Do now: If you could, how would you... America’s education system? You don’t need to

Do now: If you could, how would you change
America’s education system? You don’t need to
write it down, but you’ll need to volunteer a
response if called upon.`
Today, explain the struggles that Africans
underwent to maintain their cultural identity
while being enslaved; explain how the Great
Awakening impacted the colonies and how the
education of children varied greatly depending
upon their location.
Africans were able to maintain more of their cultural
identity in areas where they interacted less with whites
(example South Carolina, which is the largest
slaveholding colony)
Gullah (combination of English and Bantu languages)
In some areas slaves would become skilled laborers
and be able to purchase their freedom (rather
uncommon after 1800)
Africans living in the Middle and New England
colonies were greatly outnumbered and would often
live in cities (Philly, New York, and Newport)
Yes, ppl. were becoming even more spiritual (if
that’s possible)
Examine the life you’re living: “Are you going to
hell?!? [We are all], “sinners in the hands of an
angry God”
Edwards and Whitefield (old school evangelists).
Led to a democratic movement within the church
that spread to politics (challenge authority when
liberties are at stake)
Compulsory (mandatory education doesn’t start until
New England (ppl live closer together), public schools
(1637) first tax based school Deham, MA.
By 1647, all parents must teach their children to read
and write and understand the principles of religion
(sounds rather Puritanical to me).
Schools were free to attend and paid for by taxes.
1 room schoolhouse (all children and all grade-levels)
Population is a little more spread out, thus
private schools were created. Parents would
send their children for the week to attend and
pay private tuition (obviously not for
Population extraordinarily spread out.
Wealthy plantation owners would hire private
tutors to live on the grounds and teach their
Only few people in society could afford a
formal education, thus ill-literacy was highest
in the Southern Colonies.
Apprenticeships: Younger ppl. would often
spend yrs. observing and studying under a
master (professional) without a given trade or
craft. This would occur without pay.
Dame Schools: Were private schools run by
local females with the purpose of teaching girls
how to act as ladies.
Cities such as NYC and Philly, became cultural
centers b/c of their location and success in
trade. (cultural diffusion)
Information would spread via newspaper.
Clashes took place over freedom of the press
(John Peter Zenger)
Arrested and put on trial for libel (writing lies about
a person) In reality he was just criticizing the
governor of NY. Not libel if the stories are true.
As travel improves so will the speed of
information from one colony to another (this
will become important in the Revolutionary
Colonists set up a postal system, but it’s really
Taverns will become a place where ppl will
gather to gossip and spread news from other
colonies (Also important in the Rev. Period).