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Plant & Animal Reproduction: Asexual vs. Sexual

Plant and animal reproduction
By National Geographic Society, adapted by Newsela staff on 02.20.20
Word Count 503
Level 770L
Image 1. A lion-tailed macaque and its offspring. Photo by: National Geographic
All plants and animals make new versions of themselves. This is called reproduction. The new
plants or animals are called offspring. Plants and animals can reproduce in different ways.
Types Of Reproduction
Plants and animals can reproduce in two ways. One way is asexual reproduction. In this process, a
single parent makes an offspring that's the same as itself. This type of reproduction is more
common in plants.
Sexual reproduction is the other type of reproduction. It needs a male and a female parent. A male
plant or animal has sperm or pollen. A female plant or animal has an egg. The sperm or pollen
joins with an egg to start a new offspring.
Asexual and sexual reproduction both have good points and bad points. Plants or animals that
reproduce asexually can make several offspring quickly and easily. But the offspring has the same
genetic material as their parent. That makes it harder for them to adapt, or adjust, in a changing
environment. Offspring created through sexual reproduction have combinations of their parents.
This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.
That makes it easier for them to adapt. But sexual reproduction takes more time and energy than
asexual reproduction.
Asexual Reproduction
There are many ways plants can reproduce asexually. Some nonflowering plants, such as moss,
make spores to reproduce. Spores grow on a plant, then break off and grow into new plants. Other
plants, such as strawberries, can reproduce asexually by using a part of the plant. A new plant can
grow from a root or a stem. Humans use a method known as grafting to make plants reproduce.
They attach the top part of a plant to the lower part of another plant, combining two plants into
Sexual Reproduction And Fertilization
When plants and animals reproduce sexually, they share parts of themselves to make an offspring.
This is called fertilization. With plant fertilization, a male shares pollen with a female's egg. Plants
can't move, so an insect such as a bee helps. The bee takes grains of pollen from the male part of a
flower to the female part of a flower. The pollen reaches the female plant's egg. That's where
fertilization happens.
Animals don't need help from insects for fertilization. They can move around by themselves. They
transfer sperm to an egg by physically interacting with each other.
Embryos, Development And Birth
A fertilized plant or animal egg is called an embryo. Plant and animal embryos develop in similar
ways. A plant embryo grows inside a seed, which provides the nutrients it needs. An animal
embryo can grow inside an egg, like with birds. Embryos can also grow inside the uterus of the
female parent.
Plants and animals also start life differently. A plant begins its life by sprouting from a seed. The
seed begins to grow once it is in the ground. After the seed has sprouted into a plant, it can get
food through its roots. Animals are born out of a female's uterus. They can also hatch from an egg.
This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.
reproduction in
Sexual reproduction
in plants.