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Oral Communication: Functions, Nature, and Models

Learning Activity Sheet
Core Subject
Regional Office No. VIII - Eastern Visayas
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Biliran
Larrazabal, Naval, Biliran
Name: ___________________________
Grade & Section: ________________
Adviser: _________________________
Subject Teacher: Samuel S. Celino
1. Explains the functions, nature and process of
communication. EN11/12OC-Ia-2
2. Differentiates the various models of
communication. EN11/12OC-Ia-3
Let’s Try This!:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Let’s Explore and Apply:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Let’s Assess:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Note of Guidance (To be filled out by the subject
teacher for feedback of learner’s performance):
This module was designed and written with you
in mind. It is here to help you explain the functions,
nature and process of communication. The scope of
this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. However, the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you
are now using.
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Directions: Tick the column that determines how often you practice
what the statements say. Do this as objectively as possible. Bear in
mind that there are no wrong answers. Score yourself based on the
scoring on the right.
Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or
information from one person to another within and across channels,
contexts, media, and cultures (McCornack, 2014). There is a wide
variety of contexts and situations in which communication can be
manifested; it can be a face-to-face interaction, a phone conversation,
a group discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter correspondence,
a class recitation, and many others.
1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker and the receiver).
3. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal),
or both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.
Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its mechanics or
process. These elements are the following:
1. Speaker – the source of information or message.
2. Message – the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in
3. Encoding – the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that
the speaker understands
4. Channel – the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or
nonverbal, in which the encoded message is conveyed.
5. Decoding – the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
6. Receiver – the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message
7. Feedback – the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver
8. Context – the environment where communication takes place
9. Barrier – the factors that affect the flow of communication
1. Shannon-Weaver Model
Known as the mother of all communication models, the Shannon-Weaver model (1949)
depicts communication as a linear or one-way process consisting of five elements: a source
(producer of message); a transmitter (encoder of message into signals); a channel (signals
adapted for transmission); a receiver (decoder of message from the signal); and a
This model, however, has been criticized for missing one essential element in the
communication process: feedback. Without feedback, the speaker will not know whether
the receiver understands the message or not.
2. Transaction Model
Unlike the Shannon-Weaver Model, which is a one-way process, the Transaction Model is a
two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.
As shown in Figure 2, this model is more interactive. There is a collaborative exchange of
messages between communicators with the aim of understanding each other. It also shows
that a barrier, such as noise, may interfere with the flow of communication.
Study the diagram below. It represents the Schramm Model.
Schramm (1954) modified the Shannon-Weaver Model. What has
Schramm added to the Shannon-Weaver Model? Is the new model
more comprehensive? Why do you think so? How is it different from
or similar to the Transaction Model? Write your answer on the space provided below. Use a
separate sheet if necessary. (5 Points)
Here’s how you will be graded on the activity on “Let’s explore and apply”.
Described both the
similairites and
differences among the
three models.
Described either the
similarities or the
Description of the
differences of the three
similarities and
differences of the three
models is unclear,
Described the
incomplete, and/or
similarities and
differences of one
Did not describe the
similarities and
differences of the
models but only
pinpointed the
components that are
similar and different.
Basically, there are five functions of communication. These are control, social interaction,
motivation, emotional expression, and information dissemination.
Control – Communication functions to control behavior.
Social Interaction – Communication allows individuals to interact with others.
Motivation – Communication motivates or encourages people to live better.
Emotional expression – Communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings
and emotions.
5. Information dissemination – Communication functions to convey information.
Directions: Identify the function of communication in each of the
following situations. Write your answers on the space provided.
__________________ 1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
__________________ 2. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the
__________________ 3. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a
complicated life.
__________________ 4. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
__________________ 5. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
__________________ 6. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
__________________ 7. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
Directions: Determine the NATURE OF COMMUNICATION being described on each item
below. Choose the letter of your answer from the choices and write it on the space provided.
A. Communication is a process.
B. Communication occurs between two or more people.
C. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words,
actions, or both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same
________1. These elements primarily include the speaker – who generates an idea, encodes or
converts the idea into words or actions, transmits or sends out a message, and the
receiver – who gets the message, decodes or interprets the message and provides
feedback to the sender.
The message may come in different forms such as in a letter, e-mail, text, sign
language, and gestures.
Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its
mechanics or process.
The works and materials used in making this learning materials were
sourced out from the following:
Sipacio, P. J. F., & Balgos, A. R. G. (2016). Oral Communication in
Context For Senior High School (1st ed.). C & E Publishing,
Directions: In an effort to make everything easier for you, please
answer the following questions as your way to let us know about your
feedback. You can answer in English, Tagalog, Bisaya or WarayWaray.
Guide Questions
What did you like about this
What would you like
improve in this LAS?
What were your challenges in
accomplishing this LAS?
overcome the challenges you
What do you commit to do in
your other Learning Activity
This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) was developed by the Senior High School teachers and
passed the Quality Assurance processes of the Schools Division Office of Biliran with the paramount
objective of preparing and addressing the new normal. The contents of the LAS were based on the
Department of Education’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) and SDO-Biliran’s Budget
of Lessons (BOL). The borrowed materials (i.e., stories, articles, photos, brand names, trademarks,
etc.) included in this LAS are owned by the respective copyright holders. This is a supplementary
material to be used by all Senior High School learners (Grade 11 and 12) of SDO-Biliran.
Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the Government agency or office wherein
the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office
may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Thus, the teachers who wrote, created, compiled, and collected the information herein do not
represent nor claim ownership over them. We highly encourage comments, feedbacks, suggestions
and recommendations.
CNSAT, SY 2021-2022