Introduction to Tuesdays with Morrie

English II
Feb. 25th and 26th
SSR (15 minutes)
Book Speeches (5 minutes)
Pre-Reading Journal (5 minutes)
Orienting Ourselves to the Text and Discussion (10-15 minutes)
Begin Reading Tuesdays with Morrie w/ Modeled Split Notes
Exit Slip (2 minutes)
• Homework: Finish pages 1-17, the split notes, and the synthesis
paragraph—due at the start of class on Thursday/Friday
• Please read the quotes in front of you. Choose one and
respond to it. Really push yourself to write for the full five
minutes—active writing. Keep the pencil moving. Just get all
your ideas down on the page, don’t worry about how perfect it
• If you find you cannot write for 5 full minutes on one quote,
choose another and respond to it.
• The expectation is that you write for the full time.
• Look at the front cover. Discuss the ideas that come to mind.
• Predictions?
• Do you recognize the author’s name?
• Now flip to the Table of Contents.
• What do you notice about the chapter titles?
• What do you notice about the topics in the text?
• Look at the text. Do you notice anything specific about the
narrative structure or the text features?
• Let’s take a look at the photo of Morrie inside the front pages.
• In your notebook, take a second to silently and independently
jot down your thoughts about this man—the center of our text—
that come to mind from this photo.
• You may simply bullet your ideas, you need not explain them.
• All of your writing belongs on the RIGHT side of the page.
• Do not merely summarize, unless that’s what is asked of you.
• Be sure you are responding, in detail, to all parts of the prompt,
ESPECIALLY the bold words, and that you support your ideas. I
do not expect to see one or two word responses.
• Remember that you may use your notes on the quizzes and tests
for this unit.
• Please put your name in the upper right hand corner of a postit. Then respond to this prompt.
Mitch uses the overarching metaphor of life as a
class. How might we see it that way? Offer
specific examples.