CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Classical conditioning is learning through association and was discovered by Pavlov. In simple terms, two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response in a person or animal (Dr. Saul McLeod, 2018). Four Important Factors in Classical Conditioning: 1. The Unconditioned Stimulus (US) -unconditioned = unlearned -elicits a response automatically -unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response. -(e.g., FOOD) 2. The Unconditioned Response (UR) behavior -the reflexive response to a stimulus-automatically produces. -unlearned response occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus. -(e.g., SALIVATION) 3. The Conditioned Stimulus (CS) -was neutral, now elicits conditioned response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus. -a previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response. -(e.g., Plate) 4. The Conditioned Response behavior -a response elicited by the conditioned stimulus. -occurs after the conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditioned stimulus. -learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. -(e.g., SALIVATION) Classical Conditioning - learning occurs when pair neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus. Neutral: does not yet produce automatic response.