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Planning & Strategic Management Presentation

Strategic Management
Group Members:
Submitted To :
Adeel Ahmed,
M AllahYar Malik
Waseem Aijaz
Dr. Samina Nawab
Planning and Basic Planning Proces
Planning: A systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that an organization use in future.
Basic planning Processes
 Situational analysis: A process in which time
and resources interpret and summarize all information
to the planning under consideration.
 Alternative Goals and Plans: - Goal
should be SMART.
- Plan: set of actions that managers intend to use to
achieve organizational goals if events in the external
environment require a sudden change.
 Goal and Plan Evaluation: Managers will
evaluate the advantages, disadvantages, and potential
effects of each alternative goal and plan.
 Goal and Plan Selection: Managers will select
the option that is most appropriate and feasible.
 Implementation: Successful implementation
requires a plan to be linked to other systems in the
organization, particularly the budget.
 Monitor and Control: Managers must
continually monitor the actual performance of their work
Strategic Planning
 Strategy: A set of actions that designed to achieve the organization’s goals
 Strategic planning: A set of procedures for making decisions about the organization’s long-term
goals and strategies.
 Strategic goals: Major targets or end results that relate to the long-term survival, value, and growth
of the organization.
Hierarchy of Goals and Plans
Strategic, Tactical and Operational Planning
Tactical planning: A set of procedures
for translating broad strategic goals and
plans into specific goals and plans.
Operational planning: The process of
identifying the specific procedures and
processes required at lower levels of the
The Strategy Map
The strategic map shows the relationship between a firm’s practices and its long-term success.
Strategic Management & Strategic Management Process
Strategic Management:
A process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and
implementation of strategic goals and strategies.
The Strategic Management Process
 Establishment of Mission, Vision, and Goals:
 Mission: An organization’s basic purpose and scope of operations.
 Strategic vision: the long-term direction and strategic intent of a company.
 Analysis of External Opportunities and Threats:
 Stakeholders: Groups and individuals who affect and affected by the achievement of the organization’s mission,
goals, and strategies.
 Others: Industry and market analysis, competitor analysis, political, social, HR analysis and technological analysis.
 Analysis of Internal Strengths and Weaknesses:
 Resources: Inputs to a system that can enhance performance.
 Others: Financial analysis, marketing audits, operations analysis, HR assessment.
 Benchmarking: process of assessing how well one company’s basic functions and skills compare with those of
another company or set of companies.
 SWOT Analysis and Strategy Formulation: A comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats that helps executives formulate strategy.
Corporate strategy: The set of businesses, markets, or industries in which an organization competes and
the distribution of resources among those entities.
Concentration: A strategy employed for an organization that operates a single business and competes in a
single industry.
Vertical integration: The development of new businesses that produce components of the organization’s
Concentric diversification: A strategy used to add new businesses that produce related products in
related markets and activities.
Summary of Corporate Strategies
Conglomerate diversification
A strategy used to add new businesses that
produce unrelated products or are involved
in unrelated markets and activities.
 Strategy Implementation
 Define strategic risks
 Assess organization capabilities
 Develop an implementation agenda
 Createan implementation plan
 Strategic Control: A system designed to support managers in evaluating the organization’s progress
regarding its strategy.
 Management Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World 9th E by Thomas
S. Bateman | Scott A. Snell.
 Management Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World 13th E by
Thomas S. Bateman | Scott A. Snell.