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Engineering Exam Questions: Refrigeration, Thermodynamics, and More

C 1. Monochlorofluoromethane is a refrigerant
known as:
a. R-12
c. R-22
b. R-13
d. None of the above
D 2. Which of the ff. is a proper way of leak
detection for R-12 and halocarbon
refrigeration systems?
a. stains
c. toxic odor
b. corrosion d. loss of cooling capacity
C 3. It refers to the final constant weight reached
by a hygroscopic substance after being dried
a. Bone Dry Weight c. Both a&b
b. Dry Weight
B 4. Is a type of dryer in w/c material to be dried
is supported on floor through w/c hot gases
a. Tray dryer
c. Rotary dryer
b. Hearth dryer
d. Tower dryer
B 5. It is the temp. at w/c liquid starts to boil or
the temp. at w/c vapor begins to condense
a. Dry blub temp
c. Dew point Temp
b. Sat. Temp
d. Wet bulb temp
D 6. The tendency of pump to cavitate will be
increased if:
a. impeller has smooth finish
b. inlet edges are rounded
c. suction line velocities are lowered
d. fluid temp is raised
B 7. For a single component system, the number
of properties required to define a phase
uniquely is:
a. 1
c. 3
b. 2
d. 4
A 8. It draws the flue gas from the system and
series them up the stack is:
a. induced draft fan c. forced draft fan
b. cyclone
d. wind tunnel
D 9. The study of properties of air and its water
vapor contents
a. humidification
c. ventilation
b. refrigeration
d. psychrometry
B 13.A vessel permanently connected to a system
by inlet and outlet pipes of storage of liquid
a. refrigerant container
c. flash tank
b. liquid receiver
d. surge tank
14.Air flows through coil without making
contact with the coil surface is known as
a. drawn air
c. contact air
b. bypass air
d. air load
15.the process of lowering the temperature of
given space and maintaining it for the
purpose of preserving and chilling certain
a. refrigeration
c. chilling
b. cooling
d. air-conditioning
16.it will either cool or maintain a body at
temp below that of its surrounding is known
as the
a. heat engine c. heat pump
b. heat sink d. refrigerating machine
17.a reciprocating compressor has a piston
speed of 200 fpm at 400 rpm. Its stroke is
a. 2.56 in
c. 5.32 in
b. 3 in.
d. 20 in
18.a refrigeration system that combines two
refrigeration units
a. multi-evaporation system
b. multi-stage compression system
c. cascade system
d. air-refrigeration cycle
C 19.fire involving energized electrical equipment
a. class A fire
c. class C fire
b. class B fire
d. class D fire
D 20.dew point temp is temp where water starts
a. to condense
b. to boil
c. to condense and boil
d. to condense and boil at given pressure
21.glass prod process is broken down into 2
gen. categories: container prod (glass
bottle/bottle) and sheet prod (float glass)
a. container & sheet prod
b. box & sheet prod
c. container & flattening prod
22.modern detergents are comprised of three
main components
a. builders, blend, extender
b. binders, bleach, enzymes
c. builders, bleach, enzymes
d. No answer
10.It exist when the total suction is above
atmospheric pressure
a. suction lift
c. suction pressure
b. suction head
d. suction line
C 11.It is the wastewater that will flow into each
unit of operation of the wastewater treatment
plant that is partially or completely treated
a. liquid waste
c. influent
b. solid waste
d. effluent
A 12.It raises pressure of CO2 gas to 250 psig so
that it can be liquefied at -100F
a. CO2 compressor c. deodorizer
b. trim cooler
d. foam trap
23.is a broad term applied to large number of
hydrogen, and oxygen present in many
plants and characterized by a more or less
sweet taste
a. sugar
c. iron
b. salt
d. sweet
B 24.a closed vessel contains air at a pressure of
160 kN/m2 gauge and temp of 30C. The air
is heated at const. vol. to 60C w/ atm
pressure of 759mmHg. What is the final
gauge pressure?
a. 174
c. 167
b. 186
d. 172
25.what is the total reqd heating energy in
raising the temp of given amt of water when
the energy supplied is 1000kWh w/ heat
losses of 25%
a. 1000
c. 1333
b. 1500
d. 1250
C 30.water substance at 70 bar and 65C enters a
boiler tube of constant inside diameter of 25
mm. the water leaves the boiler tube at 50
bar and 700K at velocity of 100 m/s.
Calculate the inlet volume flow in L/sec.
At 70 bar & 65C:
v1 = 0.001017 m3/kg
At 50 bar & 700K:
v2 = 0.06081 m3/kg
a. 0.75
c. 0.82
b. 0.64
d. 0.96
27.a tank contains 80 ft3 of air at pressure of
350 psi. If the air is cooled until its pressure
and temp decrease to 200 psi and 70F
respectively, what is the decrease in internal
a. 4575
c. 5552
b. -5507
d. 0
32.gas is enclosed in a cylinder w/ weighted
piston as top boundary. The gas is heated
and expands from a volume of 0.04 m3 to
0.10 m3 at const pressure of 200 kPa.
Calculate the work done by system.
a. 8 kJ
c. 12 kJ
b. 10 kJ
d. 14 kJ
33.if F scale is twice C scale, what is the
reading in the Fahrenheit scale?
a. 160
c. 140
b. 320
d. 280
34.a cylinder & piston arrangement contains
sat water vapor at 110C. The vapor is
compressed in a reversible adiabatic process
until pressure is 1.6 MPa. Determine work
done by the system per kg of water
At 110C:
S1 = 7.2387 kJ/kg-K
U1 = 2518.1 kJ/kg
At 1.6 MPa:
S2 = 7.2374 kJ/kg-K
U2 = 2950.1 kJ/kg
T2 = 400C
a. -500 kJ/kg
c. -632 kJ/kg
b. -432 kJ/kg
d. -700 kJ/kg
D 28.an electric heater is to heat 11 kg of oil per
min, from 4.5C to 65.5C. Specific heat of oil
is 2.1 J/gm-C. How many watts should this
heater consume?
a. 20 448 W
c. 20 400 W
b. 33 448 W
d. 23 442 W
C 29.find the heat transfer reqd to convert 5 kg of
water at pressure if 20 bar and temp of 21C
into steam dryness fraction of 0.90 at same
Properties of steam:
P = 20 bar
hf = 909 kJ/kg
hfg = 1899 kJ/kg
Note: for water at 21C:
h = 88 kJ/kg
a. 10 160 kJ
c. 12 610 kJ
b. 11 610 kJ
d. 15 610 kJ
B 26.a certain gas at 101.325 kPa and 16C whose
vol is 2.83m3 are compressed into a storage
vessel of 0.31 m3 capacity. Before
admission, the storage vessel contained the
gas at pressure and temp of 137.8kPa and
24C. After admission, the pressure has
increased to 1171.8 kPa. What should be the
final temp of gas in vessel (in Kelvin)?
a. 298.0
c. 180
b. 319.0
d. 420
31.twenty grams of oxygen gas (O2) are
compressed at const temp of 30C to 5% of
their original vol. What work is done on the
`Use R of air = 0.0619 cal/gm-K
a. 824 cal
c. 944 cal
b. 894 cal
d. 1124 cal
35.During polytrophic process of ideal gas
state changes from 138 kPa and 5C to 827
kPa and 171C. Find value of n.
a. 1.354
c. 1.345
b. 1.253
d. 1.234
36.calculate specific vol of air-vapor mixture
in cu. m per kg of dry air when the ff.
conditions are given:
t = 30C
w = 0.015kg/kg
P = 90kPa
a. 2.12 m3/kg
c. 0.99 m3/kg
b. 0.622 m /kg
d. 1.515 m3/kg
37.copra enters dryer containing 40% H2O &
60% solid, and leaves w/ 5% H2O & 95%
solid. Find wt. of H2O removed per lb. of
final prod.
a. 0.583 lb/lb
c. 0.475 lb/lb
b. 1.3753 lb/lb
d. 1.015 lb/lb
38.an air conditioning plant w/ capacity of
400kW has an evaporating & condensing
temp of 3C and 37C respectively. If it uses
R-12, what is the volume flow rate under
suction conditions?
At 3C
hg = 352.75 kJ/kg
v = 50.47 L/kg
hf = 202.78 kJ/kg
`Enthalpy leaving cond = 235.3503kJ/kg
a. 0.172 m3/s
c. 3.411 m3/s
b. 0.281 m3/s
d. 3.5 m3/s
44.a refrigerator having 30kW capacity
requires 10HP compressor. Find COP of
a. 2.78
c. 4.02
b. 3.78
d. 5.02
45.A VCRS is designed to have a capacity of
100 TOR. It produces chilled water from
22C to 2C. Its actual COP is 5.86 and 35%
of power supplied to compressor is lost in
form of friction and cylinder cooling losses.
Determine the size of electric motor reqd to
drive compressor in KW and vol flow rate of
chilled water in L/s.
a. 92.31 kW, 4.199 L/s
b. 90.71 kW, 5.277 L/s
c. 93.75 kW, 5.724 L/s
d. 91.75 kW, 7.575 L/s
46.a single acting twin cylinder ammonia
compressor w/ bore equal to stroke is driven
by engine at 250 rpm. The machine is
installed in chilling plant to produce 700 kW
of refrigeration at -18C evaporator temp. At
this temp, cooling effect per kg mass = 1160
kJ. Specific vol of vapor entering
compressor = 0.592 m3/kg. Assume 85%
volumetric efficiency, determine the bore in
a. 400 mm
c. 500 mm
b.300 mm
d. 450 mm
47.A refrigeration compressor having 10 in.
flywheel is driven by a 4-pole AC motor. If
diameter of motor is 4 in, determine speed
of compressor.
a. 70 rpm
c. 600 rpm
b. 500 rpm
d. 800 rpm
D 39.fish weighing 11,000 kg w/ temp of 20C is
brought to cold storage & w/c shall be
cooled to -10 C in 11hrs. Find the reqd plant
capacity in tons if Cp of fish above and
below freezing is 0.7 kCal/kg-C and 0.3
kCal/kg-C respectively, w/ freezing pt at 3C.
`The latent heat of freezing = 55.5 kCal/kg
a. 25.26
b. 15.26
d. 24.38
C 40.an ice plant produces 20 tons of ice per day
at -15C from water at 25C. If losses are 12%
of freezing and chilling load, calculate
refrigeration capacity of plant in TOR.
a. 28.13
c. 31.5
b. 28.13
d. 41.5
A 41.calculate tons of refrigeration reqd to freeze
in 4 hrs. 3mm of 10C water on a skating risk
61m x 30m if the ground temp is 10C and
the air temp is 10C and the air temp above
rink is 16C.
Heat transfer coefficient
air to 0C ice = 6.8 W/m2-C
grnd to -6C = 0.3402 W/m2-C
a. 101.69
b. 151.68
d. 201.96
A 48.calculate piston displacement of 2-cylinder
compressor rotating at 1450 rpm if diameter
of cylinder is 2.5 in. & length of stroke is 2
a. 16.48 ft3/min
c. 14.48 ft3/min
b. 15.48 ft3/min
d. 17.48 ft3/min
49.a duct 0.40 m high and 0.80 m wide
suspended from the ceiling in a corridor
makes a right angle turn in the horizontal
plane. The inner radius is 0.2m and outer
radius is 1.0 m measured from the same
center. The velocity of air in duct is 10 m/s.
Compute the pressure drop in this elbow.
f = 0.3
density = 1.204 kg/m3
L = 10m
a. 341 Pa
c. 143 Pa
b. 441 Pa
d. 144 Pa
50.determine the sensible heat of 5 lb of air
having dry bulb temp of 70F and humidity
ratio of 0.0092 lb/lb, the latter corresponding
to dew pt temp of 55F.
a. 94 BTU
c. 84 BTU
b. 48 BTU
d. 49 BTU
D 42.The power requirement of Carnot refrigerator
in maintaining a low temp region at 300K is
1.5 kW per ton. Find heat rejected.
a. 4.02 kW
c. 6.02 kW
b. 7.02 kW
d. 5.02 kW
D 43.4000 L/hr of distillates are to be cooled from
21C to -12C and 12% of wax by wt. is
separated out at 15C. The cp heat of oil is 2
kJ/kg-C and SG is 0.87. The specific heat of
wax is 2.5 and latent heat is 290 kJ/kg.
Allow 10% for losses, find the refrigerating
capacity of system.
a. 20 TOR
c. 40 TOR
b. 51.08 TOR
d. 31.08 TOR
C 51.a 0.70 m vane axial fan is running at 2000
rpm delivers 7.5 m3/s against 0.08m static
pressure thereby consuming 12 kW. If fan
wheel diameter is increased from 0.70 m to
0.76 m, so the diameter ration is 1.10:1,
what is the new static pressure?
a. 1.01m
c. 0.097m
b. 0.314m
55.a mixture of dry air and water vapor is at
temp of 21C under pressure of 101kPa. The
dew pt temp is 15C. Calculate the relative
a. 68.56%
b. 65.68%
d. 58.66%
56.a dryer is to deliver 1000 kg/hr of palay
with a final moisture content of 10%. The
initial moisture content in the feed is 15% at
atm cond w/ 32C dry-bulb & 21C wet-bulb.
The dryer is maintained at 45C while RH of
hot humid air from dryer is 80%. If steam
pressure supplied to heater is 2 MPa,
determine air supplied to dryer in m3/hr.
a. 1332.25 m3/hr
c. 1223.25 m3/hr
b. 1233.25 m /hr
d. 1523.13 m3/hr
57.An assembly hall was to have an air
conditioning unit installed w/c would be
maintained at 26C dry-bulb & at 50%RH.
The unit delivers air at 15C dry-bulb temp &
the calculated sensible heat load is 150kW
& latent heat is 51.3kW. 20% by wt of
extracted air is made up of outside air at 34C
dry-bulb & 60% RH, while 80% is extracted
by air conditioner from assembly hall.
Determine the air conditioner’s refrigerating
capacity in TOR & its ventilation load in
a. 83.22 TOR, 37.47 kW
b. 76.43 TOR, 57.34 kW
c. 89.56 TOR, 45.77 kW
d. 56.78 TOR, 47.68 kW
B 52. Centrifugal pump has const speed of 1500
rpm and has head of 75m. What is the effect
on the head of the pump if the impeller
diameter is reduced from 280mm to 230
a. 25.6 mm
c. 65.6 mm
b. 50.6 mm
d. 72.6 mm
A 53.in an air conditioning unit, 3.5 m3/s of air at
27C dry-bulb temp, 50%RH & std. atm
pressure enters unit. The leaving condition
of air is 13C dry-bulb temp and 90% RH.
Using properties from psychro chart,
calculate refrigerating capacity in kW.
a. 87.57 kW
c. 57.87 kW
b. 77.57 kW
d. 58.77 kW
D 54.a stream of outdoor air is mixed with steam
of return air in an air conditioning system
that operates at 101kPa pressure. The flow
rate of outdoor system air is 2 kg/s and its
condition is 35C dry-bulb temp & 25C wetbulb temp. he flow rate of return is 3 kg/s &
its cond is = 24C & 50%RH. Determine
enthalpy of mixture.
a. 91.56 kJ/kg
c.69.15 kJ/kg
b. 51.69 kJ/kg
d. 59.16 kJ/kg
71.81% 58. Sol’n:
59.13% 59. Sol’n:
5.6 kW 60. Sol’n:
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