Date: Teacher: Eugeniu Ursu Institution: Theoretical Lyceum A.Mateevici”, Cainari Form: 8th A Topic: Initial Test Textbook: English Level 1.1 2th form Type of the Lesson: Verification and control of knowledge Time: 45 minutes Sub-competences: 1.3. Discrimination of simple language-specific grammatical and syntactic structures in messages on current topics 1.6. Application of syntactic and grammatical rules studied in common messages 3.5. Comparative use of grammatical structures and fixed expressions to produce oral/ written/ online messages Operational Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to: to evaluate the learned material of the past year Lesson Scenario No Subcompetences Stages of the Learning Activities Lesson Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity The students greet the teacher and prepare for the test. Methods and Techniques Greetings Preparation Explanation Resource s Time Evaluation 2 min Whole class 1. Evocation The teacher greets the students. He distributes the test-papers and explains the tasks. 2. Written Assessment Teacher’s Observation. Students write the test. Indirect Assessment Testpapers, pencils 42 min Whole class 3. Reflection Teacher collects the test-papers. Students submit their papers. Collective feed-back Testpapers 1 min Whole class