Review for #2 Exam NUR2421C Maternity Summer 2020 Chapters 18-23 Chapter 18 1. Know and understand the condition of preeclampsia- Risk to maternal and fetus. What are the more severe features that may suddenly develop????? Section of care of woman with hypertensive disorder///396-402 2. Know the defining characteristics of miscarriage and the clinical therapy, signs and symptoms//388 and table 18-2 3. Know the general principles of nursing interventions of bleeding during pregnancy//387/table 18-1 4. Know the care of the woman with hyperemesis gravidarum, clinical therapy, and nursing management and diagnosis//395-396 5. Know section on cytomegalovirus/neonatal risks/ herpes simplex –neonatal risk /nursing management/diagnosis 6. Know section of woman suffering from major trauma, domestic violence-nursing management//diagnosis-417-420 7. Know maternal risks of preeclampsia/clinical manifestation and diagnosis-gold standard of measurement of protein? Chapter 19 1. Understand the fetal presenting part –cephalic or breech—look up transverse lie see chapter 24 figure 24-11 and read 434 2. Know your pelvic types –figure 19-1 and table19-2 3. Know and understand stages of labor and woman’s coping ability//443//table 19-6— latent/early-active-transition phases 4. Know the purpose of Rh immune globulin and when does woman receive this therapy during her pregnancy. Section of care of woman at risk for Rh alloimmunization –chapter 18 420-422 5. Know section on physiology of labor—439-440 6. Know physiologic forces of labor-contractions-437-& figure 19-10 7. Know premonitory signs of labor section-440 Chapter 20 1. Know the intrapartum assessment to the labor unit process-455-456 2. Know priority of care R/T to high risk screening intrapartum 1/459 458 —see table 20- 3, Know your priority in laboring patients for interventions---table 20-3/469 4. Know uterine activity assessment section how to palpate abdomen to assess contractions-469 5. Know the care of the woman during the Leopold maneuver----determining fetal position—473-474 6. Know the interpretations of variable decelerations of fetal heart rate----483-& figure 20-15 Chapter 21 1. Know your phases of labor and the signs of each---503-504 2, Know nursing care during the third stage of labor----APGAR/newborn assessment/newborn identity/initiation of attachment-517-519 3. Know what nursing intervention is a priority when membranes rupture----504 4. Know signs and symptoms of hyperventilation-what is the nursing intervention//508 Chapter 22 1. Know drug dependence considerations section Narcotic analgesics----a careful assessment of woman. -----534/check the safety alert boxes as well---very informative!!!!! 2. Know how to evaluate the effects of analgesics—on woman….what does she tell you by the effect of the analgesic????529 3. Know the problems or adverse effect of epidural anesthesia------542-543 4. Know that during the progression of labor there are other methods besides narcotic, regionals, etc. to relieve discomforts of labor- what is it???? //529 5. Know care after a spinal ------547 6. Know what the nurse anticipates what a narcotic analgesic could do to laboring woman and delivered infant?????531 7. Know common side effects of epidural anesthesia//543 Chapter 23, etc 1. Know Care of the woman and fetus at risk for placental problems—causes!!!! 565 2. Know care of the woman with PROM—what assessment data is vital!!! 561 3. Know care of the prolapsed cord----nursing interventions 576 4. Know the assessment of bladder regularly---why???504 5. Know why the use of Oxytocic’s section---520 6. Know care of woman with ruptured membranes—Maternal and fetal risks 563 7. Know Care of the woman and fetus at risk because of placental problems568 8. ⭐Know what the woman is at risk for post-delivery from epidural 544 9. Know complications of general anesthesia –maternal and fetal—550 10. Know when the first dose of Rh immunoglobin is given to a negative Rh woman422 11. Know contraindications for epidural block –540 12. ⭐Know the reactions/actions of woman in the phases of labor-her coping skills-444