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Servant Leadership Impact on Employee Performance in UAE

Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 1
Impact of Servant Leadership on Performance and Employee Motivation Within Manufacturing
Sector of the UAE
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 2
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 6
Background ...................................................................................................................... 7
Rationale........................................................................................................................... 7
Aim and Objectives .......................................................................................................... 8
Research Theory............................................................................................................... 8
Research methodology summary ..................................................................................... 8
summary ........................................................................................................................... 8
Literature Review.................................................................................................................. 10
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 10
Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................. 10
Leadership ............................................................................................................... 10
Types of Leadership ....................................................................................................... 11
Servant Leadership theory .............................................................................................. 12
Servant leadership positive impacts ............................................................................... 12
Servant leadership negative impacts .............................................................................. 13
Employee motivation within the manufacturing sector ................................................. 14
Servant leadership affects the employee performance ................................................... 15
Current servant leadership practices .............................................................................. 16
Servant leadership policies in U.A.E .......................................................................... 17
Summary..................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER # 3- Research Methodology ............................................................................... 19
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 19
Methodology considerations .......................................................................................... 19
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 3
Research Design and strategy ........................................................................................ 19
Data extraction ........................................................................................................ 20
Data synthesis ......................................................................................................... 20
Ethical Considerations.................................................................................................... 20
Research Approach ........................................................................................................ 20
Data Collection method & tools ..................................................................................... 21
Sampling Technique ....................................................................................................... 21
Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 22
Studies Included ............................................................................................................. 22
Summary of the chapter .............................................................................................. 27
CHAPTER # 4- Research Findings and Discussion ............................................................. 28
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 28
Search findings ............................................................................................................... 28
Summary of the chapter ................................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER # 5- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................... 33
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 33
Conclusions of research objectives and questions ......................................................... 33
Objective # 1. To identify key drivers of motivation in the manufacturing workforce.
Objective # 2. To examine the impact of servant leadership on the work productivity
and motivation of employees ................................................................................................. 35
Objective # 3. To recommend best practices that can be used under the servant
leadership approach to resolving the issue of work productivity. ........................................ 36
Implications and Recommendations for Practice and Further Research........................ 37
Implications and Recommendations for Practice ................................................... 37
Implications and Recommendations for Further Research ..................................... 38
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 4
Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 39
Summary of the chapter ................................................................................................. 41
References ............................................................................................................................. 42
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 5
Servant leadership serves as a fuel to the organization, due to which the study will have the inside
look of how the leadership style of servant impacts the study in other aspects, majorly the study
focus on the factor of employee performance that get the immense influence of the leadership style
being practiced in the company. Through techniques and analysis the policies, practices and other
aspects are discussed and extracted in the research which will help the readers to understand the
role of leadership, its importance in managing employee performance with the UAE context.
Keywords: servant leadership; employee performance; motivation.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 6
1 Introduction
In the last few decades, the management has undergone how they explain leadership and their
attitudes. Now the management has moved forward from the classical approach to a creative one.
The manufacturing sector of UAE is a vast industry where leadership plays an effective role. For
every industry there requires a different leadership approach to manage the framework of
governance (Alahbabi, et al 2021). Servant leadership is very important for the success and growth
of a certain area of industry. The use of effective leadership is a challenging task for the
management to decide which will best suit and helps in implementing the overall framework
within a certain industry.
The manufacturing sector of UAE includes so many companies, factories, industries that are
playing their role to increase the GDP of the UAE. Mostly the manufacturing companies are SMEs
which needs the role of leadership from time to time (Arain, et al 2019). As leaders in the context
of the manufacturing industry can be the guidance and authority of supervision of analyzing the
performance of the employees who are working in the production department.
It includes monitoring the level of their performance and adding those attributes in the leadership
quality which helps in guiding and managing the employee's performance and helps in increasing
job satisfaction level within the manufacturing industry. This paper emphasizes and highlights
specifically the working performance of employees of UAE who are working in the manufacturing
industry (Al-Asadi, et al 2019). What are the factors that impact positively and negatively on the
employee's performance level and satisfaction level?
Different leadership styles can be adopted in a work environment and this study provides a
guideline that which type of leadership style best suits the manufacturing industry of UAE which
can help in increasing employee’s performance and their satisfaction level. Leadership
management should focus on which attributes can help in increasing the productivity level of a
certain firm.
Moreover, the impact of decision-making by leaders is very significant for the effectiveness of a
company. This study emphasizes one of the leadership styles i.e. transformational, transactional,
autocratic, etc. which can be effective and plays a vital role in the working performance of
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 7
The workforce of UAE especially those who are working in the manufacturing sector is very
effective and skillful. Their job satisfaction level can be improved by providing them certain
benefits which will help them in keeping them satisfied i.e. pleasant work environment, providing
fringe benefits, increasing salary packages, providing annual leaves, etc. Moreover, politeness in
leadership can be very effective in increasing employees' morale (Aboramadan, et al 2020.). The
employees should not be pressurized on work so that they can work with their full capacity and
helps in increasing the productivity and production level of the firm.
1.1 Background
The importance of this study is to determine the factors that are important for successful leadership.
What qualities are significant in servant leadership. Which type of leadership approach best suits
this study which can effectively impact the manufacturing sector (Ahmad, et al, 2021). What are
the key factors of servant leadership that impact employee performance and increase employee
motivation and job satisfaction levels?
This paper focuses on the previous study related to leadership in the manufacturing sector of UAE
what factors were focused on and adopted at that period and which ones are being followed in the
leadership quality one today's leadership.
1.2 Rationale
The rationale for the study is focused on the quality of leadership which can effectively impact the
employee's performance in a manufacturing industry. The main problem for this sector is the
management of leadership which can effectively help to lead any firm (Wanyeki, 2020). This paper
discusses those areas where the work needs to be done in the context of leadership and the adoption
of what leadership styles and approaches will increase and motivate employees of the
manufacturing sector of UAE.
The significance of this study focuses to provide a guideline for those manufacturing companies
which are newly developing and who are in the process of growing their operations. The readers
of this paper can also facilitate and manage their businesses with the guidelines being provided for
successful leadership. The stakeholders that are associated with the manufacturing companies and
the employees working in the manufacturing companies of UAE can get guidelines that how they
will remain motivated within their specific company from this framework.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 8
1.3 Aim and Objectives
This study aims to investigate the factors of effective leadership that need to be taken into
consideration to increase employee performance. The focus of this study is emphasizing
completely the manufacturing sector of the UAE.
To identify key drivers of motivation in the manufacturing workforce.
To examine the impact of servant leadership on the work productivity and motivation of
To recommend best practices which can be used under servant leadership approach to
resolve the issue of work productivity.
1.4 Research Theory
Servant leadership focuses the leaders to provide service to their people/employees and the main
goal for the leaders according to this theory is to serve. So the research theory of servant leadership
this paper comprises is service of leadership towards their employees within the manufacturing
industry (Batool, et al 2021). So the research theory that this paper includes is service to others.
1.5 Research methodology summary
This research made use of qualitative method by selecting the online articles, websites and
newspapers to carry out crticial review of the concepts. This investigation selected articles from
Google Scholar and other authentic online links with complete reference. For this purpose, an
estimated 20-30 references were used for critically reviewing the concepts related to the topic. the
sampling method selected was convenience sampling, because articles were selected based on
convenience from Google Scholar.
1.6 summary
This thesis is based on the 5 chapters given below:
Chapter 1 – Introduction explains background, problem and other parameters of reseach
Chapter 2 – Literature review – It provides critical review of the arguments of the topic using the
latest research articles for critical review.
Chapter 3 – research methodology – the chapter details out on the method selected and the reasons
behind them
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 9
Chapter 4 – results – the chapter explains and depicts results obtained from online research articles
and concludes them by following the arguments.
Chapter 5 – Conclusion and recommendations – the chapter explains and concludes results
obtained from the articles and presents recommendations along with directions of future research.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 10
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
In this section, the literature review will discuss and focus on what is leadership, what are the types
of leadership, what is servant leadership, and the readers who will study this paper will get to know
about the benefits of effective management in manufacturing industry. Moreover, this paper
emphasizes different leadership qualities in the context of the UAE industry specifically. This
literature review emphasizes the best possible leadership strategy and explains the reason for its
implementation as well in the related manufacturing industry.
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.2.1 Leadership
This section of the literature review will focus on leadership and its impact specifically concerning
the manufacturing industry. Nowadays leadership becomes a very significant subject to be
discussed upon. One of the important management features is leadership which helps in increasing
the efficiency it provides a gateway in achieving organizational objectives (Alazzani, et al 2018).
As the manufacturing industry includes different manufacturing companies and each company has
a production department. The functioning of the production department is to produce and generate
the products.
With the help of effective leadership management, a firm can increase its productivity level by
using certain frameworks and certain criteria to adopt the specific level of output. Every sector
includes a leadership role in the decision-making process. Likewise, the manufacturing industry
also needs an effective leadership framework to be implemented in its different departments
(Tripathi et al, 2020). According to previous research work and different studies being conducted
from time to time transformational and transactional approaches are more widely used in the
management of manufacturing industries which projected positive results on employee
performance as well.
One of the qualities of leadership includes the bondage of framework in the management and
decision making. The management should implement those strategies from time to time which can
help the employees as well. They have to introduce certain standards which can be helpful in the
vicinity of the production department for specifically the employees of that department (Alkhyeli
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 11
and Ewijk,2018.). The production department is the backbone of any manufacturing company so
the decision-making of leadership should have to be focused and must be following the employees
of that department as well.
The manufacturing companies of UAE have a vast focus on their employee’s performance. Their
working performance can be analyzed with the help of calculating the satisfaction level of those
employees. One of the factors can be the working environment as well which can affect positively
as well as negatively on employee’s performance.
2.3 Types of Leadership
This section of literature will discuss different types of leadership and discusses the impact of each
one of them on employee’s performance in the manufacturing industry. Several types of leadership
can be used in the manufacturing industry to increase its employee's motivation level.
One style out of those is an authoritarian style in which the leader dictates the policies and controls
all activities without involving the subordinates. If this leadership style is implemented in the
framework of the manufacturing industry for the employees so it cannot be very effective in
increasing the level of satisfaction of employees as it includes dictatorship rather than focusing on
employee involvement which otherwise will be fruitful in generating the output.
Another type of leadership is participative in which everyone is given preference. Employees are
also preferred to provide their opinion regarding the improvements to be made within the
manufacturing firm (Pauceanu, et al 2021). Moreover, the leader will make his decision making
after the proper consent of its employees will be taken into consideration. This leadership approach
can be effective as it includes the involvement of employees as well.
One type is a delegative approach in which the leaders do not participate in decision-making. Their
interference is limited to none and the whole decision-making authority is transferred to the
employees. This approach is well suited to increasing the productivity level of manufacturing
companies. Moreover, it helps in boosting up the confidence and satisfaction of employees as well.
As it provides the authority of decision making to the employee end as well which helps in
increasing their performance as well.
Another type of leadership is a transactional approach in which more focus is on qualitative
productivity. The leader's focus is on the supervision and performance of employees to generate
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 12
the maximum amount of output. This approach can be useful for the production department as it
focuses more on quality making in the supervision of the leader (Aboramadan, et al 2021). This
approach helps in increasing the productivity level of a manufacturing firm. Less focus is on
employee satisfaction level and more on productivity.
2.4 Servant Leadership theory
This leadership focuses more on serving others rather than providing and implementing own
leadership ideas by the leader. This leadership theory focuses on the need of the employees first
and allows them to share their ideas and viewpoints which can help them in keeping satisfied at
the workplace and more motivated towards their work.
Servant leadership seems out to be more effective than any other approach as it provides equal
opportunities and rights for the employees as well. It will help in enhancing their working
performance which can be effective for the manufacturing industry to be implemented (Mahmood
and Iqbal, 2021). The manufacturing industries of UAE can implement servant leadership in their
management and decision-making process as it facilitates the employees on an extreme level by
using their opinions.
As leaders shift their mindset and serve the employees first so it will help out the employees to
work freely. In this manner, the employees can come across innovation in ideas which can be
fruitful in increasing the productivity level of the manufacturing firm with the help of available
resources. The feedback of employees can be useful as it helps to improve those areas which
increase employees' satisfaction levels (Surya, 2021). Moreover, it will help the management to
provide the framework which will best suit in increasing employees performance level which in
return will be favorable for the employees of that firm.
2.5 Servant leadership positive impacts
Servant leadership style not only supports the follower in their activity and jobs task to productivity
as well as inspires them to contest, shine, and groom at a workplace. The significance of servant
leadership impacts the employee's performance as well as goals and aims. In essence, the positive
sides of servant leadership can be detained by looking at some specific types of leadership such as
empathy, stewardship, and listening as discussed by (Zhou et al 2021).
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 13
According to (Lemoine et al 2021) the negotiating process model is decreased at the first level
such as in teams elevated in feminine gender part and composition, servant leadership has large
direct impacts on the friendly motivation also indirect impacts on the follower's performance.
Although servant leadership impacts on outcomes are greater when improvement by women as
well as take place within groups or teams in feminine gender role structure.
The previous study showed that efforts to expand organizational citizen behavior impact servant
leadership which may motivate the employees and increase the productivity of employees. As
reported by Wahyu et al (2021) one way to improve the quality of public service is by enhancing
organizational citizen behavior. Servant leadership in leadership style theory that is determined
leaders’ interests as well as focus support followers and grow and develop opportunities.
Servant leadership negative impacts
Servant leadership's negative impacts reduce the productivity of employees' performance as well
as decrease the organization's productivity and harm the environment. It will make employees
fewer motivated. Servant leadership's negative impacts increase the communication between
employees as well as directly affects performance.
In a previous study (Kaltiainen et al 2021) positive changes in servant leadership belong to the
changes in work arrangement as well as cause effects badly to changes in burn down. Implements
in servant leadership are badly changed into the burndown. Although leadership was related to the
enhanced work arrangement to a similar area.
The present study shows the productivity of the employees under the negative impacts of servant
leadership which affects the workplace, as well as causes, stress in the environment along reducing
the organization productivity so according to Dooley et al (2020) servant leadership common
relationship among physical health and job stress. Negative behaviors of leaders at a workplace
cause physical health and also create job stress which reduces productivity. There is a need to
follow the servant leadership style at the workplace but in most organization leaders treat the
employees negatively which create physical health. Negative leadership does not work in any
organization because of the employees turnover from the organization.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 14
Employee motivation within the manufacturing sector
Employees' motivation is the standard of energy loyalty as well as creativity that industries workers
lead to their jobs. As long as the company economy is growing or damaging. Employees'
motivation sometimes may be considered challenging and complex for small businesses (Kuye et
al 2021). However, employees' emotions are necessary for an organization, as well as leaders
through the emotions leaders, can motivate the employees and also important for the industry to
increase the credibility. Some factors mentioned affect the employee's motivation in the
organization. Most people work in an organization for reputation as well as a good image so they
perform according to the organization so they can motivate themselves and reputation and image
mainly reflect the separately individual perceptions within an organization. Decision-making is
important for an organization so if employees involve in decision making they will be highly
motivated (Acha-anyi et al 2021).
It can be said without any doubt that it is ultimately the leaders that systematically influence and
lead their employees, if the leaders of the organization themselves are disobedient, unfair, and
unreliable then it will be very difficult for them to retain their most honest and committed
employees due to their poor practices. If the employees of a particular department in an
organizational structure feel that they are not fairly treated depending on the workload and are not
paid adequately, this will surely result in deriving out negative emotions of job satisfaction and
will subsequently result in decreasing motivation of employees. On the other hand, if the
employees of the organization feel that they are compensated adequately and equitably depending
on the allocation of their responsibilities, they will exhibit positive job satisfaction emotions which
later on is beneficial for the organization as well in the form of increased productivity and enhanced
organizational commitment. There exists no doubt in accepting the fact that the existing
organizational practices play a critical part in appropriately deriving the overall source of
motivation from employees. Due to the varying nature of the overall activities of manufacturing
organizations in UAE, this might be the case that employees duly feel demotivated when not
appreciated enough for the successful accomplishment of particular tasks or projects. Peace of
mind is extremely critical for the employees to practice particularly in the organizational context
because in situations of unavailability of peace of mind, the employees will be unable to exercise
their prudential control on the affairs of the organization and this will be duly reflected in overall
organizational performance. It has been witnessed in practical circumstances that the
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 15
implementation of a comprehensive set of regulations along with existing relevant policies has
resulted in increased creativity of the employees and they are more actively involved in solving
real-life complex issues in an organizational environment. However, there is an insufficient
synthesis on these negative as well as small to average impacts on employees' performance and
organizational outcome (George et al 2021).
This study explores the relationship between hand involvement in decision timber and problem
working and perceived organizational performance. Contemporaneously, the conception of hand
involvement was anatomized by bedding it within a public culture environment. A thesis testing
was carried out with a quantitative system and statistical analysis of data. The effective use of hand
involvement is appreciatively related to perceived organizational performance. More precisely,
hand participation and commission programs, and the use of tone-managing brigades have a direct
and statistically significant correlation to the directorial perception of the organizational
performance. According to the forenamed results, the companies are encouraged to borrow hand
involvement programs to enhance performance, growth, and competitiveness on the indigenous
and global request.
Servant leadership affects the employee performance
It is very important for the employee to heavy the freedom of doing work in the organization, not
in the duties or the task or activities but it is found out that if the employee working in the company
gets the freedom of doing activities which includes the doing of duties in a way employee wants
is very important. Freedom at the work is an important aspect through which the employee of the
company gets motivated and projects a positive impact on the company (Eva, et al 2019). For the
employee the workplace is not the place that is reducing their morale, instead, they are thought to
be working in the place that is offering them money to grow and serve them. Through the impacts
and positively gained from the servant leadership it is found out that it impacts the performance of
the employee in a positive way, as it focuses on the constructive freedom through which employees
are free to work in the way they want.
Servant leadership provides a certain amount of freedom to its employees through which they feel
motivated, and give high performance. Literature shows that servant leadership is very important
for organizations in which the role of leadership matters a lot which includes almost every place
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 16
and domain of industry. Through the different leadership styles, it is found out that the leadership
style of servant leadership the effective implementation of the strategies are done that help the
positive gain through the task and leadership implementation (Pawar, et al 2020). It is very
important for the organization to effectively implement the positive leadership strategy that will
help the company to increase its knowledge and effectively conduct its process and strategies.
Through the effective leadership style of servant leadership, the task and the responsibilities of the
employee are managed in an efficient way through which the aim and vision of the company are
gained at a fast pace (Langhof, and Güldenberg, 2020). The investment in the research of the most
effective leadership style and its implementation must be very important so that the leaders,
managers, and the seniors of the organization will get the policies and guidelines through which
they can help the company to grow and flourish effectively.
Current servant leadership practices
Although several practices are found to be important to get practice in servant leadership, one of
the several leadership activities includes the focus on listening. For the organization, listening is
very important through which the conflict of the employees and the minor issues gets resolved in
an effective way (Wu, et al 2021). The techniques of servant leadership through which it gets
managed must be effective gets conducted so that the implementation of this leadership style will
impact the organization and its activities of it positively and constructively. The leader needs to
have listening talent, which includes understanding the issues, empathizing with the employee,
providing them comfort where ever possible, and more.
Another aspect of servant leadership or the important policies while implementing it is the
coaching not controlling. It is very important that the leadership of the company which not only
includes the chief executive officer, but all the managers and the seniors must have to understand
the role of leadership through which the servant leadership gets effective insight how to control
the employee and how to get the maximum output from the employee without controlling them
(Su, et al 2020). For the organization and the employees working in it, it is found out that the
coaching of employees is very important through which they can improve their task and activities.
Significantly, the employees in the company should get the coaching through the policies which
will look like the teaching not ordering. Employees if get the feeling that they are working in a
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 17
space where they are not being valued, and getting the sense of being controlled then it will get
tough for the leader to manage the employee performance.
2.10 Servant leadership policies in U.A.E
Through the effective managing of the leadership style being adopted by the manager and other
leadership designation in the company, it helps to company to get to the growing. It is found out
through the studies that the employee satisfaction ratio in the industrial sector of the UAE is around
85%. This ratio shows that the leadership in the companies or the different domains of the UAE is
effectively making the performance of the employee better (Gandolfi, and Stone, 2018). Effective
management shows that the leadership in the UAE industries has been adopted in the best way
impacting the ratio of satisfaction of the employee. With a negative leadership style, the employee
satisfaction ratio will never increase. Some issues are found out in the leadership of the companies
in UAE which includes the inconsideration of the aspects of the leadership.
The leaders in the UAE companies must consider employee satisfaction and performance as
dependent on their style of leadership which they are propagating in the company (Gandolfi, et al).
It is also found out that manufacturing organizational sustainability also depends on the leadership
style and the practice that is being adopted by the leaders of the company. Through literature, the
management of the organization not only gets better but effective management will help the
company to stay competitive and produce the best results possible. The boosting economy of the
middle-eastern country requires more servant leaders through which the events occurring in the
economy will get better over time (Setyaningrum, et al 2017). Through the analysis of the different
factors, it is also provided by the literature that the results of the leadership impact the performance,
due to which the selection made, should be effective.
2.11 Summary
The identification of empirical study findings related to servant leadership and employee
performance has led to the conclusion that the research findings are inconsistent, resulting in a
GAP, or research gap, in the field of servant leadership. The findings of the study have been
incorporated into the paper. Even though previous academics have looked into the relationship
between servant leadership, organisational culture, and employee performance, there is still more
research that needs to be done, especially in manufacturing industry. After reviewing various
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 18
empirical study results, the researcher strives to do more research on the influence of servant
leadership on employee performance via the lens of organisational culture.
Given this understanding, the goal of this study is to ascertain managers' and employees'
viewpoints on their managers' servant leadership abilities, as well as their ability to deal with the
many problems that develop as a consequence of this kind of leadership. To manage diversity
effectively, it is critical to understand how diversity affects the organisations in which it is applied.
Additionally, the influence of diversity on organisational identity and creativity must be addressed.
As far as we are aware, no study has been conducted on the confluence between servant leadership
and diversity management, organisational identity and creativity, or organisational creativity. This
work, it is anticipated, will help to addressing this gap in the literature. Several studies in the
literature examined the effect of theoretical leadership models that were established with the goal
of resolving performance or organisational consequences rather than employee innovation in an
organisation, as well as the effect of theoretical leadership models that were established with the
goal of resolving performance or organisational consequences rather than employee innovation in
an organisation. These studies examined the influence of theoretical leadership models that were
developed with the intention of resolving performance or organisational repercussions rather than
fostering employee creativity inside an organisation (Almaskari et al., 2021). The objective of this
study was to close that gap by examining the leadership attributes most likely to influence
employee creativity. Additionally, the outcomes of this research will demonstrate how
organisational environment and individual inventiveness affect employee creativity at work.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 19
3 CHAPTER # 3- Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
The third chapter of the study presents the methodological approach that will be practiced in order
to interpret the data in a reliable and validated manner. The chapter puts in light all the steps
involved in the data collection process and helps in determining the appropriate methods and
design that go in parallel with the aims and objectives of the research study.
3.2 Methodology considerations
Research methods present as the entire process to collect, gather, analyze and interpret the data
required for the research purpose. The research methods lay the future direction over how the
methodological process will further be processed. Hence, it can be said that research methods serve
as strategic mechanisms and techniques together with information for gaining valid experiences
(Hennink et al, 2018). Based on these practices, the two most common types of research methods
used are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative research supports the research practices through
statistical calculations that take place through the help of questionnaires, polls, surveys whereas
qualitative studies either take place through open-ended questionnaires or secondary data analysis
(Cypress, 2018).
For the research purpose, the qualitative research methods serve the best purpose for the aims and
objectives where the researcher will be making use of the secondary data analysis. The knowledge
is flexible and thus allows the knowledge to be adjusted as per the aims and objectives.
3.3 Research Design and strategy
Research design helps in integrating the different parts of the research process in a logical and
systematic order to keep the rigor of the research process intact. The research design helps the
study to be practiced in a coherent way such that the researcher ensures that the research problem
is effectively addressed while acting as the blueprint for the data collection and measurement
process (Woiceshyn and Daellenbach, 2018). The most common design include case study, cohort,
action-based study, and descriptive study design.
The present research will adopt the descriptive research study design where it will discuss the
impact of servant style leadership on the performance and motivation of employees in the
manufacturing sector of UAE.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 20
3.3.1 Data extraction
The data was obtained and analysed to identify servant leadership traits and the effect and severity
of the relationship, or correlation, between these elements and the outcomes of interest. Statistical
data were obtained to assess the influence of teacher attributes on desired results. To examine
coder reliability and consistency, one external reviewer skilled in statistical analysis coded a
random sample of sources (20% of sources) (around 20 percent of sources). Also used for
qualitative data by a second reviewer. All the secondary sources were obtained from Google
Scholar website within the period of last 5 years.
3.3.2 Data synthesis
The first kind of qualitative data analysis is narrative analysis, which incorporates data from grey
literature, teacher evaluation reports, theoretical reviews, policy papers, and systematic reviews.
Data were collected on effect size analysis, effect size information, variance statistics, and sample
data which was related to servant leadership approach. The synthesis of data was done using
critical review approach, because it significantly influenced performance.
3.4 Ethical Considerations
Several ethical considerations and maintenance of ethical and moral grounds must be considered
before looking forward to the qualitative research design. As the present study adopts the
qualitative study through the secondary data analysis method, it is necessary to cite all the
references truthfully while not presenting any statistics, theory, or information without signifying
the real scholar, observer, or author (Arifin, 2018). The present research will follow strict practices
regarding plagiarism and referencing will be considered while no false information under the name
of scholars or researchers being presented. Meanwhile, any data that is confidential or is presented
under specific conditions must be first ethically approved by the concerned authorities.
The researcher will be abiding by all the necessary ethical considerations before initiating the
research process.
3.5 Research Approach
The research approach signifies the practices or processes for the data collection and data analysis
while designing a clear picture of how the chosen research method will be used to collect and
gather the data to access the data most harmoniously. Following this, the researchers make use of
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 21
the two most common approaches that including the deductive and inductive research approaches.
Meanwhile, abductive research practices are also used (Azungah, 2018). Cypress, (2018) mentions
that deductive research design normally tests the significance of the hypothesis whereas the
inductive approach tests the existing theories while supporting the emergence of new theoretical
Studying these, the inductive research approach closely links with the current phenomena of
interest where the known premises regarding the servant style leadership that are known will be
tested to study the conclusions from the manufacturing sector present in UAE. The present study
doesn't involve the formulation of the hypotheses and will adopt the qualitative study method to
accomplish the research objectives.
3.6 Data Collection method & tools
Data collection tools are chosen to keep into consideration the nature of the study, where the
researcher takes into consideration all the associated factors and elements. In most cases, the data
collection is practiced either through primary data collection or secondary sources. In the former
case, the researcher directly makes use of the collected data gathered in the form of interviews or
surveys (Groenland & Dana, 2020). However, in the secondary medium of data collection,
secondary sources for the study are used that include databases like Google scholar.
As the above research protocol indicates that secondary data analysis will be conducted, the
research will move ahead with the secondary data collection process and will make use of 20-30
articles regarding the servant leadership practices and their influence on employee motivation and
performance in the UAE manufacturing industry from the Google Scholar.
3.7 Sampling Technique
Sampling techniques aid in the selection of the appropriate candidates for the study from the
population making it time as well as cost-effective. Two most common types of sampling
techniques utilized include probability sampling and non-probability sampling. The probability
design makes use of the theory of probability so that everyone from the population is considered
while for the non-probability sampling a pre-defined criteria is chosen to make relevant choices as
per the beliefs of the researcher (Berndt, 2020). The researcher will be using the non-probability
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 22
sampling technique while making use of convenience sampling to make it convenient for the
researcher to conduct the secondary data analysis from Google scholar.
3.8 Data Analysis
Data Analysis made it convenient to interpret the information and present it in the logical form
making it easier to be understood. The tools used for the data analysis transform the data into ti
useful information so that further decisions can be taken over how the interpreted data
comprehends with the aims and objectives of the study. Accompanying this, there are several types
of data analysis is methods used that include diagnostic analysis, predictive analysis, and
prescriptive analysis (Lepenioti et al, 2020). Thus for the assigned study, the prescriptive form of
data analysis will be integrated to evaluate the impact of servant style leadership on the
performance and motivation of the employees in the manufacturing sector in UAE.
3.9 Studies Included
S. no
Title of the research
Total Score
al, A
OF 11
SECTOR. Academy of Strategic
Management Journal, 20, pp.114.
Ahmed et al, (2021)
The inter-relation of corporate 13
employee level, servant
leadership, and innovative work
behavior in the time of crisis
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 23
from the healthcare sector of
Pakistan. International journal
of environmental research and
public health, 18(9),
Kiker et al, (2019)
Exploring the boundaries of 12
leadership: A meta-analysis of
the main and moderating effects
of servant leadership on
outcomes. Journal
Issues, 31(2),
Jabbar et al, (2021)
of 11
organizational culture and
relationship between leadership
styles and job
Islamicus, 43(1..), pp.221-238.
Al-Busaeedi et al Transformational Leadership in 13
Organizational Development and
Industrial Sector in the United
Arab Emirates. Journal
University, 55(3).
Mansoori, 2018. From the Desert to the 13
City: The Innovative Leadership
of Sheikh
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 24
Maktoum, Vice President and
Prime Minister of the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) and Ruler
(Doctoral dissertation, Western
Kentucky University).
Hao et al, (2018).
Why and when empowering 12
leadership has different
performance: the pivotal roles of
passion for work and role
breadth self-efficacy. Journal of
Organizational Studies, 25(1),
Alameri et al, (2019) Examining the
Organizational commitment: a 13
moderating influence of job
complexity on the relationships
between empowering
leadership and organizational
innovation. Test
Manag, 81, pp.1930-1937.
Yousuf, (2000)
mediator of the relationships of
behavior with job satisfaction
and performance in a nonwestern country", Journal
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 25
Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15,
pp. 6- 24
Agha et al, (2012)
Effect of core competence on 11
advantage and organizational
performance. International
Journal of Business and
management, 7(1), pp.192-204.
Randeree and Ninan, Leadership
in 12
business: a study of IT projects in
Emirates. International Journal
Alhafiti et al, (2019)
The Impact of the Leadership 13
and Strategy
Management on Organizational
Excellence: Moderating role of
Organizational Culture.
Journal of Advanced Research in
Dynamical and Control Systems,
(06- Special Issue),
Alefari et al, (2020).
Lean manufacturing, leadership 13
employees: the case of UAE
companies. Production &
Research, 8(1),
Ahmad et al, (2019)
The Relationship of
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 26
Innovation Capabilities towards
Mediating Effect of
Tecnological Diersity in UAE
Manufacturing Companies. Int. J
Sup. Chain. Mgt
Vol, 8(5), p.424.
Ji & Yoon, (2021)
The Effect of Servant Leadership 13
on Self-Efficacy and Innovative
Behaviour: Verification of the
Moderated Mediating Effect of
Calling. Administrative
Sciences, 11(2), p.39.
and Factors
Chatzoglou (2019)
employee 12
performance: an
empirical approach.International
Journal of Productivity and
Performance Management.
Lee et al, (2021)
How Leaders’ Positive Feedback 13
Behavior: The Mediating Role of
Voice Behavior and Job
Autonomy. Sustainability, 13(4),
Al Hammadi, (2016 Leadership Styles in the UAE 13
construction industry (Doctoral
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 27
Allozi et al (2022)
in 13
approach. Business Process
Management Journal.
Al- Shamsi & Ajmal, Knowledge
in 12
approach. Business Process
Management Journal.
3.10 Summary of the chapter
The chapter presents detailed insights into the crucial elements that must be considered while
designing the methodology for the research process. Taking this into consideration, the chapter
present that qualitative research design will be followed that will lately adopt the inductive
approach to conduct the secondary data analysis from the researches presented by the scholars in
concern to the manufacturing sector of UAE outlined by all the necessary ethical considerations.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 28
4 CHAPTER # 4- Research Findings and Discussion
4.1 Introduction
The fourth chapter of the study presents the qualitative analysis through a critical literature review
of the studies conducted on the impact of servant style leadership on employee motivation and
performance in the manufacturing sector of UAE. The secondary data analysis will be presented
through a critical lens while adopting how different traits of the discussed leadership approach
have been found to enhance the motivation and performance of the workers. Moreover, the critical
review will also discuss how other manufacturing industries across the world are aided through
servant-style leadership.
4.2 Search findings
Alahbabi et al, (2021) refer that servant-style leadership promotes the existence of trustworthiness
and communication towards the leaders while enhancing the level of job satisfaction. The intuitive
nature of the leadership style has made it common among the managers to follow it and act as
primary motivators to the workforce such that they remain committed and motivated to their work
and thus high productivity is yielded. The five components of servant style leadership promote the
empowerment of the workers while making them accountable for their acts and performance
alongside expressing the true self by being authentic and debating that inter-personal acceptance
is necessary to reflect the understanding among the leaders and employees (Kiker et al, 2019).
Ahmad et al, (2021) focusing on similar factors indicated that considering the national culture of
UAE, it is observed that most of the industrial sector including manufacturing are supporting
servant-style leadership, the job satisfaction has turned out to be high that is also reflected through
high performance and operational efficiency of the workers while strong, positive and motivate
culture was present in the organizational settings. Thus, it can be said that findings were consistent
with Jabbar et al, (2021) that presented a positive relationship with the effective leadership style
and performance and levels of motivation of human capital that enhances job satisfaction.
The building and manufacturing sector in the UAE is one of the most successful sectors due to the
deep-rooted understanding behaviors, close collaboration, and supportive team networks that make
it easier to accomplish the aims and objectives. The study presented by Al-Busaeedi et al (2020)
illustrated that employee productivity was enhanced due to the leadership practices of
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 29
interpersonal competence with increased group dynamics, practices of diversity, inclusion as well
as cultural competence. This made it easier for the workers to evaluate themselves and work hard
to up-level their performance through considering personal actions and learning and reasoning as
part of accountability. Both of them appear to be a major part of servant-style leadership.
While relating the debate to the manufacturing sector, Al- Mansoori, (2018) presented a study that
considered the entire city of Dubai as part of the United Arab Emirates where the leadership of
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of UAE also supports the practice of
servant style leadership where he presented that leaders that have gratitude within them are able to
accommodate people belonging to different mindsets, views, and diverse backgrounds. Moreover,
the style was found to be followed by the Royal highness himself making him acknowledgeable
among the cabinet members and others. The study illustrated that stewardship is a major practice
that was observed while he remain interested in every project as well as any concern raised by the
workers. In context to this, several leadership models in the manufacturing industry were found
to use a blended version of transformational leadership and servant style leadership where
employee innovation and empowerment are the outcomes of these practices styles of leadership
(Hao et al, 2018).
A study from the past presented by Yousef (2000) where he studied the behaviors of employee
motivation, performance, and job satisfaction in context to the servant and transformational style
of leadership also demonstrated the presence of a positive relationship. Meanwhile, the data was
concluded from 30 organizations all located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Meanwhile,
Alameri et al, (2019) presented a study where he debated the specific traits of leadership like
creativity, innovation, supports and collaboration aids in enhancing the technological practices in
the manufacturing sector. The human capital is illustrated to be highly energetic and engaged in
their work due to the behaviors of the leaders that maximize their practices to empower their
workers, thus increasing their level of motivation and dedication towards the designated roles and
responsibilitie (Randeree and Ninan, 2011). The practices were found to support the professional
development of the workers while enhancing the level of creativity and discovery of ideas by the
working capital. All the studies shared a mutual connection indicating the relationship between
the eladers/managers and the susbordinates or workers impacting the accomplishment of
orgnaziational aims nad objectives. For the increased strategic performance of the omapny it si
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 30
necessary for the manufacturing industris or nay other sectors to promote the innovative
behaviours that can only be stressed upon among the workers if competent leaders that are
emphtheatic, know how to listen to the challenges faced by the work cpaital as well as have
foresight regarding the future so that they can concpetualize the possibilities for better outcomes.
Thus, eventually leading to enhanced perofrmance and work engagement of the task force behind.
Moving ahead Agha et al, (2012) supported the idea of servant-style leadership and the core
competencies of the leaders while studying the paint industry as part of the manufacturing sector.
The study debated that several elements of the organization are closely knitted together that
including the employee performance and functional efficiency that is positively influenced through
strong and compassionate leadership behaviors where this collaborative network can lead to
enhance the operational performance of the firms. One of the major element that was studied as
part of the research study was empowering which tend to enhance meaningfulness and
accountability while making them identify their contribution that increases their motivation as well
as performance. Similar was observed by Alhafiti et al, (2019) where the organizational practices
and strategic implementation of policies were supported through the resilient leadership practices
that support the growth of creativity, innovation, learning as well as development among the
Accommodating this, the new trends were quite welcomed by the manufacturing industries in the
UAE due to the effective leadership practices including the phenomena of interest that support the
continual improvement of the workers through making them learn and develop from the past
experiences continually. In addition to this practicing self-development, cultural support, enhanced
efficacy, and teamwork while increasing collaboration through information sharing and
commitment towards management (Alefari et al, 2020). The research also indicated the
incorporation of lean management to support leadership practice and employee performance.
Ahmad et al, (2019) while presenting the study over the innovation capabilities in context to the
employee's performance and their interest towards technological innovation illustrated that
stewardship practices like visionary role, support, accountability, and ethical practices are a few
factors that act as the psychological support to the workers. The study likewise others were also
conducted in the manufacturing sector where employee performance is enhanced with motivation
brought by the interactive leadership approach. This trait of leadership well presents the idea
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 31
signified by servant style leadership. A high level of coherence, trust, commitment, and dedication
again can be achieved due to the application of leadership practices like servant style leadership.
In continuing to this, Ji & Yoon, (2021) added that manufacturing industries are closely associated
with the consumer perception and meeting their level of expectations that demands the satisfaction
of the employees in the first hand. The adoption of leadership styles like transformational,
transactional, and servant style leadership was found to enhance the self-efficacy of the workers
while enhancing resourcefulness through prioritizing the issues and concerns faced by the human
capital. The researcher compared the study results with that of Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2019)
where they identified that servant leadership supports the organizational behaviors of
collaboration, motivation, dedication as well as employee growth. Moreover, Lee et al, (2021)
relate the issue with employee well-being that also plays a major role in enhancing the level of
motivation and satisfaction to increase work efficiency. Hence, it can be said leadership style tends
to play a major role in the performance and motivation of the human capital.
Al Hammadi, (2016 ) while studying the behavioral changes in the employees indicated that the
workforce is highly subjected to feel emotional and psychological unwellness due to the practices
taking place in the organizational culture, Ineffective leadership practices, or failure of the traits
to meet the aims and objectives of the companies adversely impact the work efficiency of the
employees. Allozi et al, (2022) while drawing the comparison among the manufacturing industries
of UAE and Jordan indicated the importance of transformational, ethical, and servant style
leadership with major research considerations being job satisfaction, employee engagement, and
inspiration. The best leadership trait identified was inspiring the workers while guiding them
regarding their course of action. Meanwhile, the blended approach indicated that such leadership
practices decrease the turnover rate by increasing the retention rate via psychologically improving
the sense of belonging and feeling of being valued and care that uplift the performance threshold.
Knowledge sharing is another major factor that supports the employee performance framework,
Al- Shamsi & Ajmal, (2018) discussed that knowledge sharing in technology-intensive
manufacturing organizations shares a positive relationship with leadership practices. With
enhanced competition and creativity, the employees need to be fostered with the state of that art
technologies so that their work efficiency remains high. In order to orient a system that inspires,
motivates, and supports the harmonious flow of information, the leadership having qualities like
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 32
accountability, foresightedness, care, and collaboration becomes necessary to make informed
decisions regarding the employee performance objectives as well as their understanding of the
adopted technologies. The research recommended that manufacturing industries must prioritize
leadership skills and practices where major traits included were part of servant-style leadership to
enhance employee productivity.
All the researches and scholarly work presented in the chapter illustrated the demand for effective
leadership traits and practices where servant style leadership was either practice as unanimous or
either was blended with transformational or transactional style. However, the number of studies in
context to the chosen leadership style in the manufacturing sector needs to study in the future for
better practice of knowledge.
4.3 Summary of the chapter
The chapter concludes by presenting a critical review of the adoption of servant-style leadership
in the different sub manufacturing industries of UAE while exploring the elements like employee
performance as well as motivation that appears to be the two drivers for the accomplishment of
organizational goals and objectives. The analysis supports the idea that elements of servant-style
leadership share a positive relationship with employee performance and motivation working in the
manufacturing sector of the UAE.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 33
5.1 Introduction
The last chapter of the study can be said as the reflection of the entire research process where it
presents brief insights over the main findings in parallel to the research aims and objectives that
were set earlier by the investigator. The section presents the summative notes from the literature
accessed from the previous research conducted to opting for the practiced methodological
approach and the findings. Moreover, it presents light over how the research objectives came out
in parallel with the interpreted findings illustrated in the earlier chapter. Lastly, on the basis of the
accessed analysis, it supports the future research framework by indicating the implications and
recommendations for the future research both in context to practice as well as further research.
Meanwhile, the limitation faced during the research process is also debated.
5.2 Conclusions of research objectives and questions
The research study aimed to determine the impact of the leadership practices on employee
performance as well as the level of motivation where the central discussion was presented through
choosing the servant style leadership. Moreover, the investigator narrowed its research premises
to the manufacturing sector to identify the practices, traits, and characteristics of the servant-style
leadership that enhances the support of the engagement of the workers at work in the context of
the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The present study conducted a secondary analysis to present
how the different sub-sectors that come under the giant manufacturing industry are adopting the
idea of servant style leadership and implementing it across the organization to support the wellbeing of their human capital while allowing them to become more empowered.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 34
The study, therefore, determines the correlation between effective leadership practices i.e. servant
style leadership with employee motivation and performance levels in the manufacturing industry.
The research through adopting the leadership style aimed to diagnose all the factors that enhance
the level of motivation among the workers. Moving ahead, it describes the effect of the selected
leadership style and its elements signifying the promising organizational culture that practices high
enthusiasm among the team members while keeping their motivation level high. Further, it extends
its research purpose to identify factors that can catalyze the productivity levels in the workforce.
The conclusion is present in parallel to the research objectives that were designed in the first
chapter of the study.
5.2.1 Objective # 1. To identify key drivers of motivation in the manufacturing workforce.
The above-stated objective investigated all the relative drivers that increase the motivation among
the employees of the manufacturing industry where the operational practices directly impact the
organizational success as well as the relationship with the consumer audience. The research
findings from the findings described that the behavior of the leaders directly impacts the work
practices of the human capital where they want leaders to act as mentors as well as heads that
encourage them and acknowledge their work while providing them with opportunities for growth
and development. The study interpretation came in parallel with the literature cited in the second
chapter where servant style leadership was among the top leadership styles that promote the
efficacy of intrinsic motivation factors like availability of resources, supportive work environment,
the culture that is driven over inclusion, fairness, and trust to attentively considering the concerns
as well as the feedbacks. Moreover, while analyzing the data from the chosen research papers as
well as the literature it was studied that curiosity to learn and explore new things can appear as a
major motivating factor powered by how the leaders encourage their work capital. Moreover,
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 35
providing the workers with freedom rather than making them work in a close, restricted and
controlled environment might impact their threshold of work productivity and reduce their
The leadership practices studied also indicated that a close association is present in leadership traits
and style with booming factors of motivation where the employees feel valued and appreciated.
The leadership practices must be designed in such a way that it compels the workers to stay positive
while satisfied to perform their job and responsibilities while being assured of autonomy as well
as fulfillment of psychological needs. Meanwhile, the biggest challenge that abruptly damages the
relationship among the managers and work force is the work environment and the failure of worklife balance due to high pressured work that leads to work exhaustion and adversely impacts the
level of motivation and decreases the level of hope.
5.2.2 Objective # 2. To examine the impact of servant leadership on the work productivity and
motivation of employees
The objective was studied under chapter four where the interpretation from the studies indicated
the impact of servant leadership in reference to the work productivity and motivation through
factors like considering emotional intelligence as well as behavioral aspects of the workers to build
the environment of trust and honesty while taking care of their basic needs and concerns.
Moreover, the research objective met the research findings deliberating the idea that servant
leaders act as mentors that are driven by the encouragement of the employees. The studies
indicated that the manufacturing industry practices servant leadership alone or in combination with
transformational leadership where it presents the idea of rewards and empowerment as part of the
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 36
motivational tools. The idea thereby illustrates that long-term sustainable practices support
organizational well-being and reduce the risk of employee dissatisfaction or turnover.
The idea indicates the need for organizations not to fear over the change practices while earning
respect through indicating visible commitment towards working for not only the benefit of the
company’s goals and objectives rather also involving the employees as part of the success and
regarding them as individuals that drivers the success of the organizations. The learning gained
also comes in close support of the objective where a significant relationship was observed while
interpreting that servant leaders works on making efforts that their workforce developed high
potential making them act as problem-solver, critical thinkers as well as informed decision-maker
through engaging a network of training, development, learning, close interactions via meetings as
well as feedbacks. Persuading can only be possible if the leaders themselves have an ability to
listen and take concerns over the issues and challenges faced by the workforce thereby assuring
that willingness towards acceptance is an important trait demonstrated by the studied leadership
5.2.3 Objective # 3. To recommend best practices that can be used under the servant leadership
approach to resolving the issue of work productivity.
The last objective of the study presents the need for all those factors that must be used to support
the application of the servant style leadership and to tackle the issue like low morale, low
productivity, and low enthusiasm while depicting minimal interest in the work practices due to
unable to be listened by the higher authorities. The enactment of the servant style leadership
indicates the personal connections to be built with each and every employee so that challenges like
low morale and positivity can be mitigated. Communication and collaboration in this sense hold
great power that can minimize the gap while putting the idea of placing the employee's needs first.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 37
Moreover, it supports the vision of the organizations where employees are prioritized through trust,
respect, enthusiasm, and good intentions.
The findings indicate that leaders who take care of their workers and assures that their welfare is
important eventually work for the long-term success of the organizations where the workforce
continues to work hard and remain consistent in acting as a team. Moreover, the application of
elements or characteristics of the servant style leadership is been studied to place effective results
making them more respectful towards their managers of authoritative bodies and committed
towards their designated roles. Moreover, in the context of UAE, another problem in
manufacturing was able to be resolved through the application of the servant style leadership
sporting the diversity of ideas and practices of inclusion where employees belonging to different
backgrounds work together. The act of sincerity is one of the most powerful and expressive
practices where real servant style leadership sincerely works and accommodates the employees.
Moreover, discussions over the principles of foresightedness and conceptualization laid the idea
of utilizing real-time data analysis to predict the future practices of the organization.
5.3 Implications and Recommendations for Practice and Further Research
5.3.1 Implications and Recommendations for Practice
In context to providing research implications for the practice and providing suggestions, the
researcher supports the application and implementation of servant style leadership in
manufacturing organizations within the UAE. In all the research papers studied earlier, a valid
relationship was present between servant style leadership and employee high performance and
motivation. The ideas were gained from the different manufacturing industries including the
technological firms, IT industries, infrastructure, construction, and development to oil and gas
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 38
Thereby, it can be said that servant style leadership should be practiced where listening, empathetic
and compassionate behaviors, as well as practices of stewardship and persuasion, are indicated to
support employee engagement and performance. Effective leadership practices were found to
support the communication and collaboration among the team members where each of them show
considerate behaviors towards each other while enhancing the idea of leadership supporting their
subordinates to act responsibly and providing opportunities where they can grow professionally as
well as individually.
This indicates the board of committees and management while choosing candidates for leadership
authorities must consider certain characteristics in them so that it can enhance the operational
efficacy and develop awareness among the team members to effectively mentor them, listen to
them, persuade them and develop an environment of selflessness and humility so that constructive
feedback can be generated and organizational and personal goals can be aligned. Thus, this system
after being put in practice can effectively increase the efficiency of the processing and product
manufacturing while also supporting ideas like meeting the consumer audience expectations.
5.3.2 Implications and Recommendations for Further Research
For future research practices in order to enhance the space for knowledge and make resourceful
use of the information collected, it is necessary to conduct first-hand qualitative and quantitative
methods while including experimental as well as correlational studies that might be cross-sectional
or longitudinal. This will identify the longevity and long-term success associated with servant style
leadership within the manufacturing sector. Moreover, it determines how the management of the
manufacturing industries can consider the effectiveness of the rewards, recognition, support to
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 39
enhance the development while maintaining the practices of work-life balance and work
Though the researcher practices have gained quite an interest in interpreting the relationship among
the leadership style and the relationship with the human capital across the different sectors the
manufacturing industry is still not studied to an extended level in UAE by the investigators.
Therefore, after presenting the analysis, it is suggested that future researchers should study servant
style leadership in the context of the manufacturing sector through adopting quantitative ideas like
scale based measurement to assess the emotional as well as operational well-being of the working
capital while practicing the discussion, focal groups as well as semi-structured interviews to
identify the challenges as well as policies in reference to leadership exercised with in UAE
manufacturing firms. Moreover, it is observed that analysis needs to conduct by involving a large
sample size to appropriately present the manufacturing sector.
Meanwhile, the study implication also debates involving factors like diversity, inclusion as well
as fairness, and justice as part of the leadership style to interpret the efficacy and indicates how it
impact the organizational framework (Su et al, 2020). The best research implication that can be
provided is to study the relevant issues in terms of the post-pandemic times where the study can
also define how the resuming of the operation, as well as change of work practices like remote
working, was supported through the servant style leadership to keep the motivation of the workers
intact and performance level high.
5.4 Limitations
Though the researcher practiced the methodological process to remain systematic and précised in
order to maintain the integrity, and harmonious flow of interpretation to accommodate the research
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 40
objectives. However, still, the methodological process faced constraints that appeared to limit the
research practices. In this case, the constraint was the limited availability of information among
the manufacturing sector of UAE in context to the servant-style leadership practices for supporting
employee motivation and performance. As per the best of the researcher’s knowledge, the
researchers either discussed the manufacturing sector in brief or made use of blended ideas of
servant style leadership with any other leadership style like transformational, transactional, ethical
or situational leadership.
Moreover, during the research process, major studies found the collaborative relationship of
leadership organizational culture or operational success with employee performance while
discussing leadership. Moreover, limited data regarding sub-sectors in the manufacturing sectors
were available. Therefore, the investigator has to include those studies where servant style
leadership was discussed as part of the successful leadership practices due to the limited
availability of data conducted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The chosen methodology thereby faced the constraint of not gaining the depth of the specific
information illustrating the need to conduct research regarding the discussed leadership style
across different manufacturing sectors like oil and gas companies, leather production, clothing,
apparel food production, etc. Thus, it can be elaborated as the variables of the debated problem
were identified in a different context or were found to be categorized differently while the
secondary data was filtered out to maximize the level of relevancy. Meanwhile, since the analysis
was the utilization of secondary data, the rigor and reliability were unidentified as all the researches
were chosen by the investigator itself (Cole & Trinh, 2017). The researcher doesn’t measure how
much the presented researches or studies were able to comply with the research objectives.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 41
5.5 Summary of the chapter
The chapter thereby states an overview of the research study while presenting the summative notes
over the research objectives in reference to the findings and analysis stated earlier. The chapter
also states how it minimizes the research gap by providing both the practical as well as theoretical
research implications. The recommendations discussed will aid future researchers as well as the
concerned industry that was chosen as part of the research over how to enhance their ideas towards
leadership style adoption in reference to the workforce motivation and employee performance.
Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance 42
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