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English 10 Lesson Plan: Reflexive & Intensive Pronouns

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan
in English 10
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature serves as a way of expressing
and resolving one’s personal conflicts through using strategies in linking, textual information,
repairing or enhancing communication, and crafting formal/informal word definitions; the
ethics and strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis markers in persuasive texts.
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing short persuasive texts using a variety of
techniques/devices and words and expressions that emphasize a point, particularly
modals and reflexive and intensive pronouns.
C. Competencies
1. Grammar Awareness: EN10G-Ia-27: Use reflexive and intensive pronouns
D. Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. differentiate reflexive and intensive pronouns;
2. develop a sense of teamwork and cooperation thru collaborative online activities; and
3. accurately use these pronouns in making a persuasive blog to fight COVID 19
A. Topic: Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
B. References:
Learner’s Material: Quarter 1, page 3
Online References:
C. Materials:
Powerpoint presentation, video/s
Online application: Mentimeter, Kahoot, Zoom, Wordpress
D. Method: Interactive, Inductive, Learning through writing, Using song
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings:
The teacher will start the class with asking the class to sanitize and a prayer.
2. Priming
2.1 Review
In this part the teacher will ask the students to recall their last topic on the
definition of truthfulness and relevance.
2.2 Motivation
The teacher will ask the students to play a game called “word splash”
B. Lesson Proper
1. Discussion
- Based from the motivational activity, the teacher will proceed to the
discussion of judging the validity of evidences.
- Define the meaning of evidences and its types.
-Provide examples with every type of evidences.
-Evidences the available body of facts or information indicating whether
a belief or proposition is true or valid.
2. Developing mastery
• Through the interactive game made in Kahoot, the students will
participate in answering questions such as the following:
1. Can a reflexive pronoun be removed from a sentence and the sentence still make sense?
2. Do intensive pronouns and the subject of the sentence ultimately refer to the same noun?
In the following sentences, tell if the underlined word is a reflexive or intensive pronoun:
➢ The cat licked itself clean with its sandpaper-like tongue.
➢ She created a business plan and opened a thriving cafe herself.
➢ After our home was destroyed by a tornado, we rebuilt a home ourselves.
➢ They checked themselves in at the hotel since it was past midnight.
➢ He accidentally cut himself while building the campfire.
➢ You think of yourselves pretty highly, don’t you?
➢ Jack introduced himself to his girlfriend’s parents
If some students fail to get the correct answer on any of the
questions, the teacher must do a recast to correct the error.
C. Generalization
Ask the students the following questions as far as their understanding of the lesson is
What is reflexive pronoun?
What is intensive pronouns?
When do we use them?
What tips are needed to be successful in using them?
D. Evaluation
Final output:
• In this part, the students are task to make a persuasive blog on anything
related in fighting COVID 19 pandemic. They must at least use 5
reflexive pronouns and 5 intensive pronouns. This will be done in
• Here is the prepared link of the rubric for the blog:
The teacher will send a link in their group chat and students will have to access the link to
answer their pretest done through google form.