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Effective Communication Principles

General Principles of Effective Communication
1.Know your purpose.
- The better your purpose is understood, the more relevant your message will be. In the broadest sense,
a speech aims to persuade, inform, inspire, or entertain. Your intention will be the lodestar of your
remarks during your speech. You will be more successful in a speech if you can concentrate on a single
point, especially during your oration. Ensure that your core message will ultimately resonates with your
2.Know your audience.
- Knowing your audience will assist you in determining what you should be concerned with. The more
you know about your audience, the better you can speak to them and the more convincing your
message will be. Having a clear understanding of your audience in mind involves understanding others,
finding out if they grasp your experiences and words, and conceptualizations, or verifying the frames of
3.Know your topic
- Before you know what you're going to say, make sure you understand and have plenty of data about
your subject. If you know little to nothing about your topic and expect the audience to know even
less.you will be useless.
4.Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation.
5.Work on the feedback given you.
- While giving useful feedback is advantageous to the person doing the feedback, received well, and
helpful to the rest of the group, receiving it is even better. Feedback is frequently misinterpreted as
criticism. This type of feedback is in fact the most constructive that can help with formulating better
decisions and improving performance.
Principles of Effective Oral Communication
1. The primary purpose of communicating with other people is for us to convey information or
messages. In every conversation, there are different purposes depending on the circumstances. In
communicating, it is important that we stick to our purpose, we convey the message in a straight to the
point manner because if we keep on saying or talking about things that are not aligned to what our
purpose is, then the conversation would be meaningless because aside from the fact that you weren't
able to achieve your goal, the listener or the other party might as well didn't get what you're supposed
to say. When you communicate, it is important that it is not just through bubbly words but most
importantly, you know it by heart, you know the very reason why you're having a conversation with that
particular person. And for me, that is way more significant because communication is one way of
connecting to the person's soul, to the person's heart, to the person's being.
2. In our world today where fake news becomes rampant, it is very vital that the information we
disseminate is authentic and credible. There's a need for us to know where that information came from,
does it come from a reliable source? Is it timely? Is it good for the people who can hear or read it? It is a
necessity to make sure that everything we say is true, the message is complete because if not, then it
can probably cause chaos, misunderstanding, conflicts and the like. If you're the one who's to tell
another person a story or a news, you have to make sure that it is something that can cause positivity to
them and if not, you must see to it that you deliver it in a proper way, in a way that they can understand
it without hesitations. Always make sure that you check the sources, that to disseminate facts because
one of the major problems our world is facing today is the issue of spreading fake news which clearly
brings nothing good to our community. If others can't do it, then make sure you can do it. Be an agent of
change. Be an agent of hope.
3. The choice of words in making a conversation or even with our paper works is important. It plays a
huge role of how our outputs or conversation will look like. Some people tend to use flowery words,
jargons, or even complicated words because whether you believe it or not, some of them do it to look
intelligent in the eyes of others. But honestly speaking, it is more important to be wise in using the
words in communicating with other people because no matter how flowery the words are, how
complicated it is, if the receiver of the message didn't understand it, then, it will be useless. It is better
to keep it simple as long as it is understandable because the essence of the message will be destroyed if
we will make use of the words which doesn't fit to the purpose, to the situation. Being intelligent isn't
based on how flowery the words you use in communicating, but it is with your heart, your desire to
make other people understand about the things, the message you are trying to say.
4. Being true to our self while having a conversation with other people or no matter what situation we
are in is a power. Gestures, body language, facial expressions, tone of the voice etc. are the things we
need to consider when communicating with other people. It is because our effectivity as speakers also
depends on our energy, emotions or ways of delivering the message. It is a must that in communicating,
we are just natural, we stay who we are, what we are, it is vital not to pretend to be someone whom are
not. We exert the appropriate amount of voice, expressions, and the like. We also need to make sure
that we do not exaggerate things because we will look fool, presumptuous to others if we keep on
exaggerating things even if we must not. We must feel the confidence within ourselves even if we are
not that definite about the things we do because in order to become an effective speaker we must first
believe in ourselves, in our capabilities because through that, people will be able to appreciate us for we
are and that feeling is a gem.
5. Feedbacks are important in communication, because through feedbacks we will be able to determine
the reactions or how does the receiver absorb the messages. And in giving feedbacks, it is a must that
we are specific with every details that we say because one of the purposes of giving feedbacks is to
clarify the things which are not clearly stated and to be able to share one's ideas about the
communication, presentation etc. that happened. And if you are asked to give a feedback you need to
make sure that it is timely, if you are asked to give a feedback the next day, you must see to it that you
give it the next day not next week or next year because the essence of the feedback is not there
anymore. The other party could no longer use it for improvements or references. That is why we need to
value time in all aspects of our lives because as cliché as it is, time is gold.