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Dettol Brand Literature Review: Marketing & Strategy

Literature Review of the Brand – “Dettol”
Submitted by
Ankush Roy
Krishna Bollojula
Shubham Sharma
Suddhasheel Bhattacharya
Table of Contents
Brand Dettol – The Evolution........................................................................................................................ 3
Company Background .............................................................................................................................. 3
Evolution, Positioning and Repositioning of Dettol Products....................................................................... 3
Dettol – The Antiseptic Liquid ................................................................................................................. 3
DETTOL SOAP........................................................................................................................................ 4
The Liquid Hand Wash ............................................................................................................................. 6
The Body Wash......................................................................................................................................... 7
Shaving Cream.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Plaster........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Advertising, sales promotion and segmentation strategy............................................................................ 8
Electronic Media....................................................................................................................................... 9
Outreach Media......................................................................................................................................... 9
Print Media................................................................................................................................................ 9
Sales Promotion ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Consumer sales promotion......................................................................................................................10
Business-Business promotion .................................................................................................................10
Sales persons promotion .........................................................................................................................10
Tools of sales promotion.........................................................................................................................11
Segmentation strategy for Dettol Antiseptic Liquid and Soap ................................................................... 12
Analysis of product and generic competition to the brand ........................................................................ 13
Communication:...................................................................................................................................... 13
Other Players in the antiseptic liquid market: .........................................................................................14
Savlon: ....................................................................................................................................................14
Overall Strategy of Dettol antiseptic Liquid and Soap ................................................................................16
Distribution Strategy................................................................................................................................... 17
Summary regarding the future directions for the brand ............................................................................ 18
Brand Dettol – The Evolution
The brand started its journey in 1933 as antiseptic liquid, but over the years, it has been
extended to a number of product categories like toilet soaps, liquid hand wash, liquid body wash,
shaving cream and plaster strips. The growth trend in the last few years had been encouraging
with shares showing an accelerated upward growth in most categories, but the team felt share
gain could be much faster. The brand team decided to further build on the growth trajectory and
set itself a visionary target - that of doubling Dettol’s overall share in next three years in the
combined market of the product categories it is present in (Antiseptic Liquid, Bar soaps, Liquid
Hand wash, Body wash).
Company Background
Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd (RBIL) is a fully owned subsidiary of Reckitt Benckiser Plc.,
world’s No.1 Company in household cleaning. Reckitt Benckiser Plc. came into being with the
merger of Reckitt & Colman Plc. with Benckiser NV in 1999. The company has operations in 60
countries, sales in 180 countries and has had net revenues in excess of $5.5 billion. Reckitt
Benckiser India Ltd (RBIL) manufactures and markets a wide range of products in Personal care,
Pest control, Shoe care, Antiseptics, Surface care, Fabric care and other categories. Amongst its
many well-known brands are Dettol, Mortein, Harpic, Cherry Blossom, Lizol, Disprin, Robin
powder, Colin, etc. Most of these brands are either number 1 or number 2 in their respective
categories in India. These brands are either number 1 or number 2 in their respective categories
in India. RBIL distributes all its products through its common distribution channel, which has a
wide and deep reach in the markets and is a key strength of the company.
Evolution, Positioning and Repositioning of Dettol Products
Dettol – The Antiseptic Liquid
The brand Dettol was launched in India in 1933 in the Antiseptic liquid form as treatment
for cuts and wounds. For almost the first 50 years, Dettol was present only as an antiseptic liquid.
Although it was being used in hospitals and nursing homes for first aid and disinfectant uses like
cleaning wards, washing linen, etc. Consumers were also using it for bathing, mopping, shaving
and other secondary purposes. While it started its journey as the ‘cuts and wounds’ brand in the
country, over the years it had taken over the role of ‘protector from germs’ in every situation.
Dettol Antiseptic Liquid has some strong, distinct associations-first and foremost is its trademark
smell. Who can miss the characteristic Dettol smell that has been the reassurance to many a
child’s scraped knee! Consumers recognize the smell enough to refer to a medicinally clean
room as ‘Dettol like smell’. Savlon on the other does not have the same burning sensation, (and
is) very often seen by consumers as ‘ineffective’ ”. The second characteristic is its amber gold
color. The third is the ‘clouding’ effect that appears when it is added to water. Dettol’s packaging
is distinct in its very own way. The green & white colors are associated with hospitals. All Dettol
products have a sword on the pack, which is a symbol for fighting germs and infection.
Consumers see Dettol as an ‘expert’, as something which is effective and versatile and
guarantees protection from germs.
It has been likened to a bodyguard who protects them from the unclean and unhygienic
outside world. The brand’s versatility stems from multiple uses of the antiseptic liquid which
offers protection in so many different forms. Usage of the brand gives rise to many emotions in
the consumers’ minds. From making them feel safe and secure about the well-being of their
family to making the mother feel that she has done the best for her family, the brand evokes
positive imageries and emotions. Thus, it is only fitting that the brand’s tagline says - Be 100%
sure. Over the years brand Dettol has been extended and has made its presence felt in a number
of product categories. While Antiseptic Liquid was the category where the brand was born and
where it Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd. continues to command a dominant market share of 85%, its
revenue growth is significantly driven by its presence in the other product categories of toilet
soaps (or bar soaps), Liquid hand wash, Body wash, Shaving Cream and Plasters too. Each of
these markets are at varying stages of evolution, so while in one market the brand - as the leader
- had the responsibility of driving overall market growth, in other markets, the brand strategy had
been to garner share. Fundamental to all the categories was existence/creation of a consumer
need for germ protection satiated by Dettol’s trusted promise.
Dettol’s communication in the initial years was via medical detailing material, print
advertisement in popular press and medical journals. This was followed by TV advertisements
centered on first aid application for many years. U&A study showed that while First Aid use in
the households had a near 100% penetration, many homes were using it for secondary purposes.
In order to exploit this potential in 2005, the message strategy saw a shift to communicating
secondary usages like adding Dettol to bathing water, disinfecting the floors, nappy rinsing etc.
In early 2008, the brand’s communication took another step forward with its “Aapka Dettol Kya
Kya Karta Hai” campaign – that showcased how brand users across the country had formed their
own special bond with the brand – using it whenever and wherever they felt a need for
Antiseptic Liquid is a well-penetrated market, given its use in first aid, and is sold in over
16 lac outlets in the country. Over the years, the product has been extended for other disinfection
uses like adding to bathing water, disinfecting baby nappies, adding to water while mopping etc.
and at present secondary usage contributes more volumes of Dettol Antiseptic liquid than the
primary first aid usage.
The Dettol soap was launched in 1981 by Reckitt and Coleman India Ltd on the platform
of ‘Mild and gentle skin care’ with the selling proposition as – “Give your family the loving care
of Dettol Soap”. But its positioning did not fall in line with Dettol’s core property: fighting
germs and protection. There were doubts regarding success of this extension. After in-depth
consumer research, it was seen that consumers were open to the idea of using Dettol Soap when
they faced extreme dirt conditions. Hence, it was felt that Dettol Soap needs to be positioned for
occasions that are special, but not rare in everyday life.
These could be based on exposure to dirt and germs, pollution, heat, sweat etc. However,
luck favored Dettol soap because 1982-1983 there was a phobia in the minds of people regarding
pollution of water and air. Dettol soap, re-launched in 1984, has made headway in the crowded
premium toilet soap market by adopting a strategy of creating and dominating a specific usage
occasion. By 2000, it saw limited success but its market share had started stagnating. Research
on brand equity revealed that while Dettol’s equity remained very strong on ‘germ protection’,
the product’s relevance in the consumer’s choice for a bathing soap was getting limited. It was
also gathered in the consumer research that while loyalists loved Dettol soap for its trademark
fragrance, it was being rejected by a big chunk of consumers as a regular bathing soap bar.
The brand team felt a need to launch variants in Dettol Soap given that sensorial
measures like fragrance, moisturized soft skin, etc. were key drivers when it came to consumers
choosing their soap brands. Dettol Skincare soap was thus launched in January 2004 - A white
colored soap, offering Dettol’s protection with moisturizers to nourish the skin. This was
followed by the third variant – Dettol Cool in February 2006, which offered trusted Dettol
protection with menthol to help feel refreshed and revitalized.
Dettol variants have contributed incrementally to Dettol soap sales and now make up
about 25% of total Dettol soap sales. However, given its heritage and years of existence, Dettol
Original Soap continues to be the lead variant, and top of mind when it came to Dettol Soaps.
The Liquid Hand Wash
Dettol introduced the Liquid Hand Wash in 1994.It was known that many consumers use
Dettol Soap for cleaning hands. Dettol Liquid Soap gave the consumers a soap in a more modern
and convenient format for hand wash.
In hand washing, the need for germ protection is top most on consumer’s mind. Due to its
early and continued efforts in building the segment and given the strength of the parent brand
Dettol, this segment was historically dominated by Dettol Liquid Hand wash. Though the
incidence of hand wash in a day is quite high, penetration of liquid hand wash is still low in
India, bar soaps being typically used for washing hands. The key reasons for low penetration of
the category are ‘expensive/low value for money’. Amongst users, the motivators are ‘protection
from germs’ followed by ‘convenience of use’.
The segment is broadly split in two formats:
i) Dispensing Format: Pump Packs
ii) Refilling Formats: Refill sizes
The category evolution has been based on the increasing penetration of the Pump pack
over a period of time. The dispensing pack dominated the market with over 60% contribution
during the initial stages until 2005. Over the past few years, the refill segment has flourished – as
regular consumers re-purchase the refill pack after entering into the segment via the Pump
pack.However, the awareness for refill packs is still low. A large base of consumers still repurchases the Pump pack instead of using a refill pack. In building the segment, Dettol has
played the role of the market leader and the innovator. In 2005, it was the first player to launch
the Pouch refill pack. As the market evolved and the Pouch refill segment grew, all the other
competitors entered the pouch refill segment and also the launch of the small pump pack, at a
lower pick up price, in the first quarter of 2007.
Similarly, the latest product innovation offering from Dettol has been the Dettol No
Touch Hand Wash System, yet another unique and innovative product in hand hygiene. True to
its promise of ‘trusted protection’ a first of its kind in India, comes with the latest no touch
technology thus providing its consumers with increased protection against germs.
Dettol No-Touch Hand Wash System consists of a Battery Operated Gadget with a Refill.
The sensor detects the hand movement (in front of the sensor) and automatically dispenses just
the right amount of soap in to your hands and protects against a wide range of germs, helping
you to maintain a healthier and happier home environment for your family. It is enriched with
moisturizing ingredients that leaves your hands feeling refreshed and soft. The vacuum
dispensation ensures no drip after dispensing and up to 98% use of the refill.
The new Dettol No-Touch hand wash system is available in two unique fragrances;
Original and Hydrating Cucumber Splash. The complete pack including the gadget, 250ml refill
along with 4 AA batteries is available at an introductory price of Rs 450/- and the 250 ml refills
are available at Rs 99/-.
The Body Wash
Consumer goods major Reckitt Benckiser has forayed into body wash segment with the
launch of a range of body wash products under the Dettol brand for both men and women.IT was
launched in 2005 for further penetration into related categories and progression into the urban
market. Dettol body wash combines Dettol’s trusted protection from germs with a unique liquid
formulation that provides 100 per cent more freshness than soap. The current user profile of
Body Wash is upper SECs who reside mainly in Metros. The user profile currently also has a
slight female skew and the association of the product usage is with feelings of indulgence and
‘pampering oneself’. The category is considered ‘premium’ due to its high priced products.
Though the market is dominated by a few key players namely, Lux Body Wash, Palmolive and
Dove taking more than 90% of the market size combined together.
Shaving Cream
Dettol launched its shaving cream in 1996.This has also been another successful
extension for the brand. Though it was launched after a research which showed that 40% people
used some antiseptic lotion after shave and 30% used Dettol lotion. This made Reckitt to launch
the twin purpose shaving cream. But this did not address the secondary benefit of after shave. It
was not supported by enough promotion .did not have any clear differentiation. Had poor
Dettol Plaster is an important brand in the basket since it is directly used in first aid and
hence adds to the first aid range and core equity of the brand. The major competitor in the
category is Band-Aid from Johnson and Johnson.
Advertising, sales promotion and segmentation strategy
Dettol’s Flagship brand, Dettol Antiseptic liquid since its launch in 1930’s was
positioned as a Germ Killer and a cut and wound Cleaning Liquid. However, in the late 1950’s
and early 60’s in a bid to increase the brands usage by increasing its target customer base the
brand was subsequently repositioned and advertised as floor cleaning liquid – A must have for
homes with young infants. The strategy clicked and was successful in increasing the brand’s
Dettol Original soap was launched on the platform of ‘Mild and gentle skin care’ with
the selling proposition as – “Give your family the loving care of Dettol Soap”. However, the
brand failed to take off since a mild soap from the Dettol stable did not make sense. After indepth consumer research, it was seen that consumers were open to the idea of using Dettol Soap
when they faced extreme dirt conditions. Hence, it was felt that Dettol Soap needs to be
positioned for occasions that are special, but not rare in everyday life.
Another challenge was to create a positioning that managed a fine balance between a
cosmetic and therapeutic medicated position. The final positioning that was decided was:
“Dettol protection comes to you and your family in the form of soap for those daily
occasions when a specially clean germicidal bath is necessary. WHEN NO ORDINARY
BATH WILL DO – DETTOL SOAP – THE 100% BATH”. The advertising was thus
developed along these lines and Dettol Soap was re-launched. The advertising clicked with
the consumer.
Various communication tactics adopted by Dettol
Straight selling
Health care programs.
Surprise gift.
Free distribution of trial pack
Different media formats adopted by Dettol for advertising are:
Electronic Media
The company RBIL proactively used Television channels like Star Plus and Sony to mainly
target families in both urban and Rural areas by promoting Dettol soap and antiseptic liquids by
primarily advertising in the prime time shows.
Outreach Media
Brand Dettol has carried out several campaigns both in rural and urban areas to increase
awareness about cleanliness and hygiene and how Dettol soap and antiseptic liquid could be an
aid in fighting infections and germs. Primarily such campaigns include “Safe Hai Surakashith
Hai” , “saaf hai to safe Hai “ via road shows, and promotion campaigns in marketplaces,
societies and other public areas
Print Media
Both Dettol soap and antiseptic liquid is been advertised in leading daily national and regional
newspapers as well as women’s magazines in an attempt to increase brand awareness as well as
to create general awareness on public health.
Sales Promotion
Types of sales promotion undertaken by Dettol
Consumer sales promotion
Done mainly via mass promotion campaigns on television , print and outreach media to
build an inbound traffic for Dettol soap and antiseptic liquid thereby creating a pull and
brand loyalty.
Business-Business promotion
Dettol as a Brand has tied up with both government and private partners for business to
business promotions which includes promotion of its products like Dettol soap and
antiseptic liquid via either government agencies or private parties.
Sales persons promotion
It involves mainly selling door to door using large fleet of sales persons. Though Dettol
has not used this method recently but it regularly carries out in-store and neighborhood
sampling and sales campaigns of their new products.
Tools of sales promotion
Consumer sales promotion
Internet marketing
Lucky draws (mobile promo)
Price offs
Banded offers
Quantity deals
Consumer contests
Segmentation strategy for Dettol Antiseptic Liquid and Soap
Since the launch of its flagship brand, Dettol Antiseptic liquid in 1930’s, the product for
the most of the time has been almost a monopoly in the market and hence it’s a preferred
product in germ killer category in almost all urban areas and also has made its mark in the rural
areas as well. As for the segmentation initially the target population of the prospective users was
segmented into rural and urban population and for the socioeconomic classification was done
for the same.
Since its launch in 1930’s, Dettol initially targeted the urban and educated class who are
well aware of public health concerns and threats posed by unclean cuts and wounds. However,
since then Dettol has successfully targeted the other segments including the rural population of
the country as well. Dettol soap which was launched in 1980’s also targeted the urban middle
class uneducated consumers who wanted beauty soap with a property of antiseptic’s. Since then,
the three other variance of Dettol soap namely Skin Care, Cool and Re-energize have been
introduces as well, each targeting a different segment while skin care is targeted towards women
who wish to take care of the skin and is primarily marketed as a beauty product. The Dettol cool
soap tries to cater to the youth segment aged fewer than 35 with a proposition of being a cool,
funky and effective germ killing soap and the Dettol re-energize is targeted towards the working
population with a promise of freshness after every bath.
Analysis of product and generic competition to the brand
The Antiseptic liquid market in India dominated by Dettol Antiseptic Liquid, which has
close to 83% share. Johnson & Johnson’s Savlon is the other significant player with a market
share of 13%. A few years back, this market saw introduction of Suthol brand antiseptic liquid
from G.D. Pharma (makers of Boroline).
Communication: Dettol’s communication in the initial years was via medical detailing
material, print advertisement in popular press and medical journals. This was followed by TV
advertisements centered on first aid application for many years.
U&A study showed that while First Aid use in the households had a near 100%
penetration, many homes were using it for secondary purposes. In order to exploit this potential
in 2005, the message strategy saw a shift to communicating secondary usages like adding Dettol
to bathing water, disinfecting the floors, nappy rinsing etc. In early 2008, the brand’s
communication took another step forward with its “Aapka Dettol Kya Kya Karta Hai” campaign
– that showcased how brand users across the country had formed their own special bond with the
brand – using it whenever and wherever they felt a need for disinfection. Antiseptic Liquid is a
well-penetrated market, given its use in first aid, and is sold in over 16 lac outlets in the country.
Over the years, the product has been extended for other disinfection uses like adding to
bathing water, disinfecting baby nappies, adding to water while mopping etc. and at present
secondary usage contributes more volumes of Dettol Antiseptic liquid than the primary first aid
Other Players in the antiseptic liquid market:
It is the key direct competitor in the Antiseptic Liquid market. It was launched with ‘no sting
with Savlon’s campaign. It attempted to pull the consumer base towards its product promise of
non-sting. In Feb 2005, it started with a new ‘70% doctors prefer Savlon’ advertisement with
heavy media support. However, brand’s share has more or less remained stagnant over the years.
G.D. Pharma launched Suthol antiseptic liquid in April 2006 in their stronghold state of West
Bengal, which was positioned on soothing sensation, from irritation due to prickly heat,
mosquito bites, after-shave, etc. Both TV and print media were used to promote the brand in
West Bengal during the launch phase. The brand has shown strong share gain mainly in the East.
In 2007, the brand was rolled out to other states, with heavy print support in Delhi & West
Bengal, but with little success beyond East.
Lifebuoy: It became a serious player in Liquid hand wash market in Q3, 2006. Its share
went up from 9.3% to 19.8% for the year 2007. Positioned on a ‘protection from germs’
platform it carries the tagline of ‘have no fear’ in the Liquid hand wash segment too. Other than
Dettol, it is so far the only significant player that invests in the category. With media support
and strong promotional support, supporting its prelaunch, it has made quick gains in this
Santoor: As a strong player in the bar soaps market and with a high market-share in the
South, Santoor launched the Liquid Hand Wash in January 2007, along with media support.
Post that, the brand has been off air.
Overall Strategy of Dettol antiseptic Liquid and Soap
Since its inception in 1930’s the Dettol antiseptic liquid has enjoyed a virtual monopoly
in Indian Markets and almost a cult like brand loyalty. It is perceived as a very effective germ
killer and cut and wound healer by its consumers and because of this it has a huge market
penetration of almost 83% in the country. Consumers trust the brand and particularly Dettol
antiseptic liquid hugely and because of this there has not been much change in its positioning or
overall strategy since its launch.
Some of the small changes that RBIL has done with Dettol Antiseptic are providing more
SKU options at different price points so that it is affordable to a larger segment particularly in
the rural areas. It has also strengthened its distribution and supply chain for the product to be
available in the remotest of the villages. Also, Dettol antiseptic liquid is now being endorsed by
the NIMA(National Integrated Medical Association) which increases the trust factor of the
consumer in brand.
For the Dettol soap range, the company RBIL changed its overall strategy in order to
reach to wider consumer base and increase its revenue by launching three new variants of the
soap, each targeted to the particular segment as already discussed above. In addition, it rebranded
its original Dettol soap as not only a germ killer but also a beauty soap with germ killing and
antiseptic properties there by tackling a head on competition with brands like Lux, Santoor,
Lifebuoy and Hammam whereas all these mentioned brands with the exception of lifebuoy were
only beauty soap and had no germ killing properties and lifebuoy was essentially a germ killing
soap targeting in rural areas with no skincare properties Dettol tried to win over both the
segments of skincare and hygiene by introducing the soap which has both the properties.
Distribution Strategy
RBIL’s distribution strategy is similar to other FMCG companies
operating in the country. The Dettol products are first shipped
form the manufacturing plants to a central/mother warehouses
spread strategically across the country from these mother
warehouses the product is shipped to wholesalers across the
country to further distribute the product to over 1.6 million retail
outlets in the nation and from it reaches to the end consumer.
Manufacturer: It is the central location from where Dettol
Antiseptic Liquid, Soap, kitchen gel and all other products of
Dettol are manufactured in different SKU’s and shipped to
Mother/Central warehouses usually by using surface transport.
Central/Mother Warehouses: It’s a central location with
proximity from major markets of Dettol where the Dettol
products that come from the manufacturer are first stored. The
central/ Mother warehouses are essentially huge storage depots
but are less in number. They are either operated by the company
itself or by the C&F (Carry and Forwarding Agents). Dettol
Products from here are further distributed to various wholesalers
across the country.
Distributor/Wholesaler: Is a company approved agent who
stores the various Dettol products in his warehouse and is
responsible for further distribution to the retail outlets as per the
current industry standards these distributors make a margin of 35% on RBIL products. Each distributor/wholesaler has a
particular route/service area plan for which he/she is responsible
for the service for the retailers on that particular route.
Retailer: Usually make a margin of about 8-10% on the Dettol
products and they are the first point of contact for the end
customer. They are over 1.6 million retail outlets from which the
product is available.
Consumer: The end user gets the product from the retailer based
on location and availability at the retailer.
Summary regarding the future directions for the brand
RBIL’s Flagship brand Dettol has a high penetration in the country and is also
synonymous with first-aid emergency in the country. The brand enjoys very high brand record
among the customers and it is available in both urban and rural areas quite easily. Though the
competitors like suthol and savlon present in the market but the Dettol enjoys virtual monopoly
over its competitors primarily because of stable and popular pricing and extensive distribution
network. RBIL further in a bid to increase its target segment has extended its brand portfolio
which now includes dettol shaving cream, no touch hand sanitizer, the Dettol Kitchen Gel all of
which borrow heavily from the original brand projection which was that of an effective germ
killer. Though everything seems to going good for RBIL’s flagship brand the fundamental
question of whether the unwavering brand loyalty of customers to Dettol is because of its
perception of safety and trust on the brand or is it because of the fact that there is no other viable
alternative available in the market other than savlon still remains .