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Book Review: The Teacher in Planned Society

Under review book “the teacher in planned society” is written by R.W Rich. The book is
about the how education were in past and how it is developing time by time and also
tells us that the organization of education varies with societies and cultures. Writer’s
emphasis that shape of education is dependent upon political and social structure of a
society. Education taught some values however interpretation of those values depends
upon the social, political and economic life of society.
Writer while explaining the impact of education on social, political life give a historic
review of the development of education with time from 1800 to 1949. And explain the
effect of education on industrial revolution. RW Rich describes that in later half of
twentieth century communist of Russia realizes that the problem faced by them not only
countered by socio political solution but also required a vast educational reforms. So
every reformer or leader tries to bring change through education..
So in this contest teacher became public servant rather than state servant, as compared
to the past when local authorities controls the teachers. This provides the teacher a
chance to become a agent of the community who works only for the development of
community. Students, irrespective of what education they have, seek inspiration from
their teacher and for most of them as role model.
The under review book is good source of inspiration for our society to get maximum
from teacher. Teaching in our country is administered by the local and federal
authorities who interfere the educational activities according to their personal liking and
disliking. This book give us a way to upgrade the our conventional concept of teacher to
the western concept of teacher where teachers works more independently and
confidently giving the maximum return to their society. To convert our conventional
education system upto the standards of the modern countries we had to work on our
teachers and educational system.
Overall this book is a great addition to the literature which provides useful information of
the teachers and educational setups of the developed society. By adopting these rules
with addition to rules that are compatible to our society teachers will become more
result oriented and provide successful generation to the society.