Uploaded by Valeria Kashpur

Presentation Hooks & Communication Skills Outline

Examples (more here: https://www.americanexpress.com/enus/business/trends-and-insights/articles/hook-presentation-audience30-seconds/)
• “After 15 years of trial and error, research, and blood, sweat, and
tears, I’ve finally found out what makes the difference between a
good presenter and a great one. It’s…”
• “This is something you should not have to go through and you won’t
if you listen closely.”
• “Most people live their lives on get-set.”
• “Nobody has ever died from a snakebite.”
• Describe an incident/tell a personal story
• Ask for a show of hands
• Ask a question
• Make a promise
• Get them laughing
• Make a provocative statement
• Cite an unusual or shocking statistic
• Use a visual aid or prop
Purposes: Pick one
To present the data from your research
To get others to attend lunch meetings to plan an event on this issue
To change a district policy
To get ppl to realize this is an important issue at this university
To get ppl to request presentations for their classes
To get ppl to be as passionate about this issue as you are
To hold a rally to change the issue
To attend a rally to change the issue
To write letters to the District about this issue
Самое лучшее воспитание
Чему не учат в школе
Как научиться хорошо говорить
Чем взрослый отличается от ребенка
Как правильно критиковать
Чем отличается успешный оратор от неуспешного?
Что и кому мы должны в личных отношениях
Как общаться с «трудным» собеседником
Волшебные слова
Комплименты творят чудеса
Conservation is survival.
If I were an animal I'd be a...
Plants have feelings too.
Junk food's popularity relies on marketing.
The world is a smaller place these days.
The more we communicate, the less we really say.
The best letter of the alphabet is ...
Goals are good for you.
Intelligence is not enough.