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Prudence, Freedom & Filipino Values Worksheet

Second Quarter
Name: __________________________________________________ Strand & Gr. Level: ___________________
Every individual is concerned of his integrity and dignity. He demands respect over his decision
and indecision. He cannot be forced to want what others desired nor can’t he be compelled not to
desire what others want. In doing choices he is in the must to carefully exercise prudence as such
that it would not despoil his and that of others conscience.
Our regrets often result from failure to act prudently.
Prudence is a virtue that we practice with our intellect, and the choices we made with actions
infused with the pillars of our faith.
Our Environment has the notch to influence our lives, our choices.
Prudence is that virtue that leads us to discern these choices, we practice it with our intellect
infused by the guidance of faith and opted not to transgress our conscience and that of others.
With prudence, we discern what choices are right and wrong. It helps us to identify the best
course of action, in our life and choose the right way to pursue it.
 Behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences
 Behavior that operates upon the environment to produce consequences can be studied by
arranging environments in which specific consequences are contingent upon it.
 Behavior psychology is at fault for having over-analyzed the words reward and punishment
 There should be a balance in our relationship with others and the environment in our dealing
with our fellow human beings
 There should be strong and obvious temptation to blame the environment if they do not
conform to our expectation
 Feeling of freedom becomes an unreliable guide as soon as would be controllers turn to nonaversive measures
 Liberty consist in doing what one desires
 Issues are controllable
 Genetic defects cannot be change by punishment, but we can work through genetic
measures to operate a much longer time scale
 Redesign environment in order to make social environment as free as possible of aversive
 Life is full of paradoxes; nobody could nor should control it
 Defining or conceptualizing insist on regarding one aspect of life at the same time
disregarding the other
 A life that is concern with powers is the cause of despair
 Punishment is an educative measure
 Punishment is a means to the formation of motives
 Punishment is to prevent wrongdoer from repeating the act and to prevent others from
committing a similar act
 A person becomes responsible when he himself feels responsible
 Environment plays a significant role in our lives.
 The soul of every individual possesses the power of learning the truth and living in a society that
is in accordance to its nature.
 We are responsible, whether we admit it or not, for what is in the power to do until we attempt
 Human effort can re-determine the direction of events, even though it cannot determine the
conditions that make human effort possible.
 It is true we did not choose to be born, it is also true that most of us choose to keep on living.
 What we can make a difference, we are responsible for.
Below are circumstances we confront in our daily lives, write down the most prudent things to do
as much as you think it is;
Answer the question that follows.
How do prudent choices lead you to a better relationship with others?
A fundamental attribute of being human as entrenched in the human spirit is Freedom, to
understand freedom humanity cannot pursue it within the parameters of the physical or natural world
alone, it must order to the truth of The All Divine One.
To be free is part of our transcendence, it is going beyond situations such as physical or
economic, our dreams cannot be halt nor guaranteed by neither our economic progression nor our
physical outlook.
The need for critical thinking as a tool towards truth and freedom is a compulsion.
Choices have consequences and some things are given up while others are obtained in
making choices.
One innate value amongst Filipinos are Kagandahang loob, Kabutihang loob, kalooban and
utang na loob, A Filipino value that centers on one’s self sharing to others.
The freedom within the term ―loob, is essentially interpersonal social concept that put Filipinos
in touch with its fellow beings. It encompasses the ―give-and-take relationship among Filipinos; as
such repaying those who have helped us is a manifestation of ―utang na loob. It contends that
Filipinos are morally and intellectually disciplined from within, although transgressions over these
values emancipate freely.
Freedom of Choice and the consequences of their actions.
Freedom which can be understood in the act of choosing can never be compartmentalized
in the act of thinking. One must necessarily be conscious of his choosing and take its notch as his
responsibility, if not he be left to none but to an obvious quandary.
Filipino standards or values have its smidgen of either advances or impedes, the
consequences are all but a result of Filipino close knitted interpersonal relationship.
Below are some of Filipino values, fill in the possible consequences:
Filipino Values
Utang na loob
Kumpadre System
Respeto sa Nakatatanda
Ako ang Boss
ANSWER THIS: How these Filipino values promote or hinder freedom?
SCAFFOLD 1: Poem Analysis and Reflection
Direction: Read and analyze the poem. Write a 2-paragraph reflection paper regarding the content
of the poem. In writing, please include the ideas and philosophies of Wojtyla, Buber, Habermas and
Levinas on intersubjectivity and dialog to aid in your reflection. Write your reflection paper on a
separate sheet of long bond paper.
“No Man is an Island’
John Donne
No man is an island entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main;
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were,
as well as any manor of thy friend‘s
or of thine own were.
Any man‘s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Content (Relevance to the lesson)
Organization (clear and logical pattern)
Coherence and Cohesion (connection of ideas)
Language Use (choice of words)
Mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc.)
5 points
3 points
2 points
3 points
2 points
Total: 15 points
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