Phase 1 Day 1 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves The early days of Hany Rambod's FST-7: Big and Ripped are all about finding your feet. FST-7 is a style of training that demands a level of intensity few lifters are accustomed to in the gym. During your initial workouts, the thought of maintaining that intensity during a long 7 sets on your last movement—after multiple heavy sets of other movements—may seem terrifying. If you're unaccustomed to FST-7, or if you're a beginning or intermediate lifter, Rambod recommends setting aside any hopes of hitting all 7 FST sets. Aim for 4, and expect even those to make you more sore than you've ever been in your life. Equally important to how many sets you do in the FST sets is consistently doing everything else you should in this program. That means crushing your cardio, hitting abs twice a week, staying on top of your meals and supplements, and nailing every rep of every other movement in the program. You can find the details of the diet, supps, cardio, and abs in the Phase 1 Overview. Keep that page handy throughout the first four weeks of the program. And during Phase One, still make strategic use of intensity techniques such as: • • • • Forced reps Negatives Peak-contraction pauses Partial reps You can see examples of how those techniques look for each body part on the FST7: Upper Body Essentials and Lower Body Essentials pages. Each week, one will also be embedded here. To start, watch Rambod lead Jeremy Buendia through this awesome and terrifying FST-7 quad workout. Remember: Any time you see the words "up to 7 sets" in the programming, that indicates an FST-7 set. For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period. During Phase 2, these sorts of intensity-boosting techniques will only get more important, and you'll start combining movements into FST-7 supersets. For now, just go do the work and start growing! Day 1: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Hany Rambod's Tips • • • • Back squat: This is the big daddy of all compound movements. Keep your head level and your back as straight as possible. Your feet should be pointed straight ahead, slightly wider than shoulder width. The goal is to use maximum weight, so don't go lower than parallel. Hack squat: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed straight ahead to hit the entire quad area. Stiff-leg deadlift: Arch your back to reduce strain on the lower back and contract the hams at the top of the movement. Standing calf raise: Two big mistakes with this exercise that I see all the time are doing it too fast and not using a full range of motion. Quick, jerky half reps won't produce results. Do slow, controlled movements and hold the contracted position for 2-3 seconds. Workout Plan Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Printable Text Leg Extensions 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Squat 4 sets, 5-8 reps Leg Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Walking Lunge 2 sets, 15 steps up and 15 steps back 2 sets, 15 steps (up and back) Hack Squat FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Leg Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 sets, 5-8 reps Lying Leg Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Seated Calf Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Calf Raises 3 sets, 5-8 reps Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps.* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.:: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 2 - Chest, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Flat-bench dumbbell press: I prefer using dumbbells on the flat bench, because you can get a greater range of motion than you can with a barbell. Bring your hands in closer for a tight contraction, depending on the size of the dumbbells being used. Close-grip bench press: Place your hands just inside shoulder width and keep your elbows close to the body. Contract your triceps hard at the top of the movement. Bench dip: This version, as opposed to the parallel bars, lets you maintain an upright body position, which puts more stress on the triceps. Make sure the distance between benches allows for a full range of motion. Workout Plan Chest and Triceps Chest Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Dips - Triceps Version 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps (Twisting pinkies inwards) Smith Machine Incline Bench Press Depending on experience level perform between4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Triceps Triceps Pushdown 4 sets, 5-8 reps (With Cambered-Bar) Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Bench Dips 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Abs Crunches 4 x 25 reps Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20 reps Decline Reverse crunches 4 x 20 reps *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.:: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Powered By �EVQ�EN' Day 3 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 4 - Back And Biceps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Back and Biceps Pullups 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Deadlift 4 sets, 5-8 reps Bent Over Barbell Row 4 sets, 5-8 reps (Underhand) Leverage Iso Row Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Biceps Barbell Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Hammer Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Preacher Curls Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.:: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 5 - Shoulders, Rear-Delts, And Traps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Shoulders, Rear-Delts, Traps Standing Dumbbell Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Front Dumbbell Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise 4 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Lateral Raise Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Reverse Machine Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Shrug 3 sets, 5-8 reps Smith Machine Shrug Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 6 - Biceps, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Alternating dumbbell curl: Supinate your wrist as much as possible at the top of the movement to focus on the biceps peak. Spider curl: Use a straight bar and hold it slightly narrower than shoulder width to take stress off the elbows. Rope push-down: Take advantage of the increased range of motion by spreading the handles apart at the bottom and turning your pinkies away from your body for a superior contraction. Workout Plan Biceps, Triceps and Abs Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Biceps Cable Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps (using cambered-bar if available) Concentration Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Spider Curl Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps last 3 reps ladders* Triceps Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 4 sets, 5-8 reps Cable Machine Triceps Extension 3 sets, 5-8 reps + partials at failure Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps (Contract for 2 secs last 3 reps on last 3 sets)* Abs Crunches 4 x 25 reps Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20 reps Decline Reverse crunches 4 x 20 reps *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 7 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favourite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. • • Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 8 - Quads, Hamstrings, And Calves Even if you're an experienced bodybuilder, Week 1 of FST-7: Big and Ripped most likely brought you to your knees. If not, you probably weren't doing it right! This week is your chance to correct that—or even better, to go do it right a second time. The workouts are the same as last week, at least on paper. Jeremy Buendia's videos with Hany Rambod on the FST-7 Essentials: Upper Body and Lower Body pages are there to show you all the things that the sets and reps below don't. If you're not accustomed to prolonging the final set of the day with forced reps, partials, and peak contraction pauses, it's time to start! This week's video can show you how. Just like last week, your checklist includes cardio 3-4 times a week, abs twice a week, and eating like the champ you want to be. Don't cut corners on any of them! Circle back to the Phase 1 overview for clarification on those details. If you felt queasy or bloated during the intense workouts of Week 1, experiment with preworkout meal timing. It could be that your pre-workout meal either had too much fat, or was too close to your workout. Pros have to think about this stuff. They know that the workout hour is sacred, and everything you can do to make it go better is worth considering. Now go make the most of Week 2! Hany Rambod's Tips • • • • Back squat: This is the big daddy of all compound movements. Keep your head level and your back as straight as possible. Your feet should be pointed straight ahead, slightly wider than shoulder width. The goal is to use maximum weight, so don't go lower than parallel. Hack squat: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed straight ahead to hit the entire quad area. Stiff-leg deadlift: Arch your back to reduce strain on the lower back and contract the hams at the top of the movement. Standing calf raise: Two big mistakes with this exercise that I see all the time are doing it too fast and not using a full range of motion. Quick, jerky half reps won't produce results. Do slow, controlled movements and hold the contracted position for 2-3 seconds. Day 8: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Printable Text Leg Extensions 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Squat 4 sets, 5-8 reps Leg Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Walking Lunge 2 sets, 15 steps up and 15 steps back 2 sets, 15 steps (up and back) Hack Squat FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Leg Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 sets, 5-8 reps Lying Leg Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Seated Calf Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Calf Raises 3 sets, 5-8 reps Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps.* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 9 - Chest, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Flat-bench dumbbell press: I prefer using dumbbells on the flat bench, because you can get a greater range of motion than you can with a barbell. Bring your hands in closer for a tight contraction, depending on the size of the dumbbells being used. Close-grip bench press: Place your hands just inside shoulder width and keep your elbows close to the body. Contract your triceps hard at the top of the movement. Bench dip: This version, as opposed to the parallel bars, lets you maintain an upright body position, which puts more stress on the triceps. Make sure the distance between benches allows for a full range of motion. Workout Plan Chest and Triceps Chest Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Dips - Triceps Version 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps (Twisting pinkies inwards) Smith Machine Incline Bench Press Depending on experience level perform between4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Triceps Triceps Pushdown 4 sets, 5-8 reps (With Cambered-Bar) Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Bench Dips 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Abs Crunches 4 x 25 reps Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20 reps Decline Reverse crunches 4 x 20 reps *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 10 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 11 - Back And Biceps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Back and Biceps Back and Biceps Pullups 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Deadlift 4 sets, 5-8 reps Bent Over Barbell Row 4 sets, 5-8 reps (Underhand) Leverage Iso Row Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Biceps Barbell Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Hammer Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Preacher Curls Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 12 - Shoulders, Rear-Delts, And Traps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Shoulders, Rear-Delts, Traps Standing Dumbbell Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Front Dumbbell Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise 4 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Lateral Raise Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Reverse Machine Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Shrug 3 sets, 5-8 reps Smith Machine Shrug Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 13 - Biceps, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Alternating dumbbell curl: Supinate your wrist as much as possible at the top of the movement to focus on the biceps peak. Spider curl: Use a straight bar and hold it slightly narrower than shoulder width to take stress off the elbows. Rope push-down: Take advantage of the increased range of motion by spreading the handles apart at the bottom and turning your pinkies away from your body for a superior contraction. Workout Plan Biceps, Triceps and Abs Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Biceps Cable Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps (using cambered-bar if available) Concentration Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Spider Curl Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps last 3 reps ladders* Triceps Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 4 sets, 5-8 reps Cable Machine Triceps Extension 3 sets, 5-8 reps + partials at failure Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps (Contract for 2 secs last 3 reps on last 3 sets)* Abs Crunches 4 x 25 reps Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20 reps Decline Reverse crunches 4 x 20 reps *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 14 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favourite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. • • Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 15 - Quads, Hamstrings, And Calves Have you been limiting yourself to just 4-5 FST sets so far? It's time to start aiming for 6-7, even if you don't always reach that goal. It's worth remembering that in Phase 2, your workouts will start with FST sets rather than finishing with them. So the sooner you can learn to handle the volume, the better. It's understandable if your FST-set rest periods up until now were spent, well, resting. However, now it's time to start using them to flex and stretch the muscles, pushing more blood in and amplifying the growth process. If you've been training by yourself, now's also the time to seek out a training partner to help you push every set to its limit. To see what a difference this can make, look no further than Jeremy Buendia's quad workout with Hany Rambod. This is your most important week yet. Knock of your cardio and abs, then seek out the fire in the weight room! Hany Rambod's Tips • • • • Back squat: This is the big daddy of all compound movements. Keep your head level and your back as straight as possible. Your feet should be pointed straight ahead, slightly wider than shoulder width. The goal is to use maximum weight, so don't go lower than parallel. Hack squat: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed straight ahead to hit the entire quad area. Stiff-leg deadlift: Arch your back to reduce strain on the lower back and contract the hams at the top of the movement. Standing calf raise: Two big mistakes with this exercise that I see all the time are doing it too fast and not using a full range of motion. Quick, jerky half reps won't produce results. Do slow, controlled movements and hold the contracted position for 2-3 seconds. Day 15: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Printable Text Leg Extensions 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Squat 4 sets, 5-8 reps Leg Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Walking Lunge 2 sets, 15 steps up and 15 steps back 2 sets, 15 steps (up and back) Hack Squat FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Leg Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 sets, 5-8 reps Lying Leg Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Seated Calf Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Calf Raises 3 sets, 5-8 reps Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps.* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 16 - Chest, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Flat-bench dumbbell press: I prefer using dumbbells on the flat bench, because you can get a greater range of motion than you can with a barbell. Bring your hands in closer for a tight contraction, depending on the size of the dumbbells being used. Close-grip bench press: Place your hands just inside shoulder width and keep your elbows close to the body. Contract your triceps hard at the top of the movement. Bench dip: This version, as opposed to the parallel bars, lets you maintain an upright body position, which puts more stress on the triceps. Make sure the distance between benches allows for a full range of motion. Workout Plan Chest and Triceps Chest Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Dips - Triceps Version 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps (Twisting pinkies inwards) Smith Machine Incline Bench Press Depending on experience level perform between4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Triceps Triceps Pushdown 4 sets, 5-8 reps (With Cambered-Bar) Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Bench Dips 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Abs Use a incline bench for all exercises Incline reverse crunch Incline elbow to knee twist crunch (complete left side then switch to right) (Contract and control all throughout.) Leg Lift Bicycle kicks *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 17 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 18 - Back And Biceps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Back and Biceps Back and Biceps Pullups 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Deadlift 4 sets, 5-8 reps Bent Over Barbell Row 4 sets, 5-8 reps (Underhand) Leverage Iso Row Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Biceps Barbell Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Hammer Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Preacher Curls Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 19 - Shoulders, Rear-Delts, And Traps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Shoulders, Rear-Delts, Traps Standing Dumbbell Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Front Dumbbell Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise 4 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Lateral Raise Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Reverse Machine Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Shrug 3 sets, 5-8 reps Smith Machine Shrug Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 20 - Biceps, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Alternating dumbbell curl: Supinate your wrist as much as possible at the top of the movement to focus on the biceps peak. Spider curl: Use a straight bar and hold it slightly narrower than shoulder width to take stress off the elbows. Rope push-down: Take advantage of the increased range of motion by spreading the handles apart at the bottom and turning your pinkies away from your body for a superior contraction. Workout Plan Biceps, Triceps and Abs Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Biceps Cable Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps (using cambered-bar if available) Concentration Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Spider Curl Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps last 3 reps ladders* Triceps Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 4 sets, 5-8 reps Cable Machine Triceps Extension 3 sets, 5-8 reps + partials at failure Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps (Contract for 2 secs last 3 reps on last 3 sets)* Abs Crunches 4 x 25 reps Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20 reps Decline Reverse crunches 4 x 20 reps *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 21 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favourite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. • • Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 22 - Quads, Hamstrings, And Calves You've got five workouts left before everything changes, and an already intense training program gets far crazier. By now, your diet and supplementation should be on autopilot. If they're not, you're definitely not getting everything out of this program that you could. Take a gander at Hany Rambod's growth foods and macronutrient breakdown in the Phase 1 overview, because next week, the calories go down, the foods change, and your nutritional planning or lack thereof will be exposed immediately. Eating right: check. Abs twice a week: check. Cardio 3-4 times a week: check. Now there's nothing left but the workouts. If you still haven't hit 6 or 7 sets on any of the FST finishers thus far, well, there's your goal. Check out how Hany pushes Jeremy's limits in the FST-7 Essentials: Lower Body videos, then try to match that intensity on this week's leg day. Get big. Rest big. Then prepare to get ripped next week. Hany Rambod's Tips • • • • Back squat: This is the big daddy of all compound movements. Keep your head level and your back as straight as possible. Your feet should be pointed straight ahead, slightly wider than shoulder width. The goal is to use maximum weight, so don't go lower than parallel. Hack squat: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed straight ahead to hit the entire quad area. Stiff-leg deadlift: Arch your back to reduce strain on the lower back and contract the hams at the top of the movement. Standing calf raise: Two big mistakes with this exercise that I see all the time are doing it too fast and not using a full range of motion. Quick, jerky half reps won't produce results. Do slow, controlled movements and hold the contracted position for 2-3 seconds. Day 22: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Printable Text Leg Extensions 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Squat 4 sets, 5-8 reps Leg Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Walking Lunge 2 sets, 15 steps up and 15 steps back 2 sets, 15 steps (up and back) Hack Squat FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Seated Leg Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 sets, 5-8 reps Lying Leg Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Seated Calf Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Calf Raises 3 sets, 5-8 reps Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine FST-7 - Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps.* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 23 - Chest, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Flat-bench dumbbell press: I prefer using dumbbells on the flat bench, because you can get a greater range of motion than you can with a barbell. Bring your hands in closer for a tight contraction, depending on the size of the dumbbells being used. Close-grip bench press: Place your hands just inside shoulder width and keep your elbows close to the body. Contract your triceps hard at the top of the movement. Bench dip: This version, as opposed to the parallel bars, lets you maintain an upright body position, which puts more stress on the triceps. Make sure the distance between benches allows for a full range of motion. Workout Plan Chest and Triceps Chest Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Dips - Triceps Version 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps (Twisting pinkies inwards) Smith Machine Incline Bench Press Depending on experience level perform between4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Triceps Triceps Pushdown 4 sets, 5-8 reps (With Cambered-Bar) Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 3 sets, 5-8 reps Bench Dips 3 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension Depending on experience level perform between 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps Abs Use a incline bench for all exercises Incline reverse crunch Incline elbow to knee twist crunch (complete left side then switch to right) (Contract and control all throughout.) Leg Lift Bicycle kicks * Complete each circuit 4 times with each exercise to failure, rest for 45-60 seconds. * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 24 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 25- Back And Biceps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Back and Biceps Back and Biceps Pullups 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Deadlift 4 sets, 5-8 reps Bent Over Barbell Row 4 sets, 5-8 reps (Underhand) Leverage Iso Row Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* Biceps Barbell Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Hammer Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Preacher Curls Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 26 - Shoulders, Rear-Delts, And Traps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Pull-up: Start from a dead hang and go all the way up until your upper chest touches the bar. Use a spotter if you can't do full reps. Deadlift: Plant your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't try to "lift" the barbell. Keep a slight arch in your back and "stand up" with the weight. Keep the bar as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement. Straight barbell curl: Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Roll your shoulders back to keep the stress on the biceps. Going heavy is no excuse to use sloppy form, so avoid using excessive body momentum to swing the weight up. Workout Plan Substitute Machine Later raise if not available with one arm side laterals 5 reps together, then perform 5, 4, 3 ,2, 1 reps alternating between left and right hand side. Shoulders, Rear-Delts, Traps Standing Dumbbell Press 4 sets, 5-8 reps Front Dumbbell Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise 4 sets, 5-8 reps Machine Lateral Raise Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* or Substitute Machine Later with one arm side laterals 5 reps together, then perform 5, 4, 3 ,2, 1 reps alternating between left and right hand side for 7 sets. Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise 3 sets, 5-8 reps Reverse Machine Flyes 3 sets, 5-8 reps Barbell Shrug 3 sets, 5-8 reps Smith Machine Shrug Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps* *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 27 - Biceps, Triceps, and Abs Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Alternating dumbbell curl: Supinate your wrist as much as possible at the top of the movement to focus on the biceps peak. Spider curl: Use a straight bar and hold it slightly narrower than shoulder width to take stress off the elbows. Rope push-down: Take advantage of the increased range of motion by spreading the handles apart at the bottom and turning your pinkies away from your body for a superior contraction. Workout Plan Biceps, Triceps and Abs Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 4 sets, 5-8 reps Standing Biceps Cable Curl 3 sets, 5-8 reps (using cambered-bar if available) Concentration Curls 3 sets, 5-8 reps Spider Curl Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps last 3 reps ladders* Triceps Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 4 sets, 5-8 reps Cable Machine Triceps Extension 3 sets, 5-8 reps + partials at failure Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown Depending on experience level perform 4-7 sets, 5-8 reps (Contract for 2 secs last 3 reps on last 3 sets)* Abs Crunches 4 x 25 reps Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 20 reps Decline Reverse crunches 4 x 20 reps *During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: •Forced Reps: After reaching failure, have a partner help you just enough that you can get an additional 2-3 reps. •Negatives: After reaching positive failure, have a partner help you return the weight to the starting position of the movement. Lower the weight slowly, resisting the eccentric portion of the movement. Do an additional 3-4 reps like this for the last exercise of the workout •Peak-Contraction Reps: Hold the contracted position of an exercise for 3-5 seconds. Do this for the last 3-4 reps of the last exercise of an exercise. •Partial Reps: After you've finished your rep count, do 3-5 more reps using just a third of your normal range of motion to increase intensity during the final stages of muscle fatigue. Day 28 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favourite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. • • Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! * Powered �y • !EVQ�EN• Phase 2 Abs Day 29 - Chest Chest Phase 2 of FST-7: Big and Ripped is a different animal entirely than Phase 1. The split is different, with six hard days of training rather than five. The ramp-up sets change. The nutritional approach changes. Your cardio and ab work will increase and change. Oh, and there's this: Each workout will start with FST-7 sets, rather than finish with them. And this time around, they're FST-7 supersets or trisets. It's brutal, but you've built a muscular base over the last four weeks that can withstand the beating. You can see the details in the Phase 2 overview, but by now you know that there's plenty in this program that is up to you—or you and your training partner. Hany Rambod isn't going to magically show up and tell you how to get the most out of each set. It's up to you to reach failure, then go beyond it using intensity techniques like dropsets, supersets or trisets, and pre-exhaust sets. All those partials, peak contraction pauses, and forced reps from Phase 1? Yeah, they're still great here as well. You can see that Hany and Jeremy Buendia use them and more in the FST-7 back-training video from FST-7 Essentials: Upper Body. There's your game plan. Now go make a world-class physique come to life. Workout Plan * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 30 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Hany Rambod's Tips • • • • Walking lunge: These are great for detail, but as you'll see in the video, also for getting from one machine to another. Make sure to keep your back straight and don’t let your knees drift in front of your toes, because this puts a lot of stress on the knees. Front squat: Keep elbows up when balancing the weight and keep toes pointed straight ahead. Standing single-leg hamstring curl: Think of this as a concentration curl, only for the other biceps muscles. Keep your quads on the pads and hold the contraction at the top for two or three seconds. Lower all the way down to full extension. Seated calf raises: Make sure that the pads are positioned over your knees and not up high on your quads. * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 31 - Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps Hany Rambod's Tips • • • Cable lateral raise: Align your upper body with the cables and raise no higher than shoulder level to keep the stress on the deltoids. The constant tension helps etch in greater detail. Dumbbell shrug: Lean forward slightly to work more of the often-neglected lower traps. Smith machine behind-the-back barbell shrug: The machine takes away the need to balance the weight, so that you can isolate your traps more effectively. Don't be afraid to go heavy here. * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 32 - Back Hany Rambod's Tips • • • • Behind-the-neck pull-down: At the bottom of the movement squeeze the back muscles, emulating a rear double-biceps pose. Seated pulley row: To hit the lats, pull into your lower midsection, but not your chest, which will work the traps. One-arm dumbbell row: Keep your back arched and pull into your lower obliques to stress the lower lats. Dumbbell pull-over: Keep your feet together and hips low. Emphasize the bottom portion of the movement by dipping your hips as you lower the dumbbell to stretch the lats fully. * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 33 - Triceps, Biceps Hany Rambod's Tips • • One-arm overhead dumbbell extensions: Do these seated on a bench with support to protect the lower back. High-cable curl: Because this move is all about the biceps peak, supinate the wrist as much as possible to really accentuate that part of the biceps. When you hit failure, knocking out a few partials is a no-brainer. * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 34 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 35 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 36 - Chest Chest Last week was no joke. Just ask Jeremy Buendia, who has been training this way for years. Jay Cutler, Phil Heath—they all know just how beat up you can feel after serious FST-7 training. And the simple act of moving the FST-7 sets to the front of the workout makes a huge difference. Were the supersets last week too much for you to handle? It's OK to dial back to straight sets, but it's better to try to live up to the challenge. Even doing 4-5 sets of the supersets is an accomplishment to be proud of—and will pay off big-time in terms of results. Before you set foot in the gym this week, reward yourself by re-watching Jeremy and Hany's biceps workout. From the first rep to when Hany says, "That's why you're the champion" at the end, it's some of the best training motivation we've ever produced. The macros, food list, cardio, and ab work all changed last week—in case you were too busy lifting and limping to notice! Circle back to the Phase 2 overview as often as needed to stay up to date on this new protocol. * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 37 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 38 - Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 39 - Back * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 40 - Triceps, Biceps * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 41 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 42 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 43 - Chest It takes a certain type of bodybuilder to submit to FST-7 training for even just a workout or two. Now you've been doing it five or six times a week for nearly two months. What does this say about you? You have a high pain tolerance, that's for sure. But it also says you've got incredible organization abilities, and a rock-solid plan to help you manage that pain, and recover from it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made it this far. The lifter who doesn't have their nutrition and rest locked down won't last a month in FST-7. They'll flame out—and many have. In the precious time that remains in this program, set ambitious goals. Push those FST-7 sets toward their namesake number. Cut out those secret trash calories you've been sneaking in, and see how shredded you can get. Splurge for one workout-enhancing supplement you've been wanting to try (EVP or Glycoject, anyone?) Even better, just try to make each set for your final 12 workouts as effective as possible. Hany Rambod and Jeremy Buendia have no shortage of techniques to teach you, such as in the FST-7 triceps training video. Watch it again in FST-7 Essentials: Upper Body, then put those techniques to work in this chest workout. The clock is ticking. Go make it count! * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 44 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 45 - Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or 2. antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 46 - Back * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or 2. antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 47 - Triceps, Biceps * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or 2. antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 48 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 49 - Rest Day Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! Day 50 - Chest Congratulations on making it to the end of Hany Rambod's FST-7: Big and Ripped training program! You've earned every new inch on your measurements the hard way over the last seven weeks. If you haven't verified that, either in the mirror or with a tape measure, this week is the time to do so. But it's understandable if you want to focus on surviving these last six workouts first! If you've been watching Hany Rambod and Jeremy Buendia's FST-7 videos over the last seven weeks, you know by now that the sets and reps of these workouts are just the starting point. The great thing about this training program is that it gets better the more you use your imagination, and the more you listen to your body—or let your training partner do the listening for you. Now's also the time to start asking, "What's next after FST-7?" A day or two off may definitely be in order, particularly if you finish strong. After that, it's time to take a hard look at your physique and how far it's come, then reassess your goals. Do you want to chase strength? More size? After all the work you've done in this program, you're well positioned for either. Use to find a fitness plan, evaluate your choices, and definitely keep this program around for the next time you want to get bigger and more ripped than ever! * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 51 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 52 - Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 53 - Back * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. 2. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 54 - Triceps, Biceps You're almost done! Start looking ahead This is it: the home stretch. You only have a few days left in this fitness plan, and the finish line is in sight. But once you cross it, you’re not really done; you’re ready to begin again! It's time to start considering your options for what comes next. An "after" picture, some well-earned rest, and a hearty meal or two are probably part of your plan. But what then? Here are some popular options: • • You could turn right around and perform this same plan again. No, really! Many people find they experience even better results the second time through a plan since they’re familiar with the exercise protocol, the diet, and other factors that may be hard to master the first time through. If you hammer the plan again, just set some new goals and push yourself beyond where you started. If you’ve been moving in the same direction for a while and need a change of pace, you could do a 180 and change your goal. If you've been chasing gains, try a fat-loss or performance plan. If you've been losing fat, it could be time to build strength or add muscle. Believe it or not, each program can feed perfectly into the next! There are over 45 plans to choose from on our Browse All Plans page. • Take a brief break from structured training. If you need a little variety in your life and time to decide where to go next, just repeat your favorite workouts from the program you're finishing while you make up your mind, or string together workouts from a few different programs—back from one, legs from another, and so on. This can help you try a plan out before you commit to it. Whatever you do, don't let the momentum you've been building up fade away! Consistency is the key to a fit lifestyle, and over the last few weeks, you've built up a lot of it. Now go finish strong! * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or 2. antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 55 - Quads, Hamstrings, Calves You're almost done! Start looking ahead This is it: the home stretch. You only have a few days left in this fitness plan, and the finish line is in sight. But once you cross it, you’re not really done; you’re ready to begin again! It's time to start considering your options for what comes next. An "after" picture, some well-earned rest, and a hearty meal or two are probably part of your plan. But what then? Here are some popular options: • • You could turn right around and perform this same plan again. No, really! Many people find they experience even better results the second time through a plan since they’re familiar with the exercise protocol, the diet, and other factors that may be hard to master the first time through. If you hammer the plan again, just set some new goals and push yourself beyond where you started. If you’ve been moving in the same direction for a while and need a change of pace, you could do a 180 and change your goal. If you've been chasing gains, try a fat-loss or performance plan. If you've been losing fat, it could be time to build strength or add muscle. Believe it or not, each program can feed perfectly into the next! There are over 45 plans to choose from on our Browse All Plans page. • Take a brief break from structured training. If you need a little variety in your life and time to decide where to go next, just repeat your favorite workouts from the program you're finishing while you make up your mind, or string together workouts from a few different programs—back from one, legs from another, and so on. This can help you try a plan out before you commit to it. Whatever you do, don't let the momentum you've been building up fade away! Consistency is the key to a fit lifestyle, and over the last few weeks, you've built up a lot of it. Now go finish strong! * During the FST-7 sets, apply one of four intensity techniques . For those sets, keep rest time minimal, such as 30-45 seconds, and whenever possible, flex the target muscle for 5-10 seconds during the rest period.: 1. Dropsets: After you reach failure on an exercise, reduce the weight by 20-30 percent and crank out as many reps as possible. Do 2-3 drops on the last set of an exercise, lowering the weight again each time you reach fatigue. Supersets: This approach to training pairs exercises for the same or 2. antagonist muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. Perform a set for each muscle group back-to-back, with no scheduled rest between exercises. 3. Giant Sets: This intensity technique uses four exercises for the same muscle group done back-to-back with no rest between sets. 4. Pre-Exhaust: Perform an isolation exercise to failure, then follow immediately with a compound movement. Day 56 - Rest Day You're almost done! Start looking ahead This is it: the home stretch. You only have a few days left in this fitness plan, and the finish line is in sight. But once you cross it, you’re not really done; you’re ready to begin again! It's time to start considering your options for what comes next. An "after" picture, some well-earned rest, and a hearty meal or two are probably part of your plan. But what then? Here are some popular options: • • You could turn right around and perform this same plan again. No, really! Many people find they experience even better results the second time through a plan since they’re familiar with the exercise protocol, the diet, and other factors that may be hard to master the first time through. If you hammer the plan again, just set some new goals and push yourself beyond where you started. If you’ve been moving in the same direction for a while and need a change of pace, you could do a 180 and change your goal. If you've been chasing gains, try a fat-loss or performance plan. If you've been losing fat, it could be time to build strength or add muscle. Believe it or not, each program can feed perfectly into the next! There are over 45 plans to choose from on our Browse All Plans page. • Take a brief break from structured training. If you need a little variety in your life and time to decide where to go next, just repeat your favorite workouts from the program you're finishing while you make up your mind, or string together workouts from a few different programs—back from one, legs from another, and so on. This can help you try a plan out before you commit to it. Rest Day Whatever you do, don't let the momentum you've been building up fade away! Consistency is the key to a fit lifestyle, and over the last few weeks, you've built up a lot of it. Now go finish strong! Rest days come in two forms: There’s the one you can’t wait for, and the one you’d rather skip so you can get back to the gym! As you get increasingly serious about your training and goals, you’ll experience both types many times. Here’s how to navigate them: What to do on a much-needed rest day: • • • • • • • • Nothing! Yes, this is OK. You’ll lose nothing by taking it easy. In fact, if you’ve been pushing really hard in the gym, you might gain something by taking it easy! After all, training just pushes you toward your fitness goals, but rest and proper nutrition are required to get past the finish line. Give muscular therapy a shot! Take a hot bath, sit in a hot tub, or try a contrast shower (30 seconds hot, 30 seconds cold for a few minutes). Take an ice bath, a favorite of bodybuilder and triathlete Kris Gethin (but not for everyone) Prep your meals for the next 2-3 days or more Read what’s new on to find new techniques, recipes, stay motivated, and more! If your budget and schedule allow, book a massage or some body work with a physical therapist Go for a walk or do some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and decrease soreness Stretch or foam roll. Just do it right! What to do when you don’t want to rest: • • • Any of the stuff listed above, including doing nothing. Make fitness fun! Play a sport with friends, do something active you wouldn’t normally do, or try a new activity or low-intensity fitness class. Take the approach recommended by Nick Tumminello, contributor and creator of the True Muscle program: One day of full rest each week is mandatory. Any others can be "active rest" days of low-impact cardio, swimming, walking, hiking, or yoga. If you must go to the gym, then do a "bro" day of arms and abs. No matter what you do, don’t do too much, too hard. Your time in a program is sacred, so focus on healing up and coming back strong! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Chest, Triceps, Abs Rest Back, Biceps Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps Biceps, Triceps, Abs Rest 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Chest, Triceps, Abs Rest Back, Biceps Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps Biceps, Triceps, Abs Rest 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Chest, Triceps, Abs Rest Back, Biceps Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps Biceps, Triceps, Abs Rest 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Chest, Triceps, Abs Rest Back, Biceps Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps Biceps, Triceps, Abs Rest NOTES 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Chest, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps, Abs Back Triceps, Biceps, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Rest 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Chest, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps, Abs Back Triceps, Biceps, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Rest 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Chest, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps, Abs Back Triceps, Biceps, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Rest 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Chest, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Shoulders, Rear Delts, Traps, Abs Back Triceps, Biceps, Abs Quads, Hamstrings, Calves Rest NOTES