Sexual & Asexual Reproduction Practice Assessment

Sexual & Asexual Reproduction
Practice Assessment
1. Do the best you can to identify each of these statements as ones that describe sexual
reproduction (S), asexual reproduction (A), or could describe both forms of reproduction (B).
2. If there are any you don’t know, leave them blank. This is an indication that you will need to
study this one.
3. Check your work with the key, correct any you missed and then highlight the ones you got
incorrect. Again, this is an indication of what you need to study,
4. Mastery check is Monday, April 20.
A = Asexual Reproduction
S = Sexual Reproduction
B = Both
__________ 1. Doesn’t have to find a mate.
__________ 2. Offspring are clones of parent.
__________ 3. Takes a while to create offspring.
__________ 4. Offspring are not exactly the same as either parent.
__________ 5. Quick process.
__________ 6. Mutations can occur.
__________ 7. If a disease hits a population, not all will be affected.
__________ 8. Doesn’t need to use energy to attract a mate, or to develop special cells for
__________ 9. When the environment changes, all individuals will be affected.
__________ 10. May not get to reproduce, or may only be able to reproduce in a limited
__________ 11. Offspring are created.
__________ 12. Creates variety within the population.
__________ 13. Traits are passed down to the next generation.
__________ 14. In a short amount of time, many new organisms are created.
__________ 15. Humans reproduce this way.
__________ 16. Most single-celled organisms reproduce this way (ex: amoeba, bacteria).
__________ 17. Plants use this form of reproduction.
__________ 18. Cells within our bodies reproduce this way.
__________ 19. Production of gametes is necessary.
__________ 20. The goal is to maintain the species.