Hey everone, BEFORE REQUESTING ACCESS: go to file in the top left corner, then click make a copy. that should work. I decided to release this one for free as well. No need to pay anything. Make a copy of this, edit it as your own. To make a copy, go to File --> Make a copy It would mean a lot to me if you followed / supported my social medias (especially instagram and youtube) below :) INSTAGRAM: @CamGoforth YOUTUBE: Campbell Goforth TIKTOK: @campbellgoforth If you wish to support me and want some new gym clothes use code "GOFORTH" at checkout @ YoungLa DM me if you use my code, it means a lot to me and I'd love to hear from you for real. Cam Goforth This program is a 6 day a week program. It is a 3 day split, followed by a rest day on the 4th. Therefore, within an 8 day period, there will be 6 days of working out, and 2 of resting. I am not responsible if you hurt yourself, or injure yourself. This program is much of what I did starting out in calisthenics, and I am only trying to help. Perform at your own risk. You should be fine, just don't overdo yourself. Same goes for any other workout. Check under each day for explanations of uncommon workouts Day 1: CHEST & SHOULDERS Workouts pro tip: if you can't do pullups, just work the inverted row circuit for a while, and do pull-up negatives (slow on the way down) Sets x Reps Week 1 Reps Week 2 Reps Week 3 Reps Week 4 Reps Week 5 Reps Week 6 Reps Week 7 Reps Week 8 Reps Week 5 Reps Week 6 Reps Week 7 Reps Week 8 Reps Chest Explosive push-ups 3x 5 Push-ups 3x 10-15 Decline push-ups 3x 6 - 10 Incline push-ups 3x 10-12 Incline Diamond Pushups 3x 10 Shoulders Pike Pushups 3x 8 Wall-Assisted Handstand pushups 3x 5-8 Planche leans 3x 15 - 30 seconds Day 2: BACK & ARMS Workouts Go to a park, or have a doorway pull-up bar... you just need a bar to hang on really Sets x Reps Week 1 Reps Week 2 Reps Week 3 Reps Week 4 Reps Back Pull-ups 4 sets to failure CIRCUIT 3 TIMES: see below 1. Inverted Rows (normal grip) 3x 10-15 2. Inverted rows (close grip) 3x 6-12 3. Push-offs 3x 12 Triceps Dips / Bench Dips 3x 12 Floor Tricep Extensions 3x 12 Bench Tricep Extensions 3x 12 Biceps Chin-ups 3 sets to failure Chin-up negatives 3x 5 Neutral-grip pull-ups 3x 6 Circuit: Do each exercise back-to-back. After the completion of each exercise under the circuit, that counts as 1 completion. You want 3 completions. Bench dips: like normal dips, but done off a ledge, or a bench. It is easier than a full dip Chin-up negatives: jump up into the chin-up, and go as slow as you can on the way down. Floor Tricep Extensions: Get into a plank position (the closer your elbows are to your waist will make it harder) and hinge... this is the best example I can find (credit to Runtastic): From here, leave your hands on the ground and push - your elbows should extend Bench Tricep Extensions: The further down you go, the harder it will be. Find a ledge, or a bench, and put your hands shoulder-width apart on the ledge, or a bit closer. Example: And then bend down Day 3: Legs & Abs Workouts Sets x Reps Week 1 Reps Week 2 Reps Week 3 Reps Week 4 Reps Week 5 Reps Week 6 Reps Week 7 Reps Week 8 Reps Legs (CIRCUIT) Squats 3x 12-20 Jump Squats 3x 12-15 Assisted Pistol Squats 3x 5 each leg Hip bridge 3x 12-25 Jumping Lunges 3x 12 Abs Hanging Knee Raise 3x 12 Hanging Toes-to-bar 3x 5 30 second scissor kicks 3 sets of 30sec Ciruit those ^ (one after another) 1 circuit = 1 set of each in a row The reps are so high because many people have a different rep range that require them to become fatigued. Do not take the reps as a magical tool. Do what works for you. For example, if I were to do hip bridges where I am now (without weight) I would probably be doing around 30 before getting too tired. In the beginning I was doing around 12 without weight. Day 4: rest up The following workouts below are not exactly necessary, but they will help you build significant strength in calisthenics. These will help you build a base for more advanced skills later down the road (planche, front lever, etc) I recommend adding these on your rest day, OR during your back day while you are at your pull-up bar (that is what I did) Workouts Sets x Reps SUPPLEMENTAL CALISTHENIC EXERCISES Static Hangs (normal grip, close, wide) 3 sets, shoot for 15-30 seconds at first, then try 45-60 in the coming weeks Hanging Knee Raise Hold 3x 30 seconds or however long you can Hanging L Sit Hold After becoming good at the Knee Raise Hold, move onto this (3x 30 sec) After becoming good at the ones above... ^ One arm hangs 3x 15 seconds One arm knee raise holds 3x 10-15 seconds One arm L sit holds 3x 10 - 15 seconds