Bible Study - Renewal Devon

Studies Based on the Revealing the Savior Series
Read the Primary Text: Romans 10:13-17
This study begins a series of studies focusing on the task that Jesus has set before us, his disciples, until he
returns. Our goals in this session are twofold: (1) To discuss how a heart for the lost is cultivated and (2) what
must happen for a person to hear the gospel of Jesus. We will have an open and real discussion about our calling
to share the “good news” and consider some first steps toward following Jesus’ command to share this good
news to those around us and to the ends of the earth.
1. Whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, you most likely have had some exposure to evangelism,
either sharing Jesus with someone or having someone share Jesus with you. Evangelism literally means
“good news-ing”. When you think about every Christian’s call to share the gospel; what thoughts and
emotions do you think and feel?
“I find evangelism hard. The problem with being an evangelist is that people assume that you find
evangelism effortless. But I don’t find it easy and never have. For me, telling people about Jesus has
often been nerve wracking. But it has been joyful.”
- Rico Tice
Read Romans 9:1-5; 10:1
2. From these verses, what is the problem that Paul is dealing with in this section of his letter to the
3. Especially considering Romans 9:1-5, how would you describe Paul’s heart for his fellow countrymen’s
salvation? How would you honestly describe your own heart in comparison to Paul’s heart?
If I had a thousand pounds China should have it - if I had a thousand lives, China should have them. No not
China, but Christ. Can we do too much for Him? Can we do enough for such a precious Savior?
- Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) Founder of China Inland Mission
4. If we find ourselves lacking a heart for lost people, are there things that we can do to cultivate hearts
like Paul’s heart? What things do you think choke out our passion for others?
Digging into The Text
Reread Romans 10:13
5. Calling on the name of the Lord to be saved infers that we need to be saved from something and that
we cannot save ourselves from it. We must call out for help. What is imminent that requires all people to
call out for salvation? How does Jesus save us?
6. What are the five chain of events that Paul says must happen if anyone is to be saved? As Paul
troubleshoots his sharing of the gospel he finds that the issue with his Jewish brothers and sisters is that
they do not have ears that hear (10:17-18; 11:7-8). As you troubleshoot through the reason why your
friends, neighbors, classmates and co-workers do not believe the gospel, where is their issue?
7. At the end of v. 15, Paul reminds the Roman church that those who preach the good news have
beautiful feet. What do you think this means and how is this encouraging to you personally?
1) What are distractions (both internal and external) that need to be removed from your life that are
choking out your passion for Jesus and satisfaction in him?
2) Share with one another a couple of people in your life that you would like to see call out to Jesus
to be saved.
3) If God provides an opportunity for you to share the gospel with these people, how would you go
about it and what would you say?