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Islam, Muslim, Momin, Jihad Pillars Explained

What is ISLAM? Who is a MUSLIM?
One needs to fullfil these 5 pillars in order to be able to call himself a Muslim. He who does these, has
accepted islam. NOT IMAN.
But who is a MOMIN?!
Two additional Pillars: (For IMAN)
Iman fi kalbi (the yakeen inside your heart)
Jihad fi sabilillah
So what is Jhad Fee Sabillillah?
Kital is not jihad. Surah Al Saf (14 ayats)
IF it were the same, that would imply that during tiles of peace there is no Jihad! It’s one of the pillars of
being a Momin (not a Muslim)! How can that be?! SO they are not the same thing.
[Human Level] Jihad fee
sabillil ishtrakiah/t. Struggle
for the sake of an Ideal : If
that ideal is Islam, then and
only then can you consider it
jihad fee sabillilah
[Human Level] Jihad fee sabillil
hurriat/h. Struggle for the sake of
Freedom! defending your country
[Universal Level] Struggle for Existance: Jihad_e_zindagi
e.g defending your property
SO then What is Jihad?
The word Jihad originates from the word Johod, as in Jiddo Johod. Koshish,
The difference is Johod is to exert, to strive towards a goal.
But jihad is to struggle against an opposing force! Competition is a prerequisite.
Katal is one person killing another person. Kitaal is two forces killing each other.
struggle. To exert yourself for something, for some objective. BUT there is a condition. For something to
be considered Jihad, it has to be against something. The struggle has to be against something!
But competing while playing by the rules! Using honesty.
At the Human level:
Level 1 of Jihad: Jihad fee sabillil hurriat/h. Struggle for the sake of Freedom!
Level 2 of Jihad: Jihad fee sabillil ishtrakiah/t. Struggle for the sake of an Ideal (a nazria on which an
inzaam is set in place)
If that nazriah is IMAN and that inzaam is ISLAM, the it will be considered Jihad Fee Sabillilah!
Just like a Building, Jihad fee sabilillah has multiple levels. And just like a building, the penthouse is the
most glamourous level, the first level is the most important level for the building’s structure. Without
the first level, there can be no top level, and thus no penthouse.
Levels of Jihad Fee Sabilillah
Level 1 Jihad fil Nasf (internal Jihad against the nafs – there is now competition against the ego/nafs)
Jihad against Nafs e emaarrah (id/ed libido, nafs e hywani) Struggle to defeat your baser animal
Competition from i) Iblees, ii) from his agents among the humans who approach you as your
friend as someone with your best interest at heart someone whol loves you and cares for you and iii) the
world around you, your environment. Your culture, trend, that barrage you with social pressures!
Once you’ve cleared the first level, now to look outside of your self.
Level 2 Jihad to establish the nazria of imaan.
1) The intellectual minority, intelligenciya, the Brain-trust of the society. Masses are incapable of
dictating the direction of the society. The society is in their control! These elite intellectuals are
the priority.
2) The masses
3) Those who sold their soul to the devil
Level 3 jihad to change the nizam!
On four occasions, the Quran has compared this life to: a fasad / circuis act / games and play
And twice it has called it an object of mirage.