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Labor & Delivery Jeopardy Practice Questions

Explore More Session: 1/12/22
Jeopardy Practice Questions
The stage of labor from 0 cm to 10cm – first stage of labor
Stage of labor that starts at 10cm and ends with birth of baby – stage 2
These decels indicate head compression of the fetus and do not require intervention –
early decels
Explain the mechanism of labor – the way fetus positions itself through the labor and
delivery process. AKA seven cardinal movements. The fetus must go through as it adapts
to and passes through the birth canal. These include: engagement, descent, flexion,
internal rotation, extension, external rotation (restitution), and expulsion
Define primary and secondary powers – primary are involuntary (UCs) that cause
dilation and effacement and secondary (bearing down) occur once the fetus reaches the
pelvic floor and the woman has the urge to push
What are Leopold’s maneuvers and what information do they yield? – A series of four
specific movements used to palpate the gravid abdomen. Assessment can tell us which
fetal part is in the fundus, where the fetal back is located, and what is the presenting
fetal part
Term pregnancy: pregnancy from beginning of 38 weeks to end of week 42 of gestation
2 signs of fetal well-being: variability and FHR accelerations
Name the four opioid agonists and opioid agonist-antagonist used during labor:
o Opioid agonists: meperidine (Demerol) and fentanyl (sublimaze)
o Opioid antagonists: butorphanol (Stadol) and nalbuphine (Nubain)
What is zero station?: When the head or presenting part is at the ischial spines
After delivery of baby and ends with delivery of placenta: stage 3 of labor
These decels vary in timing, length, and depth. Easy to recognize due to rapid fall and
rapid rise in FHR? Variable decels
Also called the recovery stage – stage 4
Name and define the 2 phases of the first stage of labor: early/latent (0-5cm) 100%
effaced, contractions Q5-30mins, she is excited; and active (6-10cm) UCs Q2-3mins; she
is serious
Define 2/25/-2/LOP: Mother is 2cm dilated, 25% effaced, -2 is station (2cm above ischial
spines), LOP is left occiput posterior.
What are nursing considerations prior to placement of epidural anesthesia?: Have
patient void before, perform baseline VS for mom and fetus, preload with IV fluids (5001,000cc of LR or NS bolus), have oxygen and suction equipment available (10L/mins via
nonrebreather face mask and must be humidified), help position the patient, perform
VS per protocol after epidural placed
Side effects of epidural: bladder distention, backache, disruption of labor: increased
length of 1st and 2nd stage of labor, increased use of oxytocin b/c of increased length of
1st and 2nd stages of labor, increased C/S rate, increased used of instrument delivery
Decelerations are greater than 2 minutes in length but return to baseline within 10
minutes: prolonged deceleration
Parity: the number of pregnancies in which fetus has reached 20 weeks
Explain the Gate Control Theory and what clocks the gate: Fear, tension, and pain.
Distractors reduce the capacity of nerve pathways to transmit pain
5 P’s of labor: passageway, passenger, position, power, psychological response