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B.1 Paragraph Assignment

Ali Baazi Omar
Many have wondered when and where did the birth of our modern-day
civilization begin? Well, many historians believe that the Neolithic Era
is when humanity transitioned from a small group of wandering
nomads to large-scale settlements that housed many generations.
One of the biggest reasons why humanity had transitioned away from
their nomadic lifestyle was due to the birth of agriculture, now they
wouldn’t have to go out and hunt for their only source of food they
could settle down with their tribe and start cultivating the land for
sustenance, all that was left was to protect and defend their tribe from
any hostile invaders. So they would construct cities surrounded by
walls that would protect them from any enemies that may try and take
over their settlement or build their houses close together similar to
Catal Huyuk. It’s interesting to note that Catal Huyuk was also the first
resemblance of a modern city, Catal Huyuk held over 5,000 to 7,000
people during its time and they elected a leader or several leaders that
would come up with the decisions for how the settlement would
function, they would need specialized workers people in charge of
taking care of the livestock and going beyond the walls to gather
materials for the city. As the population grew people had more free
time on their hands so they ended up getting into art and literature
they used these illustrations as records of their history. Other
civilizations would permanently leave their record by creating huge
stone monuments such as Stonehenge located on Salisbury Plain in
Wiltshire, England. The Neolithic Era would also be the time period
where one of the most important tools would be invented that being
the wheel which helped rapidly progress their communities as wheels
made it much easier to transport goods and heavy loads without it
being too physically taxing. It’s clear to see that the Neolithic Era was
one of the most important stages for our species it introduced some of
the most important tools that we would still use today such as the
wheel, architecture and art. Without the Neolithic Era, it is highly
possible that humanity would not be where it is today.