Uploaded by Lester Bañares

Student Moral Dilemmas: An Essay on Ethical Decision-Making

Everyday we are tested as individuals to make the right choice. How we view ourselves as
individuals and how others view us are directly correlated to our moral decision-making. But
morals are somewhat misleading. What might be a wrong decision for one person might be a
solution to another. So how do we define morals?. I believe that our moral decision-making comes
from our upbringing of what is right or wrong. The world faces many different moral dilemmas day
in and day out, some may affect us individually some may affect us as a whole and some may be
irrelevant to us in general. However, it all leads to us having our own opinions to each situation.
As a student, we are forced to accept the inevitability of being unwillingly confronted with situations
that test the strength of our morality and character. In the midst of deep moral conflict we become
immensely introspective and we follow our intuition with the hopes of it guiding us towards the
morally correct decision.