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Sales Call Preparation: Questions, Listening, and Praising

Explain the Key Elements to Address before a Sales Call.
Before making a sales call, a salesperson is advised to carry out a one minute sales rehearsal. The
first step usually entails creating a mental picture of what will happen before it happens. At this
point, it is usually advisable to focus on a positive mental picture instead of thinking of what
might go wrong. A salesperson is advised to see the entire encounter running smoothly from the
beginning to the end. It usually entails walking in the buyer’s shoes as this helps the salesperson
understand the buyer’s problems and needs. The next step entails identifying how your product’s
features combine to solve these problems, therefore the salesperson has to know the features of
his product well before a sales call.
It is also important to make your objectives very clear before making a sales call. Preparing and
writing down specific and targeted questions that are relevant to the potential buyer’s business,
industry, personal needs or buying patterns helps in defining this objectives.
Lastly, it is usually important for the salesperson to visualize success, he should be able to
envision the buyer using the product and benefitting from it. This gives both the buyer and
salesperson the sense of a happy ending.
Explain the importance of preparing and asking the right Questions during a sales call.
Asking the right questions and attentively listening to the answers of those questions is very
important for a variety of reasons. By asking the right questions, you are able to discover the
buyer’s buying process. These questions helps a sales person acquire vital information that helps
him understand the needs, desires and expectations of the buyer. In order to provide a solution
for their problems, one needs to understand the full picture of what their problems are. Once you
identify the needs of the prospect, it becomes easier to point out the features of your product that
will solve their problems.
Well-structured questions also helps in rapport building as they get the buyer talking more about
themselves and therefore helps the salesperson to create a relationship built on trust with them.
Right questions also helps to distinguish between what the buyer has and what he really wants. It
is always advisable for salespeople to find a need instead of creating a need.
Carrying out research about the prospective buyer helps a salesperson to avoid asking the buyer
questions about readily available information. It equips the salesperson with relevant and
meaningful questions. If you do not ask the right questions, you run the risk of boring the buyer
hence negative results.
Describe and explain the difference between active listening and just talking.
The one minute Salesperson advices that is usually important to listen 80 percent of the time and
talk only 20 percent of the time. Active listening is very important for sales representative as it
gives them the opportunity to build rapport, discover the buyer’s needs and also lets them know
that they understand their problems.
Many salespeople usually make the mistake of waiting for their turn to talk or maybe thinking of
what they will say next instead of truly and actively listening to the buyer. By actively listening
to the buyer, a salesperson is able to understand the prospect’s problems and is able to put
himself in the buyer’s shoes. This type of listening helps a lot as it encourages the buyer to open
up more and therefore creates trust and commitment.
Talking a lot without listening destroys the relationship between the salesperson and the prospect
as it makes the salesperson to prescribe to the buyer what he thinks he wants instead of what the
buyer really needs. Active listening on the other hand helps the buyer to feel comfortable sharing
information which will present an opportunity for the salesperson to understand the buyer’s real
To the buyer, a sales person who talks too much demonstrates to them that working with such a
person is not suitable to their interests and therefore makes them doubt whether the salesperson
can be regarded as a trusted advisor. A good listener on the other hand is able to demonstrate that
he has an interest in understanding the prospect’s needs and therefore is preferred by the buyer.
Give examples of how you can demonstrate to the other person that you are Actively
Examples of active listening can be broken down into two categories namely verbal active
listening skills and non-verbal listening skills.
Examples of verbal active listening skills include; Paraphrasing and summarizing the main
points of the prospect to show that you fully understand what he or she means; Asking them
open-ended questions in order to show them that you understand the essence of what they are
saying, these questions also guides them into sharing additional information; Using short verbal
affirmations such as, I agree, I see, I understand, as this helps the person speaking to know that
you are engaged and listening to what they are saying; Displaying Empathy as it helps the
prospect understand that you recognize their emotions and share their feelings; and often
recalling previously shared information as it shows that you are not only listening to what they
are currently saying, but you are able to retain information and recall specific details.
Examples on non-verbal active listening skills include; offering few simple nods to show the
person that you are listening; Smiling when appropriate as it encourages the person to continue
speaking; being still and avoiding distractive movements such as glancing at your phone or
watch or even tapping a pen; and maintaining eye contact.
After the Sales call, what do you think of the concept of using One Minute Praising? What
does the Author say that will lead to?
The concept of using One Minute Praising is proving to be very effective and a sure avenue to
making more sales in the future. This concept usually entails praising the buyer for their decision
to buy from you. It is usually involves asking them how well the product is working for them and
how it makes them feel. Most sales people do not make follow ups after a sale because they are
afraid that the buyer may have experienced a problem using their product and they therefore
want to avoid this conversations, they simply do not want to hear bad news. As for me, I think
One minute Praising is important as it shows that you are genuinely interested in helping the
buyer overcome his problems and that you are happy the product you sold him successfully
satisfied his needs. It also involves doing something beyond what the buyer expected.
The author points out that One Minute Praising lead to major advantages namely Referrals and
Repeat business. The buyers feel happy and trust you simply because you reached out to them
and praised them for buying your product. This in turn translate into them telling their family and
friends about you and your products which leads to referrals and eventual increase in sales. The
buyer is also more likely to purchase a product from you in future hence repeat business.