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Electrolysis Worksheet: Chemistry Concepts & Applications

C2 Electrolysis
Name ________________________
Teacher ________________
Double C2 – Electrolysis
What is electrolysis?
Electrolysis is the splitting up of an ionic compound by using
Ionic compounds contain positive A________ and negative
C________, held together in an I_______ L________.
Why do ionic substances not conduct
electricity when solid?
When ionic substances are melted or dissolved the ions are
_______ to move and carry the electrical __________.
What is the definition of electrolysis?
What is an electrolyte?
When 2 graphite electrodes are
placed in the electrolyte and
electricity flows, the ions will
m________ to the oppositely
charged electrode and the
electrolyte will d__________.
The positive electrode is called the __________ and attracts
_________ ions (called _________)
The negative electrode is called the _________ and attracts
_________ions (called _______).
What are the properties that all electrodes must have?
1) They are good conductors of ______________.
2) They must be _______ which means they perform electrolysis
but don’t ______ themselves.
Good examples are P_________ (expensive) and G_________.
Industrial electrolysis of Aluminium
Aluminium is not found n_________. It is found as the compound
A_______ O________ (_________) in an ore called B_________.
The bauxite is purified to form Alumina (pure __________
_________) which can be decomposed by e______________.
For electrolysis to occur, the ions must be
free to m______. Alumina must be
melted but has a very high m________
point which massively increases the cost.
To reduce the mpt (and increase the
conductivity) the alumina is dissolved in
C__________! This reduces the mpt to
9000C and saves energy and money.
What happens at the cathode?
What happens at the anode?
Why do the anodes need to be regularly replaced?
What is the advantage of the crust that on forms on top?
Why is electrolysis so expensive?
Why should we recycle Aluminium?