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Architectural Building Design Group Report

Group Report
Model 1 – Design Description
• Located in Broadbeach Qld
• 3 Storey office building with an underground
carpark. The building has catered to 30
individual offices spread out on level 1 , 2 & 3.
The Main materials chosen were –
• Concrete- beams, floor, structural walls,
columns. This material was chosen for its
strength, versatility and durability
• The material selection of the curtain wall
façade featured throughout this model
was chosen to accommodate for the
views of Gold Coast and have an open
space working environment for the
workers by using the natural lighting.
Level 1
• 250mm thick concrete slab which will be the
foundation slab of the building.
• The exterior walls on all sides will be
600mm thick precast concrete slabs. The
Structural core will start from Level 1and
connect to the roof.
• Level 1 will have on entrance/exit on the
front entrance doors, elevators, and stairs to
access all other levels.
Level 1 is 800m2 the including structural
core. A service area is included for
deliveries to be made at the office.
Level 2 & 3
• Level 1 and 2 are the office areas. The floor is 250mm
polished concrete supported by a beam system and
structural columns.
• cater for 50 office workers. There are14 office spaces
each level.
• The layout was kept simple with office running along
the exterior of the level, so each office had a window.
• Each level has a kitchenette for staff, print and storage
room, and conference rooms for meetings.
• Each internal wall is insulated and sheeted with
10mm Gyproc. The insulation acts as an additional
acoustic barrier in each room as well as with reducing
loss of heating and cooling throughout the office
• The angle of the roof is flat and
waterproofed to ensure there will be no
leaking issues.
• The current roof will have a structural
support system like each level, and it will
be concrete. This flat roof will reduce the
apparent mass of the office building and
providing easily accessible space for
services, such as HVAC plant, future solar
panels, and solar thermal tubes.
Synchro Pro
Clash Detection
Model 2 – Design
• Located in Broadbeach Qld
• 3 Storey office building with an underground carpark.
The building has catered to 26 individual offices spread
out on level 1 & 2. The Main materials chosen were –
• Concrete- beams, floor, structural walls, columns.
This material was chosen for its strength,
versatility and durability
• Curtain façade – This allows natural lighting
throughout the building, giving it a more open
look and fitted in with surrounding building styles
• Colour Bond Sheets – Roof and Structural core
faced this was chosen for its durability,
sustainability as it is 100 recyclable. The sheets
also have solar reflected technology allowing it to
keep the building cooler
Ground Level
Level 1 & 2
Synchro Pro
Clash Detection
Energy Simulation
Improvement Category
Structural Core
The toilets in the basement carpark aren’t necessary needed. This
space could be used for water tanks and rainwater recycling tanks to
provide office with water
Cost – reduces cost of water. Initial increase cost for supply and install
of tanks
Sustainability – Tanks allow for water recycling
Time – no impact time as all plumbing connections is in the structural
The roof space is currently an empty space that could be utilised. It
can potentially be used as a rooftop with public access with seating
and garden area or designed with the ability to add extra floors.
Cost – design change will incur extra cost. The overall roof cost will
increase as the structural system will need to change to hold load.
Sustainability - The garden will make it more eco friendly
Time – The time of the construction will increase as it will be a new
floor added
Installation of solar systems and changing orientation of building to
allow longer exposure to sun for panels
Cost – Initial cost will increase as more expensive equipment will be
required. However, over lifecycle it will reduce cost of energy and
increase building energy rating.
Time – Will create extra time for construction
Sustainability – will increase buildings energy rating having a positive
impact on sustainability
Model Design
• Situated in Broadbeach,
• 3 Storey office building
• Isolated Footings
Ground Level
Level One
and Two
Synchro Pro | Work Schedule | Labour and Materials
Clash Detection Matrix
Clash Detection Test
Energy Simulation
• Solar Utilities
• Window Shades
• HVAC Systems
• Cost – Project incurs
a greater cost
in construction,
however, saves energy
cost during operation phase.
• Sustainability- Increase green
star rating and energy
• Time – Small addition to
project lifecycle.
• Clash Detection Matrix
• Synchro Pro
• Energy Simulations