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Interactive Multimedia for Reading Comprehension

Reading is one of the four skills which need to be learned besides listening, speaking, and
writing. Reading has the significant role in the language teaching to reinforce the skills which are
acquired by the students in listening, speaking, and writing. Reading skill affects the other skills
learning process. Students with difficulties in reading are observed to be having difficulty in
comprehension and writing with the correct spelling.
Reading comprehension is extracting the required information from the text as efficiently
as possible. It can be said that readers should be actively engaged in the text to comprehend
information in it. Reading comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and
connected text.
Statement of the Purpose
The objective of this research was to improve the reading comprehension
skills of 8th grade students through the use of Interactive Multimedia.
It hopes to answer the following questions:
1. Will the use of interactive multimedia help in improving the reading
comprehension skills of the students?
2. Will there be a difference in the reading comprehension skills of the students
before and after the implementation of the intervention?
Conceptual Framework
Reading Comprehension
Learning Outcomes:
Ability to answer questions
1. The use of interactive multimedia is a good intervention in improving the reading
comprehension skills of the students.
2. After going through the implementation of the said intervention, the students will
more capable of reading comprehension by answering the follow up questions.
Description of the Action/Solution
There are different platforms using the technological advancements nowadays
where students can learn from. Downloadable videos are available at any time. For
this action research, I will be implementing a learning experience that the students
will be able to adapt while having their reading comprehension skill to be developed.
Students, nowadays, were very interested with the use of technology in the process of
teaching and learning. So I will use that advantage to help them in the learning
process. The steps of the study were planning, actions, observations, and reflections.
General Methodology
a. Participants
The participants will be students from Grade 8 with difficulties in reading
comprehension skills.
b. Data gathering tools
The instruments of the study were observation sheet which is supported by
the scores of students’ reading comprehension skills tests. The data from the
observation will be analyzed qualitatively and the scores quantitatively.
c. Procedures and Data Gathering
Before the implementation, the participant will be given a reading
comprehension test that (without the use of interactive multimedia) consists of a
20-item comprehension questions based on the story given. The result will be
noted in the instrument used. After this, the students will undergo, several
exercises with the use of interactive multimedia, like film showing with emphasis
on the difficult words, interactive games, related to the story of the day, individual
and group activities with the use of technology, and many more. After each
exercises, the students will be given a reading comprehension test. These tests
will be of different level of difficulty (easy, average, and hard). The results of the
tests will be recorded as well.
d. Analysis:
1. The results of the tests before and after the implementation will be
compared. The level of interest of the students in participating the
exercises will also be compared when using the interactive multimedia.
2. The results on the observation tools will also be analyzed to determine
whether the students had an improvement in the their reading
comprehension skills before and after the implementation.
e. Post Analysis:
The finding of this study is that the using of the Interactive Multimedia
could improve the students’ reading comprehension skills of the grade 8 students.
The results of the research will be shown that there will be improvement of the
students’ reading comprehension skills through the use of Interactive Multimedia.
The students will have a good improvement in some aspects of reading skills,
such grammatical words classes, system, particular meaning, and task
achievement. They actively participated during the teaching and learning process.
The research findings will be supported by the result of means of the students’
comprehension reading scores based on the observation sheet.