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Chemistry Assessment – Review Test
1. Elements in the same column havea) same number of total electrons
b) Atomic radius
c) Electronegativity
d) same number of electrons in the valence shell
2. Why sodium element of group 1 and chlorine element of group 17 both have
valency 1?
3. Correct the statements.
a. Elements in the same periods have equal valency.
b. Valency depends upon the number of shells in an atom.
c. Copper and zinc are representative elements.
d. Transition elements are placed at extreme right of the periodic table.
4. The table given below represents the first three periods.
Study the table and answer the question as given below
(a) Write the formula of the sulphate of the element with atomic number 13
(b) what type of bonding will be present in the oxide of the element with
atomic number 17? (c) Which feature of the atomic structure accounts for the
similarities in the chemical properties of the elements in group 7A of the
periodic table?
(d) Name the element which has the highest ionization potential.
(e) How many electrons are present in the valency shell of the element with
atomic number 18?
(f) What is the name given to the energy released when an atom in its
isolated gaseous state accepts an electron to form an anion?
5. Select the correct answer from the choice A, B, C, D which are given.
Write down only the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
With reference to the variation of properties in the periodic table, which of
the following is generally true?
A. Atomic size increases from left to right across a period.
B. Ionization potential increases from left to right across a period.
C. Electron affinity increases going down a group.
D. Electronegativity increases going down a group.
6. Identify the following reactions as either oxidation or reduction:
7. Which of the following is not a common characteristic of an electrovalent
A. High melting point
B. Conducts of electricity when molten.
C. Consists of oppositely charged ions
D. Ionizes when dissolved in water.
8. What are the terms defined below?
A bond formed by a shared pair of electrons, each bonding atom
one electrons to the pair.
(ii) A bond formed by a shared pair of electrons with both
electrons coming from the same atom
9. Draw an electron dot diagram to show the structure of each of the following
a. Hydronium ion
b. Ammonium ion
10. Complete the following:
a. When the nuclei of two different reacting atoms are of ………………
mass, then a bond so formed is called ……………… covalent band
(Equal, unequal, polar, non-polar).
b. In case of non-polar covalent bond, the covalent bond is formed in the
……………. Of atoms and shared electrons are …………. Distributed
(corner, middle, equally, unequally).
c. The ions in ……………… compounds are held very strongly due strong
……. Forces (electrovalent, covalent, electromagnetic, electrostatic).
11. Give two examples of each of the following: (a) oxy-acid (b) hydracids (c)
monobasic acid (d) dibasic acid (e) tribasic acid
12. Match the following:
13. From the list given below, select the word (s) required to correctly complete
blanks (a) to (e) in the following passage:
Ammonia, ammonium, carbonate, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydronium,
hydroxide, precipitate, salt, water.
A solution X turns blue litmus red, so it must contain
(a) …………….. ions; another solution Y turns red litmus blue and
therefore, must contain.
(b) ………………… ions, When solutions X and Y are mixed together,
the products will be
(c) ……………………. And
(d) ……………………….. if a piece of magnesium were put into
solution X. (e) …………………………. Gas would be evolved.
(Note: words chosen from the list are to be used only once. Write the
answers as (1) (a), (b), (c) and so on. Do not copy the passage).
14. The preparation of lead sulphate from lead carbonate is a two-step process.
(lead sulphate cannot be prepared by adding dilute sulphuric acid to lead
a. What is the first step that is required to prepare lead sulphate from lead
b. Write the equation for the reaction that will take place when this first
step is carried out.
c. Why is the direct addition of dilute sulphuric acid to lead carbonate an
impractical method of preparing lead sulphate?
15. For each of the salt: A, B, C and D, suggest a suitable method of its
a. A is a sodium salt.
b. B is an insoluble salt
c. C is a soluble salt of copper
d. D is a soluble salt of zinc