Uploaded by Jheber Sambilad

Gardening Tools and Their Uses

Bolo is used for is clearing
vegetation, whether for
agriculture or during trail
Crowbar is used for
digging big holes and for
digging out big stones and
Pick – mattock used for
digging up hard soil and
rock, and an adze, which
can be used for cutting
through roots.
Grab-hoe is used to cut into the
soil to chop a weed below ground
level and, when pulling or lifting
the shaft, to turn over the soil
around the roots.
Spade used for digging
straight-edged holes or
trenches, slicing and lifting
sod, and edging flower
beds or lawns.
Shovel is used to dig as
well as to move loose,
granular materials (like
dirt, gravel, grain, or snow)
from one spot to another.
Rake is used for scooping,
scraping, gathering, or
leveling materials, such as
soil, mulch, or leaves
Spading fork is used to loosen
soil all around a perennial so it
lifts gently and intact, ready to
carry elsewhere to replant or
Light Hoe is used for
removing weeds and
loosening soil in vegetable
bed and under plants.
Hand trowel is used for
digging, applying,
smoothing, or moving
small amounts of viscous
or particulate material.
Hand cultivator is
used to work the
soil and remove
weeds by hand.
Hand fork is used to
remove weeds, prepare
planting holes and tidy the
soil level around border