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Tuesdays with Morrie Study Guide

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Tuesdays with morrie
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Heart of Darkness
Mitch’s life is very different from Morrie’s life. Mitch is running around with five things to do at once. He is on the phone all of the
time and has deadlines that he must meet. Mitch is simply trying to stay ahead of the game. On the other hand, Morrie spends
his days concentrating on what it means to live.
2. Why might Mitch be uncomfortable meeting Morrie again?
Mitch might be uncomfortable meeting Morrie again for several reasons. One reason might be because Mitch does not have
good experience with dying people. He has already been through a traumatizing ordeal with his uncle. The other reason Mitch
might be uncomfortable meeting Morrie again is because Mitch has not kept his promise about staying in touch with Morrie.
Mitch graduated from college and has never been back to see his professor, whom at one time he called a friend.
3. Explain how you know that Mitch recognizes that he is not the same person he was in college.
Answers will vary. Some students may describe the differences between how Mitch leaves Morrie when he gives him the
briefcase, and students may compare that moment with when Mitch first sees Morrie again. Mitch waits to finish his phone call.
Other students may quote the passage in the book where Mitch thinks, “I remembered graduation day, the briefcase, his tears
at my departure, and I swallowed because I knew, deep down, that I was no longer the good, gift-bearing student he
remembered.” (Pg. 28)
4. Explain the metaphor of the food and meal that Mitch receives when he first visits Morrie.
The food serves as a metaphor for the nourishment that Mitch and Morrie will offer one another. Food is a comfort, and Morrie
has always been a comfort to Mitch. At the same time, Mitch returns to Morrie to be a comfort to him. The food illustrates how
the two men will nourish one another.
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