Workout Consistency: Motivational Guide

Everybody struggles with workouts. It’s impossible to be perfect.
What matters is that you find the right program for you, trust it, and stay consistent.
If one day you don’t feel great, don’t get down. Instead, celebrate that you got it done. Then get back
the next day.
Aim for consistency.
Others may judge. You do you. Keep the focus on what matters.
Let’s talk about progress in the gym because it ain’t always linear.
Sure, you can increase the amount of weight that you lift. But you can also lift the same weight more
times. Both are great.
But there’s so much more to it. Being able to train with less rest, improvements in your mental game,
bettering your range of motion, or lifting with a more difficult tempo are all ways to vary and improve.
Preach �
What a privilege it is to be able to work out.
Isn’t it amazing that we have the opportunity to exercise?
A reminder for you today.
*Walks slowly away…
Tip 11
I’ve learned this the hard way.
Let’s hear it. What’s your ideal gym?
Love these simple rules. I don’t pretend to follow them perfectly every day but they sure are a good goal
and reference set.
A great day always starts first thing in the morning.
While you don’t need to wake up at 4:30am, getting your exercise and reading in before the day starts
set you up on a great path.
*Slow clap*
Not much more to say. Great rules to live by.
You do you. Let others judge if they must. Pay no attention to it.
Structure breeds freedom. As odd as it may sound, discipline is the key.
Get to bed on time and wake up earlier.
Lift weights AT LEAST twice a week.
And always, no matter what, try to be better today than you were yesterday.