Zachary Taylor 12/6/16 Where Does Buffalo Wild Wings Stand? Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. (BWLD) owns, operates, and franchises fullservice, casual dining restaurants. BWLD features made-to-order menu items. It is best known for its Buffalo-style chicken wings, which are available in 21 different sauces. SMIF owns 59 shares of BWLD at an average value of $144.69. Currently priced at $152.26, the fund has earned a 5.23% return. BWLD usually experiences a seasonal upswing in sales during September thanks to the start of American Football season. BWLD has also decided to sell wings at a 50% discount to normal prices on Tuesdays to boost sales, a possible offset to the 2% reduction in same store sales over the last quarter. Comparable analysis began by sorting 13 comparable companies by: Expected Revenue Growth, Gross Profit Margin, EBITDA Margin, EBIT Margin, Operating Cash Flow Margin, and Free Cash Flow Margin. The list of comparable companies was reduced to five based on their relative similarities to BWLD. The five companies were: BJ’s Restaurants Inc. (BJRI), Cheesecake Factory Inc. (CAKE), Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. (CMG), Panera Bread Co. (PNRA), and Texas Roadhouse Inc. (TXRH). BWLD has excellent expected revenue growth relative to its peers, while exhibiting relatively average margins overall. Exp. Rev. Growth MCD -7% BOBE 1% YUM 1% BLMN 2% DRI 3% CBRL 3% CAKE 6% PNRA 8% RRGB 9% SBUX 10% TXRH 10% BJRI 10% CMG 13% Gross Profit Margin CBRL 15% BLMN 17% CMG 19% BOBE 19% TXRH 19% CAKE 20% BJRI 20% PNRA 21% DRI 22% BWLD 23% RRGB 23% EBITDA Margin BLMN 10% BOBE 10% RRGB 11% CMG 12% CBRL 12% CAKE 12% TXRH 13% BJRI 14% DRI 14% PNRA 15% BWLD 15% YUM MCD SBUX 27% 40% 60% Potential Comps? YUM SBUX MCD 23% 24% 37% EBIT Margin BOBE 5% BLMN 5% RRGB 5% BJRI 7% BWLD 8% CAKE 9% CMG 9% TXRH 9% PNRA 10% CBRL 10% DRI 10% YUM 17% SBUX 19% MCD 31% OCF Margin BOBE 6% CBRL 9% BLMN 9% RRGB 11% DRI 11% CAKE 12% PNRA 13% TXRH 13% BWLD 15% BJRI 15% YUM 16% CMG 17% SBUX 21% MCD 25% FCF Margin RRGB -4% BOBE 0% TXRH 4% BLMN 5% BJRI 5% CMG 5% PNRA 5% BWLD 6% CBRL 6% CAKE 6% DRI 8% YUM 9% SBUX 14% MCD 18% DRI MCD PNRA RRGB SBUX TXRH YUM 6 2 1 5 1 Comp Selection BJRI 6 BLMN BOBE CAKE CBRL CMG 1 0 4 3 5 4 0 BWLD 13% OCF exhibited the lowest volatility from our comparable firm metrics, and was chosen as the preferred value driver for our valuation using Price Multiples. Across all three measured periods, BWLD seems to be relatively undervalued. BWLD EPS Basic Before XO Book Value (Operating) Cash Flow Per Share Values (TTM) 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 $5.34 $5.74 $6.86 $33.61 $32.84 $33.24 $15.13 $15.46 $17.32 Estimated Price (TTM) BWLD $182.44 Firm Metric $15.13 Driver OCF Multiple 12.1 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 $178.91 $222.36 $15.46 $17.32 OCF OCF 11.6 12.8 Value Drivers Comps Multiples BJRI CAKE CMG PNRA TXRH Mean Median Inter Value % Change TTM P/Earnings P/Book Value P/(Operating) Cash Flow 19.58 2.87 6.70 19.27 4.04 9.11 60.69 8.36 28.10 31.48 13.20 14.41 25.55 4.17 12.06 31.31 6.53 14.07 25.55 4.17 12.06 28.43 5.35 13.07 18.40% 36.14% 14.31% 12/31/2016 P/Earnings P/Book Value P/(Operating) Cash Flow 20.53 2.86 6.96 18.17 3.86 8.98 113.02 7.65 40.20 31.24 12.40 15.83 23.90 4.07 11.57 41.37 6.17 16.71 23.90 4.07 11.57 32.63 5.12 14.14 42.23% 34.07% 30.74% 12/31/2017 P/Earnings P/Book Value P/(Operating) Cash Flow 17.76 2.47 6.27 16.75 3.55 8.37 41.62 7.16 25.19 26.85 9.77 15.21 20.84 3.74 12.84 24.77 5.34 13.57 20.84 3.74 12.84 22.80 4.54 13.21 15.85% 29.96% 5.42% Using Enterprise Value comparable measures we find conflicting results. EBITDA finds BWLD undervalued, Sales finds BWLD fairly valued, and EBIT finds BWLD overvalued. From BWLD's Enterprise Value Multiples from Comp Set EV/S EV/EBITDA EV/EBIT Mean 1.71 13.61 20.74 Current Valuations Median Average 1.55 1.63 12.18 12.89 17.75 19.25 Income Statement Sales (LTM) EBITDA (LTM) EBIT (LTM) $1,944.18 $297.81 $152.08 Enterprise Value Based on Comp EV Multiples Mean Median Average $3,330 $3,004 $3,167 $4,052 $3,628 $3,840 $3,154 $2,700 $2,927 Indirect Equity Valuation Indirect Equity Valuation Indirect Equity Valuation Enterprise Value to Equity Value Enterprise Value to Equity Value Enterprise Value to Equity Value Enterprise Value Estimated Mean Median Average From EBITDA Multiple $4,052 $3,628 $3,840 Less Debt $99 $99 $99 Less Preferred $0 $0 $0 Plus Cash $14 $14 $14 Eq Equity Value $3,967 $3,542 $3,755 Div. Num Diluted Shs 18.64 18.64 18.64 Eq Equity Per Share $212.85 $190.09 $201.47 Enterprise Value Estimated From Sales Multiple Less Debt Less Preferred Plus Cash Eq Equity Value Div. Num Diluted Shs Eq Equity Per Share Mean $3,330 $99 $0 $14 $3,245 18.64 $174.10 Median $3,004 $99 $0 $14 $2,918 18.64 $156.60 Average $3,167 $99 $0 $14 $3,081 18.64 $165.35 Enterprise Value Estimated Mean Median Average From EBIT Multiple $3,154 $2,700 $2,927 Less Debt $99 $99 $99 Less Preferred $0 $0 $0 Plus Cash $14 $14 $14 Eq Equity Value $3,069 $2,614 $2,842 Div. Num Diluted Shs 18.64 18.64 18.64 Eq Equity Per Share $164.69 $140.29 $152.49 Due to such conflicting results, a correlation matrix was constructed to find the strongest relationships exhibited by the relevant value drivers and company multiples. It was concluded that OCF Margin was the strongest value driver for both Price and EV multiples. Exp. Rev. Growth Gross Profit Margin EBITDA Margin EBIT Margin OCF Margin P/Earnings 0.739002266 -0.568276198 -0.438331441 0.200233442 0.778471641 P/Book Value 0.081189207 0.373371968 0.447271204 0.67246342 0.037018562 P/(Operating) Cash Flow 0.677304303 -0.584709218 -0.459069198 0.298042557 0.70135134 EV/S EV/EBITDA EV/EBIT 0.707604587 0.71538226 0.757071421 -0.49908093 -0.603512881 -0.523715959 FCF Margin -0.194889721 -0.028675579 -0.166766091 -0.335333006 0.342781124 0.690326721 -0.254542528 -0.4619985 0.272430788 0.7270126 -0.210020663 -0.372626655 0.222608071 0.773823976 -0.243983114 Multiple Value EPS EBIT Diluted Shares Price P/E 36.64596792 5.34 $ 195.69 EV/EBIT 23.66781286 152.078 18.636 $ 193.14 The above table shows the resulting prices when OCF Margin was plugged into the equations listed at the bottom of the two graphs below. When these equations were graphed below and current BWLD characteristics were applied, it was found that BWLD is indeed undervalued. My price target based on multiple relative value comparables is a HOLD at $175 - $195 per share because although BWLD is undervalued, the consumer discretionary sector as a whole is currently facing serious headwinds. After performing a relative valuation of Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. (BWLD) using comparables, a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis was performed to decide if a HOLD recommendation was justified. The DCF began by gathering historical values for Sales, EBITDA, Depreciation, Taxes, Capital Expenditures and Changes in Net Working Capital. Values were collected for BWLD and its most comparable peers (BJ’s Restaurants Inc. (BJRI) and Panera Bread Co. (PNRA)). Using the collected values, growth rate projections for each value could be made based on the past history of BWLD and its peers. Sales EBITDA Historical Percentages: BWLD Historical Percentages: BJRI Historical Percentages: PNRA 2013 2014 2015 Current 2013 2014 2015 Current 2013 2014 2015 Current 1,266.7 1,516.2 1,812.7 2,013.8 775.1 845.6 919.6 993.0 2385.0 2529.2 2681.6 2796.6 % Sales Growth 19.70% 19.56% 11.09% 9.10% 8.75% 7.98% 6.05% 6.03% 4.29% 189.1 237.7 273.5 EBITDA Margin 14.9% 15.7% 15.1% Depreciation/Amortization EBIT EBIT Margin Taxes 303.8 81.0 95.2 122.5 15.1% 10.5% 11.3% 13.3% 85.0 98.5 127.5 150.5 49.0 55.4 104.1 8.2% 139.2 9.2% 146.0 8.1% 153.3 7.6% 32.0 4.1% 39.8 63.1 4.7% 6.9% 30.0 41.4 41.3 Tax Rate 28.8% 29.7% 28.3% 59.4 42.1 4.0 8.9 16.8 27.5% 12.5% 22.4% 26.6% 125.5 417.1 399.9 397.9 12.6% 17.5% 15.8% 14.8% 63.3 106.5 407.7 14.6% 124.1 135.4 149.3 62.2 310.6 275.8 6.3% 13.0% 10.9% 262.5 9.8% 258.4 9.2% 16.6 116.6 98.0 87.2 26.7% 37.5% 35.5% 33.2% 86.2 33.4% EBIAT 74.1 97.8 104.7 111.2 28.0 30.9 46.3 45.6 194.0 177.8 175.3 172.2 Depreciation/Amortization D&A/Sales 85.0 6.7% 98.5 6.5% 127.5 7.0% 150.5 7.5% 49.0 6.3% 55.4 59.4 6.6% 6.5% 63.3 6.4% 106.5 4.5% 124.1 4.9% 135.4 5.0% 149.3 5.3% Less Capex (138.7) (137.5) (172.5) (159.4) (117.1) (88.1) (86.1) (112.0) (192.0) (224.2) (223.9) (212.1) Capex/Sales -10.9% -9.1% -9.5% -7.9% -15.1% -10.4% -9.4% -11.3% -8.1% -8.9% -8.3% -7.6% Less Increase in NWC NWC/Sales (11.7) -0.9% (9.5) -0.6% (1.2) -0.1% (13.7) (16.2) (5.4) (8.9) -0.7% -2.1% -0.6% -1.0% (13.7) (23.0) -1.4% -1.0% (5.9) (18.0) -0.2% -0.7% (24.6) -0.9% Growth rate estimates used for the DCF valuation are listed below; accompanied with reasoning: Operating Scenario % Sales Growth EBITDA Margin D&A/Sales EBIT Margin Tax Rate Unlevered Free Cash Flow Capex/Sales NWC/Sales Discounting of Annual Free Cash Flow Discount Period (Mid-Year Convention) WACC Terminal (Continuing) Value Multiple / GGM Exit Year EBITDA / FCF Exit Multiple / (r-g) Current 11.1% 15.1% 7.5% 7.6% 27.5% Current -7.9% -0.7% Current 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 9.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 14.0% 15.4% 15.6% 15.8% 16.0% 7.2% 7.4% 7.6% 7.8% 8.0% 6.8% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% 29.0% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 -7.7% -8.4% -8.6% -8.8% -9.0% -0.60% -0.40% -0.20% -0.10% 0.00% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% 8.1% Multiple GGM 468.9 145.4 10.6 3.1% Value Reasoning o Sales Growth – Sales growth is expected to slow in 2017 due to lower consumer demand, Sales growth will continue to decline towards mean sales growth rate of peers (5%) as company matures. o EBITDA Margin – EBITDA Margin will decline in 2017 due to BWLD’s use of discount prices to try to stimulate sales. Margins should recover to EBITDA Margin rate of peers (16%) as demand returns. o D&A & Capex/Sales – In order for a company to continue to grow, Capital Expenditures must outpace Depreciation. Capital Expenditures will decline in 2017 due to lower sales productivity. When demand returns, Capex will grow as a percentage of sales because increasing amounts of Capex will be needed to boost sales due to the declining marginal benefits of subsequent investments. Capex will continue to outpace depreciation by one percent of sales per year. o EBIT Margin - EBIT Margin will also decline in 2017 due to BWLD’s use of discount prices to try to stimulate sales. Margins should rebound to BWLD’s previous EBIT Margin rate (8%) as BWLD’s efficiency returns and discounts are no longer needed to support sales growth. o Tax Rate – The Tax Rate has been very consistent, so the average over the past four years was used as long-run estimate o NWC/Sales – Over time NWC usually averages out to zero, for this reason NWC slowly declines to zero. o WACC – Assumed that WACC will remain constant throughout life of BWLD. o Exit Multiple / (r-g) – Two types of terminal values were used to calculate the DCF value: Exit Multiple and Gordon Growth Model. The Exit Multiple method used an average EV/EBITDA ratio of BJRI & PNRA to calculate terminal value, while the Gordon Growth Model (GGM) used WACC (weighted average cost of capital) minus a perpetual growth rate of 5%( 5% was chosen as the long-term growth rate because it is the average revenue growth rate of all peers, and only slightly higher than the long-term growth rate of GDP (3%) which insinuates growth, but not excessive growth). The valuations resulting from the DCF analysis using an Exit Multiple approach for terminal value or a Gordon Growth Model were $202.80 and $192.90 respectively. Both price targets were very similar to the results generated using the comparables method of $175 - $195. In addition, a recent run-up in price has occurred subsequent to the comparables valuation. Based on the similarity to previous price targets and the reduced return expectations due to the aforementioned run-up, I continue to issue a HOLD recommendation for BWLD with a revised price target of $185 - $205. Enterprise Value Multiple GGM Cumulative Present Value of Unlevered FCFF 458.1 458.1 Present Value of Terminal Value 3359.3 3177.2 % of Enterprise Value 88.0% 87.4% Enterprise Value 3817.5 3635.3 Implied Equity Value Enterprise Value 3817.5 3635.3 Total Debt (100.7) (100.7) Preferred Stock 0.0 0.0 Non-Controlling Interest 0.0 0.0 Cash and Cash Equivalents 14.8 14.8 Implied Equity Value (Market Cap) 3731.6 3549.4 Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding 18.4 18.4 Implied Price Per Share 202.80 192.90