HOW TO MARK A READING 1. Underline sentences that reveal crucial information, main points, conclusions, etc. Be discriminating! Imagine that the sentences you underline will be the only items used in writing a summary; this way you will be more selective. 2. Make notes in the margins as you react to passages. Respond to the author with your own comments. 3. Place a question mark in the margin to indicate something you didn’t understand. Then, when the teacher reviews the reading, you’re ready with questions. 4. Put an exclamation mark in the margin to indicate something that surprised you or you found to be unusual. 5. Use a star to denote a recurring idea. 6. Use a check mark to indicate a fact or statistic you want to remember. 7. Put a smiley face next to something you agree with. 8. Put a frowning face next to something you disagree with. 9. Circle key words. 10. Put a square around words you don’t know. Then you can go back and jot a quick definition in the margin, especially if the word is critical to your understanding of the passage. Or at least, you can ask your teacher the definition!