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Matter, Energy, Units & Measurements Study Notes

1.1 Matter and Energy
Faster moving particles have more kinetic energy (gas >liquid>solid)
Temp is a measure for average kinetic energy of particle of matter. (gas temp > liquid
temp> solid temp)
Heat= kinetic energy transferred from matter at higher temp to a lower temp.
Matter has potential energy as a result of position/composition.
o High potential energy = less stable
o Lower potential energy = more stable
1.2 Units and Measurements
Prefix unit = (10x or –x) X (base unit)
1ml = 1cm3; 1L = 1000 cm3
Volume of object can be determined by measuring volume of water displaced.
o Volume object = Volume Final – Volume initial
1.3 Significant Figures in Measurements and Calculation
Last number measured is uncertain and estimated digit.