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Arranged Marriages in India: Tradition vs. Love

Arranged marriages in India
It’s estimated that 80% of all marriages in South Asia are arranged. Almost all
Indian children are raised with the expectation that their parents will arrange
their marriages. The Love Marriages are often regarded as scandalous and
Some of the future couples like the idea of choosing a spouse by their parents.
They think that it’s a tradition that everyone should follow and they trust their
Moreover, they believe that they will get on well with they future wives or
husbands, love each other and live happily ever after.
But in some cases, children would rather choose their spouses not because of
financial reasons and their parents, but because of love.
Sometimes they already love someone, but have to give it up because of their
parents’ decision, which is not always good for them. They have to marry
someone that they barely know and spend the rest of their lives with people
that they don’t even have feelings for.
In my opinion, marriage should always be an individual decision of every
person regardless of their culture, traditions or religion.