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Personal Evangelism Training: R.E.S.C.U.E. Method

R.E.S.C.U.E. Personal Evangelism Training Adapted from: Contagious Christian Personal Evangelism 32100-­SBTS Evangelism & Church Growth 32030-­SBTS by Jeffrey Pearson Lead Pastor, THE BRIDGE www.HISbridge.com INTRODUCTION: Evangelism Defined: “Evangelism is being, doing, and telling the good news of Jesus Christ, and depending upon the triune God to draw His own unto Himself and His Church… That is, evangelism is never less than the telling of the good news, but assumed is a lifestyle that supports the message.” -­‐ Dr. Chuck Lawless Biblical images for evangelism: 1.
“Witness” – Acts 1:8 2.
“fishers of men” – Mark 1:17 3.
“ministers of reconciliation” – 2 Corinthians 5:17-­‐21 4.
“BEing” a.
“salt & light” -­‐ Matthew 5:13-­‐16 b.
“the aroma of Christ” -­‐ 2 Cor. 2:14-­‐16 c.
“ambassadors for Christ” -­‐ 2 Cor. 5:20 5.
“DOing” a.
“bearing fruit” -­‐ John 15:8 b.
“making disciples” -­‐ Matthew 28:18-­‐20 c.
“interceding for others” -­‐ Romans 10:1 6.
“Telling” a.
“proclaiming the gospel” -­‐ Mark 1:14-­‐15 “declaring His praise” -­‐ 1 Peter 2:9-­‐10 “teaching & preaching” -­‐ Acts 5:42 “exalting His name” -­‐ Acts 2:38, 47 & 4:12 7.
“Depending” a. “on the Father” b. “on the Son” c. “on the Spirit” -­‐ John 6:44 -­‐ 1 Cor. 1:17-­‐18 -­‐ Acts 1:8; Jn. 14:26 Jesus and Evangelism: 1.
Jesus, by His very coming to earth, initiated evangelism. 2.
Jesus was flexible in His methods, but uncompromising in message. 3.
Jesus offered forgiveness as He demanded commitment. 4.
Jesus developed disciples by mentoring missionaries as opposed to putting or pushing people into “programs.” 5.
Jesus lived on-­‐mission! Maximum Impact Formula: (Bill Hybels) HP + CP + CC = MI HP = High Potency (fully devoted disciple) CP = Close Proximity (intentional & loving relationship) CC = Clear Communication (clear gospel presentation & defense) MI = Maximum Impact! Remember: Theology without evangelism is merely intellectualism. & Evangelism without theology spreads heretical, false gospels! PRAYER before, during, and after every evangelistic encounter is key! GETTING STARTED: Simply embrace the opportunities God creates for you to share Him! We need to be trained… …in part, because we will be dealing with a world that is: Biblically ignorant Spiritually confused Relativistic Syncretistic Lukewarm Intentionally Counterfeit Increasingly combative LOST! One of the most pronounced obstacles to Sharing one’s Faith is… PERCEPTION What comes to mind when you hear “Evangelist or Evangelism?” Most think evangelism is for “superstars” or “bull-­‐horns” Too many think evangelism is about “doing” vs. “being” VIDEO: Who Is Jesus? & What Is Evangelism? AUTHENTICITY is critical… so BE YOURSELF! R = REALIZE & REPRODUCE Goal = Prepare people to be contagious, reproducing Christians. 1. Luke 19:10 = For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” 2. John 20:21 = Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 3. Matthew 28:19 = “Go, therefore, and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you…” 4. Acts 1:8 = …you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be My witnesses… (locally, regionally, and to the ends of the earth). Six Characteristics of Truly Contagious Christians: 1. TRUTH in LOVE a.
Truth: -­‐
THE gospel vs. “false” gospels -­‐
Saving “relationship” vs. Sinful “religion” Love: -­‐
Love wants what is truly best for the other person/people -­‐
Love is the motive vs. guilt, fear, etc. Ephesians 4:15 = “…speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” 2. AUTHENTICITY/CREDIBILITY – walk and talk need to be consistent… BE the “real deal” 3. RELATIONSHIP – friends listen to friends… no strings attached friendships 4. ACTIONS & WORDS – “preach always… in word, deed, & attitude” a.
1 Peter 3:15 = ”… in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” b.
1 John 3:18 = Let us not love with word & tongue but in action & in truth. c.
Romans 10:14 = How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 5. PROCESS – clear, plow, sow, water, weed, harvest… Like Apollos & Paul, we may do different parts at different times! 6. PARTNERSHIP – we are partners with God AND other kingdom servants… NOTE: ALL the power comes from the Holy Spirit (God brings the growth!) PRAYER: Create a list of people (who don’t know Christ) that you will pray for… E = Experience, Evaluate, Equip Being Yourself & Impacting Others God built diversity into the body of Christ! Different gifts, personalities, & styles are all by God’s design! Disciples identify their gifts & passions… then invest and develop both! Styles: 1.
Direct Intellectual Testimonial Interpersonal Invitational Serving Biblical Examples Biblical Texts = Peter = Paul = Blind man = Matthew = Woman at the well = Tabitha/Dorcas (Acts 2) (Acts 17) (John 9) (Luke 5) (John 4) (Acts 9) Identify areas in need of development within your own “style.” Write down your “Next Steps” for proclamation & incarnation. Encouraging Considerations: 1.
God knew what He was doing when He made you. Your personality was given by God… on purpose! God knew what He was doing when He placed you in your social circles. Your placement here, there & everywhere was directed by God, on purpose! God knew what He was doing when He placed you in our church. Your part of the body is waiting for you to do what only you can do! Identify and embrace your God-­given D. E. S. I. G. N. S = Spirit-­led Deepening Relationships & Conversations Authentic, no strings attached friendships & other forms of genuine relationship serve as the best foundation for effective evangelism… Jesus is our Model… note His relationships to the “least” & to “sinners” Jesus did not treat people like projects… “I came to seek & save the lost” Consider how you can build new relationships with old relations: 1.
Include people you already know in activities you are already doing (i.e. meals, church, LIFE groups, hobbies…) OR Take an interest in what interests them… & Join them in what they already do. 2.
Throw a “Matthew Party” – mix lost & found friends on purpose. 3.
Re-­‐connect with people you used to know but drifted away from… 4.
Have the courage to reach out to people you would like to know… Key aspects of relationships: 1.
Let the Holy Spirit lead you… (Philip is a great biblical example). 2.
Connect “naturally” – don’t come across like a pushy sales-­‐person 3.
Send out spiritual “feelers” early… “check the door of their heart” How to START SPIRITUAL CONVERSATIONS *** This is the turning point… If we don’t share, we won’t obey Jesus. Notice how Jesus used “loaded questions” to lead the conversation with the woman at the well Three (3) Helpful Approaches: 1. BRIDGING = using the existing topic to bridge over to a spiritual topic ie. Well water = thirst… leads to discussion on Living-­‐Water *** KEY: Look for bridging opportunities: (ie. current events, personal experiences, felt needs, prayer, relationships, sports, intellectual…) 2. QUESTIONING = applies the “bridging” technique BUT through open ended questions 3. INVITING = invite person to a Christ-­‐centered event *** Note: Rejected invitations can still become… accepted conversations! Things to Remember: a.
ONLY the HOLY SPIRIT can change a heart… and when He does, EVERYTHING CHANGES – supernaturally! b.
Take initiative… a lack of intentionality leaves people lost c.
Talk to people one-­‐on-­‐one d.
Enter into DIA-­‐log vs. MONO-­‐log e.
Present truth in doses… f.
Don’t do a data-­‐dump or force-­‐feed people. g.
Be ready to make the most of split-­‐second opportunities. C: Connect Telling Your Story… 1 Peter 3:15 = But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” Let’s use Paul’s example from Acts 26 as our model 1.
BEFORE CHRIST: Acts 26:4-­11 a.
What was your early spiritual background and how did it affect you as you were growing up… (Use wisdom and discretion while remaining honest) Describe your old, lost, sinful self… 2.
MEETING CHRIST: Acts 26:12-­18 a.
AFTER CHRIST: Acts 26:19-­23 a.
Make it Personal: A.
What revelation & realization led you to repent, believe and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior? Specifically, how did you “receive” Christ? *** Be CLEAR & COMPLETE (funeral & new-­‐birth) How has your life changed as a Christ-­‐follower? Be yourself… natural authenticity is critical. NEVER memorize! Outline your testimony using: 1.
Three “handles” or sections: a.
B.C. -­‐ your life Before Christ b.
@ -­‐ your conversion @ the cross of Christ c.
A.D. -­‐ your life After Death (to self) 2.
Use key words that are easy for you to remember… End with a relational question… that requires a response 1.
“Can you relate?” 2.
“Is your story anything like mine? Want to share yours?” 3.
Share full biblical truth… but do it with “street language” Practice… like a pilot in a flight simulator (make your mistakes now) Packaging: 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, “over dinner” U = Unifying & Uncompromising Communicating God’s Message Gospel definition = “good news” Romans 1:16 is critical to share AND explain (VIDEO: “Personal Gospel”) Beware two typical traps…. overly simplifying &.overly complicating the gospel. 1. GOD: A.
God loves us. God is loving (1 John 4:16b) God is holy (Isaiah 6:3) God is just (Psalm 9:16a) 2. US: A.
We blew it. Humans became sinful (Romans 3:23) We deserve death (Romans 6:23a) We are spiritually helpless (Isaiah 64:6a) 3. CHRIST: Christ paid for it. A.
Christ is God, who also became man (Philippians 2:5b-­‐7b) Christ died as our substitute (1 Peter 3:18a) Christ offers His forgiveness as a gift (Eph. 2:8-­‐9) 4. YOU: A.
You must receive Him. Humans must respond (John 1:12) We receive Jesus through repentance & faith, by asking Him to be our “Lord & Savior” (explain terms)… 1 John 1:9 and 1 Peter 3:15a The result is a spiritual transformation (2 Corinthians 5:17 & 5:21) *** Not “better” but BORN AGAIN… a miracle! Learn how to draw/explain this personal Gospel presentation: NOTE: Always begin with an attention-­‐getting sentence! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! E = Engage & Encourage Helping Friends Cross the Line of Faith 1. Approaching the line… Ask where people are spiritually. (see addendum) 2. Checking readiness: A.
Ask spiritually sensitizing questions… a.
Have you come to that point of trusting Christ yet or are you still in the process of thinking it through? b.
Where would you say you are in the process right now? c.
Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior right now? Don’t push… don’t go for a “close” 3. If ready… prompt them with prayer… Walk them through the prayerful process but do not tell them that their “words” are the key… A.
Thanks -­‐ awareness B.
Helplessness A = Adoration C.
Repentance OR C = Confession D.
Forgiveness T = Thanksgiving E.
Lordship S = Supplication F.
Thanks – adoption 4. Acknowledge/Celebrate what God has done! (Even if the process was a sowing-­‐only) A.
Share Luke 15:10 = “…I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” B.
Share “Next Steps” of spiritual growth a.
Pray daily/all the time b.
Read the Bible daily/all the time c.
Get plugged in to the Body of Christ. (Discipleship commitment) 5. Ask the Lord… What is YOUR “next step?” Understanding Our Motivation: Why Should We Share? Reasons for Reaching-­Out (2 Corinthians 4:16-­‐5:21) We reach out… 1.
Because of an eternal perspective. (4:16 – 5:8) 2.
Because of a deep desire to please God (5:9) 3.
Because we know we will be judged (5:10) 4.
Because we understand God’s wrath (5:11) 5.
Because of our love & concern for others (5:12-­‐13) 6.
Because of the love of Christ (5:14) 7.
Because of the Lordship of the resurrected Christ (5:15) 8.
Because of the promise of a life that can be changed (5:16-­‐17) 9.
Because of God’s amazing plan to let us be involved (5:18-­‐20) 10. Because of the wonder of it all (Christ’s sacrificial death)… (5:21) Personal Application: What needs to be cultivated in your life to allow God to give you a greater burden for reaching out? HOW to DEAL with OBSTACLES Why do people ask questions? …honest expressions of doubt and confusion…. and/or an unwillingness to forsake sin. Qt: “We cannot pander to a man’s intellectual arrogance, but we must cater to his intellectual integrity.” -­‐ John Stott General principles to responding to questions: Don’t be intimidated… and avoid an argument… (focus on the war, not the battle). Answer questions in the right, loving & humble spirit. Don’t be afraid to say: “I don’t know” (see John 9:25 & 2 Corinthians 12:2). Study to find answers… Never be stumped by the same question twice. Use sincere compliment when appropriate (Acts 17:22-­‐23). Present the ENTIRE gospel, not just the easy, feel good parts (Romans 1:16). Keep the focus on Jesus Christ throughout the discussion (John 12:32). Deal with people as PEOPLE, not projects (1 Thessalonians 2:8). Trust the work & power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:6). Specific ways to handle challenging or antagonistic questions: Preclude: anticipate & answer the question before it is asked Postpone: use this approach to avoid “chasing rabbits” Push Past: answer quickly and move on (like Jesus with woman at the well). Press In: research and return with the answers that stumped you. Bases for meeting excuses: Romans 14:12 -­‐ Everyone will give a personal account to God on Judgment Day. As for “the Hypocrites Excuse” -­‐ Jesus hated hypocrisy even more than you do… In fact, He reserved some of His harshest words for the religious hypocrites of His day. Read Matthew 23 (especially verse 3) to see what I mean… Loving-­Lifestyle Evangelism = Walking AND Talking the Gospel! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Care Enough to Confront Pray: get God’s guidance and direction FIRST “Conditions of Confrontation” Be LOVING Be Gentile Be Constructive Be Understanding Be Clear (give examples to clarify) Listen: give people a chance to respond Inform: help people think thru how to change and fix the problem Continue in Prayer: pray for their problem & our own humility 6. Leave the person with love, hope, & encouragement. Addendum: 40 Evangelistic Bible Verses Problem of Sin: Isaiah 53:6 (all sinners) Romans 3:23 (all sinners) Isaiah 59:2 (penalty) Romans 5:12 (penalty) Romans 6:23 (penalty) John 3:19 (guilty) Hebrews 9:27 (judgment) Matthew 10:28 (hell) Remedy for Sin: Isaiah 53:5 (atonement) Romans 5:8 (atonement) Galatians 3:13 (atonement) 1 Peter 3:18 (atonement) Luke 19:10 (Jesus saves!) 1 Timothy 1:15 (Jesus saves!) John 3:16 (gospel) 2 Corinthians 5:21 (gospel) Ephesians 2:8-­‐9 (grace, not works) Application: Matthew 18:3 (requirement) John 3:3 (requirement) Luke 13:3 (requirement) Isaiah 55:7 (repent) 1 John 1:9 (repent) John 1:12 (believe & receive) Acts 16:31 (believe) Romans 10:9 (believe) Invitation: Matthew 11:28 (come) John 6:37 (come) Isaiah 1:18 (come) Revelation 3:20 (open) Acts 10:43 (whosoever believes) Rom. 10:13 (whosoever believes) 2 Cor. 6:2 (now) Isaiah 55:6 (now) Assurance: 1 John 3:21 (confidence) 1 John 5:12-­‐13 (know) 2 Timothy 1:12 (know) Romans 8:16 (Spirit’s witness) Romans 1:16 (not ashamed) John 20:31 (life) John 5:24 (life) 2 Cor. 5:17 (new creation) Where Are You? Start planting “EV-­Trees” ___________________ Tree ___________________ Tree ___________________ Tree ___________________ Tree YOU YOU YOU YOU Can people in today’s world have hope? Turn to Romans 1:16 and underline the verse. Top Margin: God’s power can make us secure. Bottom Margin: See Romans 2:4 Turn to Romans 2:4 and underline the verse. Top Margin: God’s power can result in change. Bottom Margin: See Romans 3:23 Turn to Romans 3:23 and underline the verse. Top Margin: Sin makes change necessary. Bottom Margin: See Romans 5:8. Turn to Romans 5:8 and underline the verse. Top Margin: God still loves us. Bottom Margin: See Romans 6:23. Turn to Romans 6:23 and underline the verse. Top Margin: Sin earns death, but God gives life. Bottom Margin: See Romans 10:9-­‐10, 13 Turn to Romans 10:9-­10,13 and underline the verses. Top Margin: Confess, Repent, Believe, Call Bottom Margin: Turn to “back page” of your Bible Turn to the back page of your Bible Top Margin: Prayer of Salvation Dear God, I know that Jesus is Your Son and that He died on the cross and was raised from the dead. Because I have sinned and need forgiveness, I ask Jesus to come into my life. I am willing to change the direction of my life by acknowledging Jesus as my Lord & Savior, and by turning away from my sins. Thank You for giving me forgiveness, hope, & eternal life. In Jesus’ name – Amen. Bottom of Page: See Romans 8:16-­17 & 8:38-­39 Turn to Romans 8:16-­17 & 8:38-­39 and underline the verses Top Margin: You now have hope. Bottom Margin: See Romans 12:1-­‐2 Turn to Romans 12:1-­2 and underline the verses Top Margin: Faith = Living your life for God Bottom Margin: It is time to publically confess your faith by being baptized. You’ll also want to start reading your Bible and Praying all the time. Lastly, ask God to give you opportunities to begin telling others what Jesus has done for you. *** After you have marked your Bible in this way, practice using it to walk through & explain how one becomes a Christian. THE SOUL WINNER
____________________ A Book Review Presented to Dr. Chuck Lawless The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by Jeffrey Pearson Box 697 November 6, 2003 Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. The Soul Winner, Grand Rapids, MI, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1963. 319 pp. $16.00 INTRODUCTION:
The name Charles Spurgeon is widely recognized as a pillar in
the halls of conservative Christian theology and preaching. His work
The Soul Winner, however, portrays yet another facet of his ministry
worthy of our esteem. The Soul Winner shows us that Spurgeon’s
giftings transcended static, doctrinal interpretation and his powerful
presence in the pulpit. He was not satisfied with simply studying and
translating a map for the Christian journey, nor was he inclined to rest
after merely communicating the responsibilities of the Christian
community. Charles Spurgeon may be most distinguished in God’s eyes
for his commitment to doing the hell-shrinking work that lies at the
foundation of all other Christian directives - soul winning. The Soul
Winner serves as both an apt title for the author’s book and life mission,
as well as his proclamation of the job description Jesus gave every
professing Christian. His book not only reflects his heart, but also
serves to instruct and inspire all who would follow in his footsteps
“going into the fire... to pull others out of it.” (p.188)
Principles and Methodologies
Spurgeon’s work represents a comprehensive blueprint for both
the biblical under-girding and practical applications of soul winning. In
fairness to the author, it must be noted that the context of this review
only allows for a brief overview of the invaluable insights revealed in
the book. There are eight guiding principles under which the multitudes
of methods endorsed by Spurgeon fall.
The first principle and over-arching theme of The Soul Winner is:
the number one responsibility of every individual Christian, as well as
every body of believers, is to win souls to Jesus Christ. Spurgeon
emphatically drives this point into the hearts of his readers by going as
far as to say that one’s personal salvation represents only half of the
authentic Christian’s duty. Until the believer shares his faith and wins
others to Christ, he has only partially met his eternal obligation. To be
clear, the author concedes that one can enter the kingdom of heaven
“childless” (having not won another soul) but he describes the crown
waiting in heaven for such a passive believer as being without jewels.
The second and third principles of Spurgeon’s work are:
Christians are to use Jesus as their model, and all potential soul winners
must acknowledge that nothing happens outside the will and direction of
the Holy Spirit, respectively. The author weaves into the fabric of his
convictions the necessity for divine guidance. He is quick to remind
those who would embark on soul winning that the devil is crafty and
highly skilled at using pride and self-reliance to derail would-be agents
of God. His message is clear, if Jesus did not embrace a particular
principle or method, believers should consider following His lead.
Further, if the Holy Spirit is outside an idea, inclination, or inspiration, it
is not of God and should be avoided when soul winning.
The next principle in Spurgeon’s work is: the realization that
prayer, faith and means work best together. The author is addressing the
misconception that there is a linear, chronological relationship between
these components of soul winning. It is paramount in Spurgeon’s mind
that believers understand the role of prayer, faith, and means as three
strands of the soul winning cord. The Bible instructs every Christian to
carry their faith to the lost, combining the contribution of means, the
connection with God that comes through prayer, and confidence
established by faith.
The fifth principle soul winners are to adhere to is
anthropological in nature. In short, contextualization is second only to
theology in terms of content. It is important to note that while
contextualizing a message can be considered a method, it is also a
principle for the following reason; believers are commanded to share
their faith. Sharing involves mutual participation. Without
contextualizing a message, he who pretends to be communicating is
doing little more than dumping data on a recipient. The Pharisees were
chastised by Jesus for having similar insensitivities and altogether
selfish motives behind their actions. It is impossible to send a Christian
message in genuine love if one does not truly care whether or not it is
received and understood. As a result, contextualization is directly linked
both to the principle of love and commitment to effectiveness.
Effectiveness through evaluation is the sixth principle Spurgeon
endorses. In a similar fashion to the points noted above, the author
connects authentic love and Christian obedience with a results-oriented
measure of effectiveness. Spurgeon is right in espousing that we are
called to more than busyness. Every Christian should endeavor to be
effective in winning souls. With that said, there is no meaningful
measure of effectiveness without evaluation. Moreover, it would be
impossible to adjust and improve efforts with purpose and direction
without the feedback generated through evaluation. Spurgeon carries
this principle out to its most pragmatic end; he contends that converts
should be measured by their fruit as a litmus test for authenticity. He is
not espousing a works-salvation but rather recommending a check and
balance system for conversions. In such situations, the goal is to ensure
all won souls are in fact won souls. In the cases where no fruit is
visible, Spurgeon directs God’s people to go back and win that soul.
The seventh principle shared is: soul winning is not easy work.
Spurgeon tells his readers early and often that God’s work is hard and
requires an unselfish, servant’s heart. He points out that Christian
directives and worldly tendencies are polarized. Believers are called to
accept the fact that there will be obstacles in their way, not the least of
which are liberal theology and its evil alter-ego, legalism. Spurgeon
brings an in-your-face boldness to his observations when he implies that
if a minister is saving souls as an occupation, he needs to get a new job.
The last principle to be addressed before moving on to the
methodologies is: those who God has called to leadership are to lead by
example. There are no words that will motivate a subordinate,
understudy or on-looker more than the leader’s living credibility. In the
same way, when dealing with lost souls, to paraphrase a great Saint of
the past: “preach as much as possible, if necessary use words.”
Spurgeon recognized that we all have different stations in life. Some are
called to act individually, while others are called to lead the efforts of
more than themselves. Spurgeon’s point is that leaders dare not mistake
their responsibilities as being exclusively administrative - at the expense
of being a standard-bearing example for those they lead. He reminds
leaders that Jesus used twelve disciples to change the world – anointed
leaders should never lose sight of the potential they have to impact the
kingdom through their steadfast example as a leader.
There are literally scores of methodologies employed and
recommended by Spurgeon in this volume, a handful of which are
enveloped in the principles discussed above. Some of the remaining
methods are conceptual, others are tactical and strategic, and still others
are best described as styles, each best defined through adjectives
describing character and personality. Following will be a sampling of
the more prevalent methods endorsed by Spurgeon and an overview of
his most prescribed traits for the stereotypical soul winner. Most of the
forthcoming contributions are self-explanatory; consequently, they will
be listed and less defined than the principles covered in the first half of
this review.
First, it is important that soul winners share/teach the entirety of
Scripture over time and pray on every front. The informed believer
recognizes that the Bible is divinely designed for the conversion of
sinners. Sharing all of Scripture allows the believer to communicate
both God’s Word and the context of Christian character to the new
brother or sister. Next, the production of faith in the life of a converted
sinner is the witnessing believer’s objective immediately following a
new conversion. A guideline to remember that embraces this
application and countless others is: always aim at miracles when
attempting to win souls. Spurgeon reminds his readers throughout the
text that nothing is accomplished without the Holy Spirit but everything
can be done through Him. With that said, the sharing Christian is to
take measures to ensure that the focus always remains on the content of
the Spirit’s message and not its human packaging or delivery. This is
universally true for both ministry leaders and lay people. Likewise, both
groups are admonished to take care in choosing their friends and
Next, a summary of Spurgeon’s highly touted personal
characteristics of an effective soul winner will be offered. While each
adjective represented at least one extended passage in the book, this
summary will list them and recommend the reader go to the text to gain
insights into the multifaceted benefits each quality adds to the soul
winning process. The following attributes are valuable gifts within the
soul winner: being credible, loving, humble, earnest, flexible, obedient
to God, confident, zealous, sincere, intense, unselfish, holy, serious,
sympathetic, empathetic, deliberate, relevant, interesting, instructive,
creative, plain-speaking, focused, clear and direct, single minded for
God, bold, and the most important of all per Spurgeon, tender-hearted.
In a similar fashion, the following list will complete this review
while describing the attributes of effective conversion endeavors.
Prayer is critical at every juncture of the soul winning process. Focus
should be centered on conversion and not on peripheral issues. Efforts
to win souls are most effective when they: appeal to both head and heart,
aim at heart-breaking in an attempt to wean the person off of sin,
confront and rebuke in love when necessary, fish where the fish are, use
repetition to drive points home, are bolstered by credible lifestyle
evangelism, apply unique gifts appropriately, employ preaching,
personal evangelism, tracts, and letter writing according to the
opportunities, embrace personal adaptation in the spirit of human
contextualization, and ultimately use whatever tools and approaches
work best within God’s ordained standards.
*** Find extended Soul Winner quotes at www.HISbridge.com (Resources / Book Reviews)