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Adult Health III Exam Study Guide: Burns, Brain Injuries

Adult Health III
Exam #2: Burns, Brain Tumors, Head Injury, Traumatic
Brain Injury (TBI), Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP),
Diabetes Insipidus, & Syndrome of Inappropriate
Antidiuretic Hormone (SIAH)
• Burn Degree
Skin Involvement
Clinical Manifestations
Wound Appearance
Recuperative Course &
Pain that is soothed by
Reddened; blanches with
pressure; dry
Minimal or no edema
Possible blisters
Complete recovery within
a few days
Oral pain medications,
cool compresses, skin
lubricants (ointments,
emollients): topical
antimicrobial agents not
Epidermis, portion of
Sensitive to air currents
Blistered, mottled red
base; disrupted
epidermis; weeping
Recovery in 2-3 wks
Some scarring &
depigmentation possible;
may require grafting
Epidermis, dermis &
sometimes subcutaneous;
may involve connective
tissue & muscle
Myoglobinuria (red
pigment in urine) &
possible hemolysis (blood
cell destruction)
Possible contact points
(entrance or exit wounds
in electrical burns)
Dry; pale while, red
brown, leathery, or
Coagulated vessels may
be visible
Eschar may slough
Grafting necessary
Scarring & loss of
contour & function
Deep tissue, muscle &
Myoglobinuria &
Amputations (damaged
Grafting= no benefit
First Degree (Superficial)
Low-intensity flash
Superficial scald
Second Degree (Partial
Flash flame
Third Degree (Full
Prolonged exposure to
hot liquids
Electric current
Fourth Degree (Full
thickness that includes
fat, fascia, muscle, and/or
Prolonged exposure or
high-voltage electrical
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• Types of Burns
• Chemical- toxic substance on skin
• Inhalation injury increases
• #1 priority: remove chemical from skin (copious water irrigation)
• Thermal- heat
• Ex: fire, boiling water, stove, curling iron, steam
• Depends on time that contact occurred
• Electrical
• Iceberg effect- cannot see the damage to bone & muscle under skin
• Can cause damage to: heart muscle (cardiac death can occur due to ventricular tachycardia &
dysrhythmias), bone fractures (assess cervical spine), acute tubular necrosis (occurs when
myoglobin & hemoglobin clogs the kidneys causing acute kidney injury or kidney failure)
• Nursing interventions: there is an open & exit wound, refrain from touching due to electricity,
attach to EKG (be cautious!)
• Inhalation- airway concern
• A visible sign is soot (smoke from fire) in the airway leading to respiratory arrest
• Diagnosis: bronchoscopy
• S&S: dyspnea, respiratory distress, facial burns, swelling of oropharynx, & nasopharynx, singed
nose hairs, flaring nostrils, hoarse voice, tachycardia, agitation, anxiety, bloody sputum, tachypnea
• Nursing interventions: EMT will bring pt on O2, when arrive to hospital pt will be intubated
• Rule of Nines
Parkland Formula:
‣Volume of Lactated Ringers solution equation:
‣ 4 mL x BSA (%) x weight (kg)
‣ Give half of the solution for the first 8 hrs
‣ Give the other half of the solution for the next 16
1. Calculate the fluid restriction for a patient who
weighs 70 kg and has a 50% total body surface
area burned.
4 x 50% x 70 kg = 14,000 mL in 24 hrs
14,000 mL/2 = 7,000 for 1st 8 hrs & 2nd 16 hrs
2. How many mL per hour will they receive?
7,000 mL/8 hrs= 875 mL/hr
7,000 mL/16 hrs= 437 mL/hr
3. How many mL will the patient receive on the 4th
875 mL/hr x 4 hr = 3,500 mL
4. How many mL will the patient receive on the
14th hour?
For the 1st 8 hrs, pt is receiving 7,000 mL
7,000 mL + 437 mL/hr (6 more hrs)= 9,622 mL
Divide % by 2 if half of body part was burned
• Complications
• Cardiovascular
• Hypovolemic shock (hypotension, tachycardia, decreased cardiac output, & dysrhythmias)
due to plasma volume loss & results in decreased perfusion, O2 delivery to organs & tissues
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• Causes electrolyte abnormalities: hyponatremia, hyopkalemia, hypochloremia,
• Diagnosis: BMP (basic metabolic panel)
Fluid imbalance
• Edema forms rapidly after a burn injury
• Treatment for edema:
• Elevation of extremity
• In severe cases of edema:
• Cutting the eschar (dead tissue) via escharotomy (surgical incision through eschar) to
relieve pressure
• Decompression of edema formation via fasciotomy (surgical incision through fascia to relieve
constricted muscle) to restore tissue perfusion
• How do to you know it was successful?: palpate pulses, capillary refill, assess skin color
• Upper airway burns vs. lower airway burns
• Upper airway injury (above the glottis)
• Results in obstruction
• Severe upper airway edema from direct thermal injury or secondary edema from face & neck
• Protective intubation may be used to maintain patency of airway
• Lower airway burns (below the glottis)
• Inhalation of incomplete combustion or noxious gases is the source of death at the scene of a
fire leading to bronchoconstriction (may administer bronchodilators)
• Pulmonary edema occurs
EMERGENCY: Carbon monoxide poisoning- carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin
and displaces oxygen resulting in tissue hypoxia (CO is colorless, odorless, & tasteless)
• Diagnosis: Carboxyhemoglobin > 15%
• S&S: SOB, headache, vertigo, confusion, mucous membrane irritation, bradycardia,
hypotension, change in LOC, bright cherry color to skin or lips
• Treatment includes: 100% oxygen on non-rebreather to displace the CO molecules bound to
• Impaired motility & absorption, vasoconstriction, loss of mucosal barrier function with bacterial
translocation, increased pH
• 3 of the most common GI alterations: paralytic ileus, Curling’s ulcer (gastric erosion), &
translocation of bacteria
• Pt with larger burns are at increased risk for life-threatening abdominal compartment syndrome
• Leads to abdominal organ ischemia
• Nursing interventions: NO elevation of extremities if compartment syndrome, inform physician
• Renal function altered as a result of decreased blood volume post-burn injury
• Acute tubular necrosis (acute kidney injury)- occurs when myoglobin & hemoglobin clogs the
kidneys causing acute kidney injury or kidney failure
• Vasoconstriction
Altered thermoregulation
• Hypothermia in early hrs after injury due to TBSA (% burned) involved, the IV resuscitation fluids
administered, & exposure to air (pt may be shivering)
• Skin is the largest barrier to infection & lots on inflammation
• Decreased WBCs
Hypermetabolism (increases risk for infection & slowing healing time)
• Nutrition should be provided ASAP (this helps decrease catabolism), pt may need an NG tube
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• Carbohydrates= most important energy source for pts who were severely burned
• When oral route is used, high-calorie meals, high protein, low fat & supplements are given
(milkshake, pasta with cheese, etc.)
• TPN is also an option
• Thrombocytopenia may occur
• Wound Debridement
• What is it?: Removal of dead or devitalized tissue
• The goals:
• Prepare for grafting and wound healing (medicate pt with morphine before debridement)
• Removal of bacteria, foreign bodies
• 4 types of debridement:
1. Natural debridement- the dead tissue separates from the dead tissue spontaneously
2. Mechanical debridement- removal of dead tissue with tools
• Wet-to-dry dressings are not advised for burn because it can remove epithelial cells along with dead
3. Chemical debridement- topical agents help to remove dead tissue
4. Surgical debridement
• Pt is at increased risk for bleeding
• Wound Grafting
• Who is a good candidate?: Pt w/ deep partial or full thickness burns
• Autografts- covering burn wounds with pt’s own skin
• Homografts/allograft- pieces of skin obtained from recently deceased or living humans other than the
• Xenografts/heterografts- skin taken from animals (usually pigs)
• These are usually not good options because body may reject the graft
• Care of the graft site:
• Protect & immobilize for 3-7 days
• Occlusive dressings encased in bulky gauze are common to immobilize graft & support the humid
• First dressing change occurs in 3-5 days after sx
• Pt should be positioned frequently to avoid pressure
on the graft
• Nursing Interventions for Burns
Immediate Primary Survey of Patient
• Initial treatment (field)- EMS:
Assess ABCDEs (pg. 1873):
1. Remove pt from the source of injury & stop
burning process while preventing injury to
‣ This occurs in initial treatment (field)-EMS
‣ A: Airway with consideration given to protecting
2. Assess for ABCDEs while establishing airway,
the cervical spine
supplying O2 (100% O2 on non-rebreather if CO
‣ B: Breathing or gas exchange
poisoning is suspected)
‣ C: Circulatory & cardiac status
3. Covering wound with a sterile dry cloth/clean
‣ D: Disability including neurological deficit’s
blanket to conserve body heat
‣ E: Examine or expose while maintaining a warm
4. Inserting at least one large bore IV catheter for
fluids (16-18 gauge) inserted
‣ Seconding survey focuses on:
• Emergent/resuscitative phase (lasts 24-48 hrs):
‣ Obtaining a hx
• Fluid replacement (give fluid resuscitation
‣ Completion of the total body systems assessment
when TBSA (% of body that is burned) is >
‣ Initial fluid resuscitation
‣ Provision of psychosocial support of the
• Lactated ringers (LR) administered per order
conscious pt
to prevent hypovolemia shock & provide
• Daily weights & labs in the resuscitation period
to monitor fluid status
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• Strict monitoring of I&Os
• How do you assess the efficacy of fluid replacement?
• BP is increasing, HR is decreasing, cap refill is < 3 seconds, pulses present, electrolytes are WNL
(BMP), urine output of 60 mL/hr, MAP > 65 mmHg
• Pulmonary complications
• Maintain patent airway
Overview of Phases in Burn Management:
• Administer O2 as needed
• Encourage the pt to cough to remove secretions
‣ Emergent (onset of burn injury)
• Intubation needs to be done for inhalation &
‣ Primary survey: ABCDEs
burns to the chest, neck & face!
‣ Risk for: hypovolemic shock, respiratory
• Cardiovascular
distress, compartment syndrome
• BMP (basic metabolic panel)
‣ Focus on: wound assessment
• BP cuff on unaffected extremity
‣ Acute (capillary permeability stabilized)
• If burns everywhere, place a clean dressing
‣ Focus on: preventing infection, alleviating
before applying the BP cuff
pain, ensuring proper nutrition, & wound
• Assess peripheral pulses via Doppler or palpation
• Elevation of burned extremities above the level
‣ Rehabilitative (burn healed, pt able to
of the heart if edema occurring
function again)
• GU
‣ Focus on: emotional support, ADLs, PT,
• Insert urinary catheter
OT, dietician, RT, cosmetic correction
• > 60 mL/hr is required (urine output is most
non-invasive assessment for cardiac output &
tissue perfusion)
• Acute/intermediation phase:
• Wound care & closure
• Gentle cleaning with mild soap, water & a washcloth
• Hair should be clipped or trimmed short
• Assess for skin breakdown, redness, & infection
• Assess for hypothermia, water should be warm when cleaning pt
• After topical ointment applied, the wound is covered in several layers of dry dressings with
lighter dressing over joints for mobility
• Burns to the face may be left open to air once cleaned
• Occlusive dressings, bulky gauze, & a topical antimicrobial agent may be used over areas with
new skin grafts to protect the new graft
• Preventing infection
• Keep area clean & dry
• Assess for drainage, redness, etc.
• Visitors cannot bring fresh flowers, plants, & fruits
• Nutritional management
• Family members should be encouraged to bring nutritious & favorite foods
• High-calorie nutritional supplements, vitamins, & mineral supplements
• If caloric goals cannot be met by oral feeding, a feeding tube (dobbhof or NG tube) may be
inserted or IV TPN
• Pain management
• Frequent pain assessment & administer morphine if ordered PRN
• Oral antipyretic agents (helps with itching), frequent lubrication with water or silica-based lotion
• If patient is itchy, they should “pat, don’t scratch”
• Rehabilitation phase:
• Major goals
• Increased mobility & participation in ADLs
• Adaptation & adjustment to alterations in body image, self-concept & lifestyle
• Increased understanding & knowledge of injury, treatment, & follow-up care
• Absence of complications
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• Functional & cosmetic reconstruction
• Nursing interventions
• Assess fatigue & pain intolerance related to activities
• Schedule rest periods & uninterrupted sleep
• Pt should be addressing basic concerns/psychosocial counseling: Will I be disfigured or disabled?
How long will I be in the hospital? How can I pay for my care?
• Encourage independence
• Compression therapy
• Consult PT & OT to prevent disabilities (i.e. neuropathic & nerve entrapment, contractures,
complex pain)
• Medications for Burns
Usually administered in 1st & 2nd degree burns
• Brain Tumors
• What is it?: Tumor occupies space within the
skull resulting in inflammation & compression
• S&S: (#1 symptoms) headache, N/V, visual
changes, personality changes, change in LOC,
hydrocephalus, altered pituitary function,
seizures, aphasia
• Diagnosis: MRI (gold standard)
• Treatment: sx (removal of tumor), radiation,
chemotherapy, pharmacological
• Craniotomy- the bone flap is returned to its
previous location
• Craniectomy- the bone flap is not returned
• Nursing Interventions for Brain Tumors
• Elevate HOB
• Assess pain & treat pain
• Seizure precautions
• Assess gag reflex & ability to swallow
Damages to Parts of the Brain (pg. 2033):
‣ Occipital lobe: visual agnosia
‣ Temporal lobe: auditory agnosia
‣ Frontal lobe: learning capacity, memory, or other
intellectual functions (leading to limited attention
span, difficulties in comprehension,
forgetfulness, & lack of motivation)
‣ Motor neurons: hemiparesis, hemiplegia, & a
change in reflexes
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• In pts with diminished gag response:
• Educate pt to direct food & fluids toward unaffected side, having the pt sit upright to eat, offering
semisoft diet, & having suction ready
• Monitor for ICP
• Adequate nutrition
• Assess neuro, vitals signs
• Encourage independence, reduce anxiety
• Head Injury
• What is it?: An injury that is the result of an external force that interferes with daily life and prompts
• Causes: falls, MVA, assaults
• S&S: headache, N/V, visual disturbances, confusion, pupil abnormalities, seizures, abnormal
posturing, unsteady gait
• EMERGENCY: CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) leak from ears (CSF otorrhea) & nose (CSF
• CSF is clear/colorless, halos (seen on bedding or gauze; there will be blood in the middle & it
will be clear outside)
• CSF tests + for glucose when tested using a strip test
• Report to PHCP! A meningeal infection can occur if organisms gain access to the fluid via the nose,
ear, or sinus!
• Diagnosis: CT scan (skull fracture), MRI (brain injury)
• Any pt with a head injury is presumed to have a cervical spine injury until proven otherwise
• Stabilize spine with a cervical collar until X-ray states otherwise
• Primary injury
• What is it?: Injury from direct contact to the head/brain causing extra cranial injuries (e.g.
contusions, lacerations, external hematomas, concussions, diffuse axonal injury (DAI))
• Secondary injury
• What is it?: After the initial injury occurs there is a decreased glucose, O2, & nutrients
• Common causes: cerebral edema, hypotension, respiratory depression that may lead to hypoxemia
& electrolyte imbalances
• Types of injuries/fractures:
• Scalp injuries (generally minor injury)
• May result in abrasion (brush wound), contusion, laceration, or subgaleal hematoma
A large avulsion (tearing away)= life threatening
• Nursing interventions:
• Irrigate before it is sutured to prevent infection
• Skull fractures- a break in the skull caused by forceful trauma
• Basilar skull fractures (priority brain injury if presented in ER)
• Battle signs- an area of ecchymosis (bruising will be seen over the mastoid (bone behind
• Raccoon eyes- bruising around eyes
• CSF rhinorrhea & CSF otorrhea present (you will
see halos)
• Do not place an NG tube if CSF rhinorrhea is
present! (consider OG tube instead)
• Loss of cranial nerve 1 (olfactory) function
• Nursing interventions for CSF leak: elevate HOB
• Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
• 5 Types of Brain Injuries:
1. Contusion- brain is bruised & damaged
• S&S: loss of LOC, stupor, confusion, headache, pt is
aroused with effort but slips back into unconsciousness
2. Types intracranial hemorrhage:
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• Hematomas- collection of blood in the brain
Epidural hematoma (above the dura) (EXTEME EMERGENCY REQUIRES SX)
• S&S: loss of LOC, respiratory arrest, followed by a lucid interval in which the pt is awake &
conversant then leads to coma
• Treatment: making opening through skull to decrease ICP, remove the clot, & control the
2. Subdural hematoma (below the dura)
• Most common cause is trauma or a rupture of an aneurysm
a. Acute SDH
• Usually caused by a fall
• S&S: changes in LOC, pupillary signs, hemiparesis (one-sided weakness), hypertension,
bradycardia, bradypnea, coma
• Treatment: immediate craniotomy
b. Chronic SDH
• Usually develops from minor injuries & is seen mostly in older adults
• S&S: intermittent severe headache, alternating focal neurotic signs, personality changes,
mental deterioration, focal seizure
• Treatment: surgical evaluation for evacuation of the clot
3. Intracerebral hemorrhage & hematoma- blood vessel ruptures within the brain
• S&S: headache, neurological deficits
• Causes: hypertension, rupture of aneurysm, intracranial tumors, bleeding disorders, complications
of anticoagulant therapy
• Treatment: craniotomy
• Nursing interventions: control ICP, administration of fluids, electrolytes & antihypertensive meds
4. Concussion- temporary loss of neurologic function with no structural damage to the brain
• Usually resolves by itself in 1-3 weeks, pt should rest!
• These S&S are red flags indicating the need for further intervention: decrease in LOC,
worsening headache, dizziness, seizures, abnormal pupil response, vomiting, irritability, slurred
speech, numbness or weakness in the arms or legs
• Chronic traumatic encephalopathy- repeated concussive incidents (occurs most often in pts who
participate in football & boxing)
• S&S: personality changes, memory impairment, speech & gait disturbances
• Nursing intervention: pt CAN go to sleep, monitor closely for change in LOC (educate pt &
family members, pt can go home), tell family to wake up pt every 2 hrs
5. Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)- widespread shearing & rotational forces that produce damage
throughout the brain
• S&S: immediate coma, decorticate & decerebrate posturing, global cerebral edema
• Diagnosis: CT & MRI scan
• Nursing Interventions for TBI
• Administer medications:
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• NSAIDS (ex: acetaminophen) for pain
• Opioids are not good pain relievers because it may cause drowsiness in a pt with a head injury
therefore making it difficult to know whether the pt is tired from the opioid or the head injury
• Hypertonic fluids (3% NaCl, 5% NaCl)
• Uses: Helps draw fluids in the intravascular space, which helps decrease swelling in brain
• Pentobarbital (sedative)
• Uses: decreases metabolic demands
• Anticonvulsants (prevent seizures)
• Elevate HOB 30 degrees or higher (keep head neutral!)
• Cluster care/avoid noxious stimuli (e.g. hyperventilating, suctioning pt, blowing nose, coughing,
• Maintain normal body temp
• Monitor respiratory status & maintain patent airway
• Monitor neuro status
• Seizure precautions (padded bed rails, loosen tight clothes, turn to side, remove jewelry, have
suctioning ready)
• Monitor for CSF & test for glucose (place a 2x2 gauze underneath nose to observe CSF but DO NOT
• Inform pt & family about the possible behavior changes that may occur
• Increased Intracranial Pressure (pg. 2050) ( MEDICAL EMERGENCY )
• As the damaged brain swells with edema or as blood collects
within the brain, an increase in ICP occurs
• Causes: head injury, bleeding in brain, tumors, infections, stroke
• Prevention: stop secondary injury & maintain cerebral
• ICP normal levels: 0-15 mmHg (if ICP increases & does not
decrease, notify physician)
• If reading is 0 check the equipment & report to physician
• S&S: (#1 symptom) change in LOC, agitation, slowing of
speech, delay in response to verbal suggestions, confusion,
increasing drowsiness, restless,
• Getting worse when pt is is coma, decortication (pt flexes 1 or
both arms on the chest & may extend legs stiffly),
decerebration (client stiffly extends 1 or both arms & possibly
the legs), or flaccidity
• Sudden vomiting (emesis) without nausea & sudden change
• Late deadly signs: Cheyne-stokes respirations (rhythmic
respirations, with periods of apnea), nuchal rigidity (pt cannot
flex chin toward chest), Babinski reflex (toes fan out when
stimulated), seizures, coma
• Complications: diabetes insipidus, syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone, brain stem herniation
• EMERGENCY: Brain herniation- downward movement of
brain tissue due to cerebral edema
• S&S: fixed and/or dilated pupils (late sign), decreased LOC,
abnormal respirations, abnormal posturing, hyperthermia
• Cushing’s triad (late sign)- systolic hypertension/wide pulse
pressure (i.e. BP: 180/75), bradycardia, irregular breathing
• This occurs when brain herniation is about to occur
• Monroe-Kellie hypothesis/doctrine
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• What is it?: Due to limited space for expansion within the
skill, an increase in any one of the components causes a
change in the volume of the others (e.g. displacing or
GCS Score:
shifting CSF, increasing the absorption or diminishing the
production of CSF, or decreasing cerebral blood volume)
‣ What is being assessed?: Eye opening,
• Diagnosis: CT & MRI
verbal response, motor response
• Treatment: craniotomy (removal of bone flap that is later
‣ 15= highest/bestest score
returned), ventriculostomy (drain fluids from ventricle of
‣ 8= intubate
brain into a collecting device)
‣ 3= lowest score
• Nursing interventions:
‣ REPORT decreasing GCS score!
• Neuro assessments q 15 min
• Administer mannitol IV to reduce cerebral edema
• SE: edema (drains fluid from brain to peripheral areas),
HF, fluid overload, bibasilar crackles, pulmonary edema, increased BP
• Administer hypertonic solutions (3% NaCl, 5% NaCl)
• Monitor for seizures & place pt on seizure precautions (can give seizure medications)
• Cluster care/avoid noxious stimuli (e.g. hyperventilating, suctioning pt, blowing nose, coughing,
• Inform pt to not blow their nose if drainage occurs (place a 2x2 gauze underneath nose to observe
• Give sedation as ordered to prevent agitation (benzodiazepine)
• Neck should be parallel/neutral with body (use pillows) to allow extra fluid to drain properly
• Limit fluid intake, monitor strict I&Os
• Elevate HOB (30 degrees or more)
• Monitor electrolyes, VS
• Administer TPN IF hypoactive bowels
• Give food IF they can eat & bowel sounds present
Diabetes Insipidus (DI) vs. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
• Diabetes Insipidus (DI) “Dried inside”
• What is it?: Hyposecretion of ADH by posterior pituitary; in renal DI, posterior pituitary is producing
ADH but the kidneys do not respond
• Causes: damage to brain (tumors, trauma, sx, ICP)
• S&S: diuresis or polyuria (HIGH urine output), polydipsia (thirsty) [pt drinks a TON of cold water],
dehydrated (dry mucosa, decreased skin turgor, & cracked skin), hypotension, tachycardia, seizures,
• Labs you will see in DI:
• Hypernatremia (Na+ in pt: > 145+) (Normal Na+: 135-145 mEq/L)
• Low specific gravity (Specific gravity in pt: < 1.005) (Normal specific gravity: 1.005-1.030)
• Hyperosmolaity
• Diagnostics: Fluid deprivation test, BMP, urine osmolarities, specific gravity
• Fluid deprivation test (withhold fluids for 8-12 hrs)
• Pt will continue to have high UO regardless of holding fluids & weight will continue to decrease
• Inability to increase specific gravity/osmolality = DI confirmed
• Medications to treat DI:
• Desmopressin (DDAVP) (sub-q, IV, intranasally, or PO) & Vasopressin
• Uses: Decreases UO, increases BP
• SE: headaches (CAUTION, #1 priority), hyponatremia which can lead to seizures & death!!,
confusion, agitation, water intoxication/fluid overload (too much fluids), SOB
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• If DI is caused by a renal issue: administer thiazide diuretics, stop Na+ intake, & administer
prostaglandin inhibitors
• Nursing interventions:
• Close monitoring of I&Os, daily weight, urine & BMP (electrolyte levels), neurological status
• Pt needs to drink 2-20 L of fluid daily, IV isotonic fluids, monitor for dehydration
• Limit Na+ intake
• Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIAH) “Soaked inside”
• What is it?: Excessive secretion of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland
• Generally self-limiting & treatment is focused on eliminating underlying cause
• Causes: damage to brain (trauma, sx), sepsis, infections of brain (meningitis), pneumonia, lung cancer
• S&S: low urine output, sticky & thick urine, hypertension, tachycardia (seizures, headaches,
confusion (due to hyponatremia)), cerebral edema (may also cause seizures), weight gain, edema,
change in LOC/mental status changes, N/V
• Labs you will see in SI:
• Dilutional hyponatremia (Na+ in pt: < 135) (Normal Na+: 135-145)
• High specific gravity/osmolarity (Specific gravity in pt: > 1.030+) (Normal specific gravity:
• Hypoosmolaity
• Diagnostics: labs (BMP), specific gravity, osmolarities
• Medications to treat SI:
• Severe cases: careful IV administration of 3% hypertonic saline (NaCl (3%)) (the only exception to
fluids) when S&S of hyponatremia occurs
• Thiazide diuretics to reduce hypervolemia & level Na+
• Chlorpropamide
• Democlocycline
• Nursing interventions:
• Close monitoring of I&Os, daily weight, urine & BMP (electrolyte levels), neurological status
• Elevate HOB < 10 degrees (helps venous return)
• Monitor a change in neuro status
• Monitor for ICP
• Seizure precautions (padded bed rails, loosen tight clothes, turn to side, remove jewelry, have
suctioning ready)
• Limit all fluids < 800 mL per day! (IV & PO)
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