OPENED BOOK MID TERM EXAMINATION INDUSTRIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS TIN 327-TIN 51W Session: Semester Ganjil – AY 2020/2021 Date: Januari 6, 2022 Faculty: Engineering and Computer Science Duration: 150 minutes Study Program: Industrial Engineering Permitted Materials: Notebook Level of Study: Undergraduate (S1) Email : INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. Check the following exam paper information: Exam paper: Total number of pages : 3 Attached materials : 0 Total number of sections : 1 Total number of questions : 5 Instructions: You are required to answer all questions by yourself in Bahasa or in English. The total number of marks you can be awarded is 100 marks. 2. Please write your name and student ID on the exam paper and answer sheets. Student Name Adif Dwi Riyanto Student ID 1202003005 3. Candidates may use this exam paper to write notes as necessary, but should not remove it from the examination venue for any reason. 4. Any form of cheating or attempt to cheat is a serious offence leading to dismissal. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 Soal – 1 Aspek Keuangan (20 %) Hitunglah dari Neraca dan Rugi Laba dibawah ini dengan menggunakan Analisa Horizontal, Analisa Vertikal dan Analisa Ratio (Liquidity Ratio, Solvability Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, dan Marketability Ratio) dan interpretasikan hasil perhitungan anda. NERACA (dalam Rp 000) AKTIVA Aktiva Lancar Kas & bank Piutang Persediaan Lain-lain Jml Ak Lancar Aktiva Tetap Tanah Bangunan Perlengkapan pabrik Mesin-mesin Instalasi listrik Alat Kantor (Ak. Penyusutan) Aktiva Lain Biaya pra operasi Amortisasi TOTAL AKTIVA Dec-02 Dec-01 179,182 102,891 1,509,889 39,858 1,831,819 384,604 394,330 920,055 800 1,699,789 3,850,000 2,000,000 39,636 1,903,502 425,000 17,245 8,235,383 (592,749) 7,642,634 3,850,000 2,000,000 39,636 1,903,502 425,000 17,245 8,235,383 (296,374) 7,939,008 52,789 (16,713) 36,076 52,789 (8,356) 44,433 9,510,529 9,683,230 PASSIVA Dec-02 Dec-01 Hutang Usaha Hutang lain-lain Jumlah Ht. Lancar 199,500 60,538 260,038 662,849 662,849 Hutang Pmg saham Hutang Jk. Panjng/Bank 5,358,362 - 5,848,685 - 2,500,000 2,500,000 Modal Modal stor Laba/rugi ditahan Laba/rugi berjalan PASSIVA 671,696 (18,106) 720,433 3,892,129 689,802 3,171,696 9,510,529 (0) 9,683,230 0 Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 LABA /RUGI Uraian (dalam Rp 000) Dec-02 Dec-01 #### Des 02 (%) Penjualan Biaya bahan baku 9,232,540 5,776,591 6,063,479 3,782,431 62.6 Biaya Operasional 2,307,251 1,245,702 25.0 Biaya admin Total biaya 373,672 8,457,515 308,469 5,336,602 4.0 91.6 Laba usaha 775,025 726,877 8.4 Biaya/Pendpt lain (54,592) (37,076) Laba sblm pajak 720,433 689,802 7.8 Pajak 121,067 89,768 1.3 Laba bersih 599,366 600,034 6.5 Harga/m3 (Rp 000) 3,515 3,345 Penjualan (m3) 2,627 1,813 100 (0.6) . Soal – 2 Aspek Pemasaran (20 %) Untuk menghitung tingkat permintaan pasar, dan mengukur fesible/tidaknya suatu kelayakan proyek industri, harus dilakukan perhitungan ramalan kedepan, dengan beberapa metode pendekatan. Jelaskan beberapa pendekatan yang dipergunakan. Soal – 3 Aspek Produksi (20 %) Jelaskan unsur-unsur kelayakan yang dibahas dalam aspek teknis dan produksi dalam menentukan biaya investasi dan modal kerja. Soal – 4 Aspek Manajeman dan Organisasi (20 %) Jelaskan bagaimana kriteria dari fungsi-fungsi manajemen seperti planning/perencanaan, organizing/pengorganisasian, actuating/pelaksanaan dan controling/pengawasan dalam penilaian kelayakan suatu proyek industri. Gambarkan Peta Strategi (Strategy Maps) ke empat perspektif Aspek Aspek dalam format Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tersebut diatas. Soal – 5 Business Plan dan Business Model Canvas Apa perbedaan dan Persamaan antara Business Plan dan Business Model Canvas. Lebih Penting Yang Mana? Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 SOLUTION 1. Hitunglah dari Neraca dan Rugi Laba dibawah ini dengan menggunakan Analisa Horizontal, Analisa Vertikal dan Analisa Ratio (Liquidity Ratio, Solvability Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, dan Marketability Ratio) dan interpretasikan hasil perhitungan anda. Current Ratio Analisis ini memberi informasi tentang kemampuan aktiva dalam menutup utang lancar sehingga menggunakan perbandingan aktiva lancar dan utang lancar. Adapun yang termasuk sebagai aktiva lancar meliputi kas, piutang dagang, persediaan, dan sebagainya; utang lancar meliputi utang gaji, utang bank, utang dagang, dan sebagainya. Current ratio = (aktiva lancar : utang lancar) x 100% Current ratio Dec-02 = (1,831,819 : 260,038) x 100% Current ratio Dec-02 = 7,04% Current ratio Dec-01 = (1,699,789 : 662,849) x 100% Current ratio Dec-02 = 2,56% Quick Ratio Analisis ini memberi informasi tentang kemampuan perusahaan dalam memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendeknya dengan mengurani aktiva lancar dengan persediaan. Adapun aktiva lancar yang digunakan lebih fokus pada komponen yang lebih likuid. Quick ratio = [(aktiva lancar – persediaan) : utang lancar] x 100% Cash Ratio Analisis ini memberi informasi posisi kas yang dapat menutupi utang lancar dengan membandingkan antara kas dan aktiva lancar yang dapat segera menjadi uang kas dengan utang lancar. Cash ratio = [(kas + setara kas) – utang lancar] x 100% Rasio Solvabilitas Rasio ini memperlihatkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam melunasi utangnya baik dalam jangka pendek maupun panjang jika perusahaan dilikuidasi. Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio Analisis ini mengukur persentase besarnya dana yang berasal dari utang, baik utang jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Debt ratio = (total utang : total aktiva) x 100% Debt to Equity Ratio Analisis ini mengukur persentase antara utang dan modal yang dimiliki perusahaan. Debt to equity ratio = (total utang : modal) x 100% Rasio Rentabilitas Rasio ini digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan perusahaan dalam mendapat keuntungan atau laba. Rasio ini biasanya menjadi patokan terhadap keberlangsungan bisnis. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 Profit Margin Analisis ini menghitung sejauh mana perusahaan mampu menghasilkan keuntungan bersih pada tingkat penjualan tertentu. Selain itu, profit margin juga dapat menunjukan kemampuan perusahaan dalam menekan biaya pada periode tertentu. Profit margin = (laba bersih : penjualan) x 100% Gross Profit Margin Analisis ini memperlihatkan laba kotor yang dicapai setiap penjualan. Gross profit margin = (laba kotor : penjualan bersih) x 100% Net Profit Margin Analisis ini mengukur laba bersih yang dihasilkan dalam setiap penjualan (dalam rupiah atau mata uang yang digunakan) dan efisiensi. Net profit margin = (laba bersih setelah pajak : penjualan bersih) x 100% Return on Investment (ROI) Analisis ini menunjukkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan laba yang akan digunakan untuk menutup sejumlah investasi yang dikeluarkan. ROI = (laba bersih setelah pajak : investasi) x 100% Return on Assets Analisis ini memperlihatkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dengan seluruh aktiva yang dipunyai. Return on Assets = (laba sebelum bunga dan pajak : total aktiva) x 100% Rasio Aktivitas Rasio ini akan melihat tingkat aktivitas aktiva pada beberapa aset di tingkat kegiatan tertentu. Perputaran Piutang Analisis ini mengukur kualitas piutang dagang dan efisiensi perusahaan dalam mengumpulkan piutang dan kebijakan kredit yang diberlakukan. Perputaran piutang = (penjualan bersih : rata-rata piutang dagang) Perputaran Persediaan Analisis ini menunjukkan efisiensi perusahaan dalam mengelola dan menjual persediaan yang dimiliki. Perputaran persediaan = (harga pokok penjualan : rata-rata persediaan) Perputaran Aktiva Tetap Analisis ini menunjukkan sejauh mana efektivitas perusahaan dalam menggunakan aktiva tetapnya. Perputaran aktiva tetap = {penjualan : aktiva tetap) Perputaran Total Aktiva Analisis ini mengukur efektivitas perusahaan dalam menggunakan total aktiva yang dimiliki. Perputaran total aktiva = (penjualan : total aktiva) Rasio keuangan merupakan alat untuk menganalisis keuangan sebuah perusahaan dalam menilai kinerja bisnis yang dilakukan. Analisis yang dilakukan pun bermacammacam sesuai tujuan pengukurannya, yakni rasio likuiditas, rasio solvabilitas (leverage), rasio retentabilitas (provabilitas), dan rasio aktivitas. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 2. Untuk menghitung tingkat permintaan pasar, dan mengukur fesible/tidaknya suatu kelayakan proyek industri, harus dilakukan perhitungan ramalan kedepan, dengan beberapa metode pendekatan. Jelaskan beberapa pendekatan yang dipergunakan. SOLUTION The market, according to experts, is a meeting place between sellers and buyers or a meeting between the forces of demand and supply to form a price. Another expert opinion says that the market is a group of people who are organized to bargain, so that prices are formed. One marketing expert, Stanton, put forward another understanding of the market, which is a collection of people who have a desire to be satisfied, money to spend, and a willingness to spend. So, there are three main factors that support the occurrence of the market, namely people with all their desires, purchasing power, and behavior in their purchases. The actual marketing strategy is not only for large companies, small companies must also have it, for example such as the 4P marketing mix. The term 4P marketing strategy (Marketing Mix 4P in marketing) is the basis that must be used as an initial benchmark, when you want to run a business. Especially for small and medium enterprises or SMEs whose numbers are increasing day by day in Indonesia. Analisis pasar kualitatif: mengidentifikasi, memisahkan dan membuat deskripsi pasar. Analisis pasar kuantitatif: menghitung besarnya perkiraan penjualan 1 tahun mendatang. Analisis pasar meliputi: 1. Deskripsi pasar (luas pasar, saluran distribusi dan praktek perdagangan setempat) 2. Analisis permintaan dulu dan sekarang (jumlah, nilai konsumsi product ybs dan identifikasi konsumen) 3. Analisis penawaran dulu dan sekarang (impor, produk lokal), info persaingan, harga, kualitas dan strategi pemasaran pesaing 4. Perkiraan permintaan yang akan datang dari product ybs. 5. Perkiraan pangsa pasar (mempertimbangkan tingkat permintaan, penawaran, posisi perusahaan dalam persaingan dan program pemasaran perusahaan) Strategi pemasaran 4P (Marketing Mix 4P dalam pemasaran) merupakan kumpulan alat pemasaran taktis yang terdiri dari: a. Product (produk) b. Price (harga) c. Place (tempat) d. Promotion (promosi) Keempat komponen atau variable ini dipadukan agar menghasilkan respon yang diinginkan di pasar. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 3. Explain the elements of feasibility discussed in the technical and production aspects in determining investment and working capital costs. SOLUTION The most-common feasibility study should include the following sections: An Executive Summary Description of Product or Service Technology Considerations Product or Service Marketplace Identification of Specific Market Marketing Strategy Organization Structure Schedule Financial Projections Companies should be careful to NOT blindly follow feasibility templates. A welldesigned feasibility study is one that is focused upon and centered on the business organization. Types of Feasibility Studies Technical – hardware and software; existing or new; staffing skills Financial – initial and future stakeholder investors; ROI benchmarks Market- industry type; marketing characteristics; market growth; competition environment; sales projections Organization- structure; legal; management team’s competency Typical Steps to a Feasibility Study 1.Preliminary Analysis To efficiently evaluate alternatives, a pre-feasibility study is often conducted after discussing a series of business ideas or scenarios. This pre-feasibility study helps to “frame” and “flesh-out” specific business scenarios, with only some studied more indepth. It is not unusual that during this preliminary analysis, the number of business alternatives under consideration is reduced from the initial starting point. During this first step to the feasibility process you may investigate a variety of ways to organize the business and/or to position the product in the marketplace. It is like an exploratory journey and you may take several paths before you reach your destination. Just because the initial analysis is negative does not mean that the proposal does not have merit. Sometimes limitations or flaws in the proposal can be corrected. If the findings lead you to proceed with the feasibility study, your work may have resolved some basic issues. A consultant may help you with the pre-feasibility study, but you should be involved. This is an opportunity for you to understand the issues of business development. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 2. Market Assessment A market assessment (Information File C5-30) may be conducted that will help determine the viability of a proposed product or service in the marketplace. The market assessment will also help to identify demand in the market, and at what price. If no opportunities are found, there may be no reason to proceed further with the feasibility study. If opportunities are found, the market assessment can give focus and direction in the construction of business scenarios to investigate in the feasibility study. A market assessment will provide much of the information for the marketing feasibility section of the feasibility study 3. Organizational Structures This step in the feasibility analysis pertains to organization. Staffing requirements, including management and labor alignment are studied. How many workers are needed for how long and what other resources will be needed? 4. Financial Controls It is important to formalize an opening day balance sheet. In this step, first efforts at projected revenues and expenses are attempted. 5. Points of Vulnerability Factors that are internal to the project and represent vulnerability to the project’s short-term or long-term steps should be reviewed and analyzed. These points then can be controlled or otherwise eliminated. 6. Results and Conclusions The conclusions of the feasibility study should outline in-depth the various scenarios examined. The project leaders need to carefully examine the feasibility study and challenge its underlying assumptions. This is the time to be skeptical. Don’t expect one alternative to "jump off the page" as being the best scenario. Feasibility studies do not suddenly become positive or negative. As you accumulate information and investigate alternatives, neither a positive nor negative outcome may emerge. The decision of whether to proceed is often not clear cut. Major stumbling blocks may emerge that negate the project. Sometimes these weaknesses can be overcome. Rarely does the analysis come out overwhelmingly positive. The study will help you assess the trade-off between the risks and rewards of moving forward with the business project. Remember, it is not the purpose of the feasibility study or the role of the consultant to decide wheather or not to proceed with a business plan. It is the role of the project leaders to make this decision, using information from the feasibility study and input from consult ants. 7. Go/No-Go Decision The go/no-go decision is one of the most critical in business development. It is the point of no return. Once you have definitely decided to pursue a business scenario, there is usually no turning back. The feasibility study will be a major information source in making this decision. This indicates the importance of a properly developed feasibility study. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 Feasibility Study vs. Business Plan A feasibility study is not a business plan. The separate roles of the feasibility study and the business plan are frequently misunderstood. The feasibility study provides an investigating function. It addresses the question of "Is this a viable business venture?" The business plan provides a planning function. The business plan outlines the actions needed to take the proposal from "idea" to "reality." Information File C5-68, Writing a Business Plan, offers more discussion of the drafting a business plan. The feasibility study outlines and analyzes several alternatives or methods of achieving business success. The feasibility study helps to narrow the scope of the project to identify the best business scenario(s). The business plan deals with only one alternative or scenario. The feasibility study helps to narrow the scope of the project to identify and define two or three scenarios or alternatives. The person or business conducting the feasibility study may work with the group to identify the "best" alternative for their situation. This becomes the basis for the business plan. The feasibility study is conducted before the business plan. A business plan is prepared only after the business venture has been deemed to be feasible. If a proposed business venture is considered to be feasible, a business plan is usually constructed next that provides a "road-map" of how the business will be created and developed. The business plan provides the “blueprint” for project implementation. If the venture is deemed not to be feasible, efforts may be made to correct its deficiencies, other alternatives may be explored, or the idea is dropped. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 4. Jelaskan unsur-unsur kelayakan yang dibahas dalam aspek teknis dan produksi dalam menentukan biaya investasi dan modal kerja. SOLUTION Aspek Teknis (Teknologi) Tujuan dari aspek teknis adalah untuk mengetahui apakah secara teknis dan teknologi yang dimiliki rencana bisnis dapat dilaksanakan dengan layak atau tidak, baik saat pembangunan bisnis berjalan atau saat operasional berlangsung. Beberapa aspek teknis yang dipertimbangkan dalam sebuah perusahaan contohnya : Rencana awal Strategi bisnis Proses pembuatan Kapasitas atau volume produksi Sedangkan dalam aspek teknologi, hal-hal yang dibahas antara lain : Teknologi perusahaan Pemilihan mesin dan peralatan Kualitas yang dimiliki teknologi Explain the elements of feasibility discussed in the technical and production aspects in determining investment and working capital costs. Technical and technological aspects are discussed after the business or project is deemed feasible from the marketing aspect. Factors that need to be described are those concerning the location of the planned business/project, source of raw materials, type of technology used, production capacity, type and amount of investment required in addition to making a production plan during the economic life of the project. If the feasibility study prepared is in the field of production business or activities that carry out processing, the main factor that needs to be included in the technical aspects of production is the location of the business or factory to be developed. Factors that need to be explained, among others, are in terms of raw materials, market conditions, supply of labor, transportation and electric power facilities, as well as waste management if needed. Besides that, it is also necessary to explain the possibility of conducting expansion in the future, both in terms of the possibility of the availability of the area and the environment, as well as the situation and conditions in which the location of the business or project is determined. Likewise with the sources of raw materials needed, whether sourced from abroad, domestically or partly from outside and partly from within. If sourced from the country, in certain areas, it is also necessary to know about the supply of these materials in a relatively long time, both in quantity and quality so as to ensure the continuity of the planned business or project. The choice of the type of technology used also needs to be explained, both regarding the type, quantity, and size if needed as well as the reasons for the selection, related to the problems encountered in addition to other investments. Through a technical feasibility study, we can evaluate the project’s potential for success into: the development of new products the improvement/redesign or development of existing products investigating the potential or application of new technology researching and developing a project proposal for submission for funding Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 The purpose of the study is to provide the necessary information to enable your company to come to firm conclusions regarding the project’s viability. Typical elements involved in carrying out a technical feasibility study may include: Technology, topology, material evaluation and selection Manufacturing process assessment Design and prototyping Raw material sourcing Cost analysis A feasibility study seeks to look at whether a proposed endeavor is feasible. Essentially it looks at the projected market, projected revenue, and projected cost to implement. It also should look at the marketing aspects, including the likelihood of competition and the barriers to potential competitors. It almost goes without saying that an accurate estimate of the technical and financial aspects of producing the good or service is essential in this calculation. This is a critical part of the cost and risk determination in terms of the difficulty to produce this good or service. For example, a new model of an automobile should involve marketing but also ease and cost of producing the projected body parts. A really sleek design with lots of complex curves may look very nice but may be technically and economically so difficult as to be prohibitive. Unless this is factored in from the beginning a good bit of time and energy could be wasted estimating the feasibility of something that cannot be made at this point Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 5. Apa perbedaan dan Persamaan antara Business Plan dan Business Model Canvas. Lebih Penting Yang Mana? SOLUTION What are the differences and Similarities between Business Plan and Business Model Canvas. Which is More Important? Difference between business plan and business model The business model is the mechanism through which the company generates its profit while the business plan is a document presenting the company's strategy and expected financial performance for the years to come. As you can see, the business model is at the center of the business plan. The business model describes how the company is positioned within its industry's value chain, and how it organises its relations with its suppliers, clients, and partners in order to generate profits. The business plan translates this positioning in a series of strategic actions and quantifies their financial impact. Examples of business models Here are some examples of the most common business models: production advertising commission subscription freemium accessories The business model of production It's the most basic business model, the company sales the products and services it produces. In order for that business model to be viable, the company needs to generate enough sales to cover its production , distribution, and storage costs. The advertising business model Here the goal is to generate revenues by selling advertising space. On the Internet this model can be segmented based on the type of advertising: CPM (cost per thousand): the advertiser pays the publisher a fixed amount for 1,000 impressions. CPC (cost per click): the advertiser pays the publisher every time someone clicks on the ad. The amount paid can be fixed or established through an auction process. CPA (cost per action): the advertiser pays every time a specific action is executed. An action can be a sale or a lead for example. The amount can be fixed or set as a percentage of the action value. This business model is already slightly more complex than the production one given that the company first need to invest in order to create a large audience before it can attract advertisers. Business model based on commission (or distribution) The company acts as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer and takes a cut of every sell it helps generate. This business model is generally less risky than the 2 previous ones (and therefore less profitable) as the level of investment required can be minimal. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 The subscription business model The company receives revenues from its subscribers at regular intervals. This business model has one clear advantage: the company knows in advance how much revenues it is going to generate. The flip side is that it often takes several months to recover the subscriber acquisition costs leading to a lower cash generation at the beginning of the cycle. The freemium business model The company offers 2 versions of its product. A free version with a limited set of features which goals are either to raise awareness about the product or to create a network effect. And a paid version, comprising more features, from which it can generate enough margin to cover the cost of the free users. The keys to success with this business model are to be able to generate huge network effect (example: Linkedin) and/or to convert a sufficient number of free users into paid customers (example: Uservoice). The accessories business model The company offers one product for free or at a price close to its production cost and generates a profit on the sale of accessories. The classic example of this business model is the sale of razor blades: razors are sold for nothing but you have to continually buy expensive blades to be able to use it. This list of business models is far from being exhaustive, and if you have questions regarding a business model in particular feel free to ask it using the comment form below. Business Plan Definition A business plan is a written document that contains detailed information of the business, product or service, market, and the entrepreneur vision for the company’s future. It is basically the most accurate portrait of the field, products and services, customers, competitors, suppliers, all the operational and financial goals of the company, its marketing and sales strategy. Its purpose is to display the strengths and weaknesses of the business and to project the gains and losses of the organizations, in order to identify the viability and sustainability of the idea. The business plan is often a long document, made up of several pages. In general, it contains: Cover; Table of Contents; Executive Summary; Business and product/service description; Market analysis; Competitive Analysis; Marketing Plan; Operational and Management Plan; Financial Plan; Supporting data and documents. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 The goal of the business plan is to determine whether your idea is sustainable or not. It also shows the weaknesses to be repaired, as well as the strengths to be potentialized. It is a kind of script, to reduce the chance of failure. The business plan is a core document if you are looking for partners, in order to demonstrate profitability. Its focus is, indeed, to provide executives, investors, and any other stakeholders a full overview of the business. So, it is especially important when you are seeking loans, sources of financing, and investments. It is the best way to demonstrate that your business is trustworthy and solid enough for credit. Business Model vs Business Plan The difference between Business Model and Business Plan lies in key points like how they should be developed, where should the focus be, how to organize ideas and what are their main objectives. Business Models and Business Plans are important documents to help you plan and organize your business strategy. It can be either a document for early-stage companies that need to validate hypothesis or big companies that need to plan ahead, capture investment or even make an IPO. Midterm Examination – Semester Ganjil / AY 2020/2021 Whatever the case is, it is very important to understand that these are different terms, with different purposes and have different tools to develop them. To summarize here, the key terms that are commonly confused between each other: Business model – provides a rationale for how a business creates, delivers and captures value, and examines how the business operates, its underlying foundations, and the exchange activities and financial flows upon which it can be successful. Business Plan – a formal document that typically describes the business and industry, market strategies, sales potential, and competitive analysis as well as the company’s long-term goals and objectives. Depok, 06 Januari 2022 Tanda Tangan Diri (TTD) Adif Dwi Riyanto ---------- end of exam paper --------