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Island Biogeography & Experimental Design Worksheet

Island Biogeography and Experimental Design
The concept of “biological diversity” is multifaceted and complex. It includes the concept of species
diversity, or the total of all species in a given area or habitat, but can also refer to genetic diversity within
a species. Biodiversity can even refer to the diversity of habitats in a given region. Biodiversity is
important as it reflects the environmental health of a species, region, or habitat. On a global scale,
biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate, largely due to habitat destruction.
Step 1. Open Model and read background information. Fill in answers to the following questions.
A. Name 2 extinct species.
B. Describe the graph at right in 2 complete sentences.
C. Contrast biodiversity and productivity.
D. From the reading, what types of species are more likely to colonize new islands than other
Step 2. Run through the tutorial.
Step 3. Play with the model for 10 minutes in experimental mode.
Write 3 possible research questions that could be answered by the model:
1. .
2. .
3. .
Step 4. Design an experiment before you Run Experiment.
Write the question (chose one from above you wrote)you will address.
Circle which of these you will hold constant through the experiment (should be all but one). Name the
details of each from the experiment page.
Habitat ____________________
Island 1 Distance ____________________
Island 2 Distance ____________________
Island 1 diameter ____________________
Island 2 diameter ____________________
Taxon ____________________
Migration Rate ____________________
Mortality ____________________
One independent variable I will change in increments. ____________________
Dependent variable(s) I will track as I run the experiment. ____________________
Data table (use as much as you need)
Claim: (Statement about the relationship/result you observe from the data.)
Evidence: Specific data (numbers!) in your table that supports your claim.