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Organizational Behavior: Introduction to Management

“This subject focuses on how to improve
productivity; reduce absenteeism, turnover, and
deviant workplace behaviour; and increase
organizational citizenship behaviour and job
Chapter 1
What is Organizational Behaviour?
Organizational Behaviour (OB): Organizational behaviour is the study of both
group and individual performance and activity within an organization.
What Managers Do?
Management Functions:
 Planning
 Organizing
 Heading
 Controlling
Management Roles:
Management Skills:
 Technical Skills
 Human Skills
 Conceptual Skills
Miscellaneous Terms:
Task Performance: The combination of effectiveness and efficiency at doing your core
job tasks.
Citizenship Behaviour: Person's voluntary commitment within an organization
or company that is not part of his or her contractual tasks.
Group Cohesion: The extent to which group members support and validate one
another while at work.
Withdrawal Behaviour: The set of actions employees take to separate themselves
from organization
Chapter 2
Diversity in Organization
Diversity: Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people
in an organization. It encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality,
tenure, education, background and more. It not only involves how people perceive
themselves, but how they perceive others.
Levels of Diversity
Surface-level diversity
Differences in easily perceived characteristics,
such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, or disabilitythat does not necessarily reflect the ways
people think or feel but may activate certain
Deep-level diversity
Differences in values, personality, and work
preferences that become progressively more
important for determining similarity as people get
to know one another better
Discrimination: Making judgments about individuals based on stereotypes
regarding their demographic group. Some forms of discrimination are
Sexual harassment, Intimidation, Exclusion, Incivility, Mockery and Insults.
Biographical characteristics (Surface-level abilities): Personal characteristics
such as age, gender, race, that is objective and easily obtained from personnel
records. Ability (Deep-level abilities): An individual’s capacity to perform the
various tasks in a job.
Race & Ethnicity
Sexual Orientation & Gender
Cultural identity
Intellectual abilities: The capacity to do mental activities- thinking reasoning, and
problem solving. Some dimensions of intellectual abilities are Number aptitude,
Verbal comprehension, Memory etc.
General mental ability (GMA): An overall factor of intelligence, as suggested by
the positive correlations among specific intellectual ability dimensions.
Physical abilities: The capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, strength, and
similar characteristics. Basic physical abilities are Body coordination, Dynamic
Strength, Flexibility, Balance etc.
Diversity Management: The process and programs by which managers make
everyone more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of others.
Diversity Management Strategies:
Retaining Diverse Employees
Chapter 3
Attitudes & Job Satisfaction
Attitudes: Evaluative statements or judgements concerning objects, people or events.
Main components of attitudes:
1. Cognitive Component: The opinion or belief segment of an attitude.
2. Affective component: The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude
3. Behavioural Component: An intention to behave in a certain way towards someone
or something.
Major Job Attitudes:
1. Job Satisfaction: A positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation
of its characteristics.
2. Job Involvement: The degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively
participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth.
3. Psychological empowerment: Employees’ belief in the degree to which they affect
their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job and their
perceived autonomy on their work.
4. Organizational Commitment: The degree to which an employee identifies with
organization and its goal, and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.
5. Perceived organizational support: The degree to which employees believe an
organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being.
6. Employee Engagement: An individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and
enthusiasm for the work he or she does.
The impact of satisfied & dissatisfied employees on the workplace:
a. Exit: Dissatisfaction expressed through behaviour directed towards leaving the
b. Voice: Dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve
c. Loyalty: Dissatisfaction expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve.
d. Neglect: Dissatisfaction expressed through allowing conditions to worsen.
Miscellaneous Terms:
1. Cognitive Dissonance: Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or
between behavior and attitudes.
2. Core Self-Evaluations: Bottom line conclusions individuals have about their capability,
competence and worth as a person.
Emotions & Moods
Affect: A broad range of feelings that people experience.
▪ Intense feelings that are directed at someone or
▪ Feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that
lack a contextual stimulus.
Cause is general, and unclear & it lasts longer
(hours) Not indicated by distinct expressions
Caused by specific event & brief (mins)
Accompanied by distinct facial expressions
E.G: Anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise
E.G. positive (excitement) & negative
Positive affect of mood: A mood dimension that consists of specific positive
emotions such as excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness at the high end and
boredom, sluggish-ness, and tiredness at the low end
 Negative affect of mood: A mood dimension that consists of emotions such as
nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end and relaxation, poise at the
low end.
 Positive offset: The tendency of most individuals to experience a mildly
positive mood at zero input (when nothing is going on)
Sources of Emotions & Moods:
Social activities Sleep
of the
Day of
the Weather
Affect intensity: Individual differences in the strengths with which individuals
experience their emotions.
Illusory correlation: The tendency of people to associate two events when there is
no connection. (E.g. people tend to think nice weather improves their mood)
Emotional labor: A situation in which an employee expresses organizationally
desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work
Emotional dissonance: Inconsistencies between the emotions people feel and the
emotions they project
 Felt emotions: An individual’s actual emotions
 Displayed emotions: Emotions that are organizationally required &
considered appropriate in given job
 Surface acting: Hiding one’s feelings & forgoing emotional
expressions in response to display rules.
 Deep acting: Trying to modify one’s true feelings based on display rules.
Affective events theory:
Emotional Intelligence (EI): The ability to detect and to manage emotional cues
and information. It is a person’s ability to: Perceive emotions in self and others,
Understanding the meaning of emotions, regulate emotions
Effects of Emotions & Moods in an organization:
Negotiation Customer
Safety & Injury at work
Chapter 5
PERSONALITY- “The dynamic organization within the individual of those
psychological systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.”
MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR- A 100 question personality test that taps
four characteristics and classifies people into 1 to 16 personality types. Respondents
are classified as
Extraverted v/s Introverted
Sensing (Practical) v/s Intuitive (unconscious processes)
Thinking (reason) v/s Feeling
Judging v/s perceiving (flexible)
Extraversion (sociable, gregarious, assertive)
Agreeableness (good natured, cooperative)
Conscientiousness (Responsible, Dependable, persistent, organized)
Emotional stability (calm, self-confident)
Openness to experience (creative, curious)
THE DARK TRAID THEORY- A constellation of negative personality traits
consisting of Machiavellianism- The degree to which an individual is pragmatic,
maintains emotional distance, and believes that end can justify means.
  Narcissism- The tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of
self- importance requires excessive admiration and have a sense of entitlement. 
 Psychopathy- The tendency for a lack of concern for others and a lack of
guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm.
SITUATION STRENGTH THEORY-A theory indicating that the way
personality translates into behaviour depends on the strength of the situation.
TRAIT ACTIVATION THEORY- A theory that predicts that some situations,
events, or interventions „activate‟ a trait more than others.
VALUES- Basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end state of
existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode
of conduct. There are two types of values
 Terminal values- Refers to desirable end states.
 Instrumental value- Preferable modes of behaviour or means of
achieving one’s terminal values
PERSON JOB THEORY- It proposes that the fit between personality type and
occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover.
PERSON- ORGANIZATION FIT- People are attracted to and selected by
organizations that match their values, and they leave organizations that are not
compatible with their personalities.
Five Value dimensions of National Culture
 Power Distance- Extent to which a society accepts that power in
institutions is distributed unequally
 Individualism v/s Collectivism- People prefer to act as individuals
rather than as members of groups
 Masculinity v/s femininity- The culture favours traditional masculine
work roles of achievement, power
 Uncertainty avoidance- Society feels threatened by uncertain situations
& tries to avoid them
 Long term v/s short term orientation- Emphasis on the future, thrift, and
persistence (long term) Emphasizes the past and present, respect for
tradition, and fulfilment of social obligations (short term)
NOTE: This document is not exhaustive and does not guarantee
complete preparation for exams. It is just a reference document.