MORA L RYAN JAVIER CUMBE ETHICS INSTRUCTOR DILEMMA????? it is a situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options, neither of which is acceptable. When dilemmas involve human actions which have moral implications, they are called ethical or moral dilemmas. Moral dilemmas ■are situations where persons, who are called “moral agent s” in ethics, are forced to choose between two or more conflicting options, neither of which resolves the situation in a morally acceptable manner. Moral dilemmas ■are situations where persons, who are called “moral agent s” in ethics, are forced to choose between two or more conflicting options, neither of which resolves the situation in a morally acceptable manner. In moral dilemmas, the moral agent “seems fated to commit something wrong, which implies that he/she bound to morally fail because in one way or another he/she will fail to do something which he/she ought to do. In other words, by choosing one of the possible moral requirements, the person also fails on others.” - BenjiemenLabastin CONDITIONS TO BE CALLED A MORAL DILEMMA a)The person or the agent of a moral action is obliged to make decision about which course of action is best; CONDITIONS TO BE CALLED A MORAL DILEMMA b) There must be different courses of action to choose from; CONDITIONS TO BE CALLED A MORAL DILEMMA c) no matter which course of action the moral agent chooses, there is always that moral principle that is compromised. 1ST LEVEL INDIVIDUAL a person, or an individual, has two or more moral values to consider, he or she can choose one only, and choosing one or the other will not solve the problem in a moral way LEVELS OF MORAL DILEMMA 2ND LEVEL ORGANIZATIONAL can take many forms and these are the moral problems in the workplace LEVELS OF MORAL DILEMMA 3RD LEVEL STRUCTURAL refer to moral predicaments in public administration LEVELS OF MORAL DILEMMA EPISTEMICMORAL DILEMMAS Therearetwoormorerequirementsthatconflictwitheachother; Themoralagenthardly knowswhichonetakesprecedenceovertheother TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA ONTOLOGICAL MORAL DILEMMAS Therearetwoor morerequirementsthatconflictwitheachother, yet neitheroftheseconflictingmoralrequirementsoverrideseachother. TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA SELF-IMPOSED MORAL DILEMMA Causedbythemoralagent’swrongdoings TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA WORLD-IMPOSED MORAL DILEMMA Certain eventsin theworldplacethemoralagentin asituationof moralconflict - WilliamStyron TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA OBLIGATION DILEMMAS Morethanonefeasible actionis obligatory PROHIBITIONDILEMMAS All feasible actionsareforbidden TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA SINGLE AGENT DILEMMA The agent “ought, all things considered, to do X, ought, all things considered,todoY, andhecannotdoboth X andY. TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA MULTI-PERSONDILEMMA Oneagent,R1, oughttodoX, asecondagent,R2, oughttodoY, andthougheachagentcan dothatheoughttodo,it is notpossiblebothforR1todoX andR2todoY. Themulti-persondilemmarequiresmorethanchoosingwhatis right; it is alsoentailsthat thepersonsinvolvedreachedageneralconsensus. TYPES OF MORAL DILEMMA STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT - Kohlberg’s STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT - Kohlberg’s STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT - Kohlberg’s