Date of issue: 09 August 2022 Shubham Bhavesh Vora 57 Lukis Ave WILLIAMS LANDING 3027 Driver licence/permit number: 02475574 NOTIFICATION OF DEMERIT POINTS You have incurred demerit points for the below offence(s). This letter is to advise you that, if you keep incurring demerit points, you might reach or exceed the demerit point limit and face having your driver licence/learner permit suspended for at least three months. What happens if I get too many demerit points? The demerit point limit is 12 points within any three-year period (and, for probationary or learner drivers, five points within any 12-month period). If you reach or exceed the demerit point limit, VicRoads may suspend your driver licence and learner permits for the period of three or more months depending on the number of points. Probationary drivers who have their licence suspended for accumulation of demerit points have their probationary period extended by the suspension period. Visit for more information about this. Infringement enquiries To enquire about any of the below infringements which have a Traffic Infringement Notice (T.I.N) number listed, please contact Fines Victoria on (03) 9200 8111, or write to GPO Box 1916, Melbourne 3001. To view the road safety camera image online visit Relevant legislation The Road Safety Act 1986 and the Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations 2019. Offence date Offence code T.I.N number Points Infringement description 06 May 2022 1926 0225764707 1 EXCEED SPEED LIMIT BY LESS THAN 10 KM/H 15 November 2020 1926 0223416754 1 EXCEED SPEED LIMIT BY LESS THAN 10 KM/H 11 August 2020 1926 0222968752 1 EXCEED SPEED LIMIT BY LESS THAN 10 KM/H VicRoads ABN 61 760 960 480