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McDonald's Goods & Services Design Analysis

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Design of goods and services at McDonalds
In 1994, the McDonald story began when Raymond Kroc its founder in San Bernardino,
California saw a hamburger. This triggered him to envision a fast food chain nationwide. The
founder perceived himself to be a pioneer in United States of America restaurant industry.
Currently, McDonalds is the largest fast food chain in the whole world. It serves about forty
seven million customers daily. It product brands are valued globally and their worth is about 25
billion dollars. Though its roots in the United States, it has become the world accepted Company
by Citizens in the globe.
How the product design has been applied in decision-making.
Product design comprises of various aspects such as, looks, guarantees, and packaging
among others. This includes both the non-tangible and tangible product and service aspects.
McDonald’s company has kept its product width and depth intentionally limited. It studied the
behavior of its customers in India and enabled it to come up with a distinct menu in comparison
to its offering internationally. This enabled it to base their decisions on which food products to
offer to its diverse clients. For instance, it dropped mutton, beef and hamburgers from its menu
in India. Macdonald’s company serves vegetarian menu only in India. In that case, its cheese and
sauces are vegetarian 100% in India. The company innovate its products continuously based on
the changing customers’ tastes and preferences. This has made it to come up with brands that are
globally reputable, world-class quality foods and product features that are excellent to its
customers (Ghosh et al. 7)
Product life cycle in the organization
The stage of the product determines the amount invested and the type of marketing to be
undertaken. For instance, launching of a new product will need an advertising support such as
television and other forms of media. At various periods, the company always develops a
products’ portfolio. Each product portfolio will show its life cycle stage. Macdonald options are
popularly growing. However, its BIG MAC is experienced at the product maturity stage. The
product life cycle comprises of five stages. This are such as, development stage, introduction
stage, growth, maturity and finally declining stage. Therefore, the product portfolio will show if
the products fall in one of the following category
How different issues for product development are applied in the organization.
Service industry marketing has become increasingly a challenge that is complex. The
service-marketing paradigm requires a passionate customer perceptions and expectations
understanding. The company then links this to designing and delivering of products as well as
planning of its operation. McDonald Company has excelled in this sector. The company has had
the ability to integrate successfully the perspective of its customers in its operation and its
products in a manner that is comprehensive. The changed menu in India is an excellent example
of McDonald’s marketing strategy of integrating the perspective of its customers in its products.
Moreover, the integration of operation is apparent from the company’s emphasis on its suppliers,
clients and its consumer treatment as its service co-producers
The service marketing aim is ultimately not to become a leader in offering of services,
rather the creation of a service brand. The process of delivering the service is principle in
achieving the service marketing aim (Svoboda 1). McDonald Company has achieved this and has
a variety of customers’ worldwide. Its brands are excellent and adored by the majority of
citizens in the whole world.
Works cited
Ghosh, Ritabrata., Balaji, Deepak and Sherlekar, Niket . “McDonald’s: Behind the Golden
arches”. Marketing strategy (2012): 1-23. Print.
Svoboda, Susan. “Case A: McDonalds Environmental Strategy”. Pollution Prevention in
Corporate Strategy (1995): 1-5. Print.