip Flexor Stretch x 1 minute each leg
6. Strider Stretch on Bench x 1 minute each leg
7. Hip External Rotator Stretch on Bench x 1 minute each leg
8. RKC Planks – Max Tension x 3 x 10 sec holds
9. Face Pulls x 2 sets x 10-15 reps
10. Flow: Squat->Inch Worm->Push--up->Striders x 3-5 Runs
11. Glute Bridges x 10 reps
12. Glute Bridges (with feet together) x 10 reps
13. Single-Leg Glute Bridges x 10 reps each leg
Strength Test #1: Box Jump for Height
Set 1: 5 jumps at 50% target box height
Set 2: 3 jumps at 75% target box height
Set 3: 3 jump attempts at goal MAX Height
Performance Test #1: ME Squat or ME Deadlift
1. Squat or Deadlift Testing
Set 1: Barbell Only x 20 reps
Set 2: 40% of 1RM x 6 reps
Set 3: 50% of 1RM x 4 reps
Set 4: 65% of 1RM x 2 reps
Set 5: 70% of 1RM x 2 reps
Set 6: 80% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 7: 87.5% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 8: 92.5% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 9: 97.5% of 1RM x 1 rep
Set 10: Attempt new MAX
* We suggest going for a 10-20lb PR to start. If you crush that set, go for another attempt
at a heavier weight.
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** If you’re attempting a 3-5RM, then follow the same warm-up progression and
percentages based on your original 3-5RM weights.
Performance Test #2: Bulgarian Split Squat 40% of BW for Max Reps
Set 1: 8 reps each leg x bodyweight only
Set 2: 8 reps each leg x 20% BW
Set 3: AMRAP x 40% BW
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FAQ #1
Q: During testing weeks, do we test a new lower body max for the squat or deadlift
and the military press or bench press for the upper body max?
If you did the program focusing on the squat, test your squat. If you focused on the
deadlift, test your deadlift. If you switched it up during the program, you can test both!
Because you have the option to choose one or the other, stick with whatever one you
chose throughout the 11 weeks. SB911 creates a new dynamic model for programming
that provides a more comprehensive adaptation profile for the lifter or athlete.
FAQ #2
Q: For the SB911 deload week, is it ok to add some light benching into the workouts
– maybe like a pause bench or something?
It would be best if you did the program as intended. I know it will be hard because you
will still feel charged up and not really tired when you leave each deload session — but
stick with it. You will be stronger during the testing week if you give your body a break
after 9 weeks of training.
FAQ #3:
Q: For the testing week, should we use the ramp up percentages for the weight we
want to hit or use our old PR’s weights?
Yes, when you’re preparing for your 1-5RM attempt, use your previous 1RM weights to
calculate the percentages for your ramp up weights.
FAQ #4:
Q: Can I still do the SB911 program if I can only lift 3X per week?
Although the SB911 program is a 4-day template, you can still get incredible results
training 3 days a week. We have 2 suggestions for you:
#1 – Cut out one of the lower body days. (We’ve experienced great results with many
programs that only consist of one lower body day. As long as you hit the legs hard on that
one day, you’ll still make gains.) If your main goal is to get stronger, then we recommend
doing the max effort Lower Body workout each week. On the other hand, if your main
focus is hypertrophy and overall fitness, then perform the 2nd lower body workout each
week. (If you’re going to perform the 2nd Lower Body workout, we suggest performing
it on Tuesday or Wednesday, as opposed to Friday.)
#2 – Spread each 3-week cycle out over the course of 4 weeks. Here’s an example of how
to do this with SB911 Weeks 1-3:
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Monday: Max-Effort Upper Body Workout #1
Wednesday: Max-Effort Lower Body Workout #1
Friday: Eccentric Upper Body Workout #1
Monday: Eccentric Lower Body Workout #1
Wednesday: Max-Effort Upper Body Workout #2
Friday: Max-Effort Lower Body Workout #2
Monday: Eccentric Upper Body Workout #2
Wednesday: Eccentric Lower Body Workout #2
Friday: Max-Effort Upper Body Workout #3
Monday: Max-Effort Lower Body Workout #3
Wednesday: Eccentric Upper Body Workout #3
Friday: Eccentric Lower Body Workout #3
FAQ #5:
Q: I find it odd that you guys started SB911 with a STRENGTH Phase (Weeks 1-3)
as opposed to a HYPERTROPHY Phase? Is this a typo? Don’t most programs start
with a hypertrophy phase, followed by a strength phase?
Great question.
Yes, most programs traditionally start with a hypertrophy phase. But, SB911 isn’t a
“traditional” program, so we decided to switch things up and start with a strength phase.
Here’s our rationale:
By building more strength during the first phase, you’ll be able to handle heavier weights
(for more reps) during the second phase. This is a great way to pack on muscle and build
confidence going into the power phase.
The results that our DeFranco Insider beta-testers achieved are proof that this unique
template works! We look forward to you seeing this for yourself.
FAQ #6:
Q: Should I do anything during the “off” days while on the SB911 program?
You don’t have to do anything on the “off” days, but it’s never a bad idea to get some
extra flexibility/mobility work in. Spending some extra time working on your “tight
spots” will pay huge dividends in your performance – as well as how you feel throughout the program.
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FAQ #7:
Q: What’s the deal with the “Neural Primer” workout on Monday during Week 11?
Shouldn’t I be testing on Monday, when I’m fresh and at my best? Won’t this
Neural Primer workout take away from my maxes later in the week?
We understand that our Testing Week isn’t organized like a typical Testing Week, but
there’s a reason. Experience has proven to us that athletes and lifters have a tendency to
be a little sluggish the first Monday following a deload week. Although they feel well
rested and refreshed, we’ve noticed the very first workout is never their best. (We’ve
noticed this with ourselves as well.) It’s usually the second or third workout where you
start to really see the benefits of the deload week. This is why/how we came up with the
“neural primer” workout. This workout allows you to “get back into it” by providing just
enough CNS stimulation to prime you for the rest of the week – without burning you out.
Simply put, the neural charge workout is your “slap in the face” to wake you up and
mentally prepare you for Testing Week!
FAQ #8
Q: If an exercise calls for 3 sets x 8 reps, do I use the same weight for each set or
increase the weight for each set?
You will ramp up slowly for each progressive set until the very last set you do, is the
heaviest weight you can do for the exercise and still get the required number of
repetitions - while maintaining good form and not performing any 'grinding' reps.
Example: Bench Press, 3 sets x 8 reps
If your goal is to perform 225 lbs for 8 reps on your max set, you should perform 2-3
ramp up sets prior to starting your main working sets of 3 sets x 8 reps, for example:
Ramp Up Set 1: Barbell-Only x 20 reps
Ramp Up Set 2: 135lbs x 10 reps
Ramp Up Set 3: 155lbs x 8 reps
Working Set 1: 185lbs x 8 reps
Working Set 2: 205lbs x 8 reps
Working Set 3: 225lbs x 8 reps (Max Set)
FAQ #9
Q: What's the best way to work up to your 5-7 Rep Max (RM) before performing
your all-out dropset??
Here is how to ramp up to your max 5-7 rep set and then perform your all-out dropset:
The goal is for you to ramp up your weights progressively in the main lift until you hit a
top end set of 5-7 reps. With this in mind, you should have a target approximate weight
that you are shooting for on that last heavy set. Once you perform the 5-7 rep max set,
pay attention to your strength levels. If you hit your target weight and reps easily, then
increase the weight 2.5% for the upper body exercise and 5% for the lower body exercise
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for the next week's workout. If the weight was too hard, then you should lower the weight
for the same percentages for the same workout the following week.
Here is one example of how you can slowly ramp up to your main workout set.
Perform 3-5 ramp up sets where you progressively increase the weights so that you're
hitting your heaviest weight on the last set for 5-7 reps.
Bench Press Example:
Ramp-up Set 1: 1 set x Barbell-only x 20 reps, rest 90 sec
Ramp-up Set 2: 1 set x 25% of your target 5-7RM x 10 reps, rest 90 sec
Ramp-up Set 3: 1 set x 50% of your target 5-7RM x 8 reps, rest 90 sec
Ramp-up Set 4: 1 set x 75% of your target 5-7RM x 8 reps, rest 90 sec
Main Working Set: 1 set x 5-7 rep max, rest 180 sec
Final Dropset (Lower Weight 10%): 1 set x AMRAP
Your ramp up set volume will depend on how you feel on that training day and how
much preparation you need to go all out on the last set. It is important to note that
advanced lifters will typically perform fewer repetitions on each ramp up set – typically
in the 3-5 rep range for each set – due to the heavier loads they will be utilizing.
After your main workout set, you will rest 180-240 sec before attempting your all-out
10% dropset for as many reps as possible (AMRAP).
FAQ #10
Q: For the Weeks 1-3 workouts, how do you perform the As Long As Possible
(ALAP) Bulgarian split squat iso-holds?
You would do all of your working sets first for both legs, then after the last set, rest 60
sec before dropping into a deep lunge position with the first leg you started with on the
working sets. Both legs should be at a 90-degree angle with your back knee hovering
right over the ground. Isometrically hold this position for as long as possible (ALAP)
before resting 60 seconds and repeating the ALAP effort with the second leg.
Bulgarian Split Squat Example:
Main Working Set 1: Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squat x 5 reps / leg, rest 90 sec
Main Working Set 2: Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squat x 5 reps / leg (increase weight
used in Set 1), rest 90 sec
Main Working Set 3: Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squat x 5 reps / leg (increase weight
used in Set 2), rest 30 sec
Final Set 4: Deep Lunge Iso-Hold for ALAP: Lower into bottom position of a lunge
without the back knee touching the ground and isometrically hold this position for as long
as possible. Rest 60 seconds before repeating with 2nd leg. If the iso-hold is too easy and
you're going forever, you can add additional weight by holding dumbbells in your hands.
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FAQ #11
Q: How long should each SB911 workout take?
Depending on your pacing and your work capacity, each SB911 workout typically takes
around 1 hour to 1 hr 15 minutes to complete.
FAQ #12
Q: Can I change the main exercise for the max effort workouts and the
supplemental exercises each week so I don't get bored?
We recommend that you keep the max effort exercise and the supplemental exercises the
same for the entire 3-week mini-cycle - then you can change it for the next mini-cycle. If
you change the exercises week-to-week or too frequently, you won't be able to track your
progress on the lifts or get the optimal adaptation you're trying to develop over the course
of the full 3-week mini-cycle.
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LUKE BROOKS Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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SB911 Nutrition fundamentals Theory: To become a strong bastard, you not only have to train like strong bastard – you have to eat like one too! But, that’s not permission to go eat everything in sight at your local fast food joint either. There is a lot of conflicting information available regarding the best way to structure a diet when fat loss or performance are the goals, so included in this manual are a few fundamental principles to follow that work well with SB911. They have been tried and tested by members of the DeFranco Insider and have been used to great effect by winners and finalists in previous SB911 competitions. Our bodies perform at their best when they have enough high quality nutrients available to fuel our planned activities. SB911 workouts are designed to optimally stimulate muscle gain and strength adaptions and require adequate levels of nutrition and hydration. This leads to our training days requiring a sensible carbohydrate and calorie intake to optimise our potential in the weight room. The SB911 programme is by its nature, a very demanding and intense activity for the human body to endure. Its blend of max effort, power, hypertrophy and endurance rep Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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ranges lead to a very glycolytic environment that requires ample fuelling to maximize performance and recovery. With this in mind, it is obviously beneficial to maximize carbohydrate intake on training days, even if fat loss is your main goal. With current diet trends lending themselves towards low carbs this may seem counterproductive to you, but here’s why it isn’t: Carbs fuel our workouts – Without enough carbohydrates before training, both anaerobic and lactic anaerobic performance suffers greatly, resulting in reduced weight on the bar and missed reps. Maximum performance = maximum growth stimulus – If we do not perform at our best, we do not get the most from our workouts. Using lighter weights and hitting fewer reps than we are capable of means the stimulus for growing new muscle, and retaining existing muscle is greatly reduced. Reduced growth stimulus = reduced metabolic rate – current research suggests that following an intense resistance training workout, our bodies metabolic rate is increased for 12-­‐24hours. This means we burn more calories simply sitting in front of the TV than if we had just done an hours plodding on the treadmill. However, if we do not have the energy to train at the required intensity to create this stimulus, we miss out on the added benefit Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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of an increased metabolic rate. On rest/active recovery days, we do not need as many carbohydrates or calories as training days and can employ a calorie deficit without it affecting performance or recovery. Calories and carbs are notably lower and starches are typically kept to a minimum. Rest/active recovery days are also where we like to focus on getting in plenty of micronutrients by eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables throughout the day. Fruits and vegetables are incidentally quite low calorie in relation to their volume, so you can eat plenty of them without overshooting your daily calories or macros. Starches are usually incorporated into the last meal of the day. This makes it possible to sit down and enjoy a good sized meal with our family or friends and makes diet adherence much more likely. Having carbs later on in the day also promotes REM sleep and keeps cortisol levels at bay, further aiding the recovery process. Method: So let’s establish your goals. Are you a skinny bastard wanting to gain as much mass as possible? Or, have you decided it’s about time you looked as good as you performed and lost a few pounds whilst gaining some extra muscle? When you have decided what Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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you want from the SB911 programme, weigh yourself in the morning after going to the bathroom, but before having breakfast or anything to drink. Take the reading in Kilograms and use the following formulas to work out your daily macro totals for each of the three phases of SB911 Maximum muscle gain: PH1 (Strength) Training days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.2 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 4.5 / Fat = BW in KG x 0.8 Rest days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.2 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 2.5 / Fat = BW in KG x 1.2 PH2 (Hypertrophy) Training days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.0 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 5.5 / Fat = BW in KG x 0.7 Rest days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.0 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 3 / Fat = BW in KG x 1.4 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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PH3 (Power) Training days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.5 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 4 / Fat = BW in KG x 1.5 Rest days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.5 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 2.5 / Fat = BW in KG x 1.5 Body Re-­‐composition/fat loss: PH1 (Strength) Training days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.5 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 3 / Fat = BW in KG x 0.8 Rest days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.5 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 1.2 / Fat = BW in KG x 1.2 PH2 (Hypertrophy) Training days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.2 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 3.5 / Fat = BW in KG x 0.7 Rest days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.2 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 1.5 / Fat = BW in KG x 1.0 Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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PH3 (Power) Training days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.5 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 2.0 / Fat = BW in KG x 0.7 Rest days: Protein = BW in KG x 2.5 / Carbohydrates = BW in KG x 1 / Fat = BW in KG x 0.8 Special considerations for those of you very over weight: If you are carrying a few more pounds than the average athlete and weigh over 110KG, have 20%+ bodyfat (male) or 30%+ bodyfat (female) then you are better off following a more simple calorie deficit formula for fat loss until you are ready to follow something more performance orientated. Take your bodyweight in lbs and multiply it by 12. This will give you a good starting point to base your daily calorie intake on. On training days split your macros as 33% protein, 33% carbs and 33% fat. On rest days have 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs. Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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Meal frequency & Macro timing: After you have worked out your daily macro allowance, it is up to you how you want to fit it into your daily schedule. A minimum of 3 meals a day is advisable, with 4 meals a day being a good middle ground for most. 5-­‐6 meals a day is better for those using the muscle gain formula who have a lot of carbs to fit in throughout the day. The best meal frequency is the one you’re most likely to stick to, so finding one that works for you is paramount. Nutrient timing, although not strictly essential, is still a factor in maximizing performance, recovery and fat loss. For those of you who have a few more pounds than most to shed, it can also be beneficial for body composition and fat loss goals. To utilise this, throughout the day meals comprised of lean protein, healthy fat sources, low GI carbs and fruits and vegetables are preferred. 1-­‐2 hours pre workout is where we go for a performance boost in the form of 20-­‐30% of daily Carb intake (and Coffee if you like a caffeine kick) The remaining 50-­‐70% of your daily carb intake is incorporated into your PWO and evening meals. Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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An example daily macro allocation for fat loss if you train in the evenings and eat 4 meals a day could look like this: Meal 1 -­‐ 25% of daily protein, 40% of daily fat, 5-­‐10% of daily carbs (from fruit/veg) Meal 2 -­‐ 25% of daily protein, 40% of daily fat, 5-­‐10% of daily carbs (from fruit/veg) Meal 3 -­‐ 25% of daily protein, 5% of daily fat, 30% of daily carbs (from starches) Meal 4 -­‐ 25% of daily protein, 5% of daily fat, 60% of daily carbs (from High GI and low GI sources) An example daily macro allocation for muscle gain if you train in the evenings and eat 5 meals a day could look like this: Meal 1 -­‐ 20% of daily protein, 25% of daily fat, 10% of daily carbs (from fruit/veg) Meal 2 -­‐ 20% of daily protein, 25% of daily fat, 20% of daily carbs (from fruit/veg/starches) Meal 3 -­‐ 20% of daily protein, 20% of daily fat, 20% of daily carbs (from starches) Meal 4 -­‐ 20% of daily protein, 20% of daily fat, 25% of daily carbs (from High GI and low GI sources) Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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Meal 5 -­‐ 20% of daily protein, 10% of daily fat, 25% of daily carbs (from veg/starches) Hopefully this guide will give you everything you need to design an effective nutrition program based on your individual goals and bodyweight. Together with the SB911 program you should have the ultimate tools to get you in the best shape of your life! Copyright 2018 and Beyond
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